Written by JOHN RHETT THOMAS October brings our most sepulchral SPOTLIGHT yet, as we unleash legions of Marvel Zombies on loyal Marvel-ites everywhere! We'll be digging up the latest dirt on the hottest undead property in comics, to bring you the best, most behind-the-crypt coverage around: If it's got a pulse, we're not interested! Get ready for an inside look at the past and future of the Marvel Zombies, going back to their creation in Millar/Land's ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR, the breakout-hit limited series by Robert Kirkman and Sean Phillips, the Dynamite crossover series MARVEL ZOMBIES VS. ARMY OF DARKNESS, and all the future comics fun featuring these flesh-eating phenoms! All this and a comprehensive look at the amazing art of Arthur Suydam! PLUS: SPOTLIGHT surveys the landscape of Marvel's universe of magic with the creators who brought you MYSTIC ARCANA! Magic, mysticism and monstrous mayhem: Hand 'em out to the kiddies on Halloween night! It's a Marvel Zombies SPOTLIGHT that's all treat and no trick!
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