Cover art by Al Hubbard. Purr Pal starring Scamp, art by Al Hubbard; Scamp befriends a kitten, who in turn rescues him from a vicious bulldog. Alligator Baiter starring Scamp, Trusty, and Scamp's three sisters; camp accidentally helps an alligator escape from the zoo, but Trusty the bloodhound saves the day. The Cave Trade starring Bongo and Lumpjaw, art by Frank McSavage. Gobs of Sobs starring Scamp, art by Al Hubbard. Give and Take starring Scamp, The Tramp, Lady, Jock, Trusty, and Peg, art by Hubbard. Scamp's Path-finder Puzzle. 36 pages, full color.
Cover price $0.10.