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Sarge Snorkel (1973) comic books

  • Issue #1
    Sarge Snorkel (1973) 1

    Cover art by Mort Walker. Temporary Sarge starring Sarge Snorkel and Beetle Bailey, art credited to Mort Walker. The Decision starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, and Killer Diller. The Fight Game starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, Zero, Plato, Killer Diller, Cosmo, and Sonny Fiston. Getting Even starring Beetle Bailey, Sarge Snorkel, Killer Diller, and Plato. Hey, Kids! Color This Page! activity. Out on a Limb starring Sarge Snorkel, Otto, Beetle Bailey, Killer Diller, Zero, Plato, and Cookie. Sarge's Food Dreams. Service Smiles text story. The Punching Bag starring Killer Diller, Beetle Bailey, and Sarge Snorkel. The Homecoming starring Beetle Bailey, Sarge Snorkel, Captain Scabbard, and General Halftrack. Tied Score starring Sarge Snorkel and Zero. 36 pgs. $0.20. Cover price $0.20.

  • Issue #2
    Sarge Snorkel (1973) 2

    Cover art believed to be by Mort Walker. Heavy Date starring Otto, Killer Diller, Beetle Bailey, Sarge Snorkel, and Grunhilda (Sarge's date). Last Tag starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, Mr Bailey, and Mrs Bailey. Cowboy Snorkel starring Beetle Bailey, Sarge Snorkel, Killer Diller, Plato, Zero, and General Halftrack. Disposal starring Killer Diller, Beetle Bailey, Plato, Zero, Cookie, Sarge Snorkel, and Chaplain Staneglass. Fall-Out text story. The Errand starring Sarge Snorkel and Beetle Bailey. Solution starring Sarge Snorkel, Lt Fuzz, Captain Scabbard, and Chaplain Staneglass. Art Expert starring Zero and Captain Snorkel. A True Friend starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, and Killer Diller. 36 pgs. $0.20. Cover price $0.25.

  • Issue #3
    Sarge Snorkel (1973) 3

    Cover art by Mort Walker. Lunacy starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, and Killer Diller. Sarge & Zero starring Sarge Snorkel, Zero, Beetle Bailey, and Killer Diller. Handy-Cap starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, and Killer Diller. An Errand for Zero starring Sarge Snorkel, Zero, and Beetle Bailey. Fall Out! text story. The Good Suggestion starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, Plato, and General Halftrack. Desperation starring Sarge Snorkel, Otto, General Halftrack, and Beetle Bailey. Sarge's Lucky Day starring Sarge Snorkel, Killer Diller, Beetle Bailey, and Cosmo. Flower Power starring Sarge Snorkel and Lt. Fuzz. 36 pgs. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

  • Issue #4
    Sarge Snorkel (1973) 4

    Cover art by Mort Walker. Top Man starring Sarge Snorkel, Captain Scabbard, Beetle Bailey, and Killer Diller. Nightmare Repeat starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, and Killer Diller. Poster Man starring Captain Scabbard, Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, and Killer Diller. Sarge's Claim starring Sarge Snorkel. The Job Specialist starring Sarge Snorkel and Cookie. Sarge at Home starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, Killer Diller, and Mary. Playing it Safe starring Sarge Snorkel and Captain Scabbard. Fall-Out text story. Sad Survey starring Sarge Snorkel and Cookie. 36 pgs. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

    The listing below is from eBay, and MyComicShop is not responsible for this item in any way. Some listings shown here may no longer be available if they sold or were ended by the seller after we last retrieved the listing details.

    3 days left Auction 1974 Sarge Snorkel # 4 Sept

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  • Issue #5
    Sarge Snorkel (1973) 5

    Cover art by Mort Walker. Pressed starring Sarge Snorkel, Rocky, Beetle Bailey, and Killer Diller. On the Ball starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, and Killer Diller. Zero to the Rescue starring Sarge Snorkel and Zero. Sarge in Training starring Sarge Snorkel, Killer Diller, and Beetle Bailey. Passing Inspection starring Sarge Snorkel, Zero, Killer Diller, Plato, Major Crackskull, and Beetle Bailey. On Target starring Sarge Snorkel, Killer Diller, and Plato. Fall-Out text story. Roughing It starring Plato, Beetle Bailey, Killer Diller, Zero, Rocky, Lt. Fuzz, Captain Scabbard, and Sarge Snorkel. Stung by a Bee-tle starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, and Killer Diller. Color This Page, Kids! Pass Out starring Sarge Snorkel and Captain Scabbard. 36 pgs. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

  • Issue #6
    Sarge Snorkel (1973) 6

    Cover art by Mort Walker. Playing It Safe; Sarge takes Beetle's slingshot. Getting In Shape; Sarge Snorkel warms up before yelling at Beetle. Cat-Tastrophy starring Sarge Snorkel, Otto, and Beetle Bailey. Strong Man starring Sarge. Sarge's Big Date starring Sarge and Beetle. General Disorder starring General Halftrack, Sarge Snorkel, and Killer. Some Smiles text story. New Army starring Sarge Snorkel, Rocky, Killer, and Beetle Bailey. The Garden starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, and Zero. 36 pgs. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

  • Issue #7
    Sarge Snorkel (1973) 7

    Cover art by Mort Walker. Hung-Up starring Sarge and Zero. Making-Do starring Lt. Fuzz, Sarge Snorkel, and Lt. Flap. Sarge of the Year starring Sarge Snorkel, Captain Scabbard, and General Halftrack. Pick-Me-Up starring Sarge and Beetle Bailey. Man's Best Friend starring Sarge Snorkel, Otto, Beetle Bailey, and Killer Diller. Crash Diet starring Sarge and Lt. Fuzz. The Suggestion starring Sarge and Cookie. Orangeboy and His Super Skates text story. Getting the Picture starring Zero, Beetle Bailey, and Sarge Snorkel. Sarge's New Image starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, and Plato; Sarge wants to go and "boogie." 36 pgs. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

  • Issue #8
    Sarge Snorkel (1973) 8

    Avoiding the Question starring Sarge Snorkel and Beetle Bailey. Dinner Dash starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, Killer Diller, General Halftrack, and Captain Scabbard. Vege-Trouble starring Sarge. All Stopped Up starring Sarge Snorkel, Captain Scabbard, and Plato. Rocket Man starring Killer Diller, Beetle Bailey, General Halftrack, and Sarge Snorkel. Witch Trouble text story starring Georgie the boy knight, script by Mike Pellowski, art by Mike Zeck. Loss of Memory starring General Halftrack. The Spiritual Advisor starring Sarge Snorkel and Killer Diller. Going One Better. Personal Service. 36 pgs. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

    The listings below are from eBay, and MyComicShop is not responsible for these items in any way. Some listings shown here may no longer be available if they sold or were ended by the seller after we last retrieved the listing details.


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  • Issue #9
    Sarge Snorkel (1973) 9

    Wish You Were Here starring Sarge Snorkel and Plato. Taking the Blame starring General Halftrack, Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, Killer Diller, and Plato. Snooze Cruiser starring Sarge Snorkel, Plato, Beetle Bailey, and Killer Diller. Food for Thought starring Sarge Snorkel, Captain Scabbard, and Beetle Bailey. Wind Power starring Sarge Snorkel, Plato, and Beetle Bailey. All in a Day's Knight text story, script by Joe Molloy, art by Jim Hanley. Miracle Cure starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, Killer Diller, and General Halftrack. Sarge and Otto. 36 pgs. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

    The listing below is from eBay, and MyComicShop is not responsible for this item in any way. Some listings shown here may no longer be available if they sold or were ended by the seller after we last retrieved the listing details.

    2 days left Auction Sarge Snorkel # 9 (July 1975, Charlton)

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  • Issue #10
    Sarge Snorkel (1973) 10

    The Case of the Missing Candy starring Sarge Snorkel and Beetle Bailey. Campsick starring Beetle Bailey, Killer Diller, Sarge Snorkel, and Otto. Rocky-Roll starring Rocky, Beetle Bailey, and Sarge Snorkel. The Volunteer starring Sarge Snorkel, Cookie, and Beetle Bailey. The Father Figure starring Killer Diller, Beetle Bailey, and Sarge Snorkel. Sarge poster. The Sorcerer's Knight text story, script by Mike Pellowski, art by Jim Hanley. Gentle Persuasion starring Sarge and Rocky. The New Secretary starring Sarge Snorkel, Lt. Fuzz, and Otto. Fuzz Lays It On starring Lt. Fuzz, Sarge Snorkel, and General Halftrack. 36 pgs. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

  • Issue #11
    Sarge Snorkel (1973) 11

    Tough Leader starring Captain Scabbard, Sarge Snorkel, and Beetle Bailey. Canned starring Sarge Snorkel and Beetle Bailey. Recycled starring Sarge Snorkel, Plato, Zero, Killer Diller, Beetle Bailey, and Cookie. Love Letter starring Sarge Snorkel, Killer Diller, Beetle Bailey, Plato, and Rocky. Pizza Problem starring Sarge Snorkel, Guido, Mama Rosa, and Beetle Bailey. Enthusiasm starring Sarge Snorkel, Plato; Killer Diller, Rocky, Beetle Bailey, General Halftrack, and Captain Scabbard. Into the Wild, Blue Yonder text story starring Captain Salty. Sarge Gets Even starring Lt. Fuzz, Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, Killer Diller. The Mechanic starring Sarge Snorkel. 36 pgs. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

  • Issue #12
    Sarge Snorkel (1973) 12

    New Recruits starring Sarge Snorkel, Otto, and Rocky. Open & Shut Case starring Lt. Fuzz, Sarge Snorkel, and Captain Scabbard. Out of Uniform starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, Killer Diller, Zero, Captain Scabbard, and General Halftrack. Cookie Chase starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, and Otto. Self-Defense starring Sarge Snorkel, Zero, Killer Diller, Plato, and Beetle Bailey. Power-Mad starring Sarge Snorkel and Lt. Fuzz. The Phantom Food Snatcher starring Sarge Snorkel and Cookie. Mis-Fire starring Sarge Snorkel, General Halftrack, Captain Scabbard, and Beetle Bailey. Mad Dog starring Beetle Bailey, Otto, and Sarge Snorkel. Anticipation starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, and Cookie. 36 pgs. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

  • Issue #13
    Sarge Snorkel (1973) 13

    Rough-It starring Captain Scabbard and Sarge Snorkel. Satisfied Customer starring Cookie, Killer Diller, Beetle Bailey, and Sarge Snorkel. Help Wanted starring Beetle Bailey and Chaplain Staneglass. Hearing Problem starring General Halftrack, Sarge Snorkel, and Captain Scabbard. New Suit starring Sarge Snorkel, Otto, Beetle Bailey, and Killer Diller. Rise and Shine starring Sarge Snorkel and Beetle Bailey. The Advisor starring General Halftrack and Sarge Snorkel. The Mad, Mud Commando Raid text story. Taken for a Ride starring Captain Scabbard, Beetle Bailey, and Sarge Snorkel. Fuzz Gets Flak starring Sarge Snorkel, Lt. Flap, Captain Scabbard, Beetle Bailey, Lt. Fuzz, Plato, Zero, Rocky, and Killer Diller. Mystery Noise starring Lt. Flap, Sarge Snorkel, and Beetle Bailey. Hard at Work starring Sarge Snorkel and Captain Scabbard. 36 pgs. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

    The listing below is from eBay, and MyComicShop is not responsible for this item in any way. Some listings shown here may no longer be available if they sold or were ended by the seller after we last retrieved the listing details.


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  • Issue #14
    Sarge Snorkel (1973) 14

    Sly Sarge starring Sarge Snorkel, Killer Diller, Plato, Beetle Bailey, and Zero. Detour starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, and Cookie. A Friend in Need starring Beetle Bailey and Sarge Snorkel. Winter Sports starring Sarge Snorkel and Lt. Flap. Time Check starring Lt. Fuzz and Sarge Snorkel. Persuasive Method starring Plato, Sarge Snorkel, and Beetle Bailey. Beetle Gets Even starring Beetle Bailey, Sarge Snorkel, and Killer Diller. Happy Birthday, Sarge text story. On the Stick starring Zero and Sarge. Good Friends Should Stick Together! starring Sarge Snorkel, Zero, Otto, General Halftrack, Beetle Bailey, Plato, Lt. Flap, Killer Diller, and Lt. Fuzz. Faulty Logic starring Captain Scabbard, Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, Killer Diller, and General Halftrack. Singing in the Shower starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, Killer Diller, Plato, Zero, and Rocky. Diet Disaster starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, and Killer Diller. 36 pgs. $0.30. Cover price $0.30.

  • Issue #15
    Sarge Snorkel (1973) 15

    Placing the Blame starring Chaplain Staneglass, Sarge Snorkel, and Beetle Bailey. Look Alike starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, Rocky, Killer Diller, and Plato. Efficiency Report starring General Halftrack and Lt. Fuzz. Sneak-A-Snack starring Killer Diller, Beetle Bailey, and Sarge Snorkel. Tone of Voice starring Beetle Bailey, Sarge Snorkel, Killer Diller, Plato, and Captain Scabbard. Service With a Smile starring Sarge Snorkel and Beetle Bailey. Wellearned Rest starring Beetle Bailey and Plato. Dream On text story. Messed-Up Messenger starring Zero, Sarge Snorkel, Captain Scabbard, and General Halftrack. Power of Suggestion starring Captain Scabbard, Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, and Killer Diller. Defeat Switch starring Sarge Snorkel, Killer Diller, Beetle Bailey, Plato, Captain Scabbard, and Lt. Fuzz. Dinner Decision starring Sarge Snorkel, Cookie, and Plato. Pep Talk starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, and Killer Diller. 36 pgs. $0.30. Cover price $0.30.

    The listing below is from eBay, and MyComicShop is not responsible for this item in any way. Some listings shown here may no longer be available if they sold or were ended by the seller after we last retrieved the listing details.

    6 days left Auction SARGE SNORKEL Comic #15 (Aug 1976, Charlton) 6.5 FN+ [Beetle Bailey]

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  • Issue #16
    Sarge Snorkel (1973) 16

    Tough Guy starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, Killer Diller, and Plato. The Volunteer starring Sarge Snorkel and Rocky. An Interesting Game starring Sarge Snorkel, Killer Diller, Plato, and Beetle Bailey. Just in Time starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, and Killer Diller. Spooked starring Sarge Snorkel, Plato, Beetle Bailey, and Killer Diller. Could Be Trouble starring Sarge Snorkel, Killer Diller, and Beetle Bailey. Heat Wave starring Killer Diller, Beetle Bailey, and Sarge Snorkel. How to Use a Mop starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, Captain Scabbard, and Killer Diller. Breaking a Habit starring Sarge Snorkel and Killer Diller. The Missing Marker starring Sarge Snorkel, Captain Scabbard, and Beetle Bailey. Zero's Good Deed starring Killer Diller, Beetle Bailey, Zero, Sarge Snorkel, Captain Scabbard, and General Halftrack. Battle of the Bulge text story. 36 pgs. $0.30. Cover price $0.30.

    The listing below is from eBay, and MyComicShop is not responsible for this item in any way. Some listings shown here may no longer be available if they sold or were ended by the seller after we last retrieved the listing details.

    $4 Sarge Snorkel #16, Vol 4 (Charleton Comics 1976) Beetle Bailey, Ol' Sarge, FN-

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  • Issue #17
    Sarge Snorkel (1973) 17

    A Day to Day Problem starring Sarge Snorkel, Cookie, and Beetle Bailey; Sarge has Beetle scheduled for K.P. Otto, the Actor starring Sarge and Otto; Otto doesn't like his new dogfood. Having a Blast starring Sarge Snorkel, Killer Diller, Beetle Bailey, and Zero. The Sound Sleeper starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, and Captain Scabbard. The Accusation starring General Halftrack, Sarge Snorkel, and Beetle Bailey. Slugger Snorkel starring Killer Diller, Plato, Beetle Bailey, Julius, and Sarge Snorkel. Otto's Favorite text story. 36 pgs. $0.30. Cover price $0.30.