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Comic books 1993

Out of stock Devlin Waugh Swimming in Blood TPB (1993 Fleetway) #1 Fleetway/Quality 1993
In stock Dick Tracy Fan Club Newsletter (1993 Canon) #1 Canon USA 1992 - 1993
In stock Dick Wad of the Mega-Vice Squad (1993) #1 Slave Labor 1993
2 of 2 in stock Die Cut (1993) #1-4 Marvel 1993 - 1994
2 of 2 in stock Die Cut vs. G-Force (1993) #1-2 Marvel 1993
Out of stock Die Spinne Comic Album TPB (German 1979-1995 Condor) Spider-Man #1-57 Marvel 1979 - 1995
3 of 3 in stock Digitek (1992 Marvel) #1-4 Marvel 1992 - 1993
Out of stock Dime Press (Italian 1993) #4 No publisher listed/fanzine 1993
1 of 2 in stock Dino Island (1993) #1-2 Mirage Studios 1993
Out of stock Dino-Betty (1993) #1 Conquest 1993
In stock Dinosaur Bikini (1993) #1 Acid Rain Studios 1993
Out of stock Dinosaur Delirium (1993 Starline Publications) #1 Starline Publications 1993
Out of stock Dinosaur Magazine (1993 Starlog) #1 Starlog 1993
Out of stock Dinosaur Times (1993 Brill & Waldstein and CSK Publishing Co., Inc.) #1 Brill & Waldstein and CSK Publishing Co., Inc. 1993
In stock Dinosaurs (1992) #1-2 Hollywood Comics 1992 - 1993
11 of 11 in stock Dinosaurs for Hire (1993 2nd Series Malibu) #1-12 Malibu 1993 - 1994
In stock Dinosaurs for Hire Ashcan Edition (1993) #1 Eternity 1993
1 of 5 in stock Dirt Magazine (1991-1994) #1-6 Lang Communications 1993
3 of 3 in stock Dirtbag (1993) #1-7 Twist and Shout Comics 1993 - 1995
2 of 4 in stock Dirty Pair Sim Hell (1993) #1-4 Dark Horse 1993
1 of 2 in stock Dirty Plotte (1991 Drawn & Quarterly) #1-12 Drawn & Quarterly 1991 - 1998
2 of 2 in stock Disney Adventures Digest (1990-2007 Disney Magazines for Kids) #1-16 Disney Magazines for Kids 1990 - 2007
In stock Disney Lady and the Tramp HC (1993 Golden Books) A Little Golden Book #1 Golden Books 1993 - 2020
Out of stock Disney's Aladdin The Magic Carpet Ride HC (1993 Random House) A Little Golden Book #107 Western Publishing Company 1993
0 of 2 in stock Disney's Colossal Comics Collection (Digest 1991) #1-10 Marvel 1991 - 1993
0 of 2 in stock Disorderly House (1993 Dark Horse Comics) Ashcan #1-3 Dark Horse 1993 - 2010
Out of stock Diva Grafix and Stories (1993 Starhead Comix) #1-2 Starhead Comix 1993 - 1994
In stock Dixie (1993 Michael Hunt Publications) #1 Michael Hunt Publications 1993
Out of stock DML Catalog 1993-1995 1993 - 1995
Out of stock Doc Savage Arch Enemy of Evil SC (1993 Fantasticon Press) #1 Fantasticon Press 1993 - 1995
2 of 2 in stock Doctor Chaos (1993) #1-6 Triumphant 1993 - 1994
2 of 2 in stock Doctor Radium Man of Science (1992) #1-5 Slave Labor 1992 - 1995
12 of 12 in stock Doctor Strange (1988 3rd Series) #1-90 Marvel 1988 - 1996
In stock Doctor Strange (1988 3rd Series) Annual #2-4 Marvel 1992 - 1994
Out of stock Doctor Who Annual HC (1965-Present) The Official Annual 1966-2021 World Distributors 1966 - 2020
4 of 13 in stock Doctor Who Classic Comics (1992) #1-27 Marvel 1992 - 1994
Out of stock Doctor Who Classic Comics Special 199309 Marvel UK 1993
0 of 8 in stock Doctor Who In-Vision (1988 Cybermark Services UK) #24-105 Jeremy Bentham 1993 - 2002
7 of 12 in stock Doctor Who Magazine (1979-Present Marvel UK/Panini) #1-586 Marvel UK 1979 - 2023
1 of 2 in stock Doctor Who Summer Special (1982) 1980-1995 Marvel 1980 - 1994
In stock Doctor Who Winter Special (1981) 1977-1994 Marvel 1977 - 1994
In stock Doctor Who Yearbook (1991) 1991-1996 Marvel 1991 - 1996
Out of stock Doctor Zomb's House of Freaks (1993) #1 Starhead Comix 1993
0 of 4 in stock Dog Soup (1992) #1-8 Dog Soup Comics 1992 - 1994
In stock Dog Tags (1993) #1 Bugged Out 1993
Out of stock Dogbert's Clues for the Clueless TPB (1993 Andrews McMeel) A Dilbert Special #1 Andrews McMeel 1993 - 1994
1 of 2 in stock Dojinshi (1992) #1-4 Antarctic Press 1992 - 1993
Out of stock Dolores Claiborne HC (1993 Novel) By Stephen King #1 Viking 1993
Out of stock Domesticity Isn't Pretty TPB (1993 Palliard) A Leonard & Larry Collection #1 Palliard 1993
Out of stock Dominion TPB (1993 1st Edition Dark Horse) #1 Dark Horse 1993
In stock Don't Hassle Me With Your Sighs, Chuck SC (1993 Owl Book) #1 Owl Book 1993
In stock Donald Duck (1940 Marvel Variants) #280-282 Marvel 1993 - 1994
2 of 2 in stock Donald Duck (1952-1980 Dell/Gold Key/Whitman/Gladstone) #26-307 Dell/Gold Key/Whitman 1952 - 1998
7 of 7 in stock Donald Duck Adventures (1990 Disney) #1-38 Walt Disney Productions 1990 - 1993
3 of 3 in stock Donald Duck Adventures (1993 Gladstone) #21-48 Gladstone 1993 - 1998
3 of 3 in stock Donald Duck Adventures (1993 Marvel Variant) #21-32 Marvel 1993 - 1995
In stock Donna Matrix (1993) #1 Reactor 1993
12 of 13 in stock Doom 2099 (1993 Marvel) #1-44 Marvel 1993 - 1996
Out of stock Doom 2099 (1993 Marvel) Australian Price Variant #6 Marvel 1993
10 of 11 in stock Doom Patrol (1987 2nd Series) #1-87 DC 1987 - 1995
In stock Door Man (1993 Cult Press) #1 Cult Press 1993
In stock Dork (1993 Slave Labor) 1st Printing #1-11 Slave Labor 1993 - 2001
In stock Dork House Comics (1993) #1 Parody Press 1993
In stock Dorkier Images (1993) #1 Parody Press 1993
Out of stock Double Time (1993 Galactic Press) #1 Galactic Press 1993
In stock Down and Out Dawg Treasury Bonanza SC (1993 Cheshire Iguana Publications) #1 Cheshire Iguana Publications 1993
In stock Downside TPB (1993 Eclipse Books) #1 Eclipse 1993
Out of stock Dracula (1992 Topps) #1-4 Topps 1992 - 1993
In stock Dracula A Symphony in Moonlight and Nightmares GN (1993 NBM) #1 NBM 1993
Out of stock Dracula A Symphony in Moonlight and Nightmares HC (1993 NBM) #1 NBM 1993
Out of stock Dracula Return of the Impaler (1993) #1-4 Slave Labor 1993 - 1994
Out of stock Dracula TPB (1993 Topps) 1st Edition #1 Topps 1993
3 of 3 in stock Dracula Vlad the Impaler (1993 Topps) #1-3 Topps 1993
2 of 2 in stock Dracula vs. Zorro (1993 Topps) #1-2 Topps 1993
0 of 2 in stock Draculina (1985 Draculina Publishing) Magazine #16-36 Draculina Publishing 1993 - 1999
Out of stock Draculina Fear Book (1993 Draculina) #2 Draculina Publishing 1993
10 of 12 in stock Dragon (TSR 1976-2007) Magazine #1-359 TSR 1976 - 2007
4 of 4 in stock Dragon Lines (1993) #1-4 Marvel 1993
2 of 2 in stock Dragon Lines Way of the Warrior (1993) #1-2 Marvel 1993
5 of 5 in stock Dragonfire The Early Years (1993) #1-5 Night Wynd 1993
4 of 4 in stock Dragonfire UFO Wars (1993) #1-4 Night Wynd 1993
Out of stock Dragonflight TPB (1993) #1 Eclipse 1993
Out of stock Dread TPB (1993 Eclipse) 2nd Edition By Clive Barker #1 Eclipse 1993
2 of 3 in stock Dream Weavers (1993) #1-3 Golden Realm Unlimited 1993
2 of 2 in stock Dream Wolves (1993 London Night) #0-4 London Night 1993 - 1994
0 of 2 in stock Dreams and Nightmares (1986 Stone Lightning Press) #1-113 Stone Lightning Press 1986 - 2019
8 of 8 in stock Dredd Rules (1992) #1-20 Fleetway 1992 - 1993
In stock Drifter (1993) #1 Brainstorm 1993
In stock Drifters (1993 Sky Comics) 2nd Series #1 Sky Comics 1993
Out of stock Drunken Fist (1988 Jademan) #1-54 Jademan 1988 - 1993
Out of stock Druuna X HC (1993 Diva Graphix) #1 Diva Graphix 1993
Out of stock Druuna X HC (1993-1998 Heavy Metal) #1-2 Heavy Metal 1993 - 1998
Out of stock Dumm $2099 (1993) #1 Parody Press 1993
0 of 6 in stock Dungeon (Magazine) #1-150 TSR 1986 - 2007
6 of 6 in stock Duplex Planet Illustrated (1993) #1-15 Fantagraphics 1993 - 1996
4 of 4 in stock DWB (1982 Gary Leigh) (aka Doctor Who Bulletin/DreamWatch Bulletin) #50-121 Gary Leigh 1987 - 1994
Out of stock Dyke's Delight (UK 1993 Carol Bennett) #2 Carol Bennett 1993
0 of 5 in stock E Ticket Magazine (Disney) #1-19 Tomart Publications 1988 - 1993
Out of stock E-Man (1993) Ashcan Preview #1 Alpha Productions 1993
In stock E-Man (1993) One-Shot Alpha #1 Alpha 1993
0 of 12 in stock Eagle (UK 1982-1994 IPC Magazine) 2nd Series #1-505 IPC Magazines 1982 - 1994
3 of 3 in stock Earth 4 (1993) Deathwatch 2000 #1-3 Continuity 1993
3 of 3 in stock Earth 4 (1994) #1-4 Continuity 1993 - 1994
2 of 2 in stock Ebony Warrior (1993) #1-2 Ania 1993
Out of stock EC Crime Patrol Library Set HC (1993 Gemstone) The Complete EC Library #0 Gemstone 1993
2 of 6 in stock Echoes (1982-1998 Fading Shadows) Fanzine #1-100 Fading Shadows Inc. 1982 - 1998
1 of 2 in stock Eclectica Delectica (1993 Free Press) #1-2 Free Press 1993
Out of stock Eclipse Catalogue (1977 Eclipse) 1993 Eclipse 1993
12 of 12 in stock Eclipso (1992) #1-18 DC 1992 - 1994
4 of 4 in stock Ectokid (1993 Marvel) #1-9 Marvel 1993 - 1994
Out of stock Eden Matrix Mini Comics (1993) #1 Adhesive Comics 1993
1 of 2 in stock Edgar Rice Burroughs News Dateline (1979 Michael Conran) Fanzine #1-85 Michael Conran 1979 - 2014
0 of 12 in stock Ehlissa (1992) #1-36 Highland Graphics 1992 - 1995
3 of 3 in stock Eightball (1989 1st Printing) #1-23 Fantagraphics 1989 - 2000
In stock Eightball (1989 Reprints) #1-22 Fantagraphics 1989 - 2002
In stock El Gato Negro (1993) #1-4 Azteca Productions 1993 - 1996
In stock Elementals (1989 2nd Series Comico) #1-26 Comico 1989 - 1993
In stock Elementals Sex Special (1991) #1-4 Comico 1991 - 1993
In stock Elementals Sexy Lingerie Special (1993) #1 Comico 1993
3 of 3 in stock Elfheim (1993) Volume 4 #1-4 Night Wynd 1992 - 1993
1 of 4 in stock Elfheim Dragon's Dreams (1993) #1-4 Night Wynd 1993
Out of stock Elflord Dragon's Eye (1993) #1 Night Wynd 1993
In stock Elflord Return of the King (1992) #1-4 Night Wynd 1992 - 1993
0 of 4 in stock Elflord Summer's Magic (1993) #1-4 Night Wynd 1993
4 of 4 in stock Elflore (1993 Volume 3) #1-4 Night Wynd 1993
3 of 4 in stock Elflore High Seas (1993) #1-4 Night Wynd 1993
3 of 3 in stock Elfquest Blood of Ten Chiefs (1993) #1-20 WaRP Graphics 1993 - 1995
0 of 2 in stock Elfquest HC (1993-1994 Father Tree Press) #1-9 Father Tree Press 1993 - 1994
5 of 5 in stock Elfquest Hidden Years (1992) #1-29 WaRP Graphics 1992 - 1996
In stock Elfquest Hidden Years (1992) 1/2 Platinum Edition #9 WaRP Graphics 1993
In stock Elfquest Hidden Years Holiday Special 1/2 (1993) #9 WaRP Graphics 1993
9 of 9 in stock Elfquest New Blood (1992) #1-35 WaRP Graphics 1992 - 1996
Out of stock Elfquest New Blood HC (1993 Father Tree Press) #1 Father Tree Press 1993
In stock Elfquest New Blood Summer Special (1993) #1 WaRP Graphics 1993
In stock Elfquest Wave Dancers (1993) #1-6 WaRP Graphics 1993 - 1994
2 of 2 in stock Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine (1941-Present Davis-Dell) #1-151 Davis Publications, Inc. 1941 - 2019
8 of 8 in stock Elvira Mistress of the Dark (1993) #1-166 Claypool 1993 - 2007
1 of 5 in stock Elvis Presley Experience (1992) 1st Printing #1-7 Revolutionary 1992 - 1993
In stock Elvis Presley Experience (1992) 2nd Printing #1 Revolutionary 1993
In stock Empires of the Night (1993) #1 Rebel Studios 1993
0 of 4 in stock Empires, Eagles And Lions (1993) #1-6 Empires Eagles and Lions 1993 - 1994
2 of 4 in stock Enchanter Prelude to Apocalypse (1993) #1-4 Express Press 1993
Out of stock Enchantress: A Study of the Satanic Portfolio (SQP) 1993 SQP 1993
Out of stock Encyclopedia of Animated Saturday Superheroes SC (1993 CB Publications) #1 CB Publications 1993
2 of 2 in stock Enforce (1993 Reoccurring Images) #1-2 Reoccurring Images 1993
8 of 8 in stock Enigma (1993 Vertigo) #1-8 DC/Vertigo 1993
4 of 4 in stock ENTS: Entertainment Shorts (1993) #1-4 Manic 1993
0 of 2 in stock Envictus (1993) #1-3 FlatLine 1993 - 1994
1 of 12 in stock Epi-Log (1990 Magazine) #1-44 William E. Anchors, Jr. 1990 - 1995
1 of 7 in stock Epi-Log Journal (1992 Magazine) #1-17 William E. Anchors, Jr. 1992 - 1995
0 of 2 in stock Epi-log Special (Magazine) #1-8 William E. Anchors, Jr. 1992 - 1997
In stock ERBania (1956-2009 Peter Ogden) Fanzine #1-103 Peter Ogden 1956 - 2013
0 of 3 in stock Eros Graphic Albums TPB (1991-2003 Eros Comix) #2-55 Eros Comix 1991 - 2003
Out of stock Erotika (Spanish 1993 Carton Comics S.L.) #14 Carton Comics S.L. 1993
0 of 2 in stock Esquire (1933 Esquire, Inc.) Magazine #1-1983 Esquire Magazine 1905 - 2017
In stock Eternal Thirst (1993 Polyventura) #0 Polyventura Ent. Group 1993
12 of 12 in stock Eternal Warrior (1992) #1-50 Valiant 1992 - 1996
In stock Eternal Warrior Yearbook (1993) #1-2 Valiant 1993 - 1994
3 of 4 in stock Eternity Triple Action (1993) #1-4 Eternity 1993
3 of 3 in stock Eudaemon (1993) #1-3 Dark Horse 1993
3 of 3 in stock Eugenus (1993) #1-3 Eugenus 1993
5 of 5 in stock Europa (1987) #20-33 Game Research/Design 1991 - 1993
Out of stock Eva Medusa HC (1993 Heavy Metal/Tundra) #1 Heavy Metal/Tundra 1993
In stock Evil Ernie (1991 Eternity) #0-5 Eternity 1991 - 1993
4 of 4 in stock Evil Ernie Resurrection (1993) #1-4 Chaos 1993
Out of stock Evil Ernie Resurrection Ashcan (1993) #1 Chaos 1993
Out of stock Evil Ernie Youth Gone Wild TPB (1993 Chaos) 2nd Edition #1 Chaos 1993 - 1994
12 of 12 in stock Ex-Mutants (1992 2nd Series) #1-18 Malibu 1992 - 1994
13 of 13 in stock Excalibur (1988 1st Series) #0-125 Marvel 1988 - 1998
In stock Excalibur (1988 1st Series) JC Penney Reprint #27 Marvel 1993
In stock Excalibur (1988) Annual #1-2 Marvel 1993 - 1994
4 of 4 in stock Exiles (1993 1st Series Malibu) #1-4 Malibu 1993
0 of 4 in stock Exiles (1993 Alpha 2nd Series) #1-4 Alpha Productions 1993
2 of 7 in stock Exit (1992 Taxi Comics) #1-8 Taxi Comics 1992 - 1993
1 of 2 in stock Exotica (1992) #1-3 Cry for Dawn 1992 - 1993
In stock Expose (1993) #1 Cracked Pepper 1993
In stock Extreme (1993) #0 Image 1993
In stock Extreme Studios Tour Book (1993) #1 Image 1993
4 of 4 in stock Extremist (1993) #1-4 DC/Vertigo 1993
1 of 4 in stock Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers (1971 Rip Off Press) #1-13 Rip Off Press 1971 - 2006
Out of stock Facehugger (1991) #1-6 Simon Clarke 1991 - 1993
1 of 2 in stock Faction (1993) #1-2 Destiny 1993
2 of 2 in stock Famous Monsters of Filmland (1958) Magazine #1-291 Warren 1958 - 2019
3 of 4 in stock Fanboy Journal of Comic Fandom (1993) #1-4 Jam Comics Group 1993
Out of stock Fang (1993 Conquest) #1 Conquest 1993
4 of 11 in stock Fangoria (1979-2015 O'Quinn Studios) 1st Series #1-343 O'Quinn Studios 1979 - 2015
0 of 3 in stock Fangoria Horror Spectacular (1990) #1-10 O'Quinn Studios 1990 - 1993
Out of stock Fantagraphics Books Ultimate Comics Catalog (1991 Fantagraphics) #3 Fantagraphics 1993
Out of stock Fantastic Art Catalog (1993 Pomegranate) #1 Pomegranate Artbooks 1993
0 of 6 in stock Fantastic Collectibles Magazine (1992-2005) #105-146 Ray Bowman 1992 - 2005
12 of 12 in stock Fantastic Four (1961 1st Series) #1-416 Marvel 1961 - 1996
In stock Fantastic Four (1961 1st Series) Annual #1-27 Marvel 1963 - 1994
Out of stock Fantastic Four (1961 1st Series) JC Penney Reprint #51-355 Marvel 1991 - 1994
0 of 2 in stock Fantastic Four (Philippine 1961 MKPI) #380-381 Mahal Kong Pilipinas Inc (MKPI) 1993
0 of 3 in stock Fantastic Four Classic (Spanish 1993-1994 Comics Forum/Planeta DeAgostini) #1-3 Planeta DeAgostini 1993
4 of 4 in stock Fantastic Four Unlimited (1993 Marvel) #1-12 Marvel 1993 - 1995
Out of stock Fantastic Four Unlimited (1993 Marvel) Preview Edition #0 Marvel 1993
2 of 3 in stock Fantastic Panic (1993 1st Series) #1-8 Antarctic Press 1993 - 1994
0 of 3 in stock Fantasy Collector and ERB-dom (1988- Camille Cazedessus) Fanzine #201-263 C. Cazedessus, Jr. 1988 - 1996
Out of stock Fantomen (Swedish 1950 Semic/Egmont) Phantom 1988-2023 Egmont 1988 - 2023