- Spine split 5%. Staple rust: Slight.
- Spine split 30%. Cover Detached.
Stories and art by Sam Glankoff, Jack Sparling, Ralph O. Ellsworth, Gertrude Crampton, Ruth Berman, Eva Raw Baird, Harry James, Beryl Williams, Annette Turngren, Martha Ross, Elizabeth Nichols, Elena Chance, Jane Richards, Nancy Pepper, Alice Barr Grayson, and Margaret Sutton. A kids' anthology from the publishers of Parents Magazine, featuring stories, comics and advice aimed at 1940s teen girls. Famed bandleader Harry James discusses the 1940s recording industry; A profile of a female skier. Judy Wing; Mystery of the Lost Village; The Whole Town Talked; All-American Water Baby; Record Raters; Double Treasure; Movie Memos; Double Exposure Mystery; Summer Stuff; Lets Talk Things Over; Gift for Freedom; She Took to Skis; The Victory Club; Girls in the News; Tricks for Teens. 68 pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.10.