Comic books published by Art
1 in stock | Art Student's Year Book (1930s? Art League Publishing Co) | #0 | Art League Publishing Co. | 1930 |
1 in stock | How to Draw the Arm (1953 Art Instruction, Inc.) | #0 | Art Instruction Inc. | 1953 |
2 in stock | Illustrating and Cartooning Instruction Course | #1-14 | Art Instruction Inc. | 1953 - 1954 |
1 in stock | Kid K-os The Agents of Doom GN (2011) | #1 | Art House 7 | 2011 |
1 in stock | Playtime (1965 Art Enterprises) The New Magazine for Males | #1 | Art Enterprises | 1965 |
1 in stock | Pleasure (1960 Art Enterprises) Magazine | #1 | Art Enterprises | 1960 |
1 in stock | Singapore Sam (1997) | #1 | Art Effect Entertainment | 1997 |
6 in stock | Tug and Buster (1995) | #1-7 | Art & Soul | 1995 - 1998 |
1 in stock | Tug and Buster Preview (1995) | #0 | Art & Soul | 1995 |