Super Spider-Man and Captain Britain featuring an original Capt. Britain story not released in the U.S. Also includes Amazing Spider-Man and other serializations of Marvel stories previously published in the U.S. Spider-Man stars in "Stalked By the Spider-Slayer" (script by Len Wein, pencils by Ross Andru, inks by Mike Esposito), Captain Britain in "When Slaymaster Strikes" (plot by Jim Lawrence and Larry Lieber, script by Lawrence, pencils by Ron Wilson, inks by Esposito), the Fantastic Four in "The Rage of Omega" (script by Roy Thomas, pencils by John Buscema, inks by Joe Sinnott), and the Avengers in "Houses Divided Cannot Stand" (script by Steve Englehart, pencils by Buscema, inks by Don Heck).