Number of titles |
Publisher |
3 | [no publisher assigned] |
1 | 000 Publisher Unknown |
1 | 007 Magazine and Archive |
4 | 10 Ton Press |
1 | 100% Comics |
2 | 11/88 Studios |
1 | 1130 Studios |
1 | 11B Press |
5 | 12-Gauge Comics |
1 | 123 Comics |
2 | 1821 Comics |
14 | 1First Comics |
1 | 2.13.61 Publications |
16 | 2000AD |
6 | 20th Century Fox |
6 | 21 Pulp |
23 | 215 Ink |
1 | 21st Century Toys |
5 | 3 Finger Prints |
1 | 3A Trading Company |
1 | 3BadMonkeys |
1 | 3D Cosmic |
1 | 3D Zone |
1 | 3DO |
30 | 3dtotal Publishing |
1 | 4 Queens Productions |
8 | 451 Media Group |
5 | 47North |
1 | 4th Dimension |
13 | 4Winds Publishing |
1 | 5-D Comics |
1 | 666 |
1 | 7-Up |
3 | 77 Publishing LTD |
1 | 801 Media |
1 | 9mm Books |
1 | A Cappella Book |
4 | A Fine Line Press |
1 | A List Comics |
1 | A to Z |
1 | A&M Publishing |
1 | A&W Publishing |
3 | A&W Visual Library |
5 | A-Okay Comics |
1 | A. & C. Black, Ltd. |
8 | A. C. McClurg & Co. |
2 | A. L. Burt |
5 | A. S. Barnes and Company |
1 | A. Silent Comics |
1 | A.M. Works |
1 | A15 Books |
1 | A4 Editora |
2 | AAA Milwaukee |
8 | AAA Pop |
11 | Aardvark-Vanaheim |
14 | Aardwolf |
1 | Abbane Ink |
30 | Abbeville Press |
1 | ABC Entertainment |
8 | Abdo |
1 | Abdo & Daughters |
1 | Aberration Press |
1 | Abingdon Press |
2 | Abiogenesis |
98 | Ablaze |
5 | Ablaze Media |
1 | Abnormal Fun Comics |
27 | About Comics |
4 | Abradale Press |
26 | Abrams |
206 | Abrams Books |
104 | Abrams ComicArts |
5 | Abrams Image |
2 | Absence of Ink Comics |
1 | Absolute Comics Group |
42 | Abstract |
1 | Absurdist Press |
1 | Abysse America Inc |
30 | AC Comics |
7 | Academic Industries, Inc. |
3 | Academy |
8 | Accent |
1 | Accent UK |
30 | Acclaim |
1 | Acclaim Press |
1 | Accordian |
79 | Ace Books |
1 | Ace Science Fiction |
6 | Ace Tempo Books |
12 | ACG |
1 | Acid Test Productions |
2 | Acme |
1 | Acme Ink |
34 | Aconyte |
1 | Acoustic Learning |
1 | Across the Pond Studios L |
1 | Act-i-vate |
1 | Action Comics |
1 | Action Ink |
165 | Action Lab Entertainment |
1 | Action Sports |
14 | Active Images |
2 | Active Synapse |
1 | Activision |
1 | Actor/Hero Initiative |
1 | Actus Tragicus |
1 | Acuff-Rose |
2 | Ad House Books |
7 | AD Vision |
1 | Adam Wallenta Entertainment |
1 | Adams Media |
1 | Adams Publishing |
3 | Adaptive Books |
1 | Adelaide Drive |
2 | Adept Books |
1 | Adhesive Comics |
72 | AdHouse Books |
1 | Adlib |
3 | ADV Films |
20 | ADV MANGA |
1 | Advent Comics |
1 | Adventure Boys Inc. |
1 | Adventure Comics |
48 | Adventure House |
1 | Adventure Simulations |
1 | Adventurist Mediacorp |
5 | Aegis |
10 | Aeon |
1 | AERO |
1 | AFK Books (A Scholastic Imprint) |
3 | After Hours Press |
12 | Afterburn Comics |
4 | Afterlight Comics |
142 | AfterShock Comics |
1 | Agosto |
4 | AH Comics |
27 | Ahoy Comics |
1 | AIC |
1 | Air Force Times |
3 | Aircel |
2 | Airmont |
2 | Airship 27 Productions |
23 | Airship Entertainment |
6 | Airwave Comics |
61 | AIT/Planet Lar |
2 | AK Press |
2 | Akileos |
3 | Al Dellinges |
39 | Aladdin |
1 | Alan Class & Co |
1 | Alan Morton |
1 | Alan-Whitney Co., Inc. |
2 | Alaxis Press |
6 | Albatross Exploding Funny |
8 | Albatross Funnybooks |
1 | Albin Michel |
1 | Alchemy |
2 | Alderac Entertainment |
1 | Aleksi Jalonen |
2 | Alexander Gallery |
1 | Alexander Murray |
3 | Alfred A. Knopf |
1 | Alfred Publishing Co., Inc. |
6 | Algonquin Books |
17 | Alias Enterprises LLC |
30 | Alien Books |
1 | Alien Lab |
1 | All Effert Comics |
2 | Allen & Unwin |
1 | Allen H. Fishbeck Designs |
1 | Allen Spiegel Fine Arts |
1 | Alliance |
1 | Allstar Arena |
1 | Almat Publishing Co. |
3 | Aloha Comics/Para Books |
4 | Alpha |
2 | Alpha Comics |
5 | Alpha Control Press |
1 | Alter Ego Enterprises |
9 | Alterna |
51 | Alterna Comics |
2 | Alternate Concepts |
1 | Alternative Armies |
88 | Alternative Comics |
2 | Alternative Press |
2 | Alton-Kelly Corp. |
41 | Altus Press |
1 | Alvin Lee |
1 | Alyson Books |
1 | Alyson Publications, Inc. |
2 | Am JuJu |
2 | Amalgamated Press |
18 | Amar Chitra Katha |
22 | Amaze Ink |
11 | Amaze Ink/Slave Labor |
2 | Amazing Aaron Productions |
1 | Ambassador College Press |
2 | Amberley Publishing |
3 | AMC |
2 | Amdale Media |
1 | Ameet |
1 | Amereon Ltd. |
24 | America's Best Comics |
1 | America's Major Players |
1 | American Book-Stratford Press |
1 | American Cancer Society |
1 | American Carpenter & Builder Co. |
1 | American Collectors Exchange |
11 | American Gothic Press |
2 | American Heritage |
1 | American Mercury Inc. |
1 | American Mule |
1 | American Museum Of Natural History |
29 | American Mythology |
1 | American Physical Society |
1 | Americomics (AC) |
9 | Amerotica |
18 | Amigo Comics |
3 | Amistad |
1 | Amok Press |
1 | AmokTime |
1 | Amos |
84 | Amp Comics |
5 | Amryl Entertainment |
6 | AMT Model Kits |
169 | Amulet Books |
1 | Anaconda Press |
1 | Anansi |
3 | Anarchy Studios |
1 | Anarchy Studios/Harris |
1 | Ancares Editora |
4 | Anchor Books |
2 | Ancient Squid Media |
1 | Ancient Studios |
1 | And... Action! Entertainment |
3 | And/Or Press |
1 | Andrew Edlin Gallery |
611 | Andrews McMeel |
1 | Andrion Books |
1 | Angel Comics |
4 | Angel Gate Press |
1 | Angel Spiegel Fine Arts |
1 | Angold's Ltd. |
1 | Angry Dog Press |
1 | Angry Drunk Graphics |
1 | Angry Robot |
3 | Angry Viking Press |
1 | Angus |
2 | Angus Oblong |
1 | Animal Media Group |
1 | Anime Works |
3 | AnimEigo |
1 | Animewild |
1 | Anino |
1 | Anne Frank House |
5 | Annick Press |
3 | Anomaly Productions |
1 | Another Rainbow |
230 | Antarctic Press |
1 | Antarctic/Bad Kids Press |
2 | Anthem Publishing |
2 | Anthology Editions |
1 | Anthology Project |
1 | Anthony Tollin |
1 | Anti-Ballistic Pixelation |
1 | Antimatter |
5 | Antimatter/Hoffman Int. |
3 | Antioch Publishing |
1 | Antipodes Publishing |
1 | Antique Trader Books |
1 | Antix Press |
1 | Anyone Comics |
1 | AO Comics |
1 | Aoshima |
3 | APC |
5 | APComics |
81 | Ape Entertainment |
1 | Ape Planet Press |
1 | Apex Joint Ventures |
1 | Apex Novelties |
1 | Apiary Society Publications |
1 | Apirations Media |
1 | Apocalypse Ltd. |
1 | Apogee Books |
1 | Apostle Arts |
32 | Applause |
3 | Applause Theatre & Cinema |
1 | Apple |
2 | Apple and Honey Press |
1 | Apple Fiction |
2 | Apple Press |
2 | Applewood Books |
2 | Approbation Comics |
3 | Aquarius |
1 | Aranzi Aronzo |
3 | Arbor House |
1 | Arby's |
2 | Arcade Comics |
2 | Arcade Publishing |
6 | Arcadia Publications |
236 | Arcana Studios |
2 | Arcane |
3 | Arcane/Eclipse |
170 | Archaia Studios Press |
5 | Archangel Studios |
259 | Archie Publications |
1 | Archival Marketing Associ |
7 | Archival Press |
3 | Archive Editions |
1 | Archive LTD. |
1 | Archon Gaming Inc. |
20 | Archway |
3 | Arclight |
4 | Arco Publishing |
2 | Arcturian Books |
6 | Ardden Entertainment |
1 | Aredit |
1 | Arédit-Artima |
1 | Arena Publishing |
1 | Argo Press |
5 | Argosy |
2 | Argus |
1 | Aria Press |
1 | Ariel Books |
6 | Ariel Press |
2 | Ariel/Ballantine Books |
2 | ARII |
1 | Aristata Publishing |
1 | Aristo Publications |
4 | Arkham House |
4 | Arlington House |
3 | Armada |
1 | Arnoldo Mondadori Editore |
1 | Arrivederci |
1 | Arrow |
5 | Arrow Books |
13 | Arsenal Pulp Press |
7 | Arsenic Lullaby |
1 | Art House 7 |
2 | Art of Fiction |
3 | Artabras |
23 | ArtAsylum |
14 | ArtFX |
8 | Arthur A. Levine Books |
2 | Artima |
1 | Artisan |
1 | Artistic Studios |
50 | Artists Writers & Artisans Inc (AWA) |
1 | ArtLine Studios |
1 | Arvaaq Press |
1 | Arzynart Multimedia |
1 | As You Like It Publicatio |
1 | Ascendant Comics |
1 | ASFA |
1 | Ashley Pope |
1 | Ashtray Press |
2 | Asiapac |
48 | Aspen |
1 | Assailant Comics |
1 | Associated Newspapers Ltd |
1 | Associated Professional Services |
5 | Astonish |
1 | Astral Gypsy |
1 | Astro Distributing Corporation |
2 | Astronaut Ink |
9 | Asylum Press |
1 | At Bay Press |
29 | Ata-Boy |
1 | ATB |
38 | Atheneum |
2 | Atlantic Monthly |
5 | Atlantis Studios |
2 | Atlas |
1 | Atlas Games |
1 | Atlas News |
1 | Atlas Publications Pty. L |
3 | Atlas Publishing and Distributing Co. |
7 | Atomeka |
2 | Atomic Book Company |
1 | Atomic Comics |
2 | Atomic Diner |
1 | Atomic Lead ( |
1 | Atomic Overmind Press |
2 | Atomic Pop Art Ent LLC |
1 | Atomic Rocket |
5 | Atria Books |
1 | Atta Boy |
1 | Attic Books Ltd. |
8 | Auad Publishing |
1 | Audio Brandon |
1 | Auran |
2 | Aurora Plastics |
3 | Aurora Publishing |
8 | Aurum |
1 | AuthorMike Ink |
1 | Authorscape |
3 | Auto World |
10 | Automatic Pictures Publishing |
1 | Automation |
1 | Automobile Quarterly Maga |
1 | AutoVentures |
1 | Autumn Press |
2 | AV Publications |
1 | Ava Publishing |
1 | Available Press |
2 | Avalon |
2 | Avalon Communications |
5 | Avalon Hill |
146 | Avatar |
1 | Avco Embassy Pictures |
2 | Avenel |
42 | Avery Hill Publishing |
2 | Avery Publishing |
1 | Avon Book Company |
34 | Avon Books |
1 | Avon Publications |
1 | Avon Publishing Co. |
6 | Award Books |
1 | Awesome Toys |
3 | Axiom |
1 | B&H Publishing |
1 | B.E.C. Publishing |
1 | B.E.S. Publishing |
1 | B.T. Publishing |
1 | Baba Yaga Books |
1 | Babbitt & Crummel Co. |
1 | Baby Shark Productions |
14 | Baby Tattoo Books |
1 | Babylon Books |
1 | Back Bay Books |
1 | Backbeat Books |
1 | Bad Axe Games |
1 | Bad Cat Books |
3 | Bad Habit |
1 | Bad Karma Productions |
6 | Baen Books |
4 | Baen Publishing |
1 | Baker Book House |
152 | Ballantine Books |
3 | Ballistic |
34 | Balzer+Bray |
1 | Banana Tales Press |
3 | Band of Bards |
34 | Bandai |
2 | Bangzoom Publishing |
1 | Banner Entertainment |
3 | Banpresto |
217 | Bantam Books |
2 | Barbour Comics |
5 | Bard Games |
1 | Bare Bear Press |
1 | Bare Bones Press |
1 | Barmor Publications |
15 | Barnes & Noble |
3 | Barnes and Co. |
1 | Baron |
8 | Baronet Publishing Co. |
36 | Barron's |
2 | Barron's Educational Series |
3 | Basement |
1 | Basement Games Unlimited, LLC |
4 | Basement/Amryl |
7 | Basic Books |
1 | Bast |
3 | Batsford |
3 | Battle Quest Comics |
1 | Baxter Lane Co. |
1 | BB/DB Productions |
172 | BBC |
1 | BBP |
1 | BDang |
1 | Beach Creative Studios |
1 | Beach Lane Books |
5 | Beacon Press |
45 | BearManor Media |
1 | Bearstache Books |
1 | Beaverbrook |
13 | becker&mayer! Books |
2 | Beckett |
1 | Bedside Press |
1 | Bedside/Bedtime Books |
2 | Beech Tree Books |
5 | Beehive Books |
1 | Beekman House |
3 | BeeLine |
4 | Behemoth Books |
38 | Behemoth Comics |
4 | Belier Press, Inc. |
1 | Believe In Comics |
1 | Bell Publishing Company |
1 | Bell Syndicate |
1 | Bella Books |
3 | Bellerophon Books |
8 | Belmont Productions |
5 | Benbella |
2 | Bendon |
12 | Bendon Publishing |
1 | Benedikt Taschen Verlag |
4 | Benitez Productions |
1 | Benjamin Rivers Inc. |
1 | Bent Nail |
1 | Berbay Publishing |
1 | Bergen Street Press |
103 | Berkley |
4 | Berkley Books |
14 | Berserker |
1 | Best Destiny |
2 | Best Jackett Press |
2 | Best Sellers Illustrated |
1 | Bethy |
1 | Better Games |
2 | Better Publications |
1 | Betty Books |
3 | Beyond Reality Media |
1 | Beyond Words Publishing |
1 | BFI |
6 | BHP Comics |
2 | Bibler Features |
5 | Bif Bang Pow |
3 | Bifrost Universe |
8 | Big City |
8 | Big Dog Ink |
1 | Big Entertainment |
2 | Big Finish |
1 | Big Fish |
6 | Big Head Press |
3 | Big O Publishing |
1 | Big Picture Press |
1 | Big Place Comics |
3 | Big Vision |
1 | Big West |
4 | BigWowArt |
1 | Bijutsu Shuppan-Sha |
1 | Bill Plympton |
5 | Billboard Books |
6 | Binary Publication |
5 | Bioworld |
2 | Bird Studio |
21 | Birdcage Bottom Books |
1 | Birlinn LTD |
3 | Bison Books |
1 | Bitmap Books |
2 | Blab |
2 | Black Balloon |
3 | Black Bart |
1 | Black Boar Press |
1 | Black Bottle Press |
2 | Black Box Comix |
4 | Black Bull |
1 | Black Caravan |
1 | Black Cat Books |
6 | Black Coat Press |
7 | Black Dog and Leventhal |
5 | Black Eye |
492 | Black Library |
66 | Black Mask Comics |
28 | Black Panel Press |
1 | Black Rose Books |
9 | Black Sands Entertainment |
1 | Black Sheep Comics |
1 | Black Sparrow Press |
2 | Black Spring Books |
3 | Black Squirrel Books |
1 | Black Velvet Studios |
3 | Black Watch Comics |
1 | Black Willow Productions |
1 | Blackbird Comics |
5 | Blackbox Comics |
1 | Blackfish Publishing |
1 | Blackhalo |
1 | Blacklist Studios |
1 | Blackmask |
36 | Blackthorne |
1 | Blakely Works |
1 | Blam Comics |
1 | BlamBot! |
6 | Blandford |
11 | Blank Slate |
1 | Blaq Books |
1 | Blase Publishing |
3 | Blast Books |
2 | Blatant Comics |
1 | Bleeding Edge |
1 | Bleeding Heart |
1 | Blind Bat Press |
19 | Blind Ferret Entertainment |
2 | Blind Wolf Studios |
1 | Blindwolf Studios |
1 | Blip Toys |
7 | Bliss on Tap |
1 | Blitz |
43 | Blizzard |
2 | Blood Moon Comics LLC |
1 | Bloody Pulp Books |
48 | Bloomsbury |
1 | Blue Apple Books |
1 | Blue Book of the Screen, Inc. |
1 | Blue Comics Ink |
1 | Blue Crab Magnets |
3 | Blue Dolphin |
2 | Blue Dream |
1 | Blue Eyed Dog |
16 | Blue Fox Comics |
1 | Blue Jay Books |
4 | Blue Juice |
5 | Blue Line |
3 | Blue Ribbon Books |
1 | Blue Ribbon Press |
2 | Blue Rose Press |
2 | Blue Snake Books |
1 | Bluerainbow Books |
41 | Bluewater Productions |
1 | Blunt Books |
1 | Boardwalk Press |
2 | Boatner Norton Press |
3 | Bob Burden Studios |
1 | Bob Petley |
5 | Bobbs-Merrill |
1 | Bobcat Publishing |
3 | Bodega Distribution LLC |
2 | Bogus Publishing |
2 | Bohemian Press |
3 | Bojan Redzic |
1 | Bold Faced Comics |
3 | Bold Type Books |
3 | Bold Venture |
1 | Bolt City Productions |
1 | Bombshell Ink |
10 | Bonanza Books |
3 | Boneyard Press |
1 | Bong's Quality Meats |
49 | Bongo |
1 | Boni and Liveright, Inc. |
1 | Boo Press |
1 | Book and Print Guild |
1 | Book of the Month Club |
46 | Book Palace |
1 | Bookery Press |
2 | Bookmasters |
2 | Books Americana |
2 | Books of Wonder |
1 | BookSurge |
2 | Bookthrift |
791 | Boom Studios |
8 | Boom Town |
1 | Boomerang |
1 | Borden Publishing Co |
2 | Borderlands Press |
6 | Borderline Press |
1 | Borgo Press |
1 | Borzoi Books |
1 | Bosko Video |
1 | Boston Book and Art |
36 | Boulevard |
2 | Boulevard Books |
8 | Boundless |
3 | Bounty Books |
19 | Bowen Designs |
1 | Bowler Hat Comics |
1 | Box Comik Products |
29 | Boxtree |
4 | Boy Scouts of America |
3 | Boychild Productions |
11 | BP Books |
1 | Bradbury, Agnew & Co. |
1 | Bradley Time |
6 | Brady Games |
1 | Brain Scan Studios |
1 | Brainmachine Comix |
1 | Brainz |
7 | Brandstudio Press |
1 | Brave New Words |
1 | Bravura |
2 | BreadPig |
1 | Breakdown Press |
2 | Brendon Publishing |
1 | Brent Clark Rogers |
1 | Brick Hat Press |
1 | Bridge City Comics |
1 | Bridge of Love |
1 | Bridge Publications |
8 | Bries |
1 | Brigham Young University Press |
1 | Brilliance Audio |
1 | British European Assc. Pu |
1 | British Library |
1 | Britton Publishing Co. |
17 | BroadSword |
22 | Broadway |
1 | Broadway Books |
1 | Broadway Play Publishing |
5 | Broccoli Books |
2 | Brockhampton Press |
1 | Broderick & Bascom Rope Co. |
4 | Broken Halos |
1 | Bronco Ink Publishing |
1 | Bros. Comics |
1 | Brown & Bigelow |
4 | Brown Watson |
2 | Brown, Watson Ltd. |
6 | Bruce Hershenson |
1 | Bruce N. Duncan |
1 | Bubblehead Publishing |
7 | Bud Plant, Inc. |
1 | BuddyL |
5 | Budget Books PTY. LTD. |
12 | Buena Vista |
3 | Bulfinch Press |
1 | Bulfinch Press/Billboard |
3 | Bulgilhan Press |
1 | Bullseye Books |
2 | Bumkins Bags |
3 | Bunch Books |
2 | Bungie |
2 | Bunny Yeager |
3 | Buno |
4 | Burger King |
7 | Burlyman Entertainment |
1 | Bushiroad |
2 | Busta Toons |
2 | Buy Me Toys |
1 | BuzzPop |
1 | Byblos Productions |
14 | Byron Preiss |
1 | Byron Preiss Visual Pub. |
1 | C&D Visionary Inc. |
1 | C. Tinling & Co. |
7 | Cadence Books |
1 | Caesars Palace |
3 | Cafe Digital Studios |
1 | Cafepress |
1 | Caged Beagle |
1 | Cal-Animage |
1 | Caledonian Graphics |
193 | Caliber |
1 | California Dreamers, Inc. |
1 | Calkins Creek |
1 | Calla Editions |
3 | Calumet History and Hobby |
1 | Cambridge House |
8 | Cameron + Company (Books, Kids, Studio) |
1 | Camille Cazedessus, Jr |
71 | Campfire |
1 | Canal Press |
5 | Canaveral Press |
1 | Candid Magazines |
2 | Candle Light Press |
61 | Candlewick Press |
10 | Canterbury Classics |
5 | Canton Street Press |
1 | Cap'n Penny Productions, |
4 | Capcom |
1 | Capital City Distribution |
1 | Capital City Press |
1 | Capitol Records |
1 | Capp Enterprises, Inc. |
1 | Capra Press |
238 | Capstone Press |
1 | Captain Clockwork Comics |
1 | Caption Box |
1 | Caputo |
1 | Carbon-Based Comics |
1 | Carcosa |
1 | Career Press |
1 | Carfax Press |
1 | Carleton Publishing |
1 | Carlisle Co. |
12 | Carlton Books |
2 | Carnal Comics |
1 | Carol Publishing Group |
1 | Carousel |
2 | Carroll & Graf |
4 | Cartoon Art Museum |
28 | Cartoon Books |
1 | Cartoon Connections Press |
1 | Cartoon Network |
2 | Cartouche Press |
1 | Casal Solleric |
1 | Casebook Publications |
4 | Casemate |
2 | Cassandra Publication Corp |
1 | Cassava Republic Press |
1 | Cassell |
2 | Castacos Brothers |
4 | Casterman |
1 | Castle Books |
2 | Castle Press |
6 | Castle Rain Entertainment |
8 | Cat-Head Comics |
89 | Catalan Communications |
1 | Catalyst Game Labs |
2 | Catalyst Press |
1 | Catapult |
2 | Cathay |
1 | Cave In Rock |
6 | Cave Pictures Publishing |
3 | CB Publications |
2 | CBK |
1 | CC Comics |
6 | CCS Books |
1 | CD Projekt |
1 | CDS Books |
1 | Celebration of Women in the Arts |
3 | Celestial Arts |
1 | Celestial Pictures |
2 | Cellar Door Publishing |
1 | Celtic Book Company |
1 | Cemetery Dance Publications |
2 | Centaur Books |
3 | Centipede Press |
2 | Centrala |
1 | Centurion Premiere |
2 | Century |
1 | Century 21 Publishing |
2 | Century Co. |
2 | Century Publications |
13 | Cernunnos |
23 | CEX Publishing |
1 | CFP Distribution |
1 | CGA Comics |
8 | Cha Cha Comics |
1 | Chalice Press |
1 | Challenge Publications |
1 | Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment |
1 | Champion Graphic |
1 | Champion Sports Publishing Corp. |
1 | Chaney Entertainment |
2 | Changes |
1 | Chanting Monks |
24 | Chaos |
3 | Chaosium |
15 | Chapterhouse Comics |
2 | Chapterhouse Press |
14 | Chapterhouse Publishing |
1 | Charels S. Miller |
1 | Chariot Books |
2 | Chariot Family Publishing |
1 | Charles E. Tuttle Co. |
1 | Charles Hansen Publication |
1 | Charles Letts and Company |
4 | Charles Scribner's Sons |
2 | Charlesbridge Publishing |
2 | Charlton Comics Group |
2 | Charlton Press |
20 | Charmz |
13 | Charter Books |
20 | Chartwell Books, Inc |
1 | Chase Sequence |
1 | Chatham River Press |
1 | Chatterbox |
30 | Checker |
2 | CheckerBee |
2 | Checkerboard Press |
2 | Checkmark Books |
12 | Chelsea House Publishers |
1 | Cheshire Iguana Publications |
11 | Chicago Review Press |
1 | Chicago: The Stratford Press |
1 | Chick Publications |
1 | Chief Studios |
1 | ChiGraphics |
1 | Children's Book Trust |
1 | Children's Press |
1 | Chimera Arts |
1 | Chin Music Press |
2 | ChiZine |
1 | Chosen |
1 | Chris Hawkes |
2 | Chris Heart Books |
1 | Chris Sanders |
2 | Christie's East |
2 | Christy Ottaviano Books |
1 | Chrome Dreams |
204 | Chronicle Books |
1 | Chronicle Publications |
3 | Cider Mill Press |
1 | Cinco Puntos Press |
102 | Cinebook |
3 | Cinemaker Press |
1 | Circle Media |
14 | Citadel |
9 | Citadel Press |
1 | City Lights Books |
5 | City Magazines Ltd. |
1 | CKA Publishing |
1 | Clamnut Comix |
58 | Clarion Books |
1 | Clarion Publishing |
8 | Clarkson Potter |
2 | Classic Comic Store Ltd. |
3 | Classic Comic Strips |
10 | Classic Comics Press |
2 | Classic Games |
13 | Classical Comics |
2 | Classico San Francisco |
5 | Classics Illustrated |
1 | Classics/Williams |
1 | Clattertrap Comics |
3 | Claypool |
1 | Clear Books |
3 | Cleis Press |
1 | Cleo Wrap |
1 | Cloud 9 Interactive |
1 | Clover Books |
55 | Clover Press LLC |
2 | Club Tiki Press |
15 | CMX |
1 | CMX / Flex Comix |
1 | CNBDI |
8 | CO2 Comics |
1 | Coaster Comics |
2 | Coates/Vanguard |
1 | Cobblestone Books |
3 | Coca Cola |
1 | Cocked and Loaded Studios |
2 | Coconino Press |
1 | Codex |
3 | Coffee Table Comics |
15 | Coffin Comics |
3 | Coles Publishing |
1 | Collect-a-card |
9 | Collector Books |
20 | Collectors Press |
5 | Collier Books |
7 | Collins |
2 | Collins Crime Club |
1 | Colonia Press |
5 | Colorforms |
1 | Columbia House |
6 | Columbia Pictures |
1 | Columbia Records |
1 | Columbia University |
11 | com.x |
6 | Comcat Comics |
1 | Comedy III Productions |
3 | Comfort and Adam |
1 | Comic & Entertainment Exp |
3 | Comic Art Publishing |
1 | Comic Book Displays Inc. |
7 | Comic Book Legal Defense |
1 | Comic Classics |
1 | Comic Con International |
1 | Comic Conspiracy |
1 | Comic House |
2 | Comic Images |
4 | Comic Library Internation |
1 | Comic Library International |
1 | Comic Shop News |
7 | Comicana Books |
1 | ComicBooks For Kids! |
1 | ComicConnect |
27 | ComicMix |
14 | Comico |
1 | Comicoz |
1 | Comics Images |
8 | Comics Interview |
1 | Comics Journal |
26 | Comics One |
4 | Comics Stars in the World |
2 | Comicsburgh |
1 | ComicScene |
1 | |
19 | Comix Buro |
13 | Comixtribe |
1 | Committed Comics |
1 | Communication Center |
1 | Compass |
1 | Compete Service Surbiton |
2 | Conari Press |
1 | Conde Nast |
1 | Condor |
1 | Congdon & Weed |
8 | Consortium |
1 | Contemporary Arts Museum |
10 | Contemporary Books |
8 | Continuity |
1 | Continuity Studios |
6 | Continuum |
91 | Conundrum Press |
1 | Cope Creatively |
1 | Copernicus |
1 | Copper Beach |
11 | Coppervale |
6 | Corgi Books |
1 | Corinth Publications |
1 | Cornerstone Library |
1 | Coronet |
10 | Coronet Books |
1 | Corwin Books |
7 | Cosmic Lion Productions |
3 | Cosmic Times |
1 | Cosmos Books |
1 | Cosplay Creative Committee |
1 | Cossack Comics |
3 | Costacos Brothers |
4 | Cottonwood |
2 | Countryman Press |
1 | Countrywide Publishing |
1 | Courage Books |
1 | Court |
2 | Couscous Collective |
1 | Covici Friede |
1 | Coward McCann Inc. |
1 | Cox & Forkum |
25 | CPM |
2 | CPM Manga |
1 | Crazyfish/MJ-12 |
1 | Creastwood |
10 | CreateSpace |
2 | Creation Books |
2 | Creation Oneiros |
1 | Creative Edge |
4 | Creative Mind Energy |
4 | Creators Edge Press |
2 | Creature, LLC |
1 | Creatureplica Inc. |
3 | Creatures at Large Press |
3 | Cremo Studios |
11 | Crescent |
2 | Crescent Books |
3 | Crest Books |
1 | Creston |
1 | Crestwood |
1 | Critic's Choice |
2 | Critical Entertainment LLC |
1 | Critical Mass |
1 | Cross Culture Entertainment |
1 | Cross Plains |
17 | CrossGen Comics |
6 | CrossGen/Checker |
1 | Crowbar Comics |
2 | Crowbar Press |
41 | Crown |
1 | Crown Archetype |
2 | Crown Publishing |
1 | Crownpoint Publications |
1 | Crowood Press |
2 | Crowvision Inc. |
1 | Croydon Publishing Co. |
1 | Crunchy Comics |
12 | Crusade |
1 | Cryptic Press |
3 | Cryptozoic Entertainment |
1 | Crystal Productions |
1 | Cthulhu and Co. |
2 | Cubicle 7 |
1 | Cuckoo's Nest Press |
1 | Cult Movies |
1 | Cup 'o' Java |
4 | Cupples & Leon |
2 | Curio & Co. |
2 | Curiosity Books |
1 | Curls Studio |
1 | Curt Franklin |
2 | Curtis |
4 | Curtis Books |
1 | Curtis Warren Ltd. |
1 | Custom Comics of America, |
3 | Cutaway Comics |
1 | Cutting Edge Productions |
14 | Cyberosia Publishing |
1 | CYP |
3 | CYPI Press |
1 | Cypress Avenue Inc. |
3 | D. Appleton & Co. |
3 | D. C. Thomson |
3 | D. C. Thomson & Co. |
1 | D. Van Nostrand Company |
3 | D.C. Heath and Company |
9 | D.C. Thomson & Co. |
7 | Da Capo Press |
5 | Dabel Brothers Production |
1 | Daddy-O Press |
2 | Dafina Books |
2 | Dalmatian Press |
1 | Dan Brereton |
1 | Dan Goodsell |
1 | Dana Crumb Associates |
5 | Danbury Press |
2 | Dancing Elephant Press |
10 | Danger Zone |
1 | Dani Books |
17 | Darby Pop |
2 | Dare Comics |
82 | Dargaud |
2 | Dark Angel |
5 | Dark Dragon Books |
1 | Dark Eagle |
3090 | Dark Horse |
5 | Dark Horse/DC |
1 | Dark Horse/Del Rey |
2 | Dark Horse/DMP |
1 | Dark Horse/Fantagraphics |
3 | Dark Horse/Lucas Books |
1 | Dark Horse/Top Cow |
1 | Dark Horse/Valiant |
7 | Dark Horse/Venture |
1 | Dark Matter |
3 | Dark Planet |
1 | Darkrose Studios |
1 | Darryl Makes Comics |
1 | Data Red Publishing |
1 | Dave Baker |
2 | Dave Kiersh |
6 | David & Charles |
7 | David C. Cook Publishing |
1 | David Fickling Books |
1 | David Kay |
18 | David McKay Publishing |
1 | David Miller Studios |
2 | David Zwirner Books |
1 | Davis Publications, Inc. |
11 | DAW Books |
3 | Day Dream Brand |
1 | Daydream Graphics |
4326 | DC |
1 | DC Conspiracy |
6 | DC Ink |
5 | DC Thomson |
6 | DC Zoom |
20 | DC/2000 AD |
1 | DC/America's Best Comics |
1 | DC/Black Label |
9 | DC/Cliffhanger |
14 | DC/CMX |
27 | DC/Dark Horse |
5 | DC/Dynamite |
9 | DC/Homage |
7 | DC/Humanoids |
16 | DC/IDW |
1 | DC/Kitchen Sink |
1 | DC/Longmeadow Press |
4 | DC/Marvel |
7 | DC/Milestone |
12 | DC/Minx |
3 | DC/Paradox |
1 | DC/Piranha/Vertigo |
1 | DC/TSR |
546 | DC/Vertigo |
160 | DC/Wildstorm |
3 | DC/Zuda |
1 | De Agostini |
1 | De Harmonie |
25 | Dead Reckoning |
5 | Dead Sky Publishing |
1 | Deadline |
1 | Deadline Demon |
1 | DeAgostini |
1 | Dealer Comics |
1 | Dean & Son, Ltd |
3 | Death Ray Graphics |
2 | Death Waltz Recording Co. |
1 | Decca Records |
6 | Decide Press |
2 | Decipher |
1 | Decker Publications |
1 | Deep Sea Comics |
1 | Deepcut Productions |
3 | Defiant |
4 | Deicide Press |
1 | Dejikyubu |
1 | Deka Plastics |
28 | Del Rey |
381 | Del Rey Books |
2 | Del Rey Manga |
9 | Delacorte Press |
4 | Delcourt |
1 | Delicious Cookies |
1 | Delign |
40 | Dell |
10 | Dell Publishing Co. |
3 | Delta |
3 | Demented Dragon |
1 | Dementian Comics |
1 | Demons & Merveilles |
1 | Dencomm Products International |
1 | Dengeki American Comics |
4 | Denis Kitchen Publishing |
1 | Dennis Druktenis Publishing |
1 | Dennis McMillan Publicati |
1 | Dennis Publications |
11 | Denpa Books |
4 | Dentiblu |
1 | Derby Foods, Inc. |
1 | Derrydale |
2 | Design Look, Inc. |
1 | Design Record |
15 | Design Studio Press |
1 | Designs Publishing Corporation |
1 | Designware |
1 | Desiring God |
24 | Desperado Publishing |
1 | Detective House Inc. |
2 | Determined Productions In |
1 | Determined Productions, Inc. |
1 | Deux Press |
1 | DeVerna and Daley |
105 | Devil's Due |
1 | Devilpig Studios |
1 | DeVito Artworks |
1 | Dewynters Ltd. |
8 | Dey Street Books |
1 | Dezignworks, Inc. |
5 | DGN Production |
12 | DH Press |
1 | DI |
5 | Diablo Productions |
1 | Dial "C" for Comics, LLC |
63 | Dial Books |
7 | Dial Press |
1 | Diam Press |
1 | Diamandis Communications |
60 | Diamond |
1 | Diamond Comic Distributors |
1 | Diamond Publishing, Inc. |
1 | Dick & Fitzgerald |
1 | DIF |
5 | Difference Engine PTE LTD |
28 | Digital Manga |
6 | Digital Webbing |
2 | Dimedia |
3 | Dimension Films |
2 | Dimitri Hanos |
2 | Dimona Comix |
1 | Dirty Danny Press |
3 | Discovery |
6 | Disguise |
1 | Disney - Pixar |
1 | Disney Audio Entertainment |
3 | Disney Book Publishing |
2 | Disney Books by Mail |
3 | Disney Comics |
42 | Disney Editions |
5 | Disney Enterprises |
29 | Disney Lucasfilm Press |
119 | Disney Press |
68 | Disney/Hyperion |
1 | Disneyland Inc. |
1 | Disruptive Publishing |
2 | Diva |
3 | Diva Graphix |
1 | Divus |
1 | Dixie |
453 | DK Publishing |
4 | DMF |
16 | DMP |
3 | Dodd, Mead & Company |
1 | Dog Year Entertainment |
3 | Dolphin |
6 | Don't Eat Any Bugs |
3 | Donald M. Grant |
16 | Donald M. Grant (D.M. Grant) |
22 | Donning |
1 | Donning Company/Publisher |
5 | Dorkstorm Press |
1 | Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc. |
1 | Dorset Books |
4 | Double Diamond |
12 | Double Take |
62 | Doubleday |
1 | Doubleday, Page & Co. |
1 | Douglas Links |
1 | |
1 | Dove Books |
59 | Dover Publications |
38 | Downtown Bookworks |
3 | DR Master Publications, Inc. |
6 | DR Masters Publications |
1 | Draculina Publishing |
2 | Dragon Lady Press |
1 | Dragon Tales |
4 | Dragon's Dream |
1 | Dragonfish Comics |
2 | Dragonfly Books |
1 | Dragonfly Productions |
3 | Drake Publishers |
2 | Drawing the Line |
459 | Drawn & Quarterly |
1 | Dream Chocolate Confectio |
3 | Dream Pod 9 |
3 | Dream Weaver Press |
1 | Dreamchilde Press |
1 | Dreamerland |
4 | DreamHaven |
1 | Dreamscarred Press |
1 | Dreamtrip Press |
14 | Dreamwave Productions |
2 | Dreamworks |
1 | Dren Productions |
5 | Dren Publications |
3 | Drumfish Productions |
1 | Drunk Duck Comics |
7 | DSTLRY Media |
1 | Dublin Comics |
2 | Dude Comics |
6 | Duell, Sloan, and Pearce |
1 | Dunamis Media |
1 | Dunlop |
1 | Duopress |
1 | Dutch Treat Club |
8 | DUTTON |
1 | |
1 | Dynamic Entertainment |
14 | Dynamic Forces |
705 | Dynamite Entertainment |
2 | DynaPubs |
1 | Dynasty Presentations |
2 | Dynomighty |
3 | E. P. Dutton |
2 | E. P. Dutton & Co. |
4 | E.C. Publications |
20 | Eaglemoss Publications |
1 | EAP |
1 | Earl R. Phelps |
1 | East Coast Sportswear |
1 | Eastern Heroes |
3 | Easton Press |
1 | Eastwood Studios |
2 | Ebury Press |
10 | EC |
1 | ECC |
3 | Echo-X Inc. |
109 | Eclipse |
2 | Eclipse/Beanworld Press |
1 | Eclipse/Dark Horse |
1 | Eclipse/HarperCollins |
2 | Eclipse/Poorhouse Press |
1 | Eclipse/Viz |
1 | Ecomix |
9 | ECW Press |
2 | Ed Temple |
1 | EDC Publsihing |
2 | Eddie Campbell Comics |
1 | Eddie Campbell/Top Shelf |
2 | Eden Studios |
71 | Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc |
1 | Edge Home Products |
7 | Ediciones B |
2 | Ediciones La Cúpula |
1 | Edifumetto |
5 | Edition Aedena |
3 | Edition Skylight |
1 | Editions Deesse |
1 | Editions du Phylactere |
1 | Editions Enfin |
1 | Editions Europeennes |
2 | Editions Heritage |
3 | Editions Lug |
4 | Editions Tanibis |
1 | Editions Trip |
1 | Editions USA |
1 | Edito-Service |
1 | Editorial Bruguera |
1 | Editorial Fher. S.A. |
2 | Editorial Molino |
1 | Editorial Novaro |
1 | Edizioni Piemme |
1 | Educational Research and Applications LLC |
1 | Edwin Self |
2 | Eerdmans |
6 | Egmont |
4 | Egmont Imagination (India) Ltd. |
19 | Egmont Publishing |
1 | Egmont/Methuen |
4 | Ehapa Verlag |
1 | Eidolon Studios |
1 | Eidos |
5 | EigoMANGA |
1 | Eketroplate |
6 | El Capitan |
2 | El MacFearsome |
1 | El Paso Norte Press |
2 | Elder Signs Press |
1 | Electricord |
1 | ElectroOptix Inc. |
2 | Elephant Eater Comics |
1 | Elguera |
5 | Elmore Productions |
1 | Elope |
1 | Elsewhere |
1 | Emanata |
1 | Emblem |
1 | EMCE Toys |
1 | Emerald City |
3 | Emet Comics |
2 | Emotional Content |
4 | Empire |
1 | Empire 21 |
1 | Empire Comics |
1 | Empire Pictures |
1 | Enemy Books |
5 | Enesco |
3 | Enfant |
1 | Engine Press |
2 | Enlightened Entertainment |
1 | Entertainment Publishing |
7 | Entity |
27 | Epic |
4 | Epic Ink |
40 | Epicenter Comics |
1 | Epitaph |
1 | Epix |
1 | Eric Kristiansen |
1 | Eric Pigors |
1 | Erica Heflin |
1 | Ernst Entersprises |
2 | Eros |
36 | Eros Comix |
1 | Erotic Print Society |
5 | ERTL |
2 | Escape |
1 | Escape/Titan Books |
1 | Especial BD |
1 | Esquire Magazine |
1 | Esquire, Inc |
1 | Essential Sequential |
2 | Estes Industries |
21 | Etch |
2 | Eternal |
7 | Eternity |
1 | Eternity/Malibu |
1 | Eura Editoriale |
2 | Eureka Folding Paper Board Company |
5 | Eureka Productions |
5 | Euro Books (EuroKids) |
12 | EuroComics |
1 | Europa Editions |
7 | Eurotica |
1 | Evans Mitchell Books |
1 | Evensen Creative |
1 | Event |
5 | Evergreen |
1 | EverGrow LTD |
6 | Evil Ink |
3 | Evil Twin Comics |
1 | Excalibur |
1 | Excel Marketing |
1 | Exclusive Toy Products |
2 | Exeter Books |
12 | Exhibit A Press |
2 | Exibit A Press |
1 | Exiled Studio |
1 | Exley |
1 | Express Newspapers |
1 | Express Press |
1 | Extequer Press |
2 | Exterminating Angel Press |
3 | Extreme Studios |
4 | F+W Publications |
10 | Fab Press |
1 | Fabel |
6 | Faber and Faber |
1 | Fabled Press |
2 | Factory Entertainment |
7 | Facts on File |
1 | Facts, Figures, & Fun |
2 | Faerie |
1 | Fairleigh Dickinson University Press |
29 | Fairsquare Comics |
2 | FaithKidz |
1 | Fakku |
8 | Fall River Press |
1 | Family Games |
1 | Family Style |
1 | Fanboy Comics |
29 | Fanfare/Ponent Mon |
1 | Fanny & The Artists |
28 | FantaCo |
8 | Fantagor |
1346 | Fantagraphics |
5 | Fantasma Books |
2 | Fantasmus |
1 | Fantasticon Press |
5 | Fantasy Flight |
10 | Fantasy Games Unlimited |
1 | Fantasy Graphics |
1 | Fantasy Hobby |
1 | Fantasy House |
1 | Fantasy Illustrated and Rocket Comics |
1 | Fantasy Press |
3 | Fantasy Prone LLC |
1 | Fantasy Publishing |
12 | Fantoons |
1 | Far Territories |
25 | Farrar, Straus and Giroux |
4 | Farshore |
24 | FASA |
1 | Fascinations |
6 | Fast Forward Entertainment |
1 | Fat City |
11 | Father Tree Press |
53 | Fawcett |
65 | Fawcett Crest Books |
6 | Fawcett Gold Medal |
5 | Fawcett Publications |
1 | Fax Publications |
2 | Fayetteville Mafia Press |
1 | FBN |
1 | FC9 Publishing |
1 | FearWerx |
1 | Federal Schools Inc. |
15 | Feiwel and Friends |
1 | Fell Boley |
1 | Fenickx Productions LLC |
1 | Fenom Comics |
7 | Feral House |
1 | Fernand and Spertus |
1 | Fetish Factory |
1 | Fiasco |
4 | Fictioneer |
5 | Fictioneer Books Ltd. |
1 | Field Enterprises, Inc. |
2 | Fiery Studios |
1 | Figures Toy Co. |
2 | Filipacchi Publishing |
1 | Film Comics |
1 | Filosa Publications |
3 | Fine Line Press |
1 | FineComiix |
1 | Fintan Studios |
1 | Firebird |
1 | Firebrand |
6 | Firefly Books |
2 | Fireman Press |
2 | Fireside Books |
7 | Fireside Publications |
1 | First Avon Books |
12 | First Comics |
1 | First Edition Library |
1 | First Northwest Press |
30 | First Publishing |
602 | First Second Books |
5 | Fisher-Price |
2 | Fishwizard Press |
1 | Flag Studios |
1 | Flame Tree Publishing |
3 | Flammarion |
3 | Flare |
4 | Flatiron Books |
3 | Fleer |
32 | Fleetway |
6 | Fleetway Publications Ltd. |
5 | Fleetway/Quality |
1 | Fleetwood Toys |
80 | Flesk Publications |
39 | Floating World Comics |
1 | Floyd Clymer |
1 | Fluid Friction |
1 | Flying Buffalo |
7 | Flying Buttress |
33 | Flying Eye Books |
2 | Focus Features |
1 | Fogelcomix |
6 | Folio Society |
1 | Fond Du Lac School Supply Co. |
1 | Fool's Child Comix |
1 | Foote & Davies |
2 | For Beginners |
1 | Force Media |
1 | Forcewerks Productions |
1 | Forecast Agency |
2 | Forest Light |
5 | Forever Collectibles |
4 | Forge Books |
1 | Forged By Fire Productions |
1 | Forum Ljubljana |
3 | Fotonovel |
1 | Four Square |
4 | Four Walls Eight Windows |
1 | Four Winds Press |
1 | Fourth Castle Micromedia |
2 | Fox |
3 | Fox Atomic Comics |
1 | Fox Feature Syndicate |
2 | Fox Kids |
2 | Fox Searchlight Pictures |
12 | FPG |
1 | FQ Classics |
3 | Fragments West |
2 | Frances Lincoln |
1 | Frank A. Munsey |
1 | Frank Leslie |
1 | Frank Miller Presents LLC |
2 | Franklin Mint |
2 | Frazetta |
1 | Frazetta Girls LLC |
1 | Frecklebean Press |
1 | Frederic Ray |
2 | Frederick A. Stokes |
1 | Free Lunch Comics |
1 | Free Press |
1 | Freese, Milloway, and Wood |
1 | Freeway Press |
2 | Frew Publications |
1 | Friedlander Publishing Group |
3 | Friends of Lulu |
3 | Frightworld Studios |
2 | Froebel-Kan |
3 | Frog Ltd. |
1 | Frogchildren |
2 | Fruit of the Loom |
1 | FSG |
1 | FTL Publishing |
1 | Fubar Press |
4 | Fulcrum |
2 | Full Bleed |
3 | Full Moon |
2 | Full Moon Toys |
1 | Fulp Fiction, Inc. |
2 | Fun Ideas Productions |
4 | Fun Works |
1 | Fundgeon Press |
8 | Fundimensions |
2 | FUNimation |
3 | Funk and Wagnalls |
2 | Funk-O-Tron |
177 | Funko |
1 | Funnies Publishing |
1 | Funskool |
1 | Furplanet |
1 | Fusion Publishing |
1 | Fusion Toys |
1 | Futura |
1 | Future Comics |
3 | Future Dude |
2 | Future Publishing |
1 | Future US, Inc. |
10 | FW Media |
1 | G Fantasy Comics |
3 | G. P. Putnam & Sons |
4 | G. P. Putnam's Sons |
2 | G.G. Studio |
1 | G.T. Ltd. |
1 | G2 Entertainment |
3 | Gagne International Press |
1 | Gainax |
1 | Galactic Designs and Productions |
1 | Galactic Press |
1 | Galago |
2 | Galahad Books |
3 | Galaxy |
2 | Galaxy Publishing |
2 | Gale Force 9 |
1 | Galileo Games |
1 | Gallant Comics |
19 | Gallery 13 |
51 | Gallery Books |
1 | Gallery Collection |
1 | Galley Press |
6 | Galoob |
2 | Game Designers' Workshop |
1 | Gamers Paradise |
13 | Games Workshop |
1 | Gamescience, Inc. |
1 | Gamesmiths |
1 | Garco Systems |
4 | Garden City Publishing |
1 | Gareth Hinds |
1 | Gareth Stevens Publishing |
1 | Gary Panter |
1 | Gator Press Publishing Co. |
1 | GC Press |
3 | GDW |
1 | Geekpunk |
2 | Geeks-Line |
1 | Geibunsha |
81 | Gemstone |
4 | Gemstone/Dark Horse |
1 | Gemstone/Fantagraphics |
11 | GEN Manga |
1 | |
5 | Geneon |
1 | General Book Distributors |
1 | General Jinjur |
3 | General Mills |
3 | General Publishing Co. |
1 | General Steam Navigation Co. |
1 | Genesis Publications |
5 | Genesis West |
1 | Genko-Sha Publishing |
1 | Genome Studios |
1 | Gentiane |
7 | Gentle Giant LTD |
1 | Geoffrey Mandel |
2 | George Braziller |
1 | George H. Doran |
1 | George J. Hecht |
1 | George Metzger |
1 | George Vega |
1 | Gepfert & Crummel |
4 | Gerber Publishing Co. |
2 | Gerry De la Ree |
7 | Gestalt Publishing |
1 | Getty Publications |
1 | GG Studios |
34 | Ghost Ship |
1 | Giant Playground |
3 | Giant Robot |
1 | Gibbs Smith |
4 | Gigantic |
1 | Gildan |
27 | Gingko Press |
1 | Ginn and Company |
13 | Girasol |
1 | Girl Press |
4 | Girl Twirl Comics |
8 | Gladstone |
1 | Glamour International Mag |
4 | Glenat |
1 | Glenn Bray |
1 | Glenwood Distributors |
2 | Glide Publications |
2 | Glimmer Graphics |
2 | Glitter Books |
3 | Glittering Images |
1 | Glo'Worm |
1 | Global Comics |
7 | Gnome Press |
5 | Go! Comi |
1 | Go! Media Entertaiment |
1 | Godine |
2 | Godwin Books |
1 | Gold Key |
1 | Gold Medal Productions |
1 | Gold Rush Games |
5 | Gold Star Books |
2 | Gold Torch Books |
1 | Goldcrest Press |
7 | Golden |
2 | Golden Apple Publications |
252 | Golden Books |
1 | Golden Hind Press, Inc. |
1 | Golden Lion |
1 | Golden Perils Press |
60 | Golden Press |
3 | Goldsmith Publishing |
4 | Goliath |
2 | Gollancz |
1 | Good |
1 | Good Night Books |
8 | Good Smile |
1 | Goodbum Studios |
1 | Goodman |
1 | Gordy Time |
1 | Gosset & Dunlap |
8 | Gotham Books |
1 | Gotham City Films |
1 | Goznak Moscow |
5 | Graffiti |
2 | Graffito |
1 | Grafton Books |
8 | Gramercy Books |
4 | Gramercy Pictures |
5 | Grand Angle |
16 | Grand Central Publishing |
1 | Grand Jester Studios |
13 | Grandreams Limited |
1 | Grant |
1 | Graphic Arts Center |
2 | Graphic Audio |
2 | Graphic Ideas, Inc. |
3 | Graphic Imaging Technologies |
10 | Graphic India |
32 | Graphic Mundi |
2 | Graphic Novel Art |
1 | Graphic Novel Literature |
26 | Graphic Sha |
47 | Graphic Universe |
42 | Graphitti Designs |
25 | Graphix |
1 | Gratuitous Bunny Comix |
1 | GrayHaven Comics |
1 | Grayson Publishing Corp. |
1 | Great Big Comics |
1 | Great Eastern Entertainment |
1 | Great Sky |
1 | Greater Mercury |
2 | Green Card Voices |
1 | Green Fly |
2 | Green Man Press |
1 | Green Publishing Co. |
9 | Green Ronin Publishing |
2 | Green Turtle Publications |
3 | Green Wood Publishing |
1 | Greenberg Publishers |
12 | Greenwillow |
2 | Greenwood Press |
1 | Greg Manning |
2 | Gregg Press |
1 | Grenadier Models |
2 | Gresham |
1 | Grey Horse Press |
3 | Greystone |
2 | Greystone Inn Comics |
8 | Griffin Books |
1 | Griffon Enterprises |
1 | Grifo Comics |
2 | Grind House Comics |
2 | Griot |
5 | Grolier Books |
79 | Grosset & Dunlap |
1 | Ground Zero Books |
1 | Ground Zero Comics |
1 | Grounded Outlet |
10 | Groundwood Books |
7 | Grove Press |
1 | Gruner Jahr |
2 | Grupo Editorial Vid |
1 | Grupo Pandora |
1 | Gryphon Books |
1 | Gryphon Knights |
12 | GT Labs |
1 | GTL |
1 | Guardian Express Media |
1 | Guardian Media Entertainment |
14 | Guardians of Order |
1 | Guffaw Press |
1 | Guild of Blades |
1 | Guilded Age |
1 | Guinn Company |
1 | Gullywasher |
1 | Gum Inc. |
1 | Gumby Comics |
3 | Gungnir Entertainment |
1 | Gurps |
4 | Gutsoon |
2 | Guy Delcourt Productions |
2 | Gwandanaland Comics |
1 | H & S Media |
1 | H Bauer Publishings |
1 | H. E. Harris |
31 | Hachette |
8 | Hachette Partworks LTD |
7 | Haffner Press |
6 | Haika Soru |
1 | Haksan |
1 | Hal Leonard Corporation |
1 | Hale Books |
11 | Hallmark |
1 | Halo Eight |
1 | Hamblin Comics |
5 | Hamilton |
1 | Hamilton & Co |
13 | Hamlyn |
1 | Hamodia Publishing |
1 | Hampton Roads Publishing |
8 | Hamster Press |
1 | Hand of Doom |
1 | Handy Book Corp. |
4 | Hanes |
3 | Hanna Barbera |
1 | Hanson Press |
1 | Hanthercraft Publications |
1 | Happy Harbor |
20 | Happy House |
1 | Happy Medium Press |
1 | Happy Predator |
1 | Harbor Press |
1 | Harcourt Brace Jovanovich |
1 | Harcourt, Brace and Company |
1 | Harcourt, Inc. |
1 | Hard Case Crime |
29 | Harmony Books |
4 | Harmony Gold |
1 | Harmony Gold U.S.A. Inc. |
25 | Harper |
9 | Harper & Brothers Publish |
12 | Harper & Row |
40 | Harper Design International |
10 | Harper Entertainment |
21 | Harper Perennial |
2 | Harper Voyager |
516 | HarperCollins |
1 | HarperCollins UK |
2 | HarperFestival |
14 | HarperPrism |
1 | Harrier |
30 | Harris Comics |
1 | Harris/Dark Horse |
1 | Harris/Top Cow |
1 | Harry A. Chesler |
6 | Harry N. Abrams, Inc. |
1 | Hart |
1 | Harvard University Press, Cambridge |
1 | Harvest Books |
1 | Harvest House Publishers |
2 | Harvest/HBJ |
6 | Harvey |
1 | Harwyn |
43 | Hasbro |
7 | Hashtag Comics |
1 | Hassle Free Press |
3 | Hasslein Books |
3 | Hastings |
1 | Hastings House/HarperColl |
1 | Hatherleigh Press |
1 | Hatter Entertainment |
5 | Hawk Books |
2 | Hawthorn |
1 | Hayden Book Company |
2 | HayesHayes Productions |
3 | Haynes |
1 | Hazel Atlas Glass Company |
2 | HBO |
8 | Head Press |
1 | Headless Shakespeare Press |
1 | Headline Book Publishing |
1 | Headline Publications |
1 | Headline Publishing Group |
1 | Health Communications, Inc. (HCI) |
2 | Health Knowledge |
1 | Heart Monster Press |
2 | Heartdrum |
1 | Heartland House |
124 | Heavy Metal |
2 | Heavy Metal/Futura |
5 | Heavy Metal/Kitchen Sink |
1 | Heavy Metal/Pulp Theatre |
1 | Heavy Metal/Simon & Schus |
6 | Heavy Metal/Tundra |
2 | Heavy Proton, Inc. |
1 | Helikon |
4 | Helvetiq |
1 | Hendlers Ice Cream |
1 | Henry Gray Publishing |
57 | Henry Holt & Company |
1 | Henson |
23 | Heritage |
116 | Hermes Press |
25 | Hero Collector |
1 | Hero Comics |
25 | Hero Games |
18 | Hero Initiative |
3 | Hero Tomorrow Comics |
1 | Heroes Books |
1 | Heroes for Distribution |
7 | Heroes Publishing, Inc. |
1 | Heroes World Distribution Co. |
1 | Heroic |
16 | Heroic Publishing Inc. |
1 | Hershenson |
1 | Hey Drude Productions |
3 | HiC & Hoc Publications |
2 | Hidalgo Publsihing |
1 | Hierographics Inc. |
3 | Hieronymus Press |
1 | High Impact |
1 | HighAims.Comix |
1 | Highland Graphics |
4 | Highland Mint |
10 | Highwater Books |
1 | Highway 62 Press |
38 | Hill and Wang |
1 | Hill House |
2 | Hillman |
4 | Hippo Park |
1 | Hippocrene Books, Inc. |
4 | Hippy Comix |
1 | Histoire and Collections |
1 | History Graphics Press |
1 | History Press |
1 | HIYA Toys |
3 | HK Comics Limited |
3 | HM Communications |
2 | HMH Publishing Co. |
1 | Hobbs, Dorman & Company |
1 | Hobby Japan |
19 | Hodder & Stoughton |
1 | Hogshead Publishing |
43 | Holiday House |
2 | Hollow-Tree House |
1 | Holly Farms |
30 | Hollywood Pictures |
1 | Hollywood Publicity Company |
1 | Hollywood Publishing |
1 | Holman |
10 | Holt |
81 | Holt, Rinehart and Winston |
6 | Homage |
1 | Homeworld Press |
1 | Hopkins |
1 | Horace Liveright, Inc. |
1 | HornCo |
1 | HorrorHound Enterprises |
1 | Horse Angel |
5 | Horse Press |
1 | Horwitz Publications |
1 | Hot Cherry |
73 | Houghton Mifflin |
1 | Hourglass |
2 | House of Anansi Press |
8 | House of Collectibles |
2 | House of Greystoke |
1 | House of Murky Depths |
2 | House of the White Birches |
1 | House of Usher |
1 | House of Viz |
2 | HOW Books |
2 | Howe-Stammers-Walker |
2 | HP Books |
2 | Huckleberry |
1 | Hudson Street Press |
2 | Hugh Lauter Levin |
1 | Hulton Press LTD |
1 | Hulton/Fleetway |
1 | Human Comics |
44 | Humanoids |
337 | Humanoids Publishing |
1 | Humorama |
1 | Hungry Tiger Press |
1 | Hustler Magazine Co. |
2 | Hutchinson & Co. |
1 | Hyborean Press |
1 | Hydra Collaborative |
26 | Hyperion |
42 | Hyperion Books |
3 | Hyperwerks |
4 | I Box |
1 | I Don't Get It Graphics |
7 | I.B. Tauris |
1 | Ianus |
1 | Iberian Press |
1 | IBN |
50 | iBooks |
1 | IC Graphics |
2 | Icarus Publishing |
1 | ICCC Media Incorporated |
1 | ICE Kunion/Yen Press |
3 | Icon |
3 | Icon Heroes |
1 | Iconia |
1 | Iconoclassics Publishing |
1 | ICU Press |
29 | ICUP Inc. |
1 | Idaho Daily Statesman |
1 | Ideal Distributing Co. |
4 | Ideal Publ. Corp. |
1 | Ideals Children's Books |
1 | Identity Comics |
2172 | IDW Publishing |
9 | IDW/Desperado |
18 | IDW/Marvel |
1 | IDW/Science Fiction Book |
12 | IDW/Worthwhile Books |
3 | IFWG Publishing |
2 | Ignite Entertainment |
1 | IHAC |
1 | Ikthos Publishing Company |
3 | Ilex Press |
1 | Illusive Arts Entertainme |
7 | Illustrated Press |
4 | Illustration |
3 | Illustration Studio |
1836 | Image |
1 | Image International |
1 | Image Masters |
6 | Image Publishing of New York |
2 | Image/Archangel |
2 | Image/Aspen |
2 | Image/Dark Horse |
1 | Image/DC |
4 | Image/Desperado |
1 | Image/Dreamwave |
2 | Image/Eyescream |
1 | Image/Icon |
2 | Image/IDW |
2 | Image/Marvel |
1 | Image/Villard/Ballantine |
1 | Images Graphiques |
3 | Imagine |
2 | Imagine and Wonder |
3 | Imaginism Studios |
1 | Imaginosis |
1 | IMD Publishers |
1 | Immedium |
19 | Impact |
5 | Impact Books |
1 | Impact Theory, LLC |
1 | Impel |
1 | Imperia |
2 | Imperial |
4 | Imperium Games Inc. |
1 | Impresora Alloni |
5 | Improper Books |
1 | Imps and Monsters |
9 | Independent Publishers |
1 | Independent Television Books |
1 | India Book House |
1 | Indigo Press |
1 | Infantry Journal |
1 | Infinite Illusions |
1 | Infinity Studios |
1 | Infocom |
1 | Infospect Press |
2 | Inhabit Media |
1 | Ink and Feathers Comics |
2 | Ink Works |
1 | Inkling |
4 | InkLit |
1 | Inklore |
1 | Inkwell |
2 | Innovage |
16 | Innovation |
1 | Innovative Designs |
37 | Insight Comics |
17 | Insight Edition |
277 | Insight Editions |
17 | Insight Studios |
1 | Insufficient Direction |
1 | Intergalactic Nemesis |
1 | Intergalactic Press |
1 | Interlink Books |
2 | International Humor |
1 | International Museum |
1 | International Polygonics, Ltd. |
1 | International Textbook Corporation |
16 | International Wizard of Oz Club |
1 | InterVarsity Press |
13 | Invader Comics |
1 | Inventory Press |
1 | Iowa State College Press |
12 | IPC Magazines |
1 | IPC/Fleetway |
2 | IPG |
4 | IPI Comics |
2 | IPI Magazines |
43 | Iron Circus Comics |
6 | Iron Crown |
1 | Iron Horse Publishing |
6 | Ironcat |
2 | Irwin Toy Limited |
2 | Island Press |
1 | It's Adventure Time With |
7 | It's Alive |
13 | ItBooks |
1 | ITC Entertainment Group Ltd. |
3 | ITV Books |
1 | Ives Manufacturing Company |
5 | Ivory Tower Publishing |
5 | Ize Press |
1 | J!NX |
14 | J-Novel Club |
1 | J. Ben Stark |
1 | J. L. Corp. |
1 | J. Ottmann Lithography Co. |
1 | J.P. Tarcher |
2 | J.W. Clement Co. |
1 | Jabberwocky Graphix |
16 | Jack Lake Productions |
1 | Jack Publishing |
1 | Jacobs Publishing Company |
3 | Jacobsen-Hodgkinson Corp. |
10 | Jakks Pacific |
1 | James Bishop |
1 | James Bond Fan Club |
6 | James Van Hise |
1 | Jamestown Publishing |
3 | Japanime |
1 | Jason Brightman |
3 | Jay Parrino |
1 | Jay S. Naylor |
1 | Jayhawk Press |
2 | Jazwares |
1 | JBX |
1 | JD Publishing |
1 | Jeffrey Johnston |
2 | Jeffrey Lewis |
8 | Jet City Comics |
2 | Jetpack Press |
1 | Jets Comics |
3 | Jewish Lights Publishing |
3 | Jewish Publication Societ |
1 | JF Productions |
2 | JG Press |
1 | Jigen |
1 | JIHU |
7 | Jimmy Patterson |
1 | Jippi |
1 | Jo Fletcher |
53 | Joe Books Inc. |
1 | Joe Books Ltd. |
1 | Joe Chiappetta |
1 | John Avon Art Ltd. |
2 | John Blake Publishing |
3 | John Brown Publishing |
2 | John C. Winston Company |
1 | John Daniel & Company |
1 | John E. Potter and Co. |
1 | John Knox Press |
2 | John Martin's House, Inc. |
1 | John Mejias |
1 | John Robert Powers |
1 | John Spencer & Co |
3 | John Wiley & Sons |
1 | Johnny Gruelle Company |
1 | |
7 | Johns Hopkins University |
1 | Jolly Roger Games |
1 | Jonas/Winter, Inc. |
1 | Jonathan Cape |
1 | Jose Lopez |
1 | Josh Ulrich |
10 | Jove Books |
1 | Joyful Stories Press |
1 | JP Horizons |
1 | JPT |
1 | JR Comics |
1 | Judge Company |
5 | Judges Guild |
3 | Jules Rivera |
1 | Jumping Jack Press |
1 | JUN Planning |
1 | Junior Press |
4 | Juno |
1 | Jupiter Books |
1 | Just Mad Books |
1 | Justin Boots |
1 | Justin Peterson |
1 | JusToys |
1 | Juvenile Productions |
2 | JVJ Publishing |
10 | JY |
1 | K.K. Publications |
1 | Kabanas Hellas |
89 | Kaboom Comics |
1 | Kaidan |
1 | Kamera |
3 | Kana |
1 | Kappa Books |
3 | Kar-Ben Publishing |
1 | Kassel Books |
2 | Kasual Friday LLC |
1 | Kasuga Boeki |
11 | Katherine Tegen Books |
1 | Kauka |
1 | Kayfabe Pub Group |
1 | Kaywin Publishing |
20 | Keenspot Entertainment |
1 | Keith Knight Press |
4 | Kellogg's |
1 | Kelly Russell Studios |
1 | Kelsey Hill Publishing |
7 | Ken Pierce Books |
38 | Kenner |
1 | Kenner/Dark Horse |
1 | Kenneth Copeland Ministries |
2 | Kensington |
5 | Kent State University |
12 | Kenzer Publishing |
2 | Kern Pederson |
2 | KESI Entertainment |
10 | Kettledrummer Books |
2 | Kettledrummer/Diabolo |
3 | Kettledrummer/Diabolo Edi |
1 | Kevin Eastman Studios |
1 | Key Porter Books |
1 | Keylight Books |
1 | Keyline Books |
1 | Keystone Publishing Service |
1 | Khabs in the Khu Press |
1 | Khyber Press |
1 | Kickstand Cyclery |
24 | Kickstart Comics |
4 | Kid Stuff Records & Tapes |
14 | Kidrobot |
39 | Kids Can Press |
1 | Kim-Rehr Productions |
1 | Kinetic Press |
8 | King Features |
11 | King Features Syndicate, INC. |
12 | King Hell |
1 | King-Size Publications |
10 | Kingfisher |
7 | Kingpin Books |
1 | Kingslayer |
12 | Kingstone Comics/Media |
1 | Kingswell |
1 | Kipling Press |
1 | Kirkland |
165 | Kitchen Sink |
1 | Kitchen Sink/Fantagraphic |
1 | Kiwi Studios |
1 | Klub SK |
6 | Knickerbocker Publications |
1 | Knickerbocker Toys |
1 | Knight Books |
5 | Knight Press |
1 | Knight Publishing |
36 | Knockabout Comics |
71 | Knopf |
209 | Kodansha |
5 | Kokila |
1 | Komics Dreamarts |
7 | Komikwerks |
1 | Kong Comics |
2 | Kontur |
1 | Kopetkai |
1 | Koplow Games |
10 | Korero Books |
1 | Kosei Ono |
1 | Koshka |
34 | Kotobuki |
20 | Koyama Press |
8 | KP Books |
59 | Krause Publications |
2 | Kyle Baker Publishing |
1 | Kyle Baker/Image |
1 | Kyle Books |
1 | Kyle Starks |
1 | L'egouttoir |
1 | L'integrale |
1 | L. Harper Allen Company |
2 | L. Miller & Sons |
1 | L.T.A. Robinson Ltd. |
1 | L.W. Singer Co. |
1 | La Cineteca del Friuli |
1 | La Luz de Jesus |
1 | LA MANO |
1 | La Musardine |
1 | Labbe Enterprise |
1 | LADD Company |
1 | Lady Death Store |
2 | Lady Luck |
3 | Ladybird Books |
5 | Lamp-In-A-Box |
1 | Lance Parkin |
13 | Lancer |
3 | Land of Enchantment |
5 | Landmark |
28 | Landoll's |
2 | Landwaster Books |
1 | Lane Magazine |
1 | Larque Press |
1 | Lasermach, Inc. |
106 | Last Gasp |
1 | Last Gasp/Fantagraphics |
1 | Laszlo Press |
1 | Lattaland |
4 | Laurence King |
3 | Law Dog |
1 | Lawrence Treat |
1 | LazerLight |
3 | LB Kids |
1 | Lead Pub. |
1 | Leadership Ministries |
1 | Leading Edge Games |
1 | Leapfrog |
1 | Lee & Low |
1 | Legacy |
47 | Legendary Comics |
1 | Legendary Library |
2 | Leicester Bay Books |
4 | Leo Brunella Inc. |
63 | Lerner Publishing |
2 | Les Cartoonistes Dangereu |
1 | Les Editions du Triton |
1 | Les Editions Pix'n Love |
12 | Les Humanoides Associes |
1 | Leslie-Judge Co. |
6 | Lev Gleason |
1 | Levenger Press |
1 | Leviathan Press |
3 | Levine Querido |
1 | Liar |
1 | Liberty Street |
1 | Libri Impressi |
3 | LIFE Books |
1 | Life Drawn |
1 | Life Publishing Co. |
1 | Light Speed Press |
1 | LightBulb Press |
1 | Lightning |
1 | Limehouse Books |
1 | Liminal |
5 | Lindberg |
1 | Links Books |
1 | |
1 | Lion |
82 | Lion Forge |
1 | Lions Gate Films |
1 | Lipstick Press |
1 | Lipton |
3 | Liquid Comics |
2 | Liquidbrush |
5 | Literati Press |
9 | Little Bee Books |
245 | Little Brown and Company |
1 | Little Cajun Books |
17 | Little Eva Ink |
1 | Little Foot Publishing |
1 | Little Guy Press |
3 | Little Rocket |
15 | Little Simon |
1 | Little Spirit Bear Produc |
1 | Little Wolf Comics |
8 | Little, Brown and Company |
14 | Liveright |
1 | Living Room Games |
12 | Living the Line |
1 | LJN |
2 | Llewellyn Publications |
1 | Lloyd Dangle |
5 | Lo Scarabeo |
2 | Loaded Barrel Studios |
1 | Lobrau Productions |
1 | Locus |
2 | Locust Moon Press |
1 | Lodestone |
1 | Logical Figments Books |
1 | Logik |
1 | LOM Art |
3 | London Editions |
1 | London Editions Magazines |
5 | London Night |
1 | London Publishing House |
1 | Lone Eagle |
3 | Lone Star Press |
4 | Longacre |
3 | Longmeadow Press |
1 | Longstreet Press |
1 | Look Out Monsters |
1 | Looney Labs |
1 | Lorevan |
3 | Lorrimer Publishing |
1 | Lost City Comics |
2 | Lost In The Dark Press |
1 | Louis Weber |
1 | LSU Press |
2 | Lucas Arts |
14 | LucasBooks |
63 | Lucasfilm |
1 | Lucy Bellwood |
3 | |
1 | Lumina Media |
1 | Luminary Press |
1 | Lunasea Studios |
1 | LX, Ltd. |
5 | Lyons Press |
8 | M Press |
1 | M&M Books |
2 | M. Lilien |
1 | M.A. Donohue & Co. |
1 | Mac Carter, Jeff Blitz and Adam Byrne |
2 | MacFadden Publications |
18 | Macmillan |
26 | MAD Books |
76 | Mad Cave |
7 | Mad Engine |
1 | Mad Kings Publishing |
4 | Mad Monkey Press |
11 | Mad Norwegian Press |
6 | Mad Yak Press |
1 | Madison Ltd. |
2 | Madison Square Press |
2 | Maerkle Press |
1 | Mafufo |
1 | Magazine Productions Inc. |
1 | Magic Carpet |
1 | MagicImage Filmbooks |
5 | Magma Comix |
3 | Magnet Book |
1 | Magnet Books |
1 | Magnetic Bookmark |
6 | Magnetic Collection |
108 | Magnetic Press |
3 | Magnolia Petroleum Compan |
1 | Magtab Publishing Corporation |
10 | Mahrwood Press |
2 | Mainframe Entertainment |
71 | Malibu Graphics Inc. |
5 | Mallard Press |
2 | Mallon |
2 | MAM Tor Publishing |
3 | Mandarin Paperbacks |
3 | Maneki Neko Books |
2 | Manga 18 |
2 | Manga Books |
8 | Manga Classics |
1 | Mango Comics |
1 | Mango Press |
1 | Manhattan Design |
1 | Mania Ent. |
1 | Maniacal |
1 | Manic D Press |
1 | Manley |
2 | Manor Books |
61 | Manuscript Press |
1 | Manx Media |
2 | Mar-Kel Lighting Inc. |
1 | Marc Hansen |
1 | Marek Publishers |
7 | Margaret Ferguson Books |
10 | Margaret K. McElderry Books |
2 | Margaret Weis Productions |
7 | Mariner Books |
2 | Mario DeMarco |
1 | Mark 1 Comics |
1 | Mark A. Kimmel |
2 | Mark Goulden Ltd. |
1 | Mark's Giant |
65 | Markosia |
6 | Marlowe & Company |
1 | Marmara Cizgi |
2 | Maron Media |
1 | Marshall Cavendish |
1 | Marsupial Press |
7237 | Marvel |
5 | Marvel Books |
2 | Marvel Italia |
69 | Marvel Press |
25 | Marvel UK |
4 | Marvel/DC |
6 | Marvel/Dynamite |
17 | Marvel/Epic |
1 | Marvel/Fun Works |
1 | Marvel/Grandreams |
43 | Marvel/Icon |
1 | Marvel/IDW |
6 | Marvel/Lancer |
10 | Marvel/Soleil |
1 | Marz Publishing |
1 | Massive Black |
1 | Massive Comics Group |
5 | Massive Publishing |
1 | Mastercom |
1 | Masterpiece Comics |
1 | MasterVision |
1 | Mastronet |
4 | Matchbox |
1 | Matrix |
1 | Matt Groening |
26 | Mattel |
2 | |
2 | Maupin House |
1 | Maurizio Corraini SRL |
20 | Maverick |
2 | Maw Productions |
1 | Max Factory |
3 | Maximum |
2 | Mayamada |
44 | Mayfair |
2 | Mayflower Books |
6 | Mayo Clinic Press |
1 | MBS Publishing |
1 | MCA Publishing |
1 | MCA Records |
2 | McClelland & Stewart |
1 | McClure |
2 | MCD Books |
1 | McDonald Sheet Metal Mfg. |
7 | McDonald's Corporation |
110 | McFarland |
45 | McFarlane |
10 | McGraw-Hill |
1 | McKay |
1 | McLaughlin Bros. |
3 | McLoughlin Brothers |
1 | McMann and Tate |
6 | McSweeney's |
8 | Mead |
1 | Meaghan Carter |
1 | Mecca Comics Group |
1 | Mecca Comics/Century |
1 | Med Systems Co. |
2 | Medalion Publishing |
2 | Media Blasters |
2 | Media Factory |
4 | Media Lab Books |
2 | Media Pub. |
2 | Media Works |
1 | Mediavision |
5 | Medicom Toy |
3 | Mego |
23 | Meisha Merlin Publishing |
1 | Melcher Media |
2 | Mello Smello |
1 | Melrose Square Publishing |
1 | Melville House |
1 | Menasha Ridge Press |
1 | Mendocino |
3 | Mercury Comics |
11 | Meredith Books |
1 | Mermaid Publications Inc. |
3 | Merrigold Press |
1 | Messianic Comics |
1 | Metal Mammoth |
2 | Metallic Images |
8 | Metaphrog |
7 | Methuen |
6 | Metro Books |
3 | Metro Goldwyn Mayer |
1 | Metro Scope |
2 | Metron Press |
3 | Metropolis Ltd. |
1 | Metropolis Publishing |
15 | Metropolitan |
6 | Mezco |
11 | MG Publishing |
1 | MGA Services |
3 | MGM Film Co. |
2 | Michael di Capua Books |
1 | Michael O'Mara Books |
1 | Michael O'Sullivan |
1 | Michaels Wiese Productions |
31 | Microcosm Publishing |
1 | Microsoft Press |
1 | Middle Tennessee State University |
1 | Midguard Publishing Co. |
1 | Midnight Factory |
8 | Midnight Marquee |
1 | Midway |
4 | Mighty Fine |
1 | Mighty Gremlin |
1 | Mike Sgier |
2 | Mike Wolfer Entertainment |
1 | MikeDawsonComics |
1 | Miles Kelly Publishing |
1 | Milestone Media, Inc. |
1 | Milk Foundation Inc. |
1 | Millbrook Press |
5 | Millennium |
5 | Miller |
1 | Million Publishing |
7 | Milton Bradley |
1 | Milwaukee Journal |
1 | Mineshaft Magazine |
1 | Minstrel Book |
1 | Mirage Press |
15 | Mirage Studios |
1 | Mirage/Archie |
13 | Miramax |
1 | Miramax Books |
1 | Mirror Comics |
1 | Mississippi Board of Dev. |
1 | Mixo |
7 | Mixx Entertainment |
3 | MJF Books |
1 | MMG (Multimedia Group) |
11 | Moby Books |
2 | MoCCA |
1 | Mock Man Press |
1 | Modern |
1 | Modern Drummer Publications |
1 | Modern Graphics |
3 | Modern Promotions |
4 | Modern Publishing |
6 | Moebius Models |
1 | Mohawk Media |
8 | MoJo Press |
1 | Monarch Books |
1 | Mondo Books |
1 | Monecelli Press |
2 | Mongoose Publishing |
2 | Monkey Boy Press |
1 | Monkey Rope Press |
3 | Monkeybrain Books |
4 | Monkeysuit Press |
22 | Monogram International |
1 | Monster Forge Productions |
1 | Monsterverse LLC |
1 | Montclair Art Museum |
1 | Moody Press |
2 | Moonface Press |
218 | Moonstone |
2 | Moore Action Collectibles |
1 | Moore Creations |
1 | Morgan Creek |
1 | Morgan Printing |
2 | Morning Star Press |
1 | Morning Star/Ballantine/A |
4 | Morpheus Fine Art |
1 | Morpheus International |
1 | Morris and Blair |
1 | Morris Margulies, NY |
9 | Morrow |
1 | Mosaic Press |
1 | Mother of Pearl |
2 | Motorbooks |
1 | Mount Salus Press |
1 | Movie Club |
2 | Movie Publishers Services |
2 | Movieland Publishing |
1 | MPC Publishing Co. |
2 | MPL |
3 | MQP |
5 | MTV Books |
17 | Mu Press |
2 | Mulholland Books |
1 | Munsey Press |
1 | Museum of Cartoon Art |
1 | Museum of Modern Art |
1 | Museum Publications |
1 | Mutant Toast |
1 | Mutual Magazines |
4 | MVCreations |
1 | Mystar Press |
4 | Mysterious Press |
1 | Mystery City Comics |
1 | Mythodrome, inc. |
1 | Mythos Comics |
1 | N.E. Dairy & Food Council |
1 | N2 Toys |
1 | Nabisco Food, Inc. |
3 | Nacelle Books |
1 | Namco |
1 | Nan A. Talese |
5 | Nantier-Beall- Minoustchine |
1 | Narrow House |
5 | Narwain Publishing |
1 | Nash & Zullo Productions |
2 | Nation Books |
1 | National Baseball Hall of Fame |
4 | National Geographic |
15 | National Lampoon |
1 | National Lithograph Service |
4 | National Periodical Publ |
3 | National Periodical Publications Inc |
1 | National Physicians Committee |
2 | National Screen Services |
1 | National Specials |
1 | National Street Rod Association |
2 | Nature Publishing House |
1 | Nautilus Dreams |
1 | Naval Institute Press |
1 | Navy Romances |
1 | NBC |
397 | NBM |
1 | NCS |
1 | NCTE |
2 | Neal Porter Books |
22 | NEC |
17 | NECA |
2 | Necklace Publishing |
1 | Necromancer Games |
1 | Neighbor Lady Community Arts |
12 | Neko Press |
4 | Nelson Doubleday, Inc |
2 | Nemo Publishing |
1 | Nerdcore |
5 | Nervous Habit Press |
1 | NESFA Press |
1 | Nesti Veqnen Editions |
1 | NETroplex |
1 | New Academia Publishing |
8 | New American Library |
1 | New Comics |
7 | New England Comics |
3 | New English Library |
2 | New Epoch Press |
5 | New Friday Publications |
1 | New Holland |
1 | New Idea, Inc. |
2 | New Infinities |
11 | New Line Cinema |
2 | New Magnet Library |
6 | New Media Books Inc. |
5 | New Media Publishing |
1 | New Page Books |
1 | New Paradigm Studios |
9 | New Press |
1 | New Radio Comics |
1 | New Society Publishers |
1 | New Suit |
2 | New World Library |
1 | New York Herald |
28 | New York Review Comics |
1 | New York Zoetrope |
1 | Newman-Rudolph Lithographing Company |
10 | Newmarket Press |
1 | NewSkool Collective |
1 | Newtype 100% Comics |
3 | NI-Cola Productions |
5 | Nicklelodeon Productions |
13 | Night Shade Books |
1 | Night Shining |
2 | Nightlight Press |
1 | Nintendo Power |
1 | Ninth Circle Studios |
2 | NJCroce |
1 | NKOK |
1 | No Exit Press |
3 | No Greater Joy |
4 | No Publisher Listed |
2 | No publisher listed/fanzine |
1 | No Starch Press |
59 | Nobrow Press |
1 | None |
1 | Nonstop Press |
1 | Noonday Press |
1 | Nordon Publications |
2 | |
23 | Norma Editorial |
2 | Norman Kark Publications |
4 | North Atlantic Books |
2 | North Fourth Publications |
6 | North Light Books |
1 | North South Books |
2 | Northstar |
1 | Northwest Company |
16 | Northwest Press |
1 | Northwestern Press |
4 | Norton |
2 | Norwegian Gazette Bok |
1 | Nostalgia Graphics |
19 | Nostalgia Press |
1 | Noteworthy |
1 | Nova Press (French) |
1 | Nova Publications |
1 | Novaris Entertainment |
1 | Novel Selections |
8 | Now |
2 | Now Comics |
1 | NTC Publishing Group |
1 | Nuages |
1 | Nuance Inc. |
1 | Number Foundation |
2 | Nutshell Designs |
1 | NV Drukkerij voor Nijverheid en Finaniciën |
2 | O'Brien Press |
2 | O'Quinn Studios |
1 | Oblagon, Inc. |
1 | Octavia Press |
3 | October Films |
2 | Octopus Books |
2 | Oddgod Press |
1 | Odhams/Marvel UK |
1 | Odod Books |
5 | Odyssey Publications |
1 | Off Centaur Publications |
1 | Off Register Press |
1 | Off-The-Wall Productions, LLC. |
1 | Off-Trail Publications |
1 | Official Magazine Corp. |
1 | Offspring Press |
1 | OLA |
1 | Old Time Stories |
3 | Olio |
1 | Oliver Books |
1 | Ollie!Ollie! Oxen Free Pr |
1 | Olmstead Press |
1 | Olympia Press |
3 | Olympian Publishing |
3 | Ominibus Press |
5 | Ominous Press |
1 | Omni |
4 | Omnibus Publishing |
38 | One Peace Books |
1 | One Stop Posters |
1 | One Tree Publishing |
1 | One-Time Assembly |
539 | Oni Press |
1 | Online Features Syndicate Publishing |
1 | Onrie Kompan Prod. |
1 | Onyx |
2 | Oog & Blik |
3 | Opal Quill |
40 | Open Court |
1 | Open Design |
1 | Open Road Media |
1 | OPTA |
1 | Optic House |
1 | Optik Nerve |
5 | Opus |
3 | Opus Books |
4 | Orbit |
1 | Orca Book Publishers |
1 | Orchard Books |
1 | Orchard Enterprises |
1 | Origin Comics |
1 | Original Novels, Inc. |
1 | Original Syndicate Press, |
2 | Orin Books |
15 | Orion |
1 | Orlok Press |
1 | Oscar Baradinsky |
3 | OSP Publishing |
28 | OSPREY |
54 | Osprey Publishing |
3 | OSSM Comics |
1 | Otakorp, Inc. |
3 | Other Manufacturer |
1 | Other Press |
1 | Otherworlds |
5 | OTR Publishing |
14 | Ottenheimer Publishers, I |
1 | Ottenheimer Publishers, Inc. |
1 | Our Gal Pictures |
1 | Our Valued Comics |
1 | Our Way Studios |
1 | Out of Picture Press |
1 | Outer Space Men LLC |
5 | Outlaw |
1 | Outlook Words and Art |
1 | Outsiders Comics |
9 | Overdue Media |
7 | Overlook Press |
15 | Overstreet |
9 | Owl Book |
2 | Owlkids |
2 | Owlswick Press |
1 | Oxberry Press |
3 | Oxford University Press |
10 | Ozone Productions |
1 | P & R Publishing |
3 | P J M Publishers, LTD. |
5 | P. F. Collier |
2 | P.F. Volland |
1 | P.O.M. Limited |
5 | Pacesetter |
6 | Pacific Comics |
69 | Pacific Comics Club |
1 | Pacific Giftware |
1 | Page Street Kids |
1 | Painfully Normal Productions |
35 | Paizo Publishing |
3 | Pak Man Productions |
1 | Pakkins |
1 | Palace Press |
1 | Paladin |
1 | Paladone |
2 | Palazzo Editions |
21 | Palladium Books |
5 | Palliard |
1 | Palmano Bennett |
3 | Pan Books |
1 | Pan-Exotica |
24 | Panini Books |
19 | Panini Comics |
2 | Panini France S.A. |
3 | Panini Publishing Ltd. |
2 | Panini UK |
106 | Pantheon Books |
1 | Panther Books |
1 | Paper Films |
4 | Paper Movies |
27 | Paper Tiger |
13 | Paperback Library |
259 | Papercutz |
2 | PaperFilms |
1 | Paquet |
4 | Paquet Comics |
1 | PAR Co. |
6 | ParaBooks Publishing |
2 | Parachute Press |
1 | Paraclete Press |
20 | Paradise Press |
1 | Paradox Entertainment |
37 | Paradox Press |
6 | Paragon |
1 | Paragon Publications |
80 | Paramount |
1 | Paranoia Publishing |
1 | Parents' Magazine |
1 | Park Lane |
3 | Parker Brothers |
1 | Parody Press |
3 | Parragon |
1 | Passenger Pigeon Producti |
1 | Paternoster Press |
2 | Pathetic Aesthetic Comics |
1 | Paul Friedrich |
1 | Paul Monroe |
1 | Paul Power Publication |
1 | PauMer Associates |
2 | Pavilion |
1 | Paw Print Inc. |
1 | Paws, Inc. |
1 | PBS |
2 | PCB |
2 | Peacock Press |
2 | Peak Books |
1 | Pearl Press |
25 | Pedigree Books |
1 | Peerage Books |
2 | Pegamoose Press |
13 | Pegasus Publishing |
3 | Pelican |
1 | Pelican Publ. |
1 | Pen & Ink/Sirius |
2 | Pen and Sword |
19 | Pendulum Press |
148 | Penguin Books |
30 | Penguin Workshop |
1 | Penny and Aggie |
1 | Penny Dreadful Press |
11 | Penny Farthing Press |
2 | Pentagram Publications |
1 | Penthouse |
1 | Penthouse International, LTD. |
1 | Pentshack Press |
1 | Peoria Chiefs |
2 | Pepsi |
4 | Perennial Currents |
2 | Perennial Library |
13 | Perfect Square |
8 | Perigee Books |
2 | Periplus Editions |
2 | Permabooks |
1 | Permuted Platinum |
4 | Permuted Press |
3 | Perseus |
1 | Peter & Pan Publishers |
1 | Peter Bedrick Books |
1 | Peter Lang |
1 | Peter Murano |
2 | Peter Pan Ind. |
5 | Peter Pan Records |
1 | Peter Wallace |
1 | Petrus and Associates |
2 | Phaidon Press |
1 | Phantacea |
2 | Phantasia Press |
1 | Pharos Books |
1 | PHD Publishing |
1 | Pheobus Publishing |
1 | Phidal |
1 | Phil Miller |
3 | Philomel Books |
1 | Phobos Books |
1 | Phoenix Art Museum |
3 | Phoenix Publications |
15 | Phoenix Studios |
1 | Phoneme Media |
4 | Picador |
1 | Pickering Press |
1 | Pictorial Histories |
1 | Pictorial Legends |
3 | Picture This Press |
22 | Picture Window Books |
24 | Picturebox |
10 | Pie Books |
13 | Pie International |
1 | Pied Piper |
1 | Pierce |
2 | Piggyback |
1 | Pilot Press Ltd. |
17 | Pinnacle |
44 | Pioneer |
12 | Piranha Press |
10 | Pixel+Ink |
1 | Pizza Hut |
1 | PlaidStallions Press |
1 | Plan 9 Publishing |
1 | Planet Bronx Productions |
1 | Planet Lucy Press |
1 | Planet Saturday, LLC. |
6 | Planeta DeAgostini |
1 | Plastic Farm Press |
1 | Plasticolor |
6 | Platinum |
1 | Platinum Disc Corp. |
12 | Platinum Studios |
1 | Play Press |
3 | Playboy Paperbacks |
14 | Playboy Press |
5 | Playing Mantis |
21 | Playmates |
1 | Playmore Inc. |
1 | Plays Well with Otters |
2 | Playskool |
1 | Pleasure Books, Inc. |
1 | PLEX Co. |
8 | Plexus |
4 | Plough Publishing House |
1 | Plume |
19 | Plume Books |
1 | Plymouth Inc. |
5 | PM Press |
434 | Pocket Books |
2 | Pocket Books Inc. |
6 | Pocket Essentials |
26 | Pocket Star Books |
4 | Pokemon Company International |
6 | Polar Lights |
1 | Polaroid |
1 | Polystyle Publications |
1 | Pomegranate Artbooks |
2 | Pomegranate Communications |
10 | Pomegranate Press |
2 | Ponent Mon |
6 | Poorhouse Press |
1 | Pop Comics |
12 | Pop Cult, Inc. |
2 | Pop Goes the Icon |
2 | Pop King Inc. |
1 | Pop Sandbox |
13 | PopFun |
1 | Popshots |
1 | Popular |
10 | Popular Library |
1 | Popular Library Inc. |
1 | Popular Press |
1 | Popular Press (Ireland) |
1 | Popular Publications |
1 | Popzero Publications |
24 | Portable Press |
2 | Porterhouse |
1 | Portola Press |
1 | Poseur Ink |
2 | Post Cereal |
1 | Post Hill Press |
1 | Post-Era Books |
1 | Potlatch Publications |
2 | Potter Style |
1 | Povenmire Studios |
5 | Pow Pow Press |
2 | Power Comics |
5 | Power Records |
2 | Powerhouse Enterprises |
1 | Powerhouse Productions |
1 | Powerlines |
4 | Praeger |
1 | Pratt Institute |
2 | Praxis Comics |
1 | Precipice Press |
1 | Premium Press America |
4 | Prentice Hall Press |
1 | Presents |
1 | Presidential Library Foundation |
1 | Press of the Sovereign Vanguard |
2 | Pressman Toy Corp. |
3 | Presspop |
6 | Prestel |
2 | Prestige Books |
1 | Previews |
2 | Priaprism Press |
17 | Price/Stern/Sloan Publishers |
7 | Prima Games |
9 | Prima Publishing |
30 | Prime Books |
1 | Prime Directive Inc |
1 | Primo Publishing |
3 | Princeton Architectural Press |
1 | PrintNinja |
4 | Prion |
1 | Professional Publishers |
1 | Profile Books |
1 | Project Gen |
3 | Prometheus Books |
2 | Promised Land Productions |
1 | Promotional |
1 | Proost |
2 | Proutt |
333 | PS Artbooks |
1 | PS Publishing |
34 | Psi Fi Movie Press |
25 | Psi Fi Press |
1 | PSI Inc |
1 | Publication Consultants |
14 | Publications International |
1 | Publish America |
8 | Publishers Group West |
19 | Puffin Books |
1 | Pulp Adventure, Inc. |
1 | Pulp Adventures, Inc. |
1 | Pulphouse Publishing, Inc. |
43 | Pure Imagination |
2 | Purnell |
1 | Pushkin Press |
52 | Putnam |
1 | PV Comics |
8 | PYR |
25 | Pyramid |
1 | QMX |
1 | Quadrangle/New York Times Book |
1 | Quadre Enterprises |
1 | Quadrinhos Na Cia |
1 | Quaker Oats |
1 | Quality Paperback Book Club |
5 | Quantum Mechanix |
15 | Quarto Publishing |
5 | Quayside Publishing Group |
1 | Quick Comics |
1 | Quick Fox |
2 | Quill |
37 | Quill Tree Books |
2 | Quinn Publishing Co. |
2 | Quintel |
1 | Quintet Publishing Limited |
82 | Quirk |
1 | R & G Productions |
4 | R. Talsorian Games |
1 | R.W.E. Publications |
1 | RA Comics |
2 | Rabbit Publishers |
5 | Race Point Publishing |
1 | Racing Champions |
1 | Rackham |
1 | Radcomics |
12 | Radical Books |
7 | Radical Comics/Publishing |
1 | Radio Archives |
6 | Radio Comix |
1 | Radio Corporation of America |
1 | Radio Spirits |
1 | Ragdoll Cat |
1 | Rainbow Books |
2 | Rainbow Films |
1 | Rajah Press |
2 | Ralph T. Hale & Company |
3 | Rampart Press |
19 | Rand McNally |
605 | Random House |
1 | Rantz |
2 | Raphael Tuck & Sons |
1 | Rapid City Journal |
1 | Rare Earth Comics |
1 | Ratpac Press |
4 | Ravette Books |
12 | Raw |
8 | Raw Junior LLC |
2 | Raw/Pantheon |
1 | Rawhead |
1 | Ray B. Browne |
1 | Ray Graphics |
1 | Ray Lago |
1 | Ray Long & Richard R. Smith, Inc. |
2 | Razor Wolf Entertainment |
30 | Razorbill |
7 | RDRR Productions |
2 | RE/Search Publications |
12 | Reader's Digest |
1 | Reading with Pictures |
1 | Reaktion Books |
2 | Real Comet Press |
1 | Real Gone Girl Studios |
2 | Rebel Sidekick |
2 | Rebel Studios |
359 | Rebellion |
1 | Reckless Hero |
1 | Reckless Sidekick Productions |
47 | Red 5 Comics |
4 | Red Anvil Inc |
2 | Red Circle |
1 | Red Comet Press |
3 | Red Eye |
1 | Red Eye Press |
14 | Red Giant Entertainment |
1 | Red Handed Studios |
1 | Red Ink |
2 | Red Lightning Books |
2 | Red Monkey Designs |
1 | Red Raptor |
1 | Red Sector Art |
2 | Redlight Manga |
1 | Reed & Associates |
2 | Reed Books |
1 | Reel Toys |
1 | Reese Publishing |
1 | Reeve & Jones Toys |
3 | Regan Books |
1 | Regents Publishing Company |
2 | Regnery Publishing |
6 | Reilly & Lee Co. |
4 | Remco |
2 | Remington Morse Publicati |
6 | Renaissance |
1 | Renaissance/Simon & Schus |
47 | Renegade Arts Entertainment |
1 | Renegade Game Studio |
1 | Reney |
1 | Republic Features Syndicate, Inc. |
1 | Restless Books |
1 | Reston |
1 | Retro 1951 |
33 | Retrofit Comics/Big Planet Comics |
1 | RetroGraphix |
8 | Revell, Inc. |
1 | Reverse Karma Press |
1 | Review and Herald |
2 | Revolution |
1 | Rewind Records |
4 | Reynolds and Hearn |
1 | RGM |
1 | Richard Marek |
4 | Rick Riordan Presents |
1 | Ridge Press |
1 | Rijperman-Drukwerk |
2 | Rinehart & Company, Inc. |
1 | Ringer |
14 | Rip Off Press |
1 | Rip Off Press/Last Gasp |
9 | RippaVerse |
1 | Ripper Merchandise |
2 | Ripple Junction |
1 | Rising Empire Studios |
1 | Rising Trout Press |
1 | Rittenhouse |
1 | River By Night |
1 | River Horse |
5 | Riverhead Books |
1 | Riverwood Press |
17 | Rizzoli |
31 | Roaring Brook Press |
1 | Roaring Studios |
2 | Rob Linfeld Inc. |
1 | Robert Atkins |
1 | Robert Bane Editions |
1 | Roberts Brothers |
2 | Robin Snyder |
4 | Robin Snyder and Steve Ditko |
1 | Robinson Children's Books |
1 | Robot Paper |
1 | Robots and Monkeys |
1 | Roc |
6 | Roc Books |
4 | Rocaeditorial |
2 | Rocket Comics |
37 | Rocketship Comics |
2 | Rockport Publishers |
1 | Rockstreet, Inc. |
8 | Rocky Pond Books |
1 | Rodale Kids |
1 | Roland Trenary |
1 | Roland Whiting & Wheaton |
2 | Rolling Thunder |
1 | Roman Album |
1 | Ronald M. Roden, Jr. |
3 | Ronin Publishing |
2 | Ronin Studios |
1 | Rooster Teeth Productions |
1 | Rooted Chronicles |
3 | Rorschach Entertainment |
11 | Rosarium |
1 | RoseArt |
1 | Rosebud Art Co. |
1 | Rosen Pub Group |
47 | Rosen Publishing |
4 | Rothic |
2 | Rough Cut Comics |
2 | Rough Guides |
3 | Round 2 |
1 | Round Table Comics |
2 | Rovo Entertainment |
3 | Rowman & Littlefield Publishers |
1 | Royal Academy of Illustra |
1 | Royal Orleans |
1 | RP Studio |
5 | Rubie's Costume Co. |
6 | Rude Dude Productions |
2 | Rugged Land |
130 | Running Press |
27 | Russ Cochran |
2 | Russ Cochran Company |
1 | Russell Johnson |
1 | Russell MFG. Company |
1 | Russell Nohelty |
1 | Russell-Cotes |
22 | Rutgers University Press |
2 | Rutledge Hill Press |
1 | RZG Comics |
1 | S.E. Inc. |
1 | S.F. Masterworks |
1 | S.H.Figuarts |
1 | S.Q. Productions Inc. |
21 | Saalfield Pub. Co. |
1 | Sackett Publicare, Ltd. |
1 | Sad Sack Books |
1 | Saddle Tramp Press |
17 | SAF Comics |
1 | Safari Press, Inc. |
3 | Saga Press |
1 | Saint Johann Press |
1 | Sakuhin-Sha |
1 | Sal Q. Productions |
2 | Salazar Entertainment |
2 | Salem House |
1 | Salem Press |
3 | Salt Peter Press |
1 | Salty Sugar Comics |
1 | Sam's Dot Publishing |
13 | Sanctum Books |
1 | Sandpiper Books |
5 | Sandwich Islands |
1 | Sandy Creek |
1 | Sankey, Hudson & Co. |
2 | Sarka-Novan |
2 | Sasquatch Books |
1 | Satellit Forlaget |
1 | Satellite Publishing Co. |
1 | Satyrn Studios |
1 | Savannah College of Art |
1 | SC Productions |
2 | Scad |
1 | Scar Comics |
1 | Scarecrow Press |
2 | Scattered Comics |
3 | SCB Distributors |
1 | Schanes and Schanes |
65 | Schiffer |
1 | Schism |
1 | Schleich |
1 | Schliefkevision |
1 | Schlirf Book |
3 | Schmid |
3 | Schocken Books |
1 | Scholar |
100 | Scholastic |
11 | Scholastic Book Services |
60 | Scholastic Graphix |
2 | Scholastic Magazines Inc. |
534 | Scholastic Press |
17 | Scholastix Graphix |
1 | School Specialty Publishing |
1 | Schuman |
11 | Schuster & Schuster |
3 | Schwartz and Wade Books |
1 | Schylling |
10 | Science Fiction Book Club |
1 | Science Fiction Graphics |
13 | SciFi Channel |
1 | Scissors Books |
4 | Scolastic |
1 | Scoot Comics |
1 | Scorpio Posters |
2 | Scorpion Productions |
1 | Scott Tracy Griffin |
127 | Scout Comics |
1 | Scovell Publishing |
1 | Scraped Knees |
1 | Scratch Comics |
2 | Scribe Publications |
22 | Scribner |
1 | Scribner & Co. |
1 | Scufprint Press |
2 | SD Toys |
6 | Sea Lion Books |
1 | Seabury Press |
1 | Seal Press |
2 | Sean Linkenback |
1 | Search Press |
1 | Sears Roebuck |
1 | Seattle Post-Intelligencer |
4 | Second Sight |
2 | Second to Some Studios |
23 | Secret Acres |
1 | Sega |
117 | SelfMadeHero |
4 | Sellers Publishing |
2 | Semic |
1 | Semic S.A. |
11 | Sequart Research |
1 | Sequential Media |
1 | Seraphemera Books |
2 | Seraphim Comics |
1 | Serpent's Tail |
2 | Serve Man Press |
1 | Seth Dogramajian |
347 | Seven Seas |
13 | Seven Stories Press |
1 | SFCA |
1 | SFT Productions |
1 | Shadow House Press |
1 | Shadowline |
32 | Shadowline/Image |
1 | Shadows, LTD. |
1 | Shadowsnake Films |
2 | Shake Books |
5 | Shambhala |
2 | Shanda Fantasy Arts |
3 | Shark Bait Press |
1 | Sharon Publications |
1 | Shary Flenniken |
2 | Shasta-Phoenix |
1 | Shattered Frames |
1 | Shelf Productions |
1 | Shell Education |
3 | Sherbourne Press |
1 | Shetland Press |
3 | Shift Presents |
1 | Shiga Books |
1 | Shimoni |
1 | Shire Post Mint |
1 | Shockdom |
4 | Shogakukan |
1 | Shonen Captain |
1 | Shonen Comics |
1 | Shooting Star |
2 | Shoto Press |
2 | Shout! Factory |
1 | Shriek Show |
1 | Shueisha |
1 | Shuppan-Kyodo Publishers |
1 | Sicilian Dragon |
1 | Sick Mind Press |
1 | Side Show Books |
1 | Side Show Toys |
1 | Sidebar Books |
6 | Sideshow |
2 | Sigma Comics |
2 | Signature Press Inc. |
78 | Signet Books |
1 | Signum Books |
7 | Silent Devil |
1 | Silman-James Press |
9 | Silver Buffalo LLC |
5 | Silver Dolphin |
7 | Silver Dragon Books |
1 | Silver Dragon Press |
1 | Silver Hawk Productions |
1 | Silver Pixel Press |
1 | Silver Scarab Press |
79 | Silver Sprocket |
2 | Silverline |
327 | Simon & Schuster |
13 | Simon Pulse |
66 | Simon Spotlight |
1 | Simpkin Marshall Limited |
1 | Simply Read Books |
1 | Sinclair Refining Co. |
49 | Sirius |
2 | Six Foot Press |
1 | Skatoon Production |
1 | Skidmark Press |
3 | Skira |
3 | Sky Dog Press |
11 | Sky Pony Press |
1 | Sky Storm Studio |
1 | Skybolt Toyz |
12 | Skybound |
5 | Skybox |
10 | Skyhorse |
1 | Skylark |
1 | Skymap Comics |
1 | Skyward Publishing |
3 | Slab-O-Concrete |
1 | Slap Happy Comics |
28 | Slave Labor |
11 | Slave Labor/Amaze Ink |
1 | Sleeping Giant Comics |
110 | SLG Publishing |
1 | SLG/CAM Press |
1 | Slings and Arrows Ltd |
1 | Sloth Publishing |
1 | Small Press Distribution |
6 | Smart Pop |
1 | SmarterComics |
4 | Smith Street Books |
1 | Smithmark |
6 | Smithsonian Books |
1 | Soaring Kite Books |
18 | Soaring Penguin |
1 | Society of Beaux-Arts Architects |
5 | Sofawolf Press |
6 | Soft Skull Press |
1 | Soho Crime |
1 | Solaris Books |
1 | Soleil Productions |
3 | Solo Productions |
13 | Solson |
1 | Somos Arte, LLC |
1 | Sonnova, LLC |
3 | Sony Publishing |
2 | Sorcery 101 |
8 | Sotheby's |
2 | Source Interlink Media |
107 | Source Point Press |
2 | Sourcebooks |
1 | Soushi |
1 | Southbank Centre |
1 | Southern Illinois U. Pres |
1 | Southern Illinois University Press |
1 | Southwest Press |
8 | Souvenir Press |
11 | Space Goat |
1 | Space Publications Inc. |
3 | Spark Publishing |
1 | Spark Unlimited Inc |
9 | Sparkplug Comics |
6 | Speakeasy Comics |
4 | SPEC Productions |
1 | Specter Press |
2 | Spectra |
1 | Spectra Star |
4 | Spectrum |
3 | Sphere Books |
2 | SpiderBaby Grafix |
2 | Spiegel and Grau |
1 | Spit and a Half |
1 | Spitfire Comics |
1 | Splitter |
1 | Sports Publishing |
3 | Spotlight |
1 | Spring Books |
1 | Spy Corporation |
1 | SQ Productions Inc. |
150 | SQP |
1 | Squadron/Signal Publications |
53 | Square ENIX |
22 | Square Fish |
1 | Squart Research & Literary OR |
2 | Squid Works |
4 | SRI Publishing Company |
1 | SSS Comics |
1 | St. Francis Studio |
1 | St. John Publishing Co. |
1 | St. Louis Magazine Co. |
1 | St. Louis Post-Dispatch |
1 | St. Louiscon Committee |
21 | St. Martin's Griffin |
71 | St. Martin's Press |
1 | Stabur Corporation |
8 | Stabur Press |
2 | Stackpole Books |
8 | Stafford Pemberton |
1 | Stainless Steel Dragon |
6 | Stan Lee's Kids Universe |
1 | Standard Publishing |
1 | Standley-May, Inc. |
2 | Stanton and Lee |
2 | Star |
1 | Star Fleet Publications Office |
1 | Star Guidance Inc. |
1 | Star Reach Productions |
1 | Star Tech |
12 | Starblaze Graphics |
5 | Starburns Industries Press |
2 | Starfleet Academy Training Command Press |
11 | Starline Publications |
3 | Starlog |
2 | Starlog Press |
1 | Starmakers Publications |
1 | Starmont House |
2 | Starscape |
1 | StarSpan |
1 | Starstream |
3 | Starwarp Concepts |
1 | Starwatch Graphics |
1 | Statabase, Inc. |
5 | Statix Press (Titan Comics imprint) |
3 | Steamship |
1 | Stedman Textiles |
1 | Stein and Day |
1 | Stellar Games |
1 | Sterling Comics |
69 | Sterling Publishing |
27 | Sterling Publishing Co. |
2 | Steve Ditko |
12 | Steve Jackson Games |
1 | Steve Lecouilliard |
2 | Stewart, Tabori & Chang |
1 | Still Ill Comics |
1 | Still Ill Princess |
1 | Stinging Monkey |
1 | Stoeger Publishing |
1 | Stoll & Edwards Co. |
1 | Stone Age Comics |
171 | Stone Arch Books |
5 | Stone Bridge Press |
1 | Stone Church Press |
1 | Stone King |
1 | Publishing |
1 | Stonewall Publications |
30 | Storm King Productions |
1 | Story Magazine |
1 | Story Press Africa |
3 | Storyworlds Media |
1 | Straco |
6 | Straight Arrow Books |
1 | Strange Fear |
6 | Stranger Comics |
2 | Strangers Publishing |
1 | Stratford Company |
1 | Strato Publications |
1 | Stravon Publishers |
1 | Strawberry Comics |
2 | Stray Cat Publishing |
1 | Streamline Pictures |
15 | Street & Smith |
9 | Street Noise Books |
1 | Strengholt |
1 | Stuart David Schiff |
8 | Studio 407 |
1 | Studio Chikara |
1 | Studio Farlaine |
56 | Studio Fun |
1 | Studio G |
1 | Studio Ghibli |
1 | Studio Ghibli Library |
4 | Studio Ironcat |
1 | Studio Ony |
1 | Studio Underhill |
2 | Studio Zoe |
1 | Stuntology Press |
1 | Stygian Publications |
9 | Sublime |
2 | Subterranean Press |
1 | Subversion Factory |
6 | Sumerian Comics |
1 | SUMM Publications |
2 | Summit |
1 | Sun Books |
1 | Sun Dial Press |
2 | Sundancer |
12 | Sunday Press Books |
2 | Sunridge Press |
21 | Super Genius |
2 | Super Genius Games |
3 | Super Real Graphics |
5 | Super-7 Media |
2 | Supergraphics |
2 | Superior |
1 | Superscope Inc. |
2 | Supersticery Press |
9 | Surreal Entertainment |
1 | Susitna Mythographics |
3 | Swallow Press |
1 | Swan |
1 | Swan King |
1 | Swan Press |
1 | SWC, Inc. |
3 | Sweatdrop Studios |
1 | Sweet's Catalog Service Inc. |
1 | Swifty Morales Press |
6 | Switch Press |
1 | Switch! Productions |
1 | Sword and Sorcery Studios |
1 | Sybex |
1 | SYFY |
2 | Syracuse University Press |
1 | Syrnick Specialties Co. |
4 | T Publication |
2 | Tachyon |
1 | TACO |
1 | Taikajousi |
1 | Tak Toyoshima |
2 | Takara |
1 | Takatoku Toys |
12 | Take Five Productions |
1 | Take Twelve Publications |
1 | talcMedia Press |
1 | Taliesin Press |
1 | Tallis Press |
1 | Talos Publications |
4 | Tamashii Nations |
1 | Tangent/Last Gasp |
2 | Tantivy Press |
1 | Tantrum Entertainment |
1 | Tara Toy Corp |
2 | TarcherPerigee |
1 | Target |
5 | Target Books (UK) |
1 | Target Press |
94 | Taschen |
3 | Task Force Games/Amarillo Design Bureau |
1 | Tate Publishing |
3 | Tattered Pages Press |
1 | Taverncraft |
1 | Taylor Comics |
8 | Taylor Publishing |
1 | TCU Press |
2 | Tebeo Libre |
1 | Technicolor Pie |
1 | Tectum |
1 | Ted Sheppard |
1 | Ted Withers |
3 | Tell-A-Graphics |
1 | Telltale Inc. |
11 | Telos |
46 | Tempo Books |
3 | Tempus Publishing Limited |
50 | Ten Speed Press |
1 | teNeues Publishing Group |
2 | Terminus Publishing Compa |
3 | Terra Major |
1 | Terra Nova Press |
1 | Terror Comics |
1 | Tervis |
1 | Test Publisher |
1 | Testors |
1 | Tetragrammatron Press |
1 | Texas A&M |
1 | Texas-Ware |
1 | Th1nk Books |
13 | Th3rd World Studios |
1 | Thalamus |
5 | Thames and Hudson |
1 | The Astonish Factory |
1 | The Bible Institute Colportage Assoc. |
14 | The Fantasy Gallery |
2 | The International Wizard of Oz Club |
1 | The Lab Comics |
2 | The MIT Press |
1 | The Museum Collection |
1 | The New Graphics Revival |
1 | The New Radio |
2 | The Noron Group |
2 | The Oatmeal, LLC. |
1 | The Quarrie Corporation |
1 | The Saturday Evening Post |
1 | The Strand Magazine |
2 | The Strange Company |
1 | The T.W.O. Charles Company |
1 | The Viking Press |
2 | The World of Yesterday |
2 | |
1 | Theory Comics |
3 | Thermos |
1 | Thick as Thieves Producti |
1 | Think Alike Productions |
2 | Think Way |
2 | Third Editions |
1 | Third Press |
1 | Third State Books |
3 | Thomas & Mercer |
22 | Thomas Dunne Books |
5 | Thomas Nelson |
1 | Thompson and Thomas |
1 | Thorpe & Porter Ltd. |
1 | Thos. W. Jackson |
1 | Three Finger Prints |
1 | Thrilling Publications |
1 | Thrilling Wonder LLC |
2 | Thumbtack Books |
1 | Thunder Baas |
13 | Thunder Bay Press |
16 | Thunder's Mouth Press |
1 | Tichnor Bros. |
2 | Ticknor and Fields |
2 | Tide-Mark Press |
1 | Tiger Books |
1 | Tiger Electronics |
1 | Tiger Mountain Press |
1 | Tijuana Bible |
1 | Tijuana Publishing |
2 | Tilbury House |
1 | Tilt |
2 | Time |
6 | Time Home Entertainment |
1 | Time Life Books |
1 | Time Merchant Productions |
1 | Time Out |
1 | Time Warner Books |
1 | Timebomb Comics |
5 | TimeInc. |
1 | Timun Mas |
3 | Tin Box Company |
1 | Tintagel Media, LLC |
6 | Tinto Press |
1 | Tipping Cows |
11 | Titan |
815 | Titan Books |
557 | Titan Comics |
4 | Titan Magazines |
1 | Titan Merchandise |
2 | Titan Press |
1 | Titan Sports, Inc. |
20 | Titan/2000 AD |
1 | Titmouse Inc. |
1 | TJ Comics |
30 | TKO Studios |
1 | Toasted Coconut Nedia |
1 | Toby Press |
3 | Today Press |
3 | Todd McFarlane Production |
1 | Todd Toys |
10 | Tohan |
1 | Toho Co. |
297 | Tokyopop |
2 | Tokyopop/HarperCollins |
10 | Tom Doherty |
1 | Tom Galambos |
2 | Tom Stacy Ltd. |
13 | Tomart Publications |
1 | Tome Press |
3 | Tomy |
1 | Tonka |
1 | Tony Raiola |
2 | Too Hip Gotta Go Graphics |
2 | Tool Publications |
74 | Toon Books |
11 | TOON Graphics |
13 | Toonhound Studios |
1 | Top |
120 | Top Cow |
3 | Top Cow/Bandai |
1 | Top Cow/DC |
4 | Top Cow/Dynamite |
1 | Top Cow/Marvel |
5 | Top Secret Press |
299 | Top Shelf Productions |
1 | Top That |
2 | Topatoco |
11 | Topix Media |
12 | Topper Books |
14 | Topps |
2 | Topps Company Inc. |
156 | Tor |
1 | Tor Nightfire |
1 | Toronto Sun |
3 | Totalmojo |
1 | Totem Books |
63 | Touchstone |
1 | Tower Books |
2 | Tower Comics |
2 | Tower Press |
41 | Toy Biz |
1 | Toy Network |
1 | Toy presidents |
1 | Toy Vault |
2 | Toynami Inc. |
1 | Toysmith |
1 | Toyspress |
6 | TPub |
1 | Tra Publishing |
2 | Trade Items |
5 | Trafalgar Square |
26 | Transfuzion |
1 | Transworld Feature Syndicate |
1 | Transworld Publishing LTD. |
1 | Travelers Insurance Co. |
5 | Treasure Books, Inc. |
1 | Treasure Hour |
1 | Treasure Hunt |
1 | Treasure Press |
1 | Treat |
5 | Trendmasters |
2 | Trends |
1 | Trevco Sportswear |
1 | Treville |
12 | Triboro Entertainment Group |
1 | Tribune Media Services |
1 | Tribute |
1 | Trick or Treat Studios |
1 | Tricky Owlbear Publishing |
1 | Trident |
1 | Trident Comics |
1 | Trimark Pictures |
1 | Trinquette Publishing |
3 | Tripwire |
1 | Tristar |
6 | Triumph Books |
5 | Triumph Entertainment |
6 | Troll |
2 | Troll Lord Games |
1 | Troll/Scholastic |
1 | Trosley Studios |
2 | Troubador Publishing |
3 | Troubletown Book |
1 | Tryptich Books |
141 | TSR |
1 | Tudor Publishing |
1 | Tuff Stuff Publications |
1 | Tulip Tree Press |
1 | Tumble Tap |
40 | Tundra |
2 | Tundra/Kitchen Sink |
7 | Turner |
1 | Turner Broadcasting |
24 | Tuttle Publishing |
1 | TV Books |
4 | TV Guide |
1 | TVT Records |
1 | Tweeterhead |
41 | Twentieth Century Fox |
1 | Twentieth Century Imports |
1 | Twenty First Century |
1 | Twilight Tangents |
133 | TwoMorrows |
4 | Tyndale House |
1 | U.S. Army |
1 | U.S. Comics |
7 | UBI Workshop |
1 | Ubisoft |
29 | Udon Comics |
203 | Udon Entertainment |
2 | UK Comic Fandom Publishing |
7 | Ulysses Press |
4 | Unbound |
29 | Uncivilized Books |
3 | Undercover Fish Books |
13 | Underground Toys |
2 | Underthing Press |
21 | Underwood Books |
6 | Underwood-Miller |
1 | Unibook |
2 | Unicorn Comics |
1 | Unicorn Publishing House |
3 | Union Square |
1 | United Artist Films |
6 | United Features Syndicate |
1 | United Plankton Pictures |
1 | United Publications (UP) |
3 | Universal City Studios |
2 | Universal Pictures |
8 | Universal Press |
4 | Universal Studio |
41 | Universe Publishing |
2 | University Games |
1 | University Microfilms, Inc. |
6 | University of California |
2 | University of Michigan Press |
1 | University of Minnesota Press |
1 | University of Oklahoma Press |
1 | University of Texas Press |
1 | University of Toronto Press |
130 | University Press of Mississippi |
66 | UNKNOWN |
3 | UnRedComicBooks |
1 | Uppercase |
1 | Upstart Press |
1 | Urania Auction House (Urania Casa d'Aste ) |
1 | US Army CA Training Board |
1 | US Department of Labor |
1 | US Renditions |
1 | USAopoly |
1 | USPC |
1 | Valentine |
1 | Valentine and Sons |
150 | Valiant |
1 | Valprint |
1 | Valve Corporation |
18 | Van Ryder Games |
1 | Vancouver Artgallery |
1 | Vancouver Sun |
8 | Vandor |
6 | Vanguard Graphics |
111 | Vanguard Productions |
1 | Vanishing, Inc. |
1 | Vantage |
1 | Varga Enterprises |
3 | Various Publishers |
86 | Vault Comics |
1 | Ventura Books |
2 | Venture |
2 | Venus Books |
1 | Ver Halen Publishing |
1 | Verdict Press |
2 | Verkerke |
15 | Verotik |
10 | Versify |
6 | Verso |
62 | Vertical |
20 | Vertical Comics |
2 | Vertigo |
1 | Veterans Expeditionary Media |
3 | VG Graphics |
1 | Via Media |
1 | Vices Press |
1 | Victory Games |
1 | View-Master |
1 | Vigil Press |
49 | Viking |
1 | Viking Games |
6 | Viking Press |
1 | Viking Studio Books |
1 | Viking Warrior Press |
17 | Villard |
13 | Vintage Books |
1 | Vintage Fetish Classics |
42 | Viper Comics |
1 | Virago |
1 | Virgin |
6 | Virgin Books |
17 | Virgin Comics |
1 | Virtual Comics |
1 | Virtual Graphics |
9 | Visible Ink Press |
1 | Visible Light Entertainme |
1 | Visionary Publications |
1 | Visual Assault |
2 | Visual Imagination Ltd. |
1 | Vital Publications |
1 | Vivid Comics |
701 | Viz Media LLC |
2 | Viz/Pulp |
1 | Void Pulp Comics |
1 | Volksverlag |
1 | Von Allan Studios |
1 | Vonshollywood Press |
4 | Vortex Comics |
1 | Voyager Books |
9 | Voyageur Press |
1 | VS Comics |
2 | W H Allen Planet |
1 | W. Duke |
5 | W.H. Allen |
2 | W.H. Freeman & Company |
53 | W.W. Norton |
2 | Wake Entertainment |
1 | Waldman Publishing Corp. |
1 | Waldorf Publishing |
1 | Walkabout Publishing |
8 | Walker and Company |
7 | Walker Books US |
1 | Walkerprint Publications |
9 | Wallaby Books |
2 | Wallace Wood |
7 | Wallace-Homestead Book Co |
1 | Wallflower Press |
1 | Walt Disney Educational |
94 | Walt Disney Productions |
1 | Walt Kelly |
1 | Walt Lee |
24 | Walter Foster |
3 | Walter Lantz |
3 | Wanderer Books |
1 | Wani Books |
1 | Wapshott Press |
1 | War Production Board Regulations |
5 | Wargames Research Group |
171 | Warner Books |
85 | Warner Bros. |
1 | Warner Educational Services |
1 | Warner Home Video |
2 | Warner Press |
2 | Warner Publications |
6 | WaRP Graphics |
1 | Warpo Toys |
4 | Warren |
1 | Warren Clements |
2 | Water Row Press |
2 | WaterBook Press |
1 | Watermill Press |
2 | Watkins |
85 | Watson-Guptill |
2 | Wattpad Books |
1 | Watts |
29 | Wave Blue World |
4 | Wayne Alan Harold Productions |
2 | WCG |
1 | Weatherhill |
1 | Weatherly Studios |
1 | Web Games |
1 | Webb-Head Enterprises |
1 | Webster Publications |
22 | Webtoon Unscrolled |
1 | Weebee |
2 | Weekly Reader Books |
1 | Weiser Books |
2 | Welbeck Publishing |
2 | Welcome Books |
10 | Weldon Owen |
1 | Well-Defined Productions |
3 | Wellfleet Press |
1 | welovefine (We Love Fine) |
1 | Wesleyan University Press |
2 | West Cape |
1 | West End Books |
37 | West End Games |
3 | West Margin Press |
1 | West Wind Productions |
6 | Western |
2 | Western Graphics Corp. |
2 | Western Printing and Lithographing Co. |
1 | Western Publications Inc. |
83 | Western Publishing Company |
1 | Wet Dog Press |
2 | Wet Earth Inc. |
1 | What's Next Entertainment |
1 | Whataburger Restaurants LP |
1 | Whatnot Publishing |
1 | Wheat Flour Institute |
1 | Whispers Press |
1 | Whit Publishing |
1 | White and Allen |
10 | White Owl |
1 | White Rocket Books |
8 | White Wolf |
124 | Whitman |
18 | Whitman Publishing |
27 | Whitman Publishing Co. |
2 | Who Dares Publishing |
1 | Wholesale Book Corp. |
1 | Wicked Son |
2 | Wideview Books |
1 | Wiggles 3D |
1 | Wilcox & Follett Co. |
24 | Wildside Press |
19 | Wildstorm |
1 | Wildstorm/Marvel |
1 | Wildstorm/Top Cow |
7 | Wiley Publishing |
1 | Wiley-Blackwell |
1 | William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum |
1 | William H. Wise |
31 | William Morrow |
1 | William Sloane Associates |
1 | Williams Marketing |
1 | Williams Publishing and Distributing |
2 | Willow Creek Press |
1 | Willyprods/Small Time Ink |
1 | Win-Mill Productions |
1 | Winchester-Western |
4 | Windrow and Greene Ltd. |
1 | Wingbow Press |
2 | Wingnut Games |
2 | Wings Books |
1 | Wisdom Publication |
1 | Wisdom Tree |
1 | Witch House Media |
1 | WittyWorld Publications |
26 | Wizard |
1 | Wizard Entertainment |
149 | Wizards of the Coast |
14 | Wizkids |
1 | Woburn Press |
1 | Wolfe Publishing |
17 | Wonder Books |
1 | WonderBound |
1 | Wonderella Printed |
1 | Wonderland Productions |
1 | Wonderland Toy Co. |
3 | Woodcrest Productions |
1 | Woodhill Press |
4 | Word Play Publications |
1 | Wordsong |
1 | Wordware Publishing |
27 | Workman |
2 | World |
2 | World Dist. Ltd. |
23 | World Distributors |
1 | World Distributors London |
1 | World Events Productions |
9 | World International Publishing |
1 | World of Discovery |
1 | World Press Today, Inc. |
6 | World Publishing Co. |
1 | World Wide Publications |
4 | Worthwhile Books |
2 | WOY Publications |
4 | Writer's Digest |
1 | X-Plus |
3 | Xanadu |
1 | Xeric Foundation |
1 | Xerox Corporation |
1 | XID Creative Inc. |
1 | Xombie, Inc. |
1 | XXXenophile Books |
3 | Y.Kids |
6 | Yacom |
6 | Yale University Press |
1 | Yamato |
2 | Yaoi Press |
1 | Yearling |
4 | Yellow Jacket |
65 | Yen On |
268 | Yen Press |
1 | Yonderbook Inc. |
2 | Yonin Gumi |
1 | Yosemite Conservancy |
3 | YouNeek Studios |
1 | Young-Kinnaird Production |
1 | Yumcha Studios |
1 | Yumfactory |
1 | Z-Man Games |
95 | Z2 Comics |
1 | Zap Comix |
8 | Zebra Books |
1 | Zenda Editions |
174 | Zenescope Entertainment |
5 | Zenith Publishing |
1 | Zero Sum Comics |
1 | Zeromayo Studios |
1 | Zeromayo/Empty Sky |
2 | Zest Books |
1 | ZICA Toys |
1 | Ziff Davis |
2 | Zombie Love Studios |
8 | Zondervan |
1 | Zucker and Sevy |
10 | Zuiker Press |
1 | Zune Art |
3 | Zweitausendeins |
1 | Zwemmer Barnes |
1 | Zyo |