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Comic books

The following items have been consigned by TheInnerGeek. Find out how to consign your comics.

  • Item #62473192
    Actual item pictured; not a generic image.
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    • 2" cumulative spine split. Cover detached at one staple. Water damage.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.74) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Cover art by Sheldon Moldoff. The Golden Rule public service announcement starring Bob Hope, script by Jack Schiff, art by Mort Drucker. "Captives of the Alien Zoo!" starring Batman and Robin, script by Dave Wood, pencils by Sheldon Moldoff, inks by Charles Paris; Batman and Robin are mistaken for two-legged animals by alien hunters, are captured and are placed on display in an alien zoo; The Dynamic Duo manage to escape the alien zoo and they are able to locate the authorities of the alien planet, who inform them that the hunters that captured them are in fact criminals who use exotic animals for their crimes; Batman and Robin help the authorities of this world to capture the criminals and later they are sent back to Earth on a special spaceship. Casey the Cop humor page by Henry Boltinoff. Four-Legged Sleuth article. "The Death of John Jones, Detective" starring John Jones Manhunter from Mars, script by Jack Miller, art by Joe Certa; A criminal steals the idol head of Diabolu unaware that once it's opened it will release an ancient evil at each full moon; Jones is apparently killed by the first monster. Manhunter vows to hunt down each monster until he finally finds the idol head. 32 pgs., full color. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62473218
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    • Water saturation.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.60) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Written by Bill Finger. Art by Sheldon Moldoff (ghost for Bob Kane) and Joe Giella. Cover by Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella. Gotham Gang Line-Up!; Alfred is apparently killed when rescuing Batman and Robin; Dick Graysons Aunt Harriette arrives to look after Bruce and Dick after hearing about Alfred. Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Carmine Infantino. Curious Case of the Barn-Door Bandit! featuring Ralph The Elongated Man Dibny and his wife, Sue Dibny. Are You a Good Neighbor? public service announcement by Jack Schiff, art by Sheldon Moldoff. Two-page Bob Kane autobiography with photo. 36 pages, full color. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62473507
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    Actual item pictured; not a generic image.
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    • Staples added (not manufacturing). Water spotting.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.66) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Written by John Broome. Art by Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella. Cover by Carmine Infantino and Murphy Anderson. Castle with Wall-to-Wall Danger!; Batman and Robin travel to England to capture a criminal. Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Carmine Infantino. Puzzle of the Purple Pony!; Sue wants to know why Jimmy Crowder, a cowboy, is painting his horse purple; Ralph investigates. Names Do Hurt! public service announcement by Jack Schiff, art by Sheldon Moldoff. Cap's Hobby Center by Henry Boltinoff. Rocky and Bullwinkle star in a one-page Cheerios ad. 36 pages, full color. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62473517
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    • Three center wraps detached at one staple. Staple rust.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.69) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella. Cover by Carmine Infantino, Joe Giella, and Murphy Anderson. Hunters of the Elephants' Graveyard!; Batman and Robin travel to Africa to help Alice Foss, who poses as Glora "Goddess to all elephants" in order to help her husband, explorer Evan Bender. Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Carmine Infantino and Sid Greene. The Robbery That Never Happened! Starring Ralph Elongated Man Dibny and his wife, Sue Dibny. Casey the Cop humor page by Henry Boltinoff. Honesty is the Best Policy! public service announcement by Jack Schiff, art by Sheldon Moldoff. Letter to the editor from comics writer Mike Friedrich. Rocky and Bullwinkle star in a one-page Cheerios ad. 36 pages, full color. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62473526
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    Actual item pictured; not a generic image.
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    • Ink writing inside back cover.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.99) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Cover by Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella. Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Sheldon Moldoff (as ghost for Bob Kane) and Joe Giella. Batman's Bewitched Nightmare; The Outsider uses The Witch to try and destroy Batman and Robin.Don't Give Fire a Place to Start! public service announcement starring Superboy, written by Jack Schiff, art by Win Mortimer. Criminal Identification by Plastic Casts! article by Julius Schwartz, art by Morris Waldinger and Tom Nicolosi. Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Carmine Infantino and Sid Greene. The House of Flashy Traps!; Flash and Elongated Man battle Mirror Master. Letter to the editor from comics writer Mike Friedrich. 36 pages, full color. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62473532
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    Actual item pictured; not a generic image.
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    • Staples added (not manufacturing).
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($1.26) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Written by John Broome. Art by Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella. Cover by Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella. Disguised as Mr. DeNil, the Joker is contracted to make retro comedies for director Van-Van Laugh; he then commits crimes dressed as silent film comedians; he then tries to steal the Batmobile. Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Carmine Infantino and Sid Greene. The Elongated Man's Change-of-Face! starring Ralph Elongated Man Dibny. Rocky and Bullwinkle star in a one-page Cheerios ad. 36 pages, full color. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62473540
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    Written by John Broome. Art by Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella. Cover by Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella. The Secret War of the Phantom General; in order to build a death ray, Nazi war criminal General Von Dort steals M-244; Batman and Robin, teaming up with the Elongated Man, go to South America to stop him. Rocky and Bullwinkle star in a one-page Cheerios ad. Nature's Bill of Rights anti-pollution public service announcement by Jack Schiff, art by Sheldon Moldoff. 36 pages, full color. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62473562
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    • 1" spine split from top. Centerfold detached. Water damage.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.60) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella. Cover by Carmine Infantino and Murphy Anderson. The Strange Death of Batman!; Batman and Robin put an end to the crime spree of the Bouncer by taking away his costume's properties of elasticity; But writer Gardner Fox wonders how the story would have turned out differently if Batman had been killed by the Bouncer and Robin had had to come up with a way to neutralize the Bouncer's abilities. Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Carmine Infantino and Sid Greene. The Man Who Hated Money!; A thief tears up the money he steals, spurring the Elongated Man into action. Casey the Cop humor page by Henry Boltinoff. Letter to the editor from comics writer Mike Friedrich. Rocky and Bullwinkle star in a one-page Cheerios ad. 36 pages, full color. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62473817
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    • Cover and centerfold detached at one staple. Water spotting.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.60) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Written by Bob Kanigher. Art by Sheldon Moldoff and Joe Giella. Cover by Joe Kubert. Birdmaster of Bedlam!; an evil bird trainer named Birdmaster grounds airplanes in Gotham City, spurring Batman and Robin to take the skies in the Batplane. Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Carmine Infantino and Sid Greene. My Wife, the Witch! Ralph Elongated Man Dibny and Sue Dibny check into a haunted hotel room. Cap's Hobby Center by Henry Boltinoff. Casey the Cop humor page by Henry Boltinoff. 36 pages, full color. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62474414
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    • Water damage.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.60) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella. Cover by Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella. The Weather Wizard's Triple-Treasure Thefts!; the Weather Wizard invades Gotham City, announcing that he has stolen three valuable items; Robin follows Weather Wizard, who traps Batman in a box of ice. Cap's Hobby Hints by Henry Boltinoff. Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Carmine Infantino. The Puzzling Prophecies of the Tea Leaves!; Sue and Ralph The Elongated Man Dibny visit a fortune teller in Quaker City; the fortune teller tells Ralph that he will soon prevent a robbery. Rocky and Bullwinkle are featured in a one-page Cheerios ad. Flash cover appearance (not inside). 36 pages, full color. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62474417
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    Written by John Broome. Art by Sheldon Moldoff and Joe Giella. Cover by Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella. No Exit for Batman!; Batman discovers that the evil Dr. Tzin-Tzin is in Gotham City; he then uses Tzin-Tzins communicator to locate him. Written by John Broome. Art by Carmine Infantino. The Double-Dealing Jewel Thieves!; Ralph Elongated Man Dibny visits a museum of replicas of famous treasures. Letter to the editor from comics writer Mike Friedrich. Stetement of ownership--average print run 485,000; average paid circulation 304,414. 36 pages, full color. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62474886
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    Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Sheldon Moldoff (ghosting for Bob Kane) and Joe Giella. Cover by Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella. Inside Story of the Outsider!; the Outsider is revealed as Alfred; Alfred is "resurrected." Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Carmine Infantino. Truth Behind the False Faces!; Sue and Ralph Elongated Man Dibny go to a museum, where some of the statues have altered faces and the curator gets attacked. Inside front cover is a full-page ad for the 1966 Batman feature film. Letter from letter hack Guy H. Lillian III. 36 pages, full color. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62474897
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    Written by John Broome. Art by Sheldon Moldoff (ghosting for Bob Kane) and Joe Giella. Cover by Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella. The Circle of Terror!; Batman and Robin battle Spellbinder, a new supervillain who puts Batman into a trance. Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Sid Greene. The Faker-Takers of the Baker's Dozen!; Sue Dibny is going to unveil the paintings Peter Baker at an art gallery, but the paintings are missing. Cap's Hobby Hints by Henry Boltinoff. Pennies for UNICEF! public service announcement with Superman, written by Jack Schiff, art by Sheldon Moldoff. 36 pages, full color. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62474912
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    • Water spotting.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.63) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Carmine Infantino and Sid Greene.Cover by Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella. The Dynamic Duo's Double-Deathtrap!; Robin gets caught in a trap set by gangsters, and Batman refuses to break him out. Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Sid Greene. The Curious Clue of the Circus Crook!; Ralph Elongated Man goes to Mangum Circus, where he started as a rubber man; he joins the circus to keep it in business. Cap's Hobby Hints by Henry Boltinoff. 36 pages, full color. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62474913
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    • Two center wraps detached at one staple.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.87) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Sheldon Moldoff (ghosting for Bob Kane) and Joe Giella. Cover by Carmine Infantino and Murphy Anderson. The Night Batman Destroyed Gotham City!; Batman and Robin solves The Riddlers riddles, but he escapes and sets a trap for Batman; the Riddler sets a bomb at a bank. Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Carmine Infantino and Sid Greene. The Horse That Hunted Hoods; a horse named Silver Blaze stops a jewel thief, much to the interest of Ralph Elongated Man Dibny and his wife, Sue; the horse then helps Ralph on a case. Missive from letter hack Guy H. Lillian III. 36 pages, full color. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62474914
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    • Cover and first wrap detached at one staple. Water spotting.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.63) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Written by John Broome. Art by Sheldon Moldoff (ghosting for Bob Kane) and Joe Giella. Cover by Neal Adams. The Fearsome Foot-Fighters!; Batman must solve the mystery of thefts in which the thief leaves I.O.U. notes behind; he ends up helping freedom fighters and battling Karonians. Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Gil Kane and Sid Greene. Elongated Man Throws His Weight Around!; while at a county fair, Ralph Elongated Man sees a pickpocket rob one of his young friends. Written by Otto Binder. Art by Sy Barry. The Man Who Stopped the Clock! Letters to the editor from comics historian Peter Sanderson, Jr. and letter hack Guy H. Lillian III. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62474916
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    • Water spotting.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.66) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Written by Frank Robbins. Art by Bob Brown and Joe Giella. Cover by Irv Novick and Carmine Infantino. Riddle of the Robbin' Robin!; Batman and Robin prevent a robbery by the Smokescreen Mob, then track them to their hideout. Written by Gardner Fox. Art by Sid Greene. The Wishing Well Wonder!; Elongated Man stops a fur robbery in Fairview City; he sees Billy Warner, who claims a magic coin will do as he says. 36 pages, full color. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62496289
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    Actual item pictured; not a generic image.
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    • Water spotting.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($1.35) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    First 15-cent cover-price. Cover by Irv Novick. "Public Luna-Tic Number One!," script by John Broome, pencils by Bob Brown, inks by Joe Giella; The Joker steals an anti-gravity device and uses it to facilitate his robberies and to trap Batman and Robin. "Surprise! This'll Kill You!," script by Frank Robbins, pencils by Gil Kane, inks by Murphy Anderson; A fake Batman appears in this Batgirl story, as well as a costume party with people dressed as Superman, the Flash, and Green Lantern. Letters of comment from comics writers Tony Isabella and Donald F. McGregor. 36 pgs., full color. $0.15. Cover price $0.15.

  • Item #62477571
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    Cover by Irv Novick. "The Combo Caper!," script by Frank Robbins, pencils by Bob Brown, inks by Joe Giella; Batman and Robin investigate the mystery of a neighbors cracked safe and the combination for it which was found on a soda pull-tab. Casey the Cop humor page by Henry Boltinoff. "Downfall of a Goliath!," script by Frank Robbins, pencils by Gil Kane, inks by Murphy Anderson; Continuing from last issue... Barbara Gordon and Jason Bard stumble upon the suspect of a mugging/murder involving a basketball player named Topper while on a date as Topper; As Batgirl, she and Bard find that the evidence proving Topper is guilty is possibly in his locker, the two are determined to find a way to break their date in order to investigate further. 36 pgs., full color. $0.15. Cover price $0.15.

  • Item #62478115
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    52-page giant. Cover pencils by Neal Adams and Alan Kupperberg (Batman head on the left border), inks by Dick Giordano. "Blind Justice...Blind Fear!," script and art by Frank Robbins; Batman must find a way of keeping a convict who has served his time alive during a prison break so that he can divulge information about corrupt politicians, despite a black militant con who wants to bargain for freedom and a hired killer out to get the man Batman wants to protect. "Up Against Three Walls!," script by Frank Robbins, art by Don Heck; Continuing from last issue... Commissioner Gordon and his daughter Barbara had traveled to Mexico City so that the Commissioner could teach the police there crime fighting techniques against drug smugglers; Arriving at police headquarters as Batgirl, Barbara learns that the local mob had demanded a ransom of twelve and a half million Pesos for their safe return. "Police Line-Up!," art by Jerry Robinson, reprinted from Batman #24. "The Riddle of the Doomed Magicians!," script by Bill Woolfolk, art by Leonard Starr, reprinted from Detective Comics #205. Letter to the editor from Jay Zilber. Statement of ownership - average print run 371,666; average paid circulation 199,112. 52 pgs., full color. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

  • Item #62478215
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    • Water spotting.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.63) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Last 52-page giant issue. Cover by Mike Kaluta. "Double-Cross-Fire!," script by Frank Robbins, pencils by Bob Brown, inks by Dick Giordano; An innocent bystander during a bank robbery appears to be killed by "accident" from a guards shot, but Batman learns that the killing was no accident. "Batgirl's Last Case," script by Frank Robbins, art by Don Heck; On the big election night to find a new congressional representative in Gotham City (a race which Barbara Gordon is running in herself) the local criminal element is less than ecstatic about the potential for the police Commissioner's daughter going to Washington and so they begin a campaign of intimidation to dissuade the citizens of Gotham City to vote for Barbra Gordon. "Case of the Teetering Tower!," script by Joe Millard, art by Alex Toth, reprinted from Dale Evans Comics #7. "The Cop Who Shot 1000 Crooks," pencils by Howard Purcell, inks by Ray Burnley, reprinted from Gang Busters #47. Letters to the editor from Jay Zilber and comics writers Steven Grant and Bob Rozakis. 52 pgs., full color. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

  • Item #62478730
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    Cover by Mike Kaluta. "Killer's Roulette!," script and art by Frank Robbins; Batman sets out to uncover the secret behind the suicides of three wealthy compulsive gamblers. "Trail of the Fadeaway Footprints!," script by Len Wein, art by Dick Giordano; a mystery starring Elongated Man and Sue Dibny. 36 pgs., full color. $0.20. Cover price $0.20.

  • Item #62479210
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    • Water spotting.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.63) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Cover by Mike Kaluta. "The Toughest Cop in Gotham!", script by Frank Robbins, pencils by Bob Brown, inks by Dick Giordano; Steve Shotgun Smith enforces a tough line on Gotham pushers, but Batman suspects that he may be taking kickbacks. "The Invisible Thief of Bleakhill Manor!", script by E. Nelson Bridwell, pencils by Dick Dillin, inks by Joe Giella; Hawkman confronts a thief. Letter from comics writer Bob Rozakis. 36 pgs., full color. $0.20. Cover price $0.20.

  • Item #62479458
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    Published Apr 1973 by DC.

    Cover by Mike Kaluta. "The Spook That Stalked Batman," script by Frank Robbins, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Dick Giordano; Batman matches wits with the Spook, a criminal Houdini who springs convicts from within Gotham Prison, or even from within the Batmobile. "Riddle of the Red-Handed Robber!", script by E. Nelson Bridwell, pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Dick Giordano; Hawkman confronts a robber of the Midway City Museum. Letter to the editor from comics writer Mike Barr. 36 pgs., full color. $0.20. Cover price $0.20.

  • Item #62479830
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    • 1/2" spine split from bottom.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.93) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Cover by Jim Aparo. New Batman story, "Judgement Day!" (script by Archie Goodwin, art by Howard Chaykin). New Manhunter story, "Cathedral Perilous" (chapter 5; script by Archie Goodwin, art by Walt Simonson). 1945 Plastic Man untitled reprint. Two 1940's Batman reprints, "The Case of the Prophetic Pictures" (from Detective 42) and "The Carbon Copy Crimes!" (from Batman 38). Ibis the Invincible Golden Age reprint, "Holocause, God of Destruction!" (from Whiz 95; art by Kurt Schaffenberger). Eclipso reprint, "The Two Faces of Doom" (from House of Secrets 66; art by Alex Toth). Alias the Spider 1942 untitled reprint (from Crack Comics 25; art by Paul Gustavson). Sal Amendola contents page illustration. Cover price $0.60.

  • Item #62523864
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    Actual item pictured; not a generic image.
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    • Paper: White
    • Artgerm Collectibles "Virgin" Edition.
    • Label #2035514009
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($3.00) will be charged at checkout.
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    Artgerm Virgin Variant Cover by Stanley "Artgerm" Lau. Written by Scott Snyder, Kevin Smith, Paul Dini, Warren Ellis, Denny O'Neil, Christopher Priest, Brian Michael Bendis, Geoff Johns, James Tynion IV, Tom King and Peter J. Tomasi. Art by Greg Capullo, Jim Lee, Dustin Nguyen, Becky Cloonan, Steve Epting, Neal Adams, Alex Maleev, Kelley Jones, Álvaro Martínez-Bueno, Tony S. Daniel, Joëlle Jones, Doug Mahnke, Jonathan Glapion, Scott Williams, Derek Fridolfs, Raul Fernandez and Jaime Mendoza. After 80 years, it's here -- the 1,000th issue of DETECTIVE COMICS, the title that literally defines DC! This 96-page issue is stacked with an unbelievable lineup of talent that will take you on a journey through Batman's past, present and a sensational epilogue that features the first-ever DC Universe appearance of the deadly Arkham Knight! But who is under the mask? And why do they want Batman dead? The incredible future of Batman adventures begins here! Featuring: "Batman's Longest Case" by Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo and Jonathan Glapion; "Manufacture for Use" by Kevin Smith, Jim Lee and Scott Williams; "The Legend of Knute Brody" by Paul Dini, Dustin Nguyen and Derek Fridolfs; "The Batman's Design" by Warren Ellis and Becky Cloonan; "Return to Crime Alley" by Denny O'Neil and Steve Epting; "Heretic" by Christopher Priest and Neal Adams; "I Know" by Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev; "The Last Crime in Gotham" by Geoff Johns and Kelley Jones; "The Precedent" by James Tynion IV, Álvaro Martínez-Bueno and Raul Fernandez; "Batman's Greatest Case" by Tom King, Tony S. Daniel and Joëlle Jones; and the Arkham Knight in "Medieval" by Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke and Jaime Mendoza (continues next issue). Plus pin-ups by Mikel Janín, Jason Fabok and Amanda Conner. 96 pages, full color. Rated T Cover price $9.99.

  • Item #62523463
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    Spanish language Mexican reprint edition with foil cover. Written by SCOTT SNYDER. Art and cover by JOCK. It all comes down to this! The Joker is on the loose in the catacombs beneath Gotham City, more vicious and frightening than ever. But even as Batman closes in on The Clown Prince of Crime, he begins to suspect that the city may be the target of an even deadlier threat - one that could shake Gotham City to its core. 32 pg, FC, RATED T.

  • Item #62414118
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    • 1/2" spine split from bottom. Cover detached at one staple. Water damage.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.69) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Photo cover features Boris Karloff, Nick Adams, and Suzan Farmer. Story by Joe Gill, based on the screenplay by Jerry Sohl and the story by H.P. Lovecraft. Art by John Tartaglione and Vince Colletta. Cover number is #12-175-603. Dell Movie Classics presented comics based on Hollywood films (not all of them classics). This issue is a real oddity: a comics adaptation of an early film version of a (much altered) HP Lovecraft story, originally starring Boris Karloff. It's a pop-culture Dagwood sandwich! While visiting his fiancee's ancestral estate, an American man encounters a series of bizarre occurrences. He discovers an alien artifact is altering everything nearby, including the plants and people. 32 pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62538413
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    Comic book version of the classic pulp magazine hero Doc Savage. Issue features "The Man of Bronze," part one of an adaptation of the Kenneth Robeson novel of the same name in which Doc and his team try to track down who killed his father. Issue also has a one-page text feature on Doc Savage's team members. Script by Roy Thomas and Steve Englehart and art by Ross Andru and Jim Mooney. Cover price $0.20.

  • Item #62414411
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    • 1/2" cumulative spine split. Cover oxidation with chipping. Water spotting.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.60) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Two Dr. Solar stories "The Remote-Control Traitor!" with first "appearance" of Nuro, the mystery villain and "The Night of the Volcano!" Backup feature Professor Harbinger begins in this issue with "The Melting Point!" Painted front and back covers. # on cover 10000-212 December #2 12/62 12c Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62482209
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    Eerie (1964 I.W. Reprint) 1 CGC 3.0

    Paper: Off white to white

    Label #4323905018

    View items consigned by TheInnerGeek: all items, auctions only

    Starts Apr 5

    All reprints: Mister Lucifer in "Up Pops the Devil" (from Spook Comics # 1), Gregory the Ghost, Cheap Skate, Dr. Paul Barer (as in "pallbearer"; that's--I say--that's a joke, son; get it?), and "The Obi Makes Jumbee." Wally Wood cover (reprint). Cover price $0.10.

  • Item #62536584
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    Regular Edition. Written by Eric Dinehart with art by Tony Daniel, David Mowry, Jeff Moy, and Cory Carani. B&W, 32 pages, standard paper stock. Mature readers. Cover price $2.95.

  • Item #62536600
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  • Item #62430914
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    • Does not include envelope. Writing on interior. Staple rust.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.90) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    1948 Esquire calendar originally packaged in an envelope. Twelve full-color good girl pieces by various artists. 8.25" x 12". Full Color. Saddle stitched from the top. Cover price $0.35.

  • Item #62430356
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    1955. Calendar with suggestive paintings of women and poems. 8" x 11", 12 pages, full color.

  • Item #62482004
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    Published 1951 by Fawcett.

    Complex plots in this early romance comic from Fawcett. Jesse is a talented basketball player, but Donna doesn't see the harm in a few rigged games if they can make enough money for their first home. Steven learns that his fiancee Sherry isn't really named Sherry, and nothing else he knows about her is true either. Carol sets her sights on winning handsome district attorney Ben away from his girlfriend Judy, but at a crucial moment, Carol can't be the partner that Ben needs. In the Name of Love; The Fraud; The Heart Lies Deep; Borrowed Moment. 32 pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.10.

  • Item #62426248
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    • 2" Cumulative spine split.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($2.25) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Volume 8, Issue 5 - April, 1952. Chic James photo cover. Vintage men's interest magazine full of adult humor comics and tasteful pin-up pictorials. This issue features a two-page pictorial with Bettie Page. 8.5" x 11.5", 50 pages, B&W. -MATURE CONTENT- Cover price $0.25.

  • Item #62410501
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    • Staple rust with migration and bottom staple missing/disintegrated. Water saturation.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($4.05) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Cover pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Dick Ayers. Defeated by Doctor Doom!, script by Stan Lee, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Dick Ayers; Back from the Micro-world, Doctor Doom attacks the Fantastic Four once more by kidnapping Alicia. Ant-Man guest appearance. 36 pgs. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62410576
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    • 6" cumulative spine split with tape. Lateral spine tears. Cover detached. Water spotting.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($1.95) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Cover pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Chic Stone. The Search for Sub-Mariner!, script by Stan Lee, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by George Roussos [as Geo. Bell]; Sub-Mariner kidnaps Sue; He wants 24 hours to convince her to marry him; Reed wants to take her back. First Doctor Strange cross-over. Doctor Doom cameo. 36 pgs. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62410581
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    • Residue.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($2.31) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Cover pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Chic Stone. It Started on Yancy Street!, script by Stan Lee, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Chic Stone; the FF run from the jeers and pranks of the Yancy Street Gang; the FF battles the Red Ghost; the Super Apes take off in FFs ship, leaving them abandoned; the Watcher returns them home. Cameos by the Puppet Master, the Mole Man, the Super-Skrull, the Miracle Man, Doctor Doom, the Sub-Mariner, and the Mad Thinker. 36 pgs. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62410588
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    • Heavy cover oxidation.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($1.50) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    "The Dreaded Diablo!" Written by Stan Lee. Pencils by Jack Kirby. Inks by Chic Stone. Cover pencils by Jack Kirby with inks by Chic Stone. On a vacation in Transylvania, the FF encounter a castle inhabited by Diablo. Note: First Appearance of Diablo. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62410597
    Actual item pictured; not a generic image.
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    Actual item pictured; not a generic image.
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    • Cover oxidation and water spotting.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($1.11) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Cover pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Chic Stone. The Mad Menace of the Macabre Mole Man!, script by Stan Lee, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Chic Stone; Mole Man lowers blocks of New York City into his realm; Sue is injured in the ensuing battle and can only be saved by a surgery performed by her escaped felon father. 36 pgs. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62410629
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    • Water damage.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.99) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Cover pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Chic Stone. Death of a Hero!, script by Stan Lee, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Chic Stone; Reed tries and fails to transform the Thing back into Ben Grim; the Super-Skrull escapes from his prison and takes the place of Franklin Richards; Franklin dies. Letter to the editor from writer and Game of Thrones creator George R.R. Martin. 36 pgs. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62410644
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    • Water damage and residue.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($1.23) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Cover pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Chic Stone. Side-by-Side with Sub-Mariner!, script by Stan Lee, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Chic Stone; Lady Dorma asks the FF for their help in protecting Atlantis from Attuma, a rogue Atlantian Warrior who is trying to usurp Namor's rule. Letter to the editor from comics writer Don McGregor. 32 pgs. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62410926
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    Actual item pictured; not a generic image.
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    • Water spotting.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($2.67) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    1st Printing. Cover pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Joe Sinnott. This Man... This Monster!, script by Stan Lee, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Joe Sinnott; An unnamed scientist gives himself the powers and appearance of the Thing and goes to the Baxter Building, planning to kill Reed; However, an accident results in him saving Reed's life and perishing in the Negative Zone. 36 pgs. $0.12. NOTE: JC Penney 1993 reprint exists. It can be identified by the back cover: X-Men on Video ad. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62410934
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    Cover pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Joe Sinnott. Second appearance of the Black Panther in The Way It Began..!, script by Stan Lee, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Joe Sinnott; The Black Panther tells the story of Klaw's first attack on Wakanda; Klaw attacks the Black Panther and the FF. First appearance of Klaw, T'Chaka, and vibranium. Letter to the editor from comics writer Dennis O'Neil. 36 pgs. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62410940
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    Cover pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Joe Sinnott. Fourth appearance of the Silver Surfer in "When Strikes the Silver Surfer!", script by Stan Lee, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Joe Sinnott; Filled with jealousy, Ben attacks the Silver Surfer. Lockjaw (of the Inhumans) appearance. 36 pgs. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62411197
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    • Heavy cover oxidation.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.63) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Cover pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Joe Sinnott. Klaw The Murderous Master of Sound!, script by Stan Lee, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Joe Sinnott; Klaw attacks the Baxter Building. The Silver Surfer, the Inhumans, Doctor Doom, and the Black Panther all have brief appearances. 36 pgs. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62411209
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    Actual item pictured; not a generic image.
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    • Water spotting and residue.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($3.30) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
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    Cover pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Joe Sinnott. Enter... Dr. Doom!, script by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby (co-plot), pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Joe Sinnott; While Sandman attempts to free the Wizard, Dr. Doom steals the Surfer's Power Cosmic (part 1 of 4). Appearances by the Inhumans, the Sandman, and the Wizard. Captain America cameo. 36 pgs. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.

  • Item #62411218
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    Actual item pictured; not a generic image.
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    • Water spotting.
    • This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.57) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.
      Other items consigned by TheInnerGeek

    Cover pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Joe Sinnott. Blastaar, the Living Bomb-Burst!, script by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby (co-plot), pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Joe Sinnott; The FF battle Blastaar and the Sandman, who have teamed up; Reed puts a helmet on Blastaars head to prevent his explosions. Triton and Crystal (of the Inhumans) appearances. Reprinted in Marvel's Greatest Comics # 46. 36 pgs. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.