"The Day Death Died!" Part 2 of 2. Guest-starring the Silver Surfer. Script by Tom DeFalco. Chapter 1 : Art by Bob Hall (breakdowns) and Tom Palmer (finishes). Chapter 2: Art by John Romita, Jr. (breakdowns) and Bill Sienkiewicz (finishes). Chapter 3: Art by Keith Pollard (breakdowns) and Al Williamson (finishes). Chapter 4: Art by Marshall Rogers (breakdowns) and Bob Layton (finishes). Chapter 5: Art by Jackson Guice (breakdowns) and Kevin Nowlan (finishes). Chapter 6: Art by Ron Frenz (breakdowns) and Bob Wiacek (finishes). Cover by Bob Layton. The Grandmaster stands revealed as the master manipulator of the Avengers! The ancient elder of the universe has captured Death! And now forces Earth's Mightiest Heroes to play a most dangerous game! Five bombs have been scattered across the cosmos with the power to destroy the universe! The Avengers have to find the bombs and disarm them before they explode! But the Grandmaster has stacked the deck in his favor by reviving deceased heroes and villains from days gone by! When the fifteen avengers arrive at the bombs' various locations…so do the Grandmaster's long departed warriors! All-time classic battles erupt: the Silver Surfer vs. Korvac, She-Hulk vs. Drax the Destroyer, Hawkeye vs. the Swordsman, Captain Marvel vs. Captain Marvel, Moon Knight vs. the Green Goblin, and Iron Man vs. Terrax the Tamer! Wow! When the epic confrontations are over, only two avengers are left standing: Hawkeye and Captain America! Do the star-spangled avenger and the ace archer have a puncher's chance against the awesome Grandmaster? Perhaps, but only if everything comes down to a simple game of chance! Flashback cameos by the Collector, Korvac, Black Panther, Thing, Vanguard, and Wolverine to recap the events of Avengers #174 and the Contest of Champions Limited Series. Avengers Lineup: Black Knight, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Doctor Druid, Hercules, Hawkeye, Iron Man, Mockingbird, Moon Knight, She-Hulk, Tigra, Thor, Wonder Man, Henry Pym, and the Wasp. NOTE: The Grandmaster returns in Silver Surfer (2nd series) #4.
48 pages
Cover price $1.25.