Canadian Comics Cavalcade (1986) comic books
Mr. Canoehead by The Frantics & Anthony Van Bruggen. Pin-Ups by Dan Day & Peter Hsu. Blitzbuster by Dave Darrigo & Steve LeBlanc. The Jam Pin-Up by Bernie Mireault. Art School by Chester Brown & Gideon Steinberg. Pest Control on Venus Pin-Up by Paul Pintner. Northguard Pin-Up by MArk Shainblum & Gabriel Morrissette. The Boores by Larry Nadolsky. Neil the Horse by Arn Saba. Tristan & Mousolde by Rob Walton. Dead Boy by Peter Dako. Island of Tempered Fantasies by Paul Gilligan. Untitled by Mark Askwith & Jeffery Morgan. 100 Years into the Future by Rodney Dunn & Paul Rivoche. Merlin's Sanctuary by Morgen Miller. Grave Diggers of the World by Kent Burles. Mister X by Dean Motter. Wordsmith by R.G. Taylor. Lance Amazing by Ty Templeton. Cover price $1.70.