Cover art by Norman Nodel. The Illustrated Story of Great Scientists intro, art by George Evans. "The Earth Is Round," art by George Evans; Eratosthenes calculates the size of the Earth. Other famous geographers are profiled. "Fun with Geography" activity page, art by Stephen Addeo. "The Body Is Charted," art by Edd Ashe; Andreas Vesalius is the first to make detailed drawings of the anatomy of the human body. "The Earth Moves," pencils by Reed Crandall, inks by Al Williamson; Galileo discovers that the Earth travels around the Sun. "Fun with Astronomy," art by Stephen Addeo. "Nature Has Laws," art by John Tartaglione; The story of Issac Newton and his discoveries. "Fun with Mathematics" activity page, art by Stephen Addeo. "The Earth's Secrets," art by Bruno Premiani; The story of Niels Stensen and his discoveries in geology. "Fun with Geology" activity page, art by Stephen Addeo. "Germs Cause Disease," art by Gray Morrow; The story of Louis Pasteur and his accomplishments. "Fun with Biology" activity page, art by Stephen Addeo. "The Ways of Mankind," art by Sam Glanzman; The story of John Wesley Powell and his work studying Native American tribes. "Fun with Anthropology" activity page, art by Stephen Addeo. "The Magic Element," art by Norman Nodel; The story of Marie Curie and her discover of Radium. "The Inner Man" featuring Sigmund Freud, John Locke, William James, Hugo Munsterberg, and Alfred Adler, art by Angelo Torres. "The Atom Splits," art by H. J. Kihl; The story of Albert Einstein. 76 pgs., full color.
Cover price $0.25.