- Paper: Off white to white
- Label #1497128017
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Cover art by Gil Kane. War In The Streets starring Superman and Batman, script by Cary Burkett, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank Chiaramonte; while Superman tries to return to his normal time period, Batman battles the Army of Crime. The Forgotten People starring Green Arrow, script by Joey Cavalieri, pencils by Trevor von Eeden inks by Larry Mahlstedt. Out Into Space In Ships starring Hawkman, script by Bob Rozakis, pencils by Alex Saviuk, inks by Frank Chiaramonte. The One-Worm Monster Society starring Shazam!, script by E. Nelson Bridwell, pencils by Don Newton, inks by John Calnan. 52 Pages, Full Color.
Cover price $1.00.