Cover pencils by Stan Goldberg, inks by Jon D'Agostino. "Arrow Talk," script by George Gladir, pencils by Pat Kennedy, inks by Ken Selig; Dan Cupid trains his replacement on how to deal with the teens in Riverdale. "Nose for News," pencils by Tim Kennedy, inks by Rich Koslowski; Archie is convinced everybody is talking about him behind his back. "Mr. Nice Guy!", script by Mike Pellowski, pencils by Stan Goldberg, inks by Mike Esposito; Archie is having a bad day even though everybody keeps telling him to have a nice day. Archie's Holiday Fun Digest #12 ad. "Wherefore Art," script by Kathleen Webb, pencils by Stan Goldberg, inks by John Lowe; Mr. Lodge brags to his friend about the new painting he has purchased. "On Stage," script and pencils by Dick Malmgren, inks by Jon D'Agostino; Archie tries to get Veronica to hurry up so they can make the theater on time. "Bills Can Be Beautiful," script by Frank Doyle, pencils by Chic Stone, inks by Rudy Lapick; Fred won't give Archie more money because first priority is paying the bills. "Double-Trouble," script by George Gladir, pencils by Stan Goldberg, inks by Mike Esposito; Mr. Lodge dreams of a world populated by clones of Archie. "Vanishing Act," script by Mike Pellowski, pencils by Henry Scarpelli, inks by Jon D'Agostino; Archie works on a magic act for a talent show. 100 pgs., full color.
Cover price $2.49.