Cover pencils by Stan Goldberg, inks by Henry Scarpelli. "I Told You So!", script by Bob Bolling, art by Rex Lindsey; During an expedition at Mystic Lake, Archie encounters a sea monster and its Viking protectors; He returns to civilization with a horn from a Viking Warrior's helmet as proof, but no one believes him; Later, at Veronica's party, Betty blows on the horn and the Vikings suddenly reappear, take back the horn and disappear again. "Plain Jane," script by Bob Bolling, art by Rex Lindsey; At the fair, Archie befriends a girl nicknamed "Plain Jane", but he finds out that she is anything but plain. "Rainy Day for Two!", art by Rex W. Lindsey; Archie and Veronica share an umbrella much to Betty's dismay. "Teed Off!", script by Kathleen Webb, pencils by Rex Lindsey, inks by Rudy Lapick; Veronica helps her father by playing golf with his business associate, but during the game she sees Archie and Betty together and schemes to break them up. 36 pgs., full color.
Cover price $1.25.