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Comic books 1993

Out of stock Far Side Gallery HC (1984-1995) #1-5 Andrews McMeel 1984 - 1995
In stock Far Side Gallery TPB (1984-1995 Andrews McMeel) #1-5 Andrews McMeel 1984 - 1995
Out of stock Far Side Last Chapter and Worse TPB (1996) #1 Andrews McMeel 1993
In stock Far Side The Curse of Madame C TPB (1993) #1 Andrews McMeel 1993 - 1994
In stock Farcus TPB (1993 Andrews McMeel) #1 Andrews McMeel 1993
Out of stock Fast Forward (1992) #1-3 DC 1992 - 1993
In stock Fate (1948-Present Clark Publishing) Digest/Magazine #1-61 Clark Publishing Company 1948 - 2008
2 of 2 in stock Fathom (1992) 2nd Series Comico #1-3 Comico 1992 - 1993
2 of 2 in stock Faust (1989 Northstar/Rebel) #1-15 Northstar 1989 - 2012
1 of 2 in stock FBI Informant (Fantagraphics) 199308-199402 Fantagraphics 1993 - 1994
In stock Felix the Cat (1991 Harvey) #1-7 Harvey 1991 - 1993
Out of stock Felix the Cat and Friends (1992) #1-5 Harvey 1993 - 1994
10 of 12 in stock Femforce (1985) #1-192 Americomics (AC) 1985 - 2021
2 of 2 in stock Femforce Up Close (1992) #1-11 Americomics (AC) 1992 - 1994
1 of 2 in stock Femme Fatales (1992 CFQ Media) #1-17 Frederick S. Clarke 1992 - 2008
1 of 2 in stock Femme Macabre (1993 London Night Studios) #1-2 London Night Studios 1993
In stock Fenry (1993) #1-2 Raven Publications 1993 - 1994
8 of 8 in stock Ferret (1992 2nd series) #1-10 Malibu 1993 - 1994
3 of 4 in stock Feud (1993) #1-4 Epic 1993
Out of stock Feud (1993) Ashcan #2 Epic 1993
In stock Fight Man (1993 Marvel) #1 Marvel 1993
0 of 4 in stock Figment (1989-1993 Figment Press) Fanzine #1-16 Figment Press 1989 - 1993
In stock Film Threat (1985 LFP Inc.) #1-2 Larry Flynt Publications 1986 - 1996
3 of 6 in stock Filmfax (1986) #1-155 Filmfax Inc. 1986 - 2019
Out of stock Filmmaker (1993 IFP Publishing) The Magazine of Independent Film #1-3 IFP Publishing 1993 - 1995
In stock Films in Review (1950-1997 National Board of Review of Motion Pictures, Inc.) #1-48 National Board of Review of Motion Pictures Inc. 1950 - 1997
In stock Fire & Movement #62-120 Decision Games 1989 - 2000
2 of 2 in stock Fire (1993 Caliber) #1-2 Caliber 1993
4 of 5 in stock Firearm (1993) #0-18 Malibu 1993 - 1995
Out of stock Firearm Movie VHS (1993 Malibu Films) #0 Malibu 1993
Out of stock Firkin (1989 Knockabout) #1-7 Knockabout 1989 - 1993
3 of 3 in stock Fish Police (1992 Marvel) #1-6 Marvel 1992 - 1993
2 of 3 in stock Flake (1990) #1-15 Mr. Cereal Box 1990 - 1993
5 of 5 in stock Flare (1989 2nd Series) #1-16 Hero Graphics 1990 - 1994
3 of 7 in stock Flare Adventures/Champions Classics (1992) #1-12 Hero Graphics 1992 - 1993
5 of 8 in stock Flare First Edition (1992) #1-11 Hero Graphics 1991 - 1993
14 of 14 in stock Flash (1987 2nd Series) #0-247 DC 1987 - 2009
In stock Flash (1987 2nd Series) Annual #1-13 DC 1987 - 2000
Out of stock Flash Gordon by Alex Raymond HC (1990-1994 Kitchen Sink) #1-6 Kitchen Sink 1990 - 1994
Out of stock Flash Gordon by Alex Raymond TPB (1990-1993 Kitchen Sink) #1-6 Kitchen Sink 1990 - 1993
In stock Flash vs. Dr. Polaris (1993) #1 DC 1993
1 of 3 in stock Flatbush Native (1993) #1-4 FlatLine 1993 - 1994
In stock Flatline Comics Presents (1993) #1-2 FlatLine 1993 - 1994
Out of stock Flaxen (1992 Dark Horse) #1 Dark Horse 1992 - 1993
4 of 4 in stock Flesh (1993) #1-4 Fleetway/Quality 1993
2 of 3 in stock Flesh Crawlers (1993) #1-3 Kitchen Sink 1993
Out of stock Flickering Flesh (1993 Boneyard Press) #1 Boneyard Press 1993
1 of 6 in stock Flintstones (1992 Harvey) #1-13 Harvey 1992 - 1994
Out of stock Flintstones (1992) Big Book #1-2 Harvey 1992 - 1993
1 of 2 in stock Flintstones (1992) Giant Size #1-3 Harvey 1992 - 1993
Out of stock Flintstones Special Limited Edition (1993 Post Cereal) #0 Harvey 1993
4 of 4 in stock Floaters (1993) #1-5 Dark Horse 1993 - 1994
Out of stock Flood! A Novel in Pictures GN (1992 Four Walls Eight Windows) 1st Edition #1 Four Walls Eight Windows 1992 - 1993
1 of 3 in stock Flowers on the Razorwire (1993 Boneyard Press) #1-12 Boneyard Press 1993 - 1997
1 of 2 in stock Floyd (1993 HoocLyne) #1-3 HoocLyne Entertainment 1993
1 of 3 in stock Flying Wombat Woman (1993 Eros) #1-3 Eros 1993
0 of 2 in stock Fond Memories Newsletter Tribute to Bettie Page (1993) #0-28 Bettie Scouts of America 1993
In stock Fond Memories Official Bettie Page Newsletter (1993) #0-28 Elegant Collectibles 1993 - 1996
Out of stock Forbidden 3-D (1993) #1 3D Zone 1993
0 of 3 in stock Forbidden Lines (1990-1994 Forbidden Press) #1-16 Forbidden Press 1990 - 1994
Out of stock Forbidden Planet The Saga of the Krell TPB (1993 Innovation) #1 Innovation 1993
1 of 2 in stock Force of Buddha's Palm (1988 Jademan) #1-55 Jademan 1988 - 1993
In stock Forgotten Realms Starless Night HC (1993 TSR Novel) 1st Edition #1 TSR 1993
Out of stock Forshadow (1993 AHP) #0 Avenging Heifer prod, Inc. 1993
1 of 12 in stock Fortean Times Magazine (1991 John Brown Publishing) #21-272 Dennis Publishing Ltd. 1991 - 2011
Out of stock Frank the Unicorn's Island Adventures GN (1993) #1 International Humor 1993
In stock Freak Force (1993 1st Series) #1-18 Image 1993 - 1995
Out of stock Freaked Movie Adaptation (1993 Hamilton Comics) #1 Hamilton 1993
Out of stock Freaks (1992) #1-4 Monster 1992 - 1993
In stock Freddies Last Dance (MBS Publishing 1993) #1-2 MBS Publishing 1993 - 1994
In stock Frederick and Eloise A Love Story GN (1993 Fantagraphics) #1 Fantagraphics 1993
6 of 6 in stock Freex (1993 Malibu) #1-18 Malibu Graphics Inc. 1993 - 1995
Out of stock Fright Night 3-D Halloween Annual (1993) #0 Now 1993
In stock Fright Night 3-D Winter Special (1993) #2 Now 1993
2 of 2 in stock From Hell (1991) #1-11 Mad Love 1991 - 1998
7 of 7 in stock Front Page Detective (1936-1995 Dell Publishing Co. Inc.) Magazine 193608-199509 MacFadden Publications 1936 - 1995
Out of stock FT Magazine (1993 McDonalds Corp) #2 McDonald's Corporation 1993
Out of stock Funny Monthly (UK 1991 Fleetway) 1993 Fleetway 1993
In stock Funny Papers Behind the Scenes of the Comics HC (1993) #1 Morrow 1993
1 of 7 in stock Furrlough (1991) #1-198 Antarctic/Radio Comix 1991 - 2024
In stock Future Course (1993) #1 Reoccurring Images 1993
Out of stock Future Shock (1993) #1 Sci-Fi Comix 1993
Out of stock Fuzzy Logic (1993) #1 Bill Fortier 1993
Out of stock Galerie Laqua Catalog (1989 Galerie Laqua) 1989-1999 Galerie Laqua 1989 - 1999
Out of stock Gallery (1972-2008 Montcalm Publishing) #1-36 Montcalm Publishing 1972 - 2008
2 of 2 in stock Gambit (1993 1st Series Marvel) #0-4 Marvel 1993 - 1994
Out of stock Gamer's Guide to Anime (1993 AniMagic Ltd) #1 AniMagic Ltd 1993
9 of 12 in stock Garage, The (1992) #1-18 Fanzine 1992 - 1994
Out of stock Gareth Blackmore's Unusual Tales (1993) #1 Blackmore Publishing 1993
Out of stock Garfield Fat Cat 3-Pack TPB (1993-2001 Ballantine) 1st Edition #1-12 Ballantine Books 1993 - 2001
2 of 2 in stock Garfield TPB (1980-2000 Ballantine) 1st Edition #1-36 Ballantine Books 1980 - 2000
Out of stock Garfield Treasury TPB (1982-1999 Ballantine) #1-10 Ballantine Books 1982 - 1999
0 of 4 in stock Gauntlet (1992) #1-8 Aircel 1992 - 1993
0 of 2 in stock Gauntlet Exploring the Limits of Free Expression (1990-2002 Gauntlet, Inc.) #1-24 Gauntlet, Inc. 1990 - 2002
0 of 5 in stock Gay Comix (1980 Kitchen Sink/Bob Ross) Gay Comics #1-25 Bob Ross 1980 - 1998
In stock Geek (1993) Vertigo Visions #1 DC/Vertigo 1993
Out of stock Gen 13 Preview (1993) #1 Image 1993
3 of 3 in stock Gene Dogs (1993) #1-4 Marvel 1993 - 1994
In stock Genesis (1993 Malibu) #0 Malibu 1993
In stock Genesis Special Ashcan Edition (1993 Malibu) #0 Malibu 1993
Out of stock Genesis Surviver Gaiarth Laserdisc (1992-1993) #0 AnimEigo 1992 - 1993
Out of stock Genesis Survivor Gaiarth Anime Cells (1993) #0 AIC 1993
3 of 3 in stock Genetix (1993) #1-6 Marvel 1993 - 1994
4 of 5 in stock Genocyber (1993) #1-5 Viz 1993
Out of stock Gent (1956-2011 Dugent Publishing) Magazine #1-34 Gent 1956 - 2000
2 of 3 in stock Genus (1993-1997 Antarctic Press) #1-22 Antarctic Press 1993 - 1997
Out of stock Gerry Anderson Design File (1992 Fanderson) #1-3 Fanderson Productions 1992 - 1994
In stock Gestalt (1993) #1 NEC 1993
Out of stock Getting Started Drawing and Selling Cartoons HC (1993 North Light Books) #0 North Light Books 1993
Out of stock Ghetto Bitch (1993 Eros Comix) #1 Fantagraphics 1993
13 of 13 in stock Ghost Rider (1990 2nd Series) #0-94 Marvel 1990 - 2007
In stock Ghost Rider (1990 2nd Series) Annual #1-2 Marvel 1993 - 1994
Out of stock Ghost Rider (1990 2nd Series) Annual Australian Price Variant #1 Marvel 1993
0 of 7 in stock Ghost Rider (1990 2nd Series) Australian Price Variant #20-43 Marvel 1992 - 1994
In stock Ghost Rider and the Midnight Sons Magazine (1993) #1 Marvel 1993
12 of 12 in stock Ghost Rider Blaze Spirits of Vengeance (1992 Marvel) #1-23 Marvel 1992 - 1994
0 of 4 in stock Ghost Rider Blaze Spirits of Vengeance (1992 Marvel) Australian Price Variant #4-13 Marvel 1993
In stock Ghost Rider Hot Pursuit Kay-Bee Collector's Edition (1993) #1 Marvel 1993
0 of 2 in stock Ghosts & Scholars (1979-2019 Haunted Library) 1st Series #1-33 Haunted Library 1979 - 2001
12 of 12 in stock GI Joe A Real American Hero (1982 Marvel) #1-155 Marvel 1982 - 1994
Out of stock GI Joe and the Transformers TPB (1993 Marvel) #1 Marvel 1993
Out of stock Giants are Coming 1968-1993 SC (1993 Star Tech) A 25th Anniversary Celebration of Land of the Giants #1 Star Tech 1993
Out of stock Giger's Alien Filmdesign SC (1989 20th Century Fox) #1 Morpheus International 1989 - 1993
Out of stock Giles Cartoon Book TPB (1978-2009 Express Newspapers) #32-61 Express Newspapers 1979 - 2008
Out of stock Girl Squad X (1993) #0 FantaCo 1993
Out of stock Girlhero (1993) #1-6 High Drive Publications 1993 - 1994
In stock Girls of Ninja High School (1991) #1-9 Antarctic Press 1991 - 1999
Out of stock Glamour International (1983-1999 GI) 2nd series #1-26 Glamour International Mag 1985 - 2001
Out of stock Go Die (1993 Threshold Press) #1 Threshold Press 1993
0 of 2 in stock Godhead (1992 Anubis) #1-3 Anubis 1992 - 1993
Out of stock Godzilla vs. Barkley (1993) #1 Dark Horse 1993
1 of 2 in stock Gold Digger (1992 1st Series) #1-4 Antarctic Press 1992 - 1993
1 of 6 in stock Gold Digger (1993 2nd Series) #1-50 Antarctic Press 1993 - 1999
3 of 3 in stock Golden Age (1993) #1-4 DC 1993 - 1994
In stock Golden Age of Superman: The Greatest Covers of Action Comics from the '30s to the '50s HC (1993 Artabras) #1 Artabras 1993
3 of 3 in stock Good Girl Art Quarterly (1990) #1-19 Americomics (AC) 1990 - 1995
2 of 2 in stock Good Guys (1993) #1-9 Defiant 1993 - 1994
Out of stock Good vs. Evil (1993 Saturn) #1 Saturn Comics 1993
In stock Goodnight Opus HC (1993 Little, Brown & Company) #1 Little Brown and Company 1993
0 of 10 in stock Goosebumps SC (1992-1997 Scholastic) Original Series #1-35 Scholastic Press 1992 - 1995
0 of 5 in stock Gorezone (1988 O'Quinn) #1-27 O'Quinn Studios 1988 - 1994
In stock Graffiti Kitchen (1993 Tundra) #1 Tundra 1993
Out of stock Grass Roots TPB (1993 2nd Edition) #1 Cottonwood 1993
6 of 6 in stock Gravestone (1993) #1-7 Malibu 1993 - 1994
Out of stock Graveyard Portrait By Simon Bisley (1993) 1993 None 1993
In stock Greatest Battles of the Avengers TPB (1993 Marvel) #1 Marvel 1993
10 of 12 in stock Green Arrow (1987 1st Series) #0-137 DC 1988 - 1998
In stock Green Arrow (1987 1st Series) Annual #1-7 DC 1988 - 1995
4 of 4 in stock Green Arrow The Wonder Year (1993) #1-4 DC 1993
12 of 12 in stock Green Hornet (1991 Now) #1-40 Now 1991 - 1995
3 of 3 in stock Green Hornet Dark Tomorrow (1993) #1-3 Now 1993
2 of 2 in stock Green Hornet Solitary Sentinel (1992) #1-3 Now 1992 - 1993
11 of 13 in stock Green Lantern (1990 3rd Series DC) #0-181 DC 1990 - 2004
In stock Green Lantern (1990 3rd Series DC) Annual #1-9 DC 1992 - 2000
2 of 4 in stock Green Lantern Corps Quarterly (1992) #1-8 DC 1992 - 1994
10 of 11 in stock Green Lantern Mosaic (1992) #1-18 DC 1992 - 1993
In stock Green Lantern/Green Arrow TPB (1992-1993 DC) 1st Edition Hard-Traveling Heroes #1-2 DC 1992 - 1993
Out of stock Greg Hildebrandt's Dracula (1993) Keepsake Collection #0 Comic Images 1993
2 of 2 in stock Gregory TPB (1989-1993 Piranha Press) #1-4 Piranha Press 1989 - 1993
In stock Grendel Ashcan (1993) #1 Dark Horse 1993
In stock Grendel Devil by the Deed (1993 Dark Horse) #1 Dark Horse 1993 - 1997
5 of 5 in stock Grendel Tales Four Devils, One Hell (1993) #1-6 Dark Horse 1993 - 1994
5 of 5 in stock Grendel War Child (1992) #1-10 Dark Horse 1992 - 1993
In stock Grendel War Child TPB (1993 Dark Horse) #1 Dark Horse 1993 - 1994
In stock Grey Legacy (1993 Fragile Elite Studio) #1 Fragile Elite Studio 1993
Out of stock Grey Worlds (1993) #1-2 Games Workshop 1993 - 1994
3 of 3 in stock Greymatter (1993) #1-10 Alaffinity 1993 - 1996
12 of 13 in stock Gridley Wave (1959 Burroughs Bibliophiles) Fanzine #1-384 Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc 1959 - 2014
In stock Griffith Observatory (1993) #1 Fantagraphics 1993
1 of 3 in stock Grit Bath (1993) #1-3 Fantagraphics 1993
Out of stock Groo Expose TPB (1993 Marvel/Epic) #1 Epic 1993
Out of stock Groo Festival TPB (1993 Marvel/Epic) #1 Epic 1993
12 of 12 in stock Groo the Wanderer (1985 Marvel) #1-120 Marvel 1985 - 1995
Out of stock Grue (1985 Hell's Kitchen Productions) Magazine #1-19 Hell's Kitchen Productions 1985 - 1999
11 of 11 in stock Guardians of the Galaxy (1990 1st Series) #1-62 Marvel 1990 - 1995
In stock Guardians of the Galaxy (1990 1st Series) Annual #1-4 Marvel 1991 - 1994
Out of stock Guess Who Didn't Take a Nap? TPB (1993 Andrews McMeel) A Baby Blues Collection #1 Andrews McMeel 1993
3 of 3 in stock Gun Runner (1993) #1-6 Marvel 1993 - 1994
2 of 2 in stock Gunfighters in Hell (1993) #1-5 Rebel Studios 1993 - 1997
In stock Guns N Roses Greatest Hits (1993) #1 Revolutionary 1993
12 of 12 in stock Guy Gardner Warrior (1992) #0-44 DC 1992 - 1996
In stock GWAR (1993 1st Series) #1-2 Slave Pit Inc. 1993 - 1994
Out of stock Gynoids by Hajime Sorayama (1992 Treville) #1 Treville 1993
Out of stock H-Bomb (1993 Antarctic Press) #1 Antarctic Press 1993
In stock H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu the Festival (1993) #0-3 Millennium 1992 - 1994
Out of stock H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Whisperer in Darkness TPB (1993) #1 Millennium 1993
In stock H.R. Giger Posterbook (1991 Taschen) #1 TASCHEN 1991 - 1993
Out of stock H.R. Giger's Biomechanics HC (1993 Morpheus Fine Art) #1 Morpheus Fine Art 1993 - 2007
7 of 7 in stock Hacker Files (1992) #1-12 DC 1992 - 1993
In stock Hairbat (1993 Screaming Rice Press) #1-6 Screaming Rice Press 1993 - 1994
In stock Hake's Guide to Comic Character Collectibles SC (1993 Wallace-Homestead) #1 Wallace-Homestead Book Co 1993
3 of 3 in stock Hall of Heroes (1993 1st Series) #1-3 Hall of Heroes 1993
5 of 5 in stock Hammerlocke (1992) #1-9 DC 1992 - 1993
Out of stock Hand of Chaos HC (1993 Bantam) A Death Gate Cycle Novel #1 Bantam Books 1993
Out of stock Hanna-Barbera Big Book (1993) #1 Harvey 1993
Out of stock Hanna-Barbera Giant Size (1992) #1-3 Harvey 1992 - 1993
13 of 13 in stock Harbinger (1992) #0-41 Valiant 1992 - 1995
Out of stock Hard Black Kiss HC (1993 Vortex) #1 Vortex Comics 1993
In stock Hard Boiled TPB (1993 Dark Horse) By Frank Miller and Geof Darrow 1st Edition #1 Dark Horse 1993
Out of stock Hard Boiled TPB (1993 Dell) By Frank Miller and Geof Darrow #1 Dell 1993