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Comic books 1947

1 of 4 in stock 10 Story Western Magazine (1936-1954 Popular) Pulp #1-49 Popular 1936 - 1954
0 of 3 in stock 10-Story Detective Magazine (1938-1949 Ace Magazines) Pulp #1-17 Periodical House 1938 - 1949
1 of 5 in stock 1000 Jokes Magazine (1938-1968 Dell) #14-129 Dell 1938 - 1969
2 of 4 in stock 44 Western Magazine (1937-1954 Popular Publications^) Pulp #1-31 Popular Publications 1937 - 1954
Out of stock 48 Famous Americans Giveaway #0 JC Penney 1947
1 of 4 in stock 4Most Vol. 6 (1947) Four Most #1-5 Novelty Publications 1946 - 1947
Out of stock Ace (1947 Hamilton) #1 Hamilton 1947
1 of 12 in stock Ace Comics (1937) #1-151 David McKay Publishing 1937 - 1949
Out of stock Ace of Comics (1947 Foster) #1 Foster Publications 1947
0 of 2 in stock Ace of Fun Comic (1947 Estuary Supply) #1-2 Estuary Supply (UK) 1947
Out of stock Ace Sports Monthly (1936-1949 Periodical House) Pulp #1-17 Periodical House 1936 - 1949
4 of 5 in stock Ace-High Western Stories (1940-1951 Fictioneers) #1-24 Fictioneers, Inc. 1940 - 1951
Out of stock Acomic Bombshell (1947 Cartoon Art) #1 Cartoon Art 1947
4 of 12 in stock Action Comics (1938 DC) #0-904 DC 1938 - 2011
Out of stock Action Comics (1947 Vigilante Serial Edition) #0 DC 1947
Out of stock Action Stories (1921-1950 Fiction House^) Pulp #1-19 Fiction House 1921 - 1950
3 of 3 in stock Adventure (1910-1971 Ridgway/Butterick/Popular/New Publications) Pulp/Magazine #1-148 Butterick Publishing Company 1910 - 1971
2 of 12 in stock Adventure Comics (1938 1st Series) #32-503 DC 1938 - 2017
In stock Adventures in Electricity (1946) General Electric Giveaway #0-7 Pictorial Media 1945 - 1950
In stock Adventures in Jet Propulsion (1947) General Electric Giveaway #1 General Electric 1947
Out of stock Adventures of Eva, Pora and Ted (1932) 1932-1948 Evaporated Milk Associati 1932 - 1948
Out of stock Adventures of Homer Cobb (1947) #1 Say/Bart Productions 1947
Out of stock Adventures of Margaret O'Brien in the Big City (1947) #0 Promotional 1947
Out of stock Adventures of Steve (1947 PJ Press) #1 PJ Press (UK) 1947
0 of 2 in stock Air Ace Vol. 3 (1946) #1-8 Street & Smith 1946 - 1947
In stock Air Force (1917-current Air Force Association) #30 Air Force Association 1947
In stock Air Force Day 1947 (1947 Army Air Forces Aid Society) Magazine 1947 Army Air Forces Aid Society 1947
2 of 2 in stock Air Trails and Science Frontiers (1947 Street and Smith) #27-28 Street & Smith 1947
In stock Air Trails Pictorial (1942-1950 Street & Smith) Magazine #17-34 Street & Smith 1941 - 1950
1 of 2 in stock Airboy Comics (1945-1953 Hillman) #2-12 Hillman 1945 - 1953
Out of stock All Baseball Stories (1947 Interstate) Pulp #1 Interstate Publishing 1947
Out of stock All Basketball Stories (1947 Atlas News) Pulp #1 Atlas News 1947
Out of stock All Football Stories (1947 Interstate Publishing) Pulp #1 Interstate Publishing 1947
Out of stock All Fun Comic (1940-1949 Soloway) #1-7 Soloway 1940 - 1949
0 of 3 in stock All Funny Comics (1943) #1-23 DC 1943 - 1948
0 of 3 in stock All Great Comics (1947 Fox Features) #13-17 Fox 1947
0 of 5 in stock All Humor Comics (1946) #1-17 Quality 1946 - 1949
In stock All Negro Comics (1947) #1 All Negro Comics 1947
0 of 2 in stock All Star Comic (1940-1949 Soloway) #1-7 Soloway 1941 - 1949
4 of 7 in stock All Star Comics (1940-1978) #1-74 DC 1940 - 1978
0 of 4 in stock All Surprise (1943 Timely/Marvel/CPC) #1-12 Timely/Marvel 1943 - 1947
Out of stock All Teen (1945) #20 Marvel 1947
1 of 5 in stock All Top Comics (1945 Fox) #1-18 Fox 1946 - 1949
Out of stock All Winners Comics (1941) #1-21 Timely 1941 - 1947
3 of 12 in stock All-American Comics (1939) #1-102 DC 1939 - 1948
Out of stock All-American Football Magazine (1938-1953 Fiction House) Pulp #1-2 Fiction House 1938 - 1953
Out of stock All-American Soap Box Derby Rule Book (1937 All-American Soap Box Derby) 1946-1953 All-American Soap Box Derby 1946 - 1953
3 of 6 in stock All-Flash (1941) #1-32 DC 1941 - 1948
1 of 2 in stock All-New Comics (1943) #1-15 Family 1943 - 1947
1 of 3 in stock All-Story Love (1929-1955 Popular Publication) Pulp #1-127 Popular Publications 1929 - 1955
2 of 4 in stock Alley Oop (1947-1949 Standard/Visual Editions) #10-18 Standard Comics 1947 - 1949
0 of 2 in stock Amateur Screen and Photography (1945-1958 Camerarts) #1-14 Camerarts Pub. Co. 1945 - 1958
0 of 2 in stock Amazing Detective Cases (1940-1960 Goodman) #1-18 Martin Goodman 1940 - 1963
In stock Amazing Stories (1926-Present Experimenter) Pulp #1-76 Experimenter Publications 1926 - 2018
Out of stock Amazing Stories Quarterly Reissue (1940-1951 Ziff-Davis) Collected Pulp 1940-1951 Ziff Davis 1940 - 1951
2 of 4 in stock America's Best Comics (1942) #1-31 Nedor/Better Publications 1942 - 1949
Out of stock American Cartoonist Magazine (1947 American Cartoonist Association) 1947-1951 American Cartoonists Association 1947 - 1951
Out of stock American Magazine (1906-1956 John S. Phillips/Crowell) 1906-1956 Crowell 1906 - 1956
0 of 12 in stock American Mercury (1924-1953) #1-353 The American Mercury, Inc. 1924 - 1953
Out of stock American News Trade Journal #0-29 American News Company 1919 - 1947
In stock Andy Panda and the Mad Dog Mystery (1947 Whitman BLB^) 1431 Whitman 1947
1 of 6 in stock Animal Antics (1946) #1-23 DC 1946 - 1949
0 of 7 in stock Animal Comics (1942-1948 Dell) #1-30 Dell 1942 - 1947
In stock Animal Fair (1946 Fawcett) #1-11 Fawcett 1946 - 1947
Out of stock Animated Comics (1947) #1 EC 1947
2 of 6 in stock Archie (1943 Archie Comics) #1-666 Archie Publications 1943 - 2015
0 of 2 in stock Argosy Part 5: Argosy Magazine (1943-1979 Popular) #316-389 Popular Publications 1943 - 1979
1 of 2 in stock Army Laughs (1941-1948 Crestwood) 1st Series #1-9 Crestwood 1941 - 1949
In stock Astounding Science Fiction (1938 Pulp) UK Edition 1940-1960 Street & Smith 1938 - 1960
3 of 3 in stock Astounding Science Fiction (1938-1960 Street and Smith) Pulp / Digest #21-66 Street & Smith 1938 - 1960
Out of stock Atom (1947 Buchanan) #1 Buchanan 1947
Out of stock Atomic Age Comics (1947 Burn) UK #1 Burn 1947
Out of stock Atomic Comic (1947 Fudge) UK #1 Fudge 1947
Out of stock Authentic Detective Cases (1944-1953 Baffling Detective Mysteries, Inc.) #2-5 Baffling Mysteries, Inc. 1947 - 1952
Out of stock Aviation Adventures and Model Building (1946) #16-17 Parents' Magazine 1946 - 1947
Out of stock Aviation News (1940 McGraw-Hill) #6-7 McGraw-Hill 1946 - 1947
Out of stock Avon Annual (1944 Avon Books) 1944-1947 Avon Books 1944 - 1947
0 of 3 in stock Avon Detective Mysteries (1947 Avon Book Company) #1-3 Avon Book Company 1947
2 of 5 in stock Avon Fantasy Reader (1947-1952 Avon Book Co.) #1-18 Avon Books 1947 - 1952
0 of 5 in stock Avon Modern Short Story Monthly (1943 Avon Book Company) #1-51 Avon Book Company 1943 - 1951
0 of 4 in stock Avon Western Reader (1947 Avon Book Company) #1-4 Avon Book Company 1947
In stock Back Home HC (1947 William Sloane Associates) #1 William Sloane Associates 1947
Out of stock Bang On Comic (1947 Fudge) #1 Fudge 1947
Out of stock Bar-X Western Magazine (1947 Atlas) #0 Atlas 1947
0 of 4 in stock Barker (1946) #1-15 Quality 1946 - 1949
1 of 6 in stock Barnyard Comics (1944) #1-31 Standard Comics 1944 - 1950
In stock Barrel of Fun Play Book (1947) 1947 000 Publisher Unknown 1947
Out of stock Baseball Stories (1938-1954 Fiction House) Pulp #1-3 Fiction House 1938 - 1954
0 of 12 in stock Basinful of Fun (1941 F.Youngman LTD) UK #1-89 F. Youngman LTD 1946 - 1953
3 of 6 in stock Batman (1940) #0-713 DC 1940 - 2022
0 of 52 in stock Beano (UK 1950 D.C. Thomson) #1-3960 D. C. Thomson & Co. 1938 - 2018
Out of stock Beano Book (1940-Present D.C. Thomson & Co.) Annuals 1940-2021 D.C. Thomson & Co. 1939 - 2020
In stock Beauty Parade (1941-1956 Harrison Publications^) Magazine #1-15 Beauty Parade Inc. 1941 - 1956
Out of stock Beezer Comic (1947 Scoop) #1 Scoop 1947
Out of stock Before and After (1947) #0 Republican National Commi 1947
In stock Bernarr MacFadden's Latest Detective (1947-1949 Bermac Associates) #1-2 Bermac Associates 1947 - 1949
In stock Bernarr Macfadden's Newest Detective Magazine (1947 Bermac Associates) #1 Bermac Associates 1947
Out of stock Best Cartoons of the Year Annual HC (1941 Crown Publishers) 1941-1965 Crown 1941 - 1965
Out of stock Best Detective (1947 Exclusive Detective Stories, Inc.) Pulp #1 Exclusive Detective Stories, Inc. 1947
Out of stock Best Sports (1937-1951 Manvis/Atlas News) Pulp #1-2 Manvis Publications 1937 - 1951
Out of stock Best True Fact Detective (1943-1981 Newsbook) 1944-1981 Newsbook 1944 - 1981
Out of stock Best Western (1935-1949 Western Fiction/Interstate) Pulp 1st Series #1-5 Western Fiction Publishing Co. 1935 - 1949
0 of 11 in stock Bestseller Mystery (1937-1958 American Mercury) Digest #1-209 American Mercury Inc. 1937 - 1958
In stock Bible Picture Book with Bible Text (1941) Saalfield 2373 Saalfield Pub. Co. 1947
Out of stock Big Book Sports (1947-1948 Exclusive Detective Stories, Inc.) Pulp #1 Exclusive Detective Stories, Inc. 1947
3 of 4 in stock Big Book Western Magazine (1933-1954 Two-Books/Popular) Big-Book Western Pulp #1-34 Popular Publications 1933 - 1954
Out of stock Big Brown Bear HC (1944 Simon and Schuster) A Little Golden Book #89 Simon & Schuster 1947
Out of stock Big Parade Comic (1947 Grant Hughes) #1 Grant Hughes 1947
1 of 18 in stock Big Shot Comics (1940) #1-104 Columbia Comics Group 1940 - 1949
Out of stock Big Time Comic (1947 Scion) #1 Scion 1947
In stock Bill Barnes Aventurero del Aire (Editorial Molino) Digest #29-221 Editorial Molino 1940 - 1947
0 of 3 in stock Bill Carter (1947-1948 Foldes) #1-3 Foldes 1947
2 of 2 in stock Bits of Beauty (1946-1948 Beauty, Inc) Magazine #1-2 Beauty Incorporated 1946 - 1948
Out of stock Black Book Detective (bound volumes) 1939-1951 Better Publications 1939 - 1951
2 of 2 in stock Black Book Detective Magazine (1933-1953 Newsstand/Hoffman/Ranger/Better) Pulp #1-29 Better Publications 1933 - 1953
0 of 6 in stock Black Cat Comics (1946-1951 Harvey) #1-29 Harvey 1946 - 1951
0 of 4 in stock Black Cat Detective Series (1943-1947 Crestwood) Digest #1-28 Crestwood 1943 - 1947
0 of 4 in stock Black Knight Mysteries (1944-1947 Ideal Publishing) Digest #1-36 Ideal Distributing Co. 1944 - 1947
1 of 2 in stock Black Mask (1920-1951 Pro-Distributors/Popular) Black Mask Detective Pulp #1-36 Popular Publications 1920 - 1951
In stock Black Mask (1939-1953 Atlas Publishing 2nd Series) British Reprint Edition 1942-1953 Atlas Publishing and Distributing Co. 1942 - 1953
1 of 4 in stock Black Terror (1942 Better Publications) #1-27 Better Comics 1942 - 1949
2 of 4 in stock Blackhawk (1944 1st Series) #9-273 DC 1944 - 1984
Out of stock Blackstone the Magician Detective Fights Crime (1947) #1 ECC 1947
Out of stock Blackstone World's Master Magician Souvenir Program (1940s C. Popper Company) 1946-1947 C. Popper Co. 1946 - 1947
In stock Blazing Western (1947 Trojan Publishing) Pulp #1 Trojan Publishing 1947
5 of 7 in stock Blighty (1939-1959 City Magazines Ltd.) UK Magazine #158-1037 City Magazines Ltd. 1942 - 1959
Out of stock Blonde Peril (1947 Phoenix Press) Digest #1 Phoenix Press 1947
2 of 4 in stock Blonde Phantom (1946) #12-22 Marvel 1947 - 1949
1 of 4 in stock Blondie (1947 McKay/Harvey/King/Charlton) #1-222 Harvey 1947 - 1975
In stock Blondie Count Cookie in too (1947 Whitman BLB) 1430 Whitman 1947
In stock Blondie Paint Book (circa 1955) #629-1949 King Features 1942 - 1955
Out of stock Blondie's Cook Book HC (1947 Bell Syndicate) #1 Bell Syndicate 1947
2 of 7 in stock Blue Beetle (1939 Fox/Holyoke) #1-60 Fox 1939 - 1950
2 of 2 in stock Blue Bolt (1940-1949) #1-10 Funnies, Inc. 1940 - 1949
1 of 3 in stock Blue Book (1905-1956 Story-Press/Consolidated/McCall) Pulp / Magazine #1-103 McCall Company 1905 - 1956
1 of 2 in stock Blue Ribbon Western (1937-1950 Columbia) Pulp #2-12 Columbia Publications 1937 - 1950
In stock Bowlers Are People? SC (1947) #1 Hollywood House 1947
3 of 6 in stock Boy Comics (1942) #3-119 Lev Gleason 1942 - 1956
2 of 6 in stock Boy Commandos (1942-1949 1st Series) #1-36 DC 1943 - 1949
Out of stock Boys' Life (1911 Boy Scouts of America) Magazine 1936-1966 Boy Scouts of America 1936 - 1966
Out of stock Breezy Comic (1947 G & C) #1 G & C 1947
0 of 2 in stock Breezy Stories and Young's Magazine (1915-1949 C.H. Young^) Pulp #1-57 C.H. Young Publishing 1915 - 1949
Out of stock Brenda Starr (1947-1948 Four Star) #13-14 Four Star Comics 1947 - 1948
Out of stock Brer Rabbit (1947 Whitman BLB) 1426 Whitman 1947
Out of stock Brer Rabbit Outwits Brer Fox Mini Comic (1947) #3 Walt Disney Productions 1947
In stock Brer Rabbit's Secret Mini Comic (1947) #2 Walt Disney Productions 1947
0 of 2 in stock Britannia and Eve (1928-1957 British National Newspapers) #1-54 British National Newspapers 1929 - 1956
Out of stock Broons, The HC (1939-Present D.C. Thomson & Co.) 1940-2020 D.C. Thomson & Co. 1939 - 2019
0 of 34 in stock Buck Rogers (Australian 1945 Fitchett Bros/Southdown) #38-172 Fitchett Bros Pty 1945 - 1955
Out of stock Bucky Bug and the Cannibal King Mini Comic (1947) #2 Walt Disney Productions 1947
In stock Bugs Bunny and the Pirate Loot (1947 Whitman BLB) 1403 Whitman 1947
0 of 3 in stock Burroughs Bulletin (1947) Old Series #1-66 Vernell Coriell 1947 - 1977
2 of 3 in stock Buster Brown Comic Book (1945-1956 Brown Shoe Co.) #1-43 Brown Shoe 1945 - 1959
Out of stock Buster Comic (1947 Marx) #1 Phillip Marx 1947
Out of stock Buster Comics (1947 Cartoon Art) #1 Cartoon Art 1947
0 of 6 in stock Buzzy (1944) #1-77 DC 1944 - 1958
2 of 5 in stock Calling All Boys (1946) #1-17 Parents' Magazine 1946 - 1948
6 of 12 in stock Calling All Girls (1941-1949 Parents' Magazine) 1st Series #1-89 Parents' Magazine 1941 - 1949
8 of 9 in stock Calling All Kids (1946-1949 Parent's Magazine) #1-26 Parents' Magazine 1946 - 1949
0 of 2 in stock Candy (1947 Quality) #1-64 Quality 1947 - 1956
Out of stock Candy Comic (1947-1948 Philmar) #1 Philmar (Marx) 1947
2 of 5 in stock Captain America Comics (1941 Timely) #1-78 Timely 1941 - 1954
Out of stock Captain Easy (1947 Better Publications) #10-17 Better Publications 1947 - 1949
Out of stock Captain Flight Comics (1944) #0-11 Four-Star Publications 1944 - 1947
Out of stock Captain Magnet (1947-1948 Cartoon Art) #1-2 Cartoon Art 1947 - 1948
5 of 11 in stock Captain Marvel Adventures (1941-1953 Fawcett) #1-150 Fawcett 1941 - 1953
0 of 12 in stock Captain Marvel Adventures (Australian 1946-1953 Cleland) #1-75 Larry S. Cleland/Vee Publishing 1946 - 1953
5 of 11 in stock Captain Marvel Jr. (1942-1953 Fawcett) #1-119 Fawcett 1942 - 1953
0 of 12 in stock Captain Marvel Jr. (Australian 1947-1953 Cleland) #1-74 Larry S. Cleland/Vee Publishing 1947 - 1953
Out of stock Captain Marvel Story Book (1946 Fawcett) #1-4 Fawcett 1946 - 1949
3 of 11 in stock Captain Midnight (1942-1948 Fawcett) #1-67 Fawcett 1942 - 1948
Out of stock Captain Midnight's Secret Squadron Official Handbook (1945 Ovaltine) 1945-1957 Ovaltine 1945 - 1957
Out of stock Cartoon Comedy (1949 Skyline) #1-5 Skyline Publications 1947 - 1949
0 of 2 in stock Cartoon Humor (1939 Collegian) Magazine #1-17 Collegian Press 1939 - 1953
1 of 7 in stock Cartooning for Profit (1947) #1-7 Cartoonists' Exchange 1947
Out of stock Catalina Diary (1947) 1947 1947
1 of 6 in stock Catholic Comics Volume 1 (1946) #1-13 Catholic Publications 1946 - 1947
1 of 5 in stock Catholic Comics Volume 2 (1947) #1-10 Catholic Publications 1947 - 1948
0 of 2 in stock Catholic Comics Volume 3 (1948) #1-10 Catholic Publications 1946 - 1949
Out of stock Catholic Pictorial (1947) #1 Catholic Guild 1947
Out of stock Century Western (1947 Century Publications) Digest #62-74 Century Publications 1939 - 1947
0 of 2 in stock Charley Jones' Laugh Book (1943 Jayhawk Press) #1-19 Jayhawk Press 1944 - 1964
0 of 7 in stock Cheery Chicks Chummy Comic (1947-1948 Reubens) #1 Reubens 1947 - 1948
2 of 2 in stock Children's Playmate Magazine (1929 A.R. Mueller) #1-43 A.R. Mueller 1929 - 1971
Out of stock Christmas An American Annual of Christmas Lit #5-55 Augsburg Publishing House 1935 - 1985
0 of 2 in stock Cindy Comics (1947) #27-40 Timely 1947 - 1950
Out of stock Circling the Bases (1947) Baseball Promo 1947 Johnstone and Cushing 1947
Out of stock Circus of Fun Comics (1945) #1-3 A. W. Nugent 1945 - 1947
In stock Claire Voyant (1946 Standard) #1-4 Standard Comics 1946 - 1947
0 of 6 in stock Classic Comics (Australian 1947-1949 Ayers & James) #1-20 Ayers & James 1947 - 1949
Out of stock Classics Illustrated 001 The Three Musketeers (1946) #1-23 Classics Illustrated 1941 - 1971
Out of stock Classics Illustrated 002 Ivanhoe (1946) #1-25 Classics Illustrated 1941 - 1971
Out of stock Classics Illustrated 003 The Count of Monte Cristo (1946) #1-24 Classics Illustrated 1942 - 1969
Out of stock Classics Illustrated 005 Moby Dick (1942) #1-24 Classics Illustrated 1942 - 1971
3 of 4 in stock Classics Illustrated 033 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1947) #1-4 Classics Illustrated 1947
5 of 9 in stock Classics Illustrated 034 Mysterious Island (1947) #1-13 Classics Illustrated 1947 - 1968
1 of 2 in stock Classics Illustrated 035 Last Days of Pompeii (1947) #1-5 Classics Illustrated 1947 - 1970
3 of 3 in stock Classics Illustrated 036 Typee (1947) #1-6 Classics Illustrated 1947 - 1969
7 of 8 in stock Classics Illustrated 037 The Pioneers (1947) #1-11 Classics Illustrated 1947 - 1968
2 of 2 in stock Classics Illustrated 038 Adventures of Cellini (1947) #1-5 Classics Illustrated 1947 - 1970