Sensational Spider-Man TPB (1988 Marvel) comic books
1st printing. Collects The Amazing Spider-Man (1963-1998 1st Series) Annual #14-15 and a story from The Amazing Spider-Man (1963-1998 1st Series) #1.
Written by Dennis O'Neil and STan Lee. Art by Frank Miller, Klaus Janson, Tom Palmer, Steve Ditko. Cover by Frank Miller.
Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man must team-up with the deadly vigilante known as the Punisher and the Master of the Mystic Arts himself Doctor Strange to stop the evil machinations of Doctor Octopus and Doctor Doom!
Includes a short featuring the Human Torch by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and Steve Ditko!
Softcover, 80 pages, full color.
Cover price $5.95. -
2nd and later printings. Collects The Amazing Spider-Man (1963-1998 1st Series) Annual #14-15 and a story from The Amazing Spider-Man (1963-1998 1st Series) #1.
Written by Dennis O'Neil and STan Lee. Art by Frank Miller, Klaus Janson, Tom Palmer, Steve Ditko. Cover by Frank Miller.
Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man must team-up with the deadly vigilante known as the Punisher and the Master of the Mystic Arts himself Doctor Strange to stop the evil machinations of Doctor Octopus and Doctor Doom!
Includes a short featuring the Human Torch by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and Steve Ditko!
Softcover, 80 pages, full color.
Cover price $5.95.