Avengers (1963 1st Series) Australian Price Variant comic books
Australian Price Variant. $1.50 cover price. "For Here We Make Our Stand!" Part 3 of 6. Script by Bob Harris. Pencils by Steve Epting. Inks by Tom Palmer. Cover by Ron Lim and Tom Palmer. The Avengers are under attack on two heavenly bodies! On terra firma Thane Ector erects his citadel atop the World Trade Center! And sends his troops to run roughshod over the Black Knight, Shell-Head, Hercules, Rage, and the Vision! Meanwhile inside the Collector's ship on the moon, the Beast, Black Panther, and Quasar (all at miniature size) explore the vivarium from which the Brethren originally escaped! Will the trio of avengers find the answers they need…or just more questions? Back in New York City, Thane Ector breaks from the Brethren's standard conquering protocol by taking a female prisoner…Sersi. Could the enchanting Eternal be Ector's undoing? Cameo appearances by President George Bush, Crystal, and Lockjaw. 32 pages
Australian Price Variant. $1.80 cover price. "Storm Gathering" Operation: Galactic Storm Part 5 of 19. Script by Bob Harras. Pencils by Steve Epting. Inks by Tom Palmer. Cover by Steve Epting and Tom Palmer. Story continues from Wonder Man 7. The Avengers attack in outer space! Thor, Quasar, Sersi, and the Vision charge into the Milky Way to intercept the Shi'ar invasion fleet and rescue the Starcore crew! In an awesome display of their powers, the four mighty avengers storm the Shi'ar flagship and halt its advance! Several hours later inside Avengers Mansion, Captain America calls together more than twenty avengers to announce his plan to stop the Kree-Shi'ar war! Seven avengers will travel to Hala to negotiate with the Kree, while seven more avengers journey to Chandilar to reason with the Shi'ar! And the remaining avengers will guard the Earth! Iron Man and the star-spangled avenger will lead the Kree contingent. Wonder Man and the Scarlet Witch will guide the Shi'ar expedition! Good luck to both teams! They're going to need it! Story continues in Iron Man 278. Cameo appearances by Deathbird, Her, Hobgoblin (of the Imperial Guard), and Majestrix Lilandra. 32 pages
Australian Price Variant. $1.80 cover price. The Gatherers Saga: Part 3 of 18 - "Familial Connections" Script by Bob Harras. Pencils by Kirk Jarvinen. Inks by Tom Palmer. Cover by Steve Epting and Tom Palmer. Who is the woman the Vision is kissing on the cover?! Could this be the long-awaited reunion of the Vision and the Scarlet Witch? Alas, not quite. During a peaceful evening inside Avengers Mansion, the synthezoid avenger receives a visitor! It's Laura Lipton…the widow of the man whose brain patterns have recently been programmed inside the Vision's mind. She has a favor to ask for her dying father-in-law, Dr. Miles Lipton…please bring back, if only briefly, the personality and memories of his son Alex. The Vision initially declines the request, but after Crystal's persuasion he accepts. So the Vision and Crystal journey with Laura to Long Island for a heart-rending night for everyone involved. While helping an old friend, will the Vision rediscover some of his own long-lost emotions? Cameo appearances by Proctor, Magdalene, Binary, and Luna. Avengers Lineup: Black Knight, Black Widow, Crystal, Hercules, and the Vision. (Notes: Miles Lipton and Laura Lipton previously appeared in Avengers Spotlight 40. Laura Lipton appears next in issue 3 of the first (1994) Vision Limited Series. This issue was widely praised in the fan letters published in Avengers 351 and 352.) 32 pages
Australian Price Variant. $1.80 cover price. The Gatherers Saga: Part 8 of 18 - "Arkon's Asylum" Part 1 of 2. Script by Bob Harras. Pencils by Steve Epting. Inks by Tom Palmer. Cover by Steve Epting and Tom Palmer. The magnificent one is back! The Imperion of Polemachus materializes in New York City with Thundra and Astra by his side! Why has Arkon come to Earth again? The Avengers want answers! And after a titanic tussle with the Prince of Power, Arkon explains his sad situation. The energy rings of Polemachus are burning out of control and threatening to destroy all life on the planet! A renegade priest wants to use human sacrifice to solve the problem! But that solution is unacceptable to Arkon…and Earth's Mightiest Heroes! With a bolt from the blue, the high priest teleports Arkon and his new allies back to Polemachus! And that's where the Avengers' date with destiny looms next issue! Cameo appearances by the Swordsman, Proctor, Magdalene, Cassandra, and Sloth. Avengers Lineup: Black Knight, Black Widow, Crystal, Hercules, Sersi, and the Vision. (Note: Arkon previously appeared in Avengers West Coast 75.) 32 pages
Australian Price Variant. $1.95 cover price. The Gatherers Saga: Part 11 of 18 - "Family Responsibility" Guest-starring Ikaris and Sprite. Script by Bob Harras. Pencils by Steve Epting. Inks by Tom Palmer. Cover by Steve Epting and Tom Palmer. Ikaris arrives at Avengers Mansion with an attitude and demands an audience with his troubled cousin Sersi! After a brief set-to with the Avengers, Ikaris talks to Sersi and learns that she has designated Dane Whitman as her "Gann Josin." What exactly does that mean? To his dismay the Black Knight will find out soon enough! Later on in the Avengers' conference room, Ikaris abruptly performs the steps to mind-link Dane and Sersi. Now they are "soulmates." The Black Knight doesn't know what to do next. And neither does Crystal. Meanwhile, the Anti-Vision continues biding his time…waiting for the perfect opportunity to slay the Swordsman and anyone else who gets in his way! Cameo appearance by Proctor. Flashback cameos by the Celestials and the Uni-Mind. Avengers Lineup: Black Knight, Black Widow, Captain America, Crystal, Hercules, Sersi, and the Vision. 32 pages.