Age of Bronze (1998) comic books
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Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; After the king's men take Agelaus' prize bull, Paris decides to win it back in the festival games; Oenone has a vision of war. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $2.95. Cover price $2.95.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Story recap. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; After winning the Trojan festival games over the protests of Prince Deiphobus, Paris is revealed as the son of King Priam; Kassandra prophesies the destruction of Troy. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $2.95. Cover price $2.95.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Story recap. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; Hektor returns to Troy with the news that Priam's sister Hesione does not wish to leave Salamis; Paris volunteers to abduct Hesione; Helenus has a vision of Troy's doom. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $2.95. Cover price $2.95.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Story recap. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; After arriving in Sparta, Paris seduces Helen into leaving her husband, King Menelaus. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $2.95. Cover price $2.95.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Last $2.95 cover price issue. Cover art by Eric Shanower. Story recap. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; On learning that Helen has left Sparta with Paris, Kastor and Polydeukes set out to bring her back; following a vision of war, Thetis retrieves her son Achilles from his teacher and places him in hiding. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $2.95. Cover price $2.95.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
First $3.50 cover price issue. Cover art by Eric Shanower. Story recap. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; After receiving an unsatisfactory report from Priam regarding Helen's whereabouts, Agamemnon plans an assault on Troy; Priam sends Kalchas to learn the Achaeans' intentions; Achilles rapes Deidamia. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Story recap. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; Deidamia bears Achilles a son; Nestor agrees to joins Agamemnon's army; Troilus notices Cressida; Agamemnon arrives at Ithaka to enlist Odysseus' aid. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
The listing below is from eBay, and MyComicShop is not responsible for this item in any way. Some listings shown here may no longer be available if they sold or were ended by the seller after we last retrieved the listing details.
$4 Image Comics Age of Bronze Age of Bronze #7 EX Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Story recap. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; At Delphi, Kalchas proshesies that the Achaeans will be victorious with Achilles' help; Odysseus and Diomedes expose Achilles' masquerade. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Story recap. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; The Achaean army cheers the arrival of Achilles at Aulis; Kalchas prophesies victory over Troy in the tenth year of war; Achilles is visited by his father. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; A new story arc begins with Helen's arrival before the walls of Troy. Paris proudly displays her to his father, King Priam, and the rest of the royal family. But a controversy quickly builds over whether to send Helen home or not. Tension runs high as Helen argues for a place in her new life. Meanwhile, Aeneas and Troilus are having troubles with their own love-lives. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; Paris and Helen finally enter Troy only to meet frenzied outrage from Kassandra, the prophet doomed never to be believed. Despite Kassandras screams of protest and desperate appeals to her twin brother, the Trojan King has her dragged away to confinement; The celebration of Paris and Helens marriage continues with a little blood, a little sex. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
The listings below are from eBay, and MyComicShop is not responsible for these items in any way. Some listings shown here may no longer be available if they sold or were ended by the seller after we last retrieved the listing details.
$4 Image Comics Age of Bronze Age of Bronze #11 NM $4 Age of Bronze #11 VF/NM; Image | Trojan War Eric Shanower - we combine shipping Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; The story of the Trojan War continues as the forces of Agamemnon reach Troy and storm from their ships to the attack. But hold on minute--this isn't Troy!; Oops!; Where in the world have they ended up and who are these people they're slaughtering? This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; The Achaeans' mistaken attack on the Mysians results in lots of death on both sides, as well as sorrow and resentment; Will King Telephus of Mysia seek retribution?; Or can Tlepolemus, the son of Herakles, defuse the explosive situation through diplomacy? This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
The listings below are from eBay, and MyComicShop is not responsible for these items in any way. Some listings shown here may no longer be available if they sold or were ended by the seller after we last retrieved the listing details.
$4 Image Comics Age of Bronze Age of Bronze #13 EX $4 16231: DC Comics AGE OF BRONZE SACRIFICE4 #13 VF Grade Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; Scattered by a storm, the Achaean captains disperse with their armies to their various homes; In Mycenae, Agamemnon, faced with reassembling the army for the assault on Troy, argues with his wife, Klytemnestra, and we meet his daughters Iphigenia, Elektra, and Chrysothemis; Meanwhile, on Skyros, Achilles is caught in the rising tension between Deidamia and Patroklus and realizes that he must make a fateful decision. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; At last the summons goes out from High King Agamemnon for the great army to reassemble to attack the city of Troy; But after all the death and disaster of the first expedition, many of the kings don't want to try again; Meanwhile, Kalchas the Trojan seer pleads for the life of his daughter, and a wild and very smelly beggar threatens to kill Agamemnon's newborn son, Orestes, unless Agamemnon produces Achilles immediately. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; Achilles is summoned once more to join the war against the Trojans; His father bids him good-bye with gifts, but his mother, Thetis, isn't so supportive; She can only see that her son is rushing to his death. Once already Achilles slipped past her to war; Thetis is determined never to let him out from under her thumb again; Meanwhile, Telephus is suffering from his wound and calling for Achilles; But is Achilles really "the wounder"? This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; What do you do when god tells you to kill your child? High King Agamemnon has a dreadful choice to make--either sacrifice his daughter's life and take the army to Troy, or spare her and betray his allies. At last, the episode of the Trojan War that readers have been asking for--the Sacrifice of Iphigenia. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; Iphigenia arrives in Aulis with Klytemnestra where they learn the unexpected and dreadful fate that the goddess intends for the girl; Confronted by his wife, Agamemnon first denies his plans then tries to avoid blame; Iphigenia's last hope for salvation is Achilles. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; it's time to decide Iphigenia's fate; Agamemnon, still torn over the goddess's demand that he sacrifice his daughter, seeks advice from Nestor and hears a story about Herakles's atrocities; Achilles turns to the army to support the girl, but finds that the final answer comes from Iphigenia herself. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; Final preparations begin in Troy to face the Achaeans' attack; Meanwhile the great fleet of the Achaean army reaches the island of Tenedos; As he did in Mysia, Achilles once more impulsively attacks, though this time the consequences are dire. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; Following the battle of Tenedos, the Achaeans have to decide whether to bury the dead per their custom, or burn them per Tenedoian custom; No one wants to offend the gods, though both sides continue to do so inadvertently; The Achaeans sacrifice a hundred bulls on the altar of Herakles, but accidentally kill the altar snake when it bites the King of Methone and drives him mad; Meanwhile, King Priam has Troy's defenses ready and makes sacrifices to the gods, but he's still having trouble recruiting allies, and ill omens are turning up everywhere! This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; While the Achaeans are busy feasting their victory on the island of Tenedos, Paris leads a sneak attack against them; High King Agamemnon becomes convinced that a final Embassy to Troy may have some merit, and Odysseus comes up with a way to deal with the mad King of Methone. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; Priam resists Hekuba's plea that he send some of his sons out of Troy before the war; Hektor returns from Thebes with Andromache his betrothed, and requests to be allowed to meet the Achaean delegation; And, when news of Kalchas' defection comes to Troy, and Pandarus' family suffers scorn, he tries to arrange a marriage between Trojan prince Troilus and his niece Cressida. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; While the Achaean forces drill under the supervision of Ajax on the island of Tenedos, a delegation is sent to Troy to try to secure peace; Meanwhile, some of those closest to Helen fear for Troy and question the strength of her devotion to Paris. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; The Achaean embassy makes a last ditch attempt to avoid war, but it's clear that Helen is unmoved, and while Priam seems to be willing to consider some of the minor requests of Theseus' son, he does not seem willing or even slightly compelled, given his own family history, to capitulate to the Achaeans' primary demand that Menelaus' wife, son, and property be returned to him; Instead he plays a waiting game as a chance to gather his allied forces; While there are those on both sides, such as Odysseus and Paris who will settle for nothing short of war. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; The night following the Achaean-Trojan peace talks, the Achaeans spend the night under the protection of the Trojan elder Antenor. Menelaus gets drunk at dinner and relates the history of his romance with Helen; Meanwhile Laodike has arranged a secret rendezvous with Akamas in the neutral ground of King Perseus' home in Troy, but while there Akamas learns that his fellow Achaeans are in mortal danger! This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
- Discounted from $3.00.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; The Trojan War begins!; The first battle between the Trojans and the Achaeans starts when Iolaus leads the Achaean army to Troy's south bay; This issue features lots of ships, lots of armor, lots of chariots, and lots of blood as the two armies clash; Achilles faces a gruesome duel to the death with the albino Kyknos, King of Kolonae. Kassandra interrupts the wedding of Hektor and Andromache, screaming her endless warnings of disaster which do no good; And Sarpedon of Lykia at last joins the cast with his army, although he's not referred to by name in this issue. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; The deadly battle continues. Just about everybody fights just about everybody else. Paris vs. Menelaus, Great Ajax vs. Hektor, and Odysseus beats on Thersites. From the walls of Troy, Helen and the Trojan women watch a showdown between Achilles and Hektor. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
- Discounted from $2.50.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; Special Music Issue. Achilles headlines with a song about cosmic sex as Cressida has her heart ripped out. The gods dont seem to pay much attention to King Priam of Troy, but he drones on and on anyway. And when the songs are over, the battles and intrigue keep going. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
The listings below are from eBay, and MyComicShop is not responsible for these items in any way. Some listings shown here may no longer be available if they sold or were ended by the seller after we last retrieved the listing details.
$3 Age of Bronze #29 (1998-2013) Image Comics Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
- Discounted from $3.00.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; Pandarus pulls strings to finally get those reluctant lovers Troilus and Cressida together; The Trojan War is in full swing and so is the behind-the-scenes intrigue; Meanwhile, Helen's pregnant and wants to leave Troy, but getting past the enraged women of the city is more difficult than expected. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
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Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; Fate is poised to rip Troilus and Cressida apart; When Antenor is captured by the Achaeans, they demand Cressida as part of the ransom to return Antenor to Troy; Troilus doesn't dare reveal his secret romance with Cressida. But if he doesn't, he could lose Cressida forever. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
This item is not in stock at MyComicShop. If you use the "Add to want list" tab to add this issue to your want list, we will email you when it becomes available.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower; Fate is poised to rip Troilus and Cressida apart; When Antenor is captured by the Achaeans, they demand Cressida as part of the ransom to return Antenor to Troy; Troilus doesn't dare reveal his secret romance with Cressida. But if he doesn't, he could lose Cressida forever. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.
- Discounted from $4.80.
- Discounted from $3.60.
Cover art by Eric Shanower. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Shanower. This critically acclaimed series tells the complete story of the world-famous War at Troy, freshly retold for the 21st century. 28 pgs. $3.50. Cover price $3.50.