Imogene Williams photo cover. "Dangerous Love!"; Bettys father Mike runs a logging camp and zealously prevents the workers from approaching Betty; However, she and newcomer Larry fall in love, but when her father threatens to kill him, Betty tells Larry she doesnt care for him. "Heart Sick" poem by Lizabeth Wall. "Love Thief"; Nurse Celia works with Dr. Peter in a malaria control station in the Philippines; Peters wife Elaine is also there: she hates the living conditions but says her husband is her life; Celia and Peter have an affair and Elaine finds out. "Platter Patter" record reviews. "Your Handwriting" article by Ellyn Lee. "Thrill Hungry!"; Although she has an engineering degree, Barbaras father and foreman Red wont allow her to enter a tunnel they are digging; Barbara has herself appointed a city building inspector and goes into the tunnel. Darling Romance #4 ad. "Cinema Chatter" movie reviews. "The Darling Bandbox" article by Miss Darling; Helpful fashion and household hints. "Second Fiddle Wife"; Petroleum engineer Dale and his wife Meg are transferred to Tampico, Mexico; Meg dislikes the accommodations and complains: Dale says hes not leaving but Meg is free to go. "Hello Darling" poem by May Richstone. "What's on Your Heart?" advice column by Laura Brown. 52 pgs., full color.
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