Candlewick Press Edition - 1st printing. Adapted by Gareth Hinds. I am Beowulf. Many deeds of note have I done in my life. First recorded in 1000 A.D., the epic tale of the warrior prince Beowulf is here reinvented through Gareth Hindss masterful and darkly beautiful illustrations. Grendels black blood runs thick as Beowulf defeats the monster and his hideous mother, and red fires rage in the heros final battle against a ferocious dragon. From lightning-paced contests of muscle and will to the funeral boats burning on the fjords, all are rendered in glorious and gruesome detail. Told for more than a thousand years, Beowulfs heroic saga finds a true home in this graphic novel edition. Softcover, 128 pages, full color.
Cover price $11.99.