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Comic books 1991-1993

3 of 3 in stock Overstreet Price Guide (1970- ) #1.1-54 Overstreet 1970 - 2024
9 of 10 in stock Overstreet Price Guide Update (1982) #1-25 Overstreet 1982 - 1993
In stock Overstreet's Advanced Collector SC (1993 Gemstone) #1 Overstreet 1993 - 1994
In stock Overstreet's Golden Age Quarterly (1993 Overstreet) #1 Overstreet 1993
In stock Owlhoots (1990) #1-2 Kitchen Sink 1990 - 1991
Out of stock Oz Game Book SC (1982) #1 International Wizard of Oz Club 1982 - 1992
3 of 3 in stock Oz Squad (1991 Brave New Words # 1-3) #1-3 Brave New Words 1991 - 1992
3 of 3 in stock Oziana (1971) Fanzine 1971-2014 International Wizard of Oz Club 1971 - 2014
In stock Ozzie Smith in the Kid Who Could (1992) #0 DC 1992
In stock Ozzy Osbourne (1993) #1 Malibu 1993
2 of 2 in stock PAC (Preter-Human Assault Corps 1993) #1-2 Artifacts Inc 1993
In stock Paddler (1992 Friendly Comics) #1 Friendly Comics 1992
In stock Pal Yat Chee (1993) #1 Adhesive Comics 1993
0 of 4 in stock Palestine (1993) #1-9 Fantagraphics 1993 - 1995
1 of 4 in stock Palookaville (1991) #1-19 Drawn & Quarterly 1991 - 2008
Out of stock Pandemonium Further Explorations into the Worlds of Clive Barker SC (1991 Eclipse Books) #1 Eclipse 1991
In stock Pandora Pill (1992) #1 Acid Rain Studios 1992
Out of stock Panelologist (1966) Jerry Bails fanzine #1-14 Fanzine 1965 - 1995
2 of 2 in stock Panorama (1991 St. Eve Productions) #1-2 St. Eve Productions 1991
Out of stock Paper Tales (1993) #1-2 CLG Comics 1993 - 1994
In stock Paradigm (1993 Gauntlet) #1 Gauntlet 1993
1 of 2 in stock Paradox (1991 1st Series) #1-3 Dark Visions 1991 - 1994
4 of 4 in stock Paragon Dark Apocalypse (1993) #1-4 Americomics (AC) 1993
6 of 6 in stock Paranoia (1991) #1-6 Adventure 1991 - 1992
0 of 2 in stock Paranoia (1993 Paranoia Publishing) Magazine #1-38 Paranoia Publishing 1993 - 2005
In stock Paranoid Tales of Neurosis (1990) #0 Chicken Outfit Media 1993
In stock Pardners GN (1990-1991 Cottonwood) #1-2 Cottonwood 1990 - 1991
Out of stock Parental Advice (1993 Trident Music) #3 Trident Music 1993
Out of stock Paro-Dee (1993 Parody Press) #1 Parody Press 1993
In stock Parody Press Annual Swimsuit Special (1993) #1 Parody Press 1993
0 of 4 in stock Parody Press! Parade (1992 Parody Press) #1-4 Parody Press 1992
3 of 3 in stock Partners in Pandemonium (1991) #1-3 CPM 1991
Out of stock Parts of a Hole (1991) #1 Caliber 1991
4 of 4 in stock Parts Unknown (1992) #1-4 Eclipse 1992
In stock Parts Unknown: The Next Invasion (1993) #1 Eclipse 1993
In stock Pat Savage Woman of Bronze (1992) #1 Millennium 1992
In stock Patrick Stewart The Unauthorized Biography (1992) #1 Celebrity Comics 1992
In stock Patrick Stewart vs. William Shatner (1992) #1 Celebrity Comics 1992
0 of 2 in stock Patrulla-X (Spanish 1985 Comics Forum/Planeta DeAgostini) Uncanny X-Men #1-122 Planeta DeAgostini 1985 - 1992
Out of stock Patrulla-X GN (Spanish 1985 Comics Forum/Planeta DeAgostini) Uncanny X-Men #0 Planeta DeAgostini 1992
Out of stock Paul McCartney The New World Tour SC (1992 MPL) Program #1 MPL 1992
Out of stock Paul McCartney The New World Tour SC (1993 MPL) Paul McCartney The New World Tour Photographic Book #1 MPL 1993
2 of 2 in stock Paul the Samurai (1990 1st Series) #1-3 NEC 1990 - 1991
8 of 8 in stock Paul the Samurai (1992 2nd Series) #1-10 NEC 1992 - 1994
Out of stock PeaceKeeper Ashcan Edition (1992) #1 Hot Fish Studios 1992
In stock Peach Slices TPB (1993 Aeon) A Desert Peach Graphic Novel 1st Edition #1 Aeon 1993
Out of stock Pearls of Love GN (1991 Cha Cha Comics) English Edition #1 Cha Cha Comics 1991
In stock Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm (1993 Harvey) #1-3 Harvey 1993 - 1994
Out of stock Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Giant Size (1993) #1 Harvey 1993
In stock Peek-A-Boo 3-D (1991 3D Zone) #1 3D Zone 1991
Out of stock Peep Show The Cartoon Diary of Joe Matt TPB (1991 Kitchen Sink) #1 Kitchen Sink 1992 - 1995
0 of 11 in stock Peeping Tom (1990-1999 Yew Tree House) #1-34 Yew Tree House 1990 - 1999
3 of 5 in stock Peepshow (1992) #1-14 Drawn & Quarterly 1992 - 2006
1 of 2 in stock Pendragon (1991) #1-2 Aircel 1991
4 of 4 in stock Pendulum (1992) #1-4 Adventure Comics 1992 - 1993
5 of 5 in stock Pendulum's Illustrated Stories GN (1990-1991 Series I) #1-6 Pendulum Press 1990 - 1991
Out of stock Penguin and Pencilguin (1987) #1-8 Fragments West 1987 - 1994
In stock Penguin Triumphant (1992) #1 DC 1992
4 of 4 in stock Pentacle The Sign of the Five (1991) #1-4 Eternity 1991
Out of stock Penthouse Comix Preview Edition (1993 Penthouse) #0 Penthouse 1993
Out of stock Perfidia (1993 Starhead Comix) #1 Starhead Comix 1993
3 of 3 in stock Perg (1993) #1-8 Lightning 1993 - 1996
In stock Perils of Mickey Fun Book for Kids (1993) 1993 Nabisco Food, Inc. 1993
Out of stock Perils of Penelope (1992 B&D Pleasures) #2 B&D Pleasures 1992
3 of 4 in stock Perramus Escape from the Past (1991) #1-4 Fantagraphics 1991 - 1992
2 of 4 in stock Personality Classics (1991) #1-4 Personality 1991 - 1992
13 of 18 in stock Personality Comics Presents (1991) #1-18 Personality 1991 - 1992
0 of 2 in stock Personality Comics Presents American Heroes (1992) #1-2 Personality 1992
3 of 3 in stock Personality Comics Presents Baseball Classics (1992) #1-3 Personality 1992
1 of 3 in stock Personality Comics Presents Baseball Comics (1992) #1-3 Personality 1992
4 of 4 in stock Personality Comics Presents Baseball Sluggers (1992) #1-4 Personality 1992
3 of 3 in stock Personality Comics Presents Best Pitchers (1992) #1-3 Personality 1992
2 of 3 in stock Personality Comics Presents Football Heroes (1992) #1-3 Personality 1992
3 of 3 in stock Personality Comics Presents Kiss (1992) #1-3 Personality 1992
4 of 4 in stock Personality Comics Presents Led Zeppelin (1992) #1-4 Personality 1992
2 of 2 in stock Personality Comics Presents Madonna (1991) #1-2 Personality 1991
In stock Personality Comics Presents Martial Arts Masters (1992) #1 Personality 1992
1 of 3 in stock Personality Comics Presents Pink Floyd (1992) #1-3 Personality 1992
1 of 3 in stock Personality Comics Presents Secret Agents (1991) #1-3 Personality 1991 - 1992
2 of 4 in stock Personality Comics Presents Slam Dunk Kings (1992) #1-4 Personality 1992
5 of 5 in stock Personality Comics Presents Sports Classics (1991) #1-5 Personality 1991 - 1992
3 of 5 in stock Personality Comics Presents Sports Comics (1992) #1-5 Personality 1992
3 of 4 in stock Personality Comics Presents The Beatles (1991) #1-4 Personality 1991 - 1992
11 of 11 in stock Personality Comics Presents The New Crew (1991) #1-11 Personality 1991 - 1992
Out of stock Personality Comics Presents The New Crew (1991) Annual #1 Personality 1992
11 of 12 in stock Personality Comics Presents The Original Crew (1991) #1-12 Personality 1991 - 1992
In stock Personality Comics Presents The Original Crew (1991) Annual #1 Personality 1992
Out of stock Personality Comics Presents The Original Crew (1991) Special #1 Personality 1993
1 of 3 in stock Personality Comics Presents The Rolling Stones (1992) #1-3 Personality 1992
2 of 2 in stock Personality Comics Rock Classics (1992 Personality Comics) #1-2 Personality 1992
1 of 7 in stock Pest (1993) #1-7 Atomic Comics 1993
In stock Pete and Moe Visit Professor Swizzle's Robots HC (1993) #1 Dark Horse 1993
12 of 12 in stock Peter Cannon Thunderbolt (1992) #1-12 DC 1992 - 1993
Out of stock Peter Kuper's Comics Strips TPB (1992 Tundra) #1 Tundra 1992
Out of stock Peter Pan (1991) #0 Walt Disney Productions 1991
0 of 2 in stock Peter Pan HC (1992-2004 Heavy Metal/Tundra) By Regis Loisel #1-6 Heavy Metal/Tundra 1992 - 2004
2 of 2 in stock Peter Pan Return to Never-Never Land (1991) #1-2 Adventure Comics 1991
Out of stock Peter Pan Return to Never-Never Land GN (1991 Adventure Comics) #1 Adventure Comics 1991
Out of stock Peter Pan to the Rescue SC (1992 A Golden Look-Look Book) #1 Western Publishing Company 1992
In stock Petit Mal (1992) #1 Caliber 1992
In stock Petworks vs. WildK.A.T.S (1993) #1 Parody Press 1993
In stock Phantasmagoria (1992 Tome Press) #1-2 Tome Press 1992 - 1994
0 of 92 in stock Phantom (Australian 1948 Frew) #1-1798 Frew Publications 1948 - 2017
3 of 9 in stock Phantom (UK 1992 Wolf) #1-9 Wolf 1992
In stock Phantom (UK 1992 Wolf) Limited Edition #1 Wolf 1993
0 of 2 in stock Phantom Feature Book Reprint (1993) #20-22 Pacific Comics 1993
In stock Phantom Force (1993 Image/Genesis West) #0-8 Image/Genesis West 1993 - 1994
5 of 5 in stock Phantom of Fear City (1993) #1-12 Claypool 1993 - 1995
Out of stock Phantom of the Opera (1991 Innovation) #1 Innovation 1991
0 of 2 in stock Phantom Replica Edition (1991-2013 Frew Publications) #1-23 Frew Publications 1991 - 2015
In stock Phantom Stranger (1993) Vertigo Visions #1 Vertigo 1993
Out of stock Phantom The Inexorables 1942-43 Daily Strips TPB (1993 Pacific Comics) #1 Pacific Comics 1993
In stock Philbert Desanex Dreams (1993) #1 Rip Off Press 1993
0 of 2 in stock Photo Journal Guide to Marvel Comics HC (1991 Gerber) #3-4 Gerber Publishing Co. 1991
In stock Photo Journal Guide to Marvel Comics HC (1991 Limited Edition) #3 Gerber Publishing Co. 1991
0 of 2 in stock Pickle (1993) #1-10 Black Eye 1992 - 1996
0 of 3 in stock Pictopia TPB (1991-1993 Fantagraphics) #1-4 Fantagraphics 1991 - 1993
In stock Piece of Steak (1991) #1 Caliber 1991
Out of stock Pied Piper of Hamelin (1991) #1 Tome Press 1991
2 of 2 in stock Pigeon Man the Birdbrain (1993) #1-2 Ferry Tail Studios 1993
In stock Pighead (1993) #1 Skip Williamson 1993
Out of stock Pilgrim's Progress GN (1992 Marvel) #1 Marvel 1992
Out of stock Pilgrims Progress (1993) #1 Ilustrated Comics 1993
Out of stock Pin-Up Poster Book: The Elvgren Collection SC (1992 Collectors Press) #1 Collectors Press 1992
In stock Pinhead (1993) #1-6 Marvel/Epic 1993 - 1994
1 of 2 in stock Pinhead vs. Marshal Law Law in Hell (1993) #1-2 Marvel/Epic 1993
3 of 5 in stock Pink Floyd Experience (1991) #1-5 Revolutionary 1991 - 1992
0 of 2 in stock Pink Panther (1993 Harvey) #1-9 Harvey 1993 - 1994
Out of stock Pink Panther Super Special (1993) #1 Harvey 1993
Out of stock Pinocchio HC (1992 Golden) A First Little Golden Book 10152 Western Publishing Company 1992
2 of 2 in stock Piranha is Loose (1991) #1-2 Special Studio 1991
1 of 2 in stock Pirate Corps (1989 Slave Labor) #1-5 Slave Labor/Amaze Ink 1989 - 1992
1 of 2 in stock Pirate Corps The Blunder Years (1993) #1-2 Slave Labor 1993
In stock Pirate Queen (1991 Comax) #1 Comax 1991
0 of 3 in stock Pirate Writings (1992-2000 Pirate Writings) Magazine #1-18 Pirate Writings 1992 - 1999
6 of 9 in stock Pirates of Dark Water (1991) #1-9 Marvel 1991 - 1992
1 of 2 in stock Pitt (1992) Deluxe Ashcan Edition #1-3 Image 1992 - 1994
2 of 2 in stock Pitt (1993 Image/Full Bleed) #1-20 Image/Full Bleed 1993 - 1999
1 of 3 in stock Pitt (1993) Hero Premiere Edition Ashcan #3 Image 1993
In stock Pitts (1993) #1 Parody Press 1993
Out of stock Pixy GN (1993 Fantagraphics) #1 Fantagraphics 1993
6 of 6 in stock Pixy Junket (1993) #1-6 Viz 1993
In stock Pizza Hut Super Savings Book Featuring The X-Men (1993) 1993 Marvel 1993
In stock Plague (1991) #1 Tome Press 1991
1 of 3 in stock Plan 9 from Outer Space (1991) #1-3 Eternity 1991
2 of 2 in stock Planet 29 (1991) #1-2 Caliber 1991
15 of 16 in stock Planet of the Apes (1990 Adventure) #1-24 Adventure Comics 1990 - 1992
In stock Planet of the Apes (1990 Adventure) Annual #1 Adventure 1991
4 of 4 in stock Planet of the Apes Blood of the Apes (1991) #1-4 Adventure Comics 1991 - 1992
In stock Planet of the Apes Sins of the Father (1992) #1 Adventure 1992
4 of 4 in stock Planet of the Apes The Forbidden Zone (1992) #1-4 Adventure Comics 1992 - 1993
Out of stock Planet of the Apes The Monkey Planet TPB (1991) #1 Malibu 1991
4 of 4 in stock Planet of the Apes Urchak's Folly (1991) #1-4 Adventure 1991
In stock Planet X (1991) #1 Eternity 1991
Out of stock Plasm (1993 Diamond Insert) #0 Defiant 1993
In stock Plasm ComiCollector Card Set and Album (1993 Enlightened) #0 Enlightened Entertainment 1993
3 of 3 in stock Plasma Baby (1992) #1-3 Caliber 1992
2 of 2 in stock Plasmer (1993) #1-4 Marvel 1993 - 1994
7 of 18 in stock Plastic Figure & Playset Collector (1989) Fanzine #0-76 Specialty Publishing Comp 1989 - 2002
4 of 4 in stock Plastron Cafe (1992) #1-4 Mirage Studios 1992 - 1993
Out of stock Platinum .44 (1991) #1 Comax 1991
Out of stock Playboy A Comic Book by Chester Brown GN (1992 Drawn & Quarterly) #1 Drawn & Quarterly 1992
Out of stock Playboy A Comic Book by Chester Brown HC (1992 Drawn and Quarterly) #1 Drawn & Quarterly 1992
3 of 3 in stock Playboy Magazine (1953-Present HMH Publishing) #1-66 HMH Publishing Co. 1953 - 2019
Out of stock Playboy's Career Girls (1992 Playboy Press) #1 Playboy Press 1992
In stock Playgrounds (1991) #1 Fantagraphics 1991
Out of stock Pogey Boys (1992 Subterranean) #1 Subterranean Comics 1992
8 of 10 in stock Pogo TPB (1992-2000 Fantagraphics) #1-11 Fantagraphics 1992 - 2000
2 of 6 in stock Poison Elves (1993 1st Series) #8-20 Mulehide Graphics 1993 - 1995
In stock Polestar Comics: UltraCybernetic DolphinDroids (1993) #1 POLESTAR COMICS 1993
3 of 3 in stock Polis (1991) #1-3 Brave New Words 1991
Out of stock Politically Incorrect Cheese Weasel TPB (1993 Side Show Books) #1 Side Show Books 1993
In stock Politically, Fashionably, and Aerodynamically Inncorect TPB (1992 Little Brown and Company) #1 Little Brown and Company 1992
In stock Polly and Her Pals (1990) #1-5 Malibu 1990 - 1991
5 of 37 in stock Polyhedron Newszine (1989-1995 TSR) #0-171 TSR 1981 - 2004
In stock Popcorn (1993) #1 Discovery 1993
In stock Popeye (1993 Harvey) #1-7 Harvey 1993 - 1994
Out of stock Popeye (1993) Summer Special #1 Harvey 1993
In stock Portraits of Eddie (1992) #1 Iconografix 1992
In stock Post Mortem (1991) #1 BNW 1991
1 of 4 in stock Power (1991) #1-4 Aircel 1991
Out of stock Power Comics Ashcan (1993) #0 Power Comics 1993
Out of stock Power Defense (1993 Miller Publishing) #1 Miller Publishing Company 1993
In stock Power Factor (1990 Innovation) #1-3 Innovation 1990 - 1991
In stock Power Factor Special (1991) #1 Innovation 1991
In stock Power of Shazam Preview (1993) #1 DC 1993
Out of stock Power of Shazam Retailer Promotional Kit (1993 DC) #1 DC 1993
2 of 2 in stock Power Pack (1984 1st Series) #1-62 Marvel 1984 - 1991
In stock Power Pack Holiday Special (1992) #1 Marvel 1992
Out of stock Powerknights (1992) #1 U P Comics 1992
In stock Practice in Pain (1993 London Night) #1 London Night 1993
In stock Prairie Moon and Other Stories (1992) #0 Dark Horse 1992
In stock Pre-Raphaelite Persuasion (1991) #1 Tome Press 1991
2 of 2 in stock Predator 2 (1991 Movie Adaptation) #1-2 Dark Horse 1991
In stock Predator Bad Blood (1993) #1-4 Dark Horse 1993 - 1994
4 of 4 in stock Predator Big Game (1991) #1-4 Dark Horse 1991
Out of stock Predator Big Game TPB (1992 Dark Horse) 1st Edition #1 Dark Horse 1992
4 of 4 in stock Predator Cold War (1991) #1-4 Dark Horse 1991
Out of stock Predator Cold War TPB (1993 Dark Horse) #1 Dark Horse 1993
5 of 5 in stock Predator Race War (1993) #0-4 Dark Horse 1993