Marvel Universe Magazine (2018 Marvel) comic books
June 2018 - Promotional magazine for Marvel's second half of 2018. Avengers #1, Young Guns, Captain America and Venom and many more. Includes concept art and preview pages. 8" x 10.5", 64 pages, FC.
Dec. 2018 - Promotional magazine for Marvel. Previews for Ben and Alicia's wedding in Fantastic Four #650, the return of Conan to Marvel and Avengers #10, the 700th issue of the title. Also includes concept art and preview pages and more. 8" x 10.5", 64 pages, FC.
Oct. 2019 - Promotional magazine for Marvel. Previews for House of X, Ghost Rider #1, J.J. Abrams Spider-Man story Also includes concept art, interviews, preview pages and more. 8" x 10.5", 64 pages, FC.