Fanboy (1999 DC) comic books
Finster pines for an unattainable girl, get some grief at the comic store he works at, then tries to save Earth when Superman becomes unavailable. By Mark Evanier & Sergio Aragones, with sequence art by Bernie Wrightson (inks for 2 pages), Jerry Ordway, Matt Haley & Tom Simmons. Cover by Ordway & Aragones. Cover price $2.50.
Mark Evanier and Sergio Aragones Cover price $2.50.
Batman. Part 5 of 6, written by Mark Evanier. Art by Sergio Aragones, Frank Miller, Neal Adams, Bruce Timm, Dick Sprang, and various. Cover by Bob Kane and Aragones. Cover price $2.50.
Written by Mark Evanier; art by Sergio Aragones, Stevfe Rude and Dan Spiegle. Cover by Brian Bolland and Sergio Aragones. The incredible adventures of Finster conclude as he meets Wonder Woman courtesy of legendary artists Sergio Aragones, Steve RudeDan Spiegle! How does a loveable loser like Finster wind up spending time with the most beautiful woman in comics? Find out as Evanier, Aragones and Rude bring you Finster's date with Wonder Woman (well, Finster thinks it's a date, anyway). You'll have to see it to believe it! FC, 32 PG. Cover price $2.50.