Canadian edition with $.75 cover price. A fictional Japanese movie character appears as a live super-villain in "Sunburst--Public Enemy #1." Continued next issue. Written by Paul Kupperberg, with art by Alex Saviuk and Kurt Schaffenberger. Characters: Superboy [Clark Kent]; Sunburst (introduction); Lisa Davis; Jake; Bash; Nancy; Mr. Shaw; Jonathan Kent; Martha Kent; Malcolm. Plus: 7-page Dial "H" For Hero story "Dial 'O' for Origin!" finds Chris, Nick and Vicki learning the origin of the H Dials. Written by E. Nelson Bridwell and Bob Rozakis, with art by Howard Bender and Dennis Jensen. (Note: Pages 4 & 5 printed out of order.) Characters: Nick Stevens; Chris King; Vicki Grant; The Master; The Wizard (introduction). Cover by Gil Kane.
Cover price $0.75.