Stories and art by Walt Kelly, George Kerr (credited as Johnny Gruelle), W.J. Enright, and Dan Noonan. Johnny Gruelle's famous doll characters have adventures and learn lessons, featuring early art from Walt Kelly. Legendary Pogo artist Walt Kelly adapts Mother Goose nursery rhymes, including Old King Cole, Little Miss Muffet and Peter Piper. Egbert Elephant and Tuffy Tiger meet a penguin whose name is Donot Inflate. Plus activity pages and "nonesuch" animals. Hip-Hip-Hippo!; Raggedy Ann; Maximilian Hopp; Egbert Elephant and His Friends; Animal Mother Goose; The Raggedy Way; The Dwarfs Hill; Billy and Bonny Bee; Oink! Oink! 48 pages, Full Color.
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