Written by JOHN RHETT THOMAS Covery by GREG LAND As SECRET INVASION draws to its exciting conclusion, SPOTLIGHT will be on hand to capture the effects the mega-event of 2008 has had on the Marvel Universe! We'll check in with SI maestro Brian Michael Bendis as he catches his breath from orchestrating the biggest alien confrontation in Marvel history, and see what he's done with the heroes who stood in harm's way - and those who were Skrulls all along! Look for sneak previews of SI spinoffs like SECRET WARRIORS and the long-awaited SPIDER-WOMAN series, where we take series creators aside and learn all their secrets! Plus: plenty of lists for readers eager to track all the movements of Skrulls past, present and....future? The secrets of the SECRET INVASION, unlocked in this month's MARVEL SPOTLIGHT! 72 PGS./Rated T+
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