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Comic books 1993

1 in stock 1001 Nights of Bacchus (1993) #1 Dark Horse 1993
6 in stock 1963 (1993 Image) #1-6 Image 1993
1 in stock 1963 (1993) Ashcan #1-5 Image 1992 - 1993
45 in stock 2000 AD (1977 IPC/Fleetway/Rebellion) UK #1-2011 IPC/Fleetway 1977 - 2017
1 in stock 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special (1978-Present IPC/Fleetway) UK 1978-2020 IPC/Fleetway 1978 - 2020
1 in stock 2099 Limited (1993) Ashcan #1 Marvel 1993
2 in stock 2099 Unlimited (1993 Marvel) #1-10 Marvel 1993 - 1995
1 in stock 7th Guest: The Official Strategy Guide SC (1993 Prima) Secrets of the Games Series #1 Prima Publishing 1993
4 in stock A Distant Soil (1991 Aria/Image) #1-42 Aria/Image 1991 - 2013
1 in stock A Small Killing GN (1993 Dark Horse) By Alan Moore 2nd Edition #1 Dark Horse 1993
2 in stock A-OK (1992) #1-4 Antarctic Press 1992 - 1993
1 in stock Aboriginal Science Fiction (1986) #1-12 Aboriginal Science Fiction 1986 - 2001
1 in stock AC (1991) Annual #1-2005 Americomics (AC) 1990 - 2005
3 in stock Accident Man (1993) #1-3 Dark Horse 1993
1 in stock Acolyte (1993) #1 Mad Monkey Press 1993
10 in stock Action Comics (1938 DC) #0-904 DC 1938 - 2011
1 in stock Action Comics (1938 DC) Annual #1-13 DC 1987 - 2011
1 in stock Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters (1992) #1-5 Parody Press 1992 - 1993
1 in stock Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters Lost and Alone (1993) #1 Parody Press 1993
11 in stock Advance Comics (1989 Capital City Distribution) #0-94 Capital City Distribution 1988 - 1996
1 in stock Advance Comics Orderbook (1989 Capital City Distribution) 1992-1994 Capital City Distribution 1992 - 1994
10 in stock Adventures of Superman (1987) #0-649 DC 1987 - 2006
1 in stock Adventures of Superman (1987) Annual #1-9 DC 1987 - 1997
1 in stock Adventures of the Big Boy (1957-1996 Webs Adv. Corp.) Restaurant Promo #1-485 Big Boy Restaurants 1956 - 1998
1 in stock Aesop's Desecrated Morals (1993) #1 Magnecom 1993
2 in stock Age of Reptiles (1993) #1-4 Dark Horse 1993 - 1994
1 in stock Agent Three Zero (1993) #1 Galaxi Novels 1993
1 in stock AIDS Awareness (1993) #1 Chaos City Comics 1993
1 in stock Airman (1993) #1 Malibu 1993
2 in stock Airtight Garage (1993) #1-4 Marvel/Epic 1993
2 in stock Albedo (1992 2nd Series Antarctic) #1-10 Antarctic Press 1991 - 1993
1 in stock Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine (1956 Davis-Dell) #1-64 H.S.D. Publications 1956 - 2019
1 in stock Ali-Baba Scourge of the Desert (1992) #1-2 Gauntlet 1992 - 1993
1 in stock Alien Legion Binary Deep (1993) #1 Marvel 1993
3 in stock Alien Legion One Planet at a Time (1993) #1-3 Marvel 1993
1 in stock Aliens (1991) UK Magazine #2 Dark Horse International 1992 - 1994
13 in stock Aliens Action Figure Mini-Comics (1993) #1-13 Dark Horse 1993
9 in stock Aliens Colonial Marines (1993) #1-10 Dark Horse 1993 - 1994
2 in stock Aliens Labyrinth (1993) #1-4 Dark Horse 1993
3 in stock Aliens Predator Deadliest of Species (1993) #1-12 Dark Horse 1993 - 1995
1 in stock Aliens Predator The Deadliest of Species (1993) Ashcan #1 Dark Horse 1993
3 in stock Aliens Rogue (1993) #1-4 Dark Horse 1993
1 in stock Aliens Sacrifice (1993) #1 Dark Horse 1993
1 in stock All New Comics (1993 Harvey) #1 Harvey 1993
11 in stock Alpha Flight (1983 1st Series) #1-130 Marvel 1983 - 1994
1 in stock Alphabet (1993) #1 Dark Visions 1993
1 in stock Alternate Oscars SC (1993 Delta) #1 Delta 1993
2 in stock Alvin and the Chipmunks (1992 Harvey) #1-5 Harvey 1992 - 1994
4 in stock Amazing Heroes Interviews (1993) #1-4 Fantagraphics 1993 - 1996
2 in stock Amazing Heroes Swimsuit Special (1990) #1-5 Fantagraphics 1990 - 1993
13 in stock Amazing Spider-Man (1963 1st Series) #0-441 Marvel 1963 - 2007
1 in stock Amazing Spider-Man (1963 1st Series) Annual #1-1997 Marvel 1964 - 1997
1 in stock Amazing Spider-Man (1963 1st Series) Australian Price Variant #346-412 Marvel 1991 - 1996
1 in stock Amazing Spider-Man (1963 1st Series) JC Penney Reprint #0-330 Marvel 1993 - 1994
1 in stock Amazing Spider-Man Adventures in Reading Giveaway (1991) #1-3 Marvel 1990 - 1993
1 in stock Amazing Spider-Man Chaos in Calgary (1993) #4 Marvel 1993
1 in stock Amazing Spider-Man Dead Ball (1993 Marvel) L'etonnant Spider-Man #5 Marvel 1993
1 in stock Amazing Spider-Man Double Trouble (1993) #2 Marvel 1993
1 in stock Amazing Spider-Man Double Trouble (1993) Canadian Edition #2 Marvel 1993
1 in stock Amazing Spider-Man Hero Caps (1993) #0 Marvel 1993
1 in stock Amazing Spider-Man Hit and Run (1993 U.S. Edition) #3 Marvel 1993
1 in stock Amazing Stories (1926-Present Experimenter) Pulp #1-76 Experimenter Publications 1926 - 2018
1 in stock American Splendor (1976 Harvey Pekar) #1-17 Harvey Pekar 1976 - 1993
1 in stock Ammo Armageddon (1993) #1 Atomeka 1993
1 in stock An Accidental Death (1993) #1 Fantagraphics 1993
1 in stock Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact (1960-Present Dell) #66-139 Dell Magazines 1960 - 2019
1 in stock Angryman (1992) #1-3 Iconografix 1992 - 1993
12 in stock Animal Man (1988) #1-89 DC 1988 - 1995
1 in stock Animal Man (1993) Annual #1 DC 1993
1 in stock Animal Mystic (1993) #1-4 Sirius 1993 - 1995
2 in stock Animation Magazine (1985 Animation Magazine / Thoren Publications) #1-22 Animation Magazine 1987 - 2008
4 in stock Animerica (1992 Viz) #0-1306 Viz Media LLC 1992 - 2005
4 in stock Anne Rice's Queen of the Damned (1991) #1-11 Innovation 1991 - 1993
3 in stock Anne Rice's the Witching Hour (1992 Millennium) #1-5 Millennium 1992 - 1996
1 in stock Another Chance to Get it Right HC (1993 Dark Horse) 1st Edition #1 Dark Horse 1993
1 in stock Another Chance to Get it Right TPB (1993 Dark Horse) 1st Edition #1 Dark Horse 1993
1 in stock Apache Dick (1990) #1-4 Eternity 1990 - 1993
3 in stock Apprentice to a God (1993) #1-3 Abalone Press 1993
1 in stock Aquaman Time and Tide (1993) #1-4 DC 1993 - 1994
12 in stock Archer and Armstrong (1992) #0-26 Valiant 1992 - 1994
11 in stock Archie (1943 Archie Comics) #1-666 Archie Publications 1943 - 2015
1 in stock Archie and Friends (1991) #1-159 Archie Publications 1991 - 2012
1 in stock Archie and Friends vs. the Household Toxic Wastes (1993) 1993-1995 Archie Publications 1993 - 1995
5 in stock Archie Andrews, Where are You? Digest (1981) #1-114 Archie Publications 1977 - 1998
1 in stock Archie Andrews, Where are You? Digest (1981) Canadian Price Variant #36-102 Archie Publications 1985 - 1995
1 in stock Archie Annual Digest (1975) #27-69 Archie Publications 1975 - 1997
3 in stock Archie Comics Digest (1973) #1-267 Archie Publications 1973 - 2010
1 in stock Archie's Christmas Stocking (1993) #1-7 Archie Publications 1993 - 1999
4 in stock Archie's Double Digest (1982) #1-359 Archie Publications 1982 - 2025
1 in stock Archie's Pals 'n' Gals Double Digest (1995) #1-146 Archie Publications 1992 - 2011
3 in stock Archie's Story and Game Digest (1986) #1-39 Archie Publications 1986 - 1998
1 in stock Arcomics Premiere Issue (1993) #1 Arcomics 1993
7 in stock Arena Magazine (1992) #1-17 Arena Magazine 1992 - 1994
1 in stock Armchair Detective (1967-1997 Mysterious Press) #1-30 Mysterious Press 1967 - 1997
6 in stock Armor (1993 2nd Series) #1-6 Continuity 1993
1 in stock Armorines (1994 1st Series Valiant) #0-12 Valiant 1993 - 1995
1 in stock Army of Darkness (1992 1st Series) #1-3 Dark Horse 1992 - 1993
1 in stock Art of Homage Studios (1993) #1 Image 1993
1 in stock Arthur King of Britain (1994 Tome Press) #1-5 Tome Press 1993 - 1994
1 in stock Asimov's Science Fiction (1977-2019 Dell Magazines) #1-43 Davis Publications, Inc. 1977 - 2019
1 in stock Assassination of Malcolm X (1993) #1 Comic Zone 1993
3 in stock Asylum (1993 Milennium) #1-3 Millennium 1993
1 in stock Atom Special (1993) #1-2 DC 1993 - 1995
12 in stock Avengers (1963 1st Series) #1-402 Marvel 1963 - 1996
1 in stock Avengers (1963 1st Series) Annual #1-23 Marvel 1967 - 1994
2 in stock Avengers (1963 1st Series) Australian Price Variant #328-363 Marvel 1991 - 1993
1 in stock Avengers Anniversary Magazine (1993) #1 Marvel 1993
1 in stock Avengers Hero Caps (1993 Marvel) #0 Marvel 1993
1 in stock Avengers Masterworks TPB (1993 Marvel) #1 Marvel 1993
1 in stock Avengers Sugar Babies Edition (1993) #1 Marvel 1993
4 in stock Avengers The Terminatrix Objective (1993) #0-4 Marvel 1993
12 in stock Avengers West Coast (1985) #1-102 Marvel 1985 - 1994
1 in stock Avengers West Coast (1986) Annual #1-8 Marvel 1986 - 1993
1 in stock Avengers/X-Men Bloodties TPB (1995 Marvel) #1 Marvel 1993 - 1995
2 in stock Baby Boomer Collectibles (1993) #1-50 Mark Karavakis 1993 - 1997
3 in stock Baby Huey (1991-1994 Harvey) #1-9 Harvey 1991 - 1994
1 in stock Back to the Future (1992 Harvey) Forward to the Future #1-3 Harvey 1992 - 1993
1 in stock Bad Blood The Vampire Collection TPB (1993 Heavy Metal) #1 Heavy Metal 1993
1 in stock Bad Luck (1994 King Comics) #1 King Comics 1993
1 in stock Badlands TPB (1993 Dark Horse) 1st Edition #1 Dark Horse 1993
1 in stock Baker Street Sketchbook (1993) #1 Caliber 1993
6 in stock Barbie (1991 Marvel) #1-63 Marvel 1991 - 1996
1 in stock Barbie (1991 Marvel) Australian Price Variant #11-23 Marvel 1992 - 1993
1 in stock Barbie Bazaar (1988-2006 Murat Caviale Communications) Barbie Collector Magazine #0 Murat Caviale Communications, Inc. 1988 - 1996
9 in stock Barbie Fashion (1991 Marvel) #1-53 Marvel 1991 - 1995
2 in stock Barnabus: Sins of Honor (1993 Cap-Up Studios) #1-2 Cap-Up Studios 1993
1 in stock Bartman (1993) #1-6 Bongo 1993 - 1995
6 in stock Baseball Legends Comics (1992) #1-19 Revolutionary 1992 - 1993
4 in stock Baseball Superstars Comics (1991) #1-20 Revolutionary 1991 - 1995
2 in stock Basil Wolverton's Fantastic Fables (1993) #1-2 Dark Horse 1993
15 in stock Batman (1940) #0-713 DC 1940 - 2022
1 in stock Batman (1940) Annual #1-28 DC 1961 - 2011
12 in stock Batman Adventures (1992 1st Series) #1-36 DC 1992 - 1997
1 in stock Batman Adventures Coloring Book (1993) #1 DC 1993
1 in stock Batman Birth of the Demon GN (1993 DC) #1 DC 1993
1 in stock Batman Dark Joker The Wild Ashcan (1993) #0 DC 1993
1 in stock Batman Dark Joker The Wild HC (1993 DC) Elseworlds #1 DC 1993
2 in stock Batman Grendel (1993) #0-2 DC/Dark Horse 1993
1 in stock Batman Grendel (1993) Ashcan #1 DC 1993
1 in stock Batman Houdini (1993) #1 DC 1993
1 in stock Batman Judge Dredd Vendetta in Gotham (1993) #1 DC 1993
2 in stock Batman Knightfall TPB (1993-1995 DC) 1st Edition #1-3 DC 1993 - 2011
14 in stock Batman Legends of the Dark Knight (1989) #0-214 DC 1989 - 2007
1 in stock Batman Legends of the Dark Knight (1989) Annual #1-7 DC 1991 - 1997
1 in stock Batman Legends of the Dark Knight Halloween Special (1993) #1 DC 1993
1 in stock Batman Legends of the Dark Knight Halloween Special (1993) West Coast Tour Special #1 DC 1993
1 in stock Batman Mask of the Phantasm (1993) #1 DC 1993
1 in stock Batman Seduction of the Gun (1993) #1 DC 1993
15 in stock Batman Shadow of the Bat (1992) #0-94 DC 1992 - 2000
1 in stock Batman Shadow of the Bat (1993) Annual #1-5 DC 1993 - 1997
1 in stock Batman Sword of Azrael (1992) #1-4 DC 1992 - 1993
1 in stock Batman Sword of Azrael TPB (1993 DC) #1 DC 1993
1 in stock Batman The Collected Adventures TPB (1993-1994 DC) Batman Adventures #1-2 DC 1993 - 1994
2 in stock Batman Two-Face Strikes Twice (1993) #1-2 DC 1993
1 in stock Batman Vengeance of Bane (1993) #1 DC 1993
2 in stock Battle Angel Alita Part 1 (1992) #1-9 Viz 1992 - 1993
7 in stock Battle Angel Alita Part 2 (1993) #1-7 Viz 1993
2 in stock Battle Angel Alita Part 3 (1993) #1-13 Viz 1993 - 1994
3 in stock Battletide (1992 1st Series) #1-4 Marvel 1992 - 1993
3 in stock Battletide II (1993 2nd Series) #1-4 Marvel 1993
2 in stock Battron (1992 NEC) #1-3 NEC 1993
1 in stock Baum Bugle A Journal of Oz (1957) #5-59 The International Wizard of Oz Club 1961 - 2015
6 in stock Beauty and the Beast (1993 Innovation) #1-6 Innovation 1993
4 in stock Beetle Bailey (1992-1994 Harvey) #1-9 Harvey 1992 - 1994
1 in stock Beetle Bailey Big Book (1992 Harvey) #1-2 Harvey 1992 - 1993
1 in stock Berzerker (1993) #1-6 Gauntlet 1993 - 2004
1 in stock Best of Drawn and Quarterly TPB (1993 Drawn & Quarterly) #1 Drawn & Quarterly 1993
1 in stock Best of the British Invasion (1993) #1-2 Revolutionary 1993 - 1994
7 in stock Betty (1992 Archie) #1-195 Archie Publications 1992 - 2012
9 in stock Betty and Veronica (1987 1st Series Archie) #1-278 Archie Publications 1987 - 2015
2 in stock Betty and Veronica Annual Digest Magazine (1989) #1-17 Archie Publications 1989 - 1996
6 in stock Betty and Veronica Double Digest (1987 Archie) #1-333 Archie Publications 1986 - 2025
2 in stock Betty and Veronica Spectacular (1992 Archie) #1-90 Archie Publications 1992 - 2009
1 in stock Betty in Bondage Annual (1993) #1-3 Shunga Comix 1993 - 1994
1 in stock Betty Page The 50's Rage (1991 Illustration Studio) #1-2 Illustration Studio 1992 - 1993
1 in stock Big Guns Hero Caps (1993 Marvel) #0 Marvel 1993
1 in stock Biker Mice from Mars (1993) #1-3 Marvel 1993 - 1994
1 in stock Bill the Bull Burnt Cain (1993) #0-2 Boneyard Press 1992 - 1993
1 in stock Bill the Clown Death and Clown White (1993) #1 Slave Labor 1993
1 in stock Billy the Kid (1993 Boneyard Press) #1 Boneyard Press 1993
1 in stock Bird Meets Fish (1993 Discovery Comics) #1 Discovery Comics 1993
1 in stock Birth of the Defiant Universe (1993) #1 Defiant 1993
7 in stock Black Axe (1993) #1-7 Marvel UK 1993
12 in stock Black Canary (1993 2nd Series) #1-12 DC 1993
5 in stock Black Condor (1992) #1-12 DC 1992 - 1993
1 in stock Black Dogs (1993) #1 Fantagraphics 1993
1 in stock Black Glass (1993) #1 Wooly Comics 1993
4 in stock Black Orchid (1993 2nd Series) #1-22 DC/Vertigo 1993 - 1995
1 in stock Black Orchid (1993) Annual #1 DC 1993
1 in stock Black Web (1993) #1 INKS comics 1993
2 in stock Blackmask (1993 DC) #1-3 DC 1993 - 1994
1 in stock Bladesmen (1990) #0-2 Blue Comet 1990 - 1993
1 in stock Blanche Goes to Hollywood (1993) #1 Dark Horse 1993
1 in stock Blaze Legacy of Blood (1993) #1-4 Marvel 1993 - 1994
2 in stock Blazing Combat Vietnam and Korea (1993) #1-2 Apple 1993
1 in stock Blood and Kisses (1993 Fantaco) #0-3 FantaCo 1993 - 1994
1 in stock Blood and Roses Adventures (1995 Knight) #1-3 Knight Press 1993 - 1995
1 in stock Blood and Roses Future Past Tense (1993) #1-2 Sky 1993 - 1994
1 in stock Blood Quest (1993 Polyventura) #1 Polyventura Ent. Group 1993
9 in stock Blood Syndicate (1993 DC) Milestone #1-35 DC 1993 - 1996