Scud Tales from the Vending Machine (1998) comic books
Published Jan 1998 by Fireman Press.$2.80
Cover by Trent Kaniuga. Untitled story, script by Jimmy Showman, art by Trent Kaniuga; The story of a Scudco employee gone postal, who exacts his revenge on the future's Disney of deadly by souping up his own brand of robotic assassin; The Scud "$" model is assigned to wipe out Scudco; It's more than capable of doing it, due to one modification: The ability to take out multiple targets. 28 pgs., full color. $2.50. Cover price $2.50.
Published Mar 1998 by Fireman Press.$2.50
Published May 1998 by Fireman Press.$2.50
Cover sculpture by Doug TenNapel, photo by Joe Sanabria. Untitled story, script and art by Doug TenNapel; A Scud: Heartless Series 666 is bought by an angel to take out hell's "Chairman of the Board." 28 pgs., full color. $2.50. Cover price $2.50.
Published Jul 1998 by Fireman Press.$3.20
Published Sep 1998 by Fireman Press.$2.50
Cover pencils by Jorge Pacheco. "Sol Series," script by Josh Mason, pencils by Jorge Pacheco; Scuds always get their man; What happens when their "man" happens to be themselves?; This Disposable Assassin becomes the butt of a prank after he becomes his own primary target; Suicide has never been funnier! 28 pgs., full color. $2.50. Cover price $2.50.