Vol. 4 #91 - May 13, 1916. Weekly started 18 days after World War I started and ended Feb. 8, 1919. Subtitled A Picture Record of events by Land, Sea and Air. Edited by J.A. Hammerton. The photos are many and many not published since their publication here. See a fireman about to scale a ladder fighting the flames of Verdun, mule and camel transport in Mesopotamia, conveying munitions by horse to the port, machine guns mounted on a motorcycle's sidecar, the Sinn Fein rebellion in Dublin, mortars and devastation at the front, Krupp guns towed by a locomotive and much more. Full-page artwork by wartime correspondents such as Stanley Wood. 8 1/4-in. x 10 3/4-in., 24 pages, B&W.