- Centerfold detached at one staple, coming loose at second. Lateral spine break.
- Centerfold detached.
7" Cumulative spine split.
Cover by C.C. Beck. Stories by Otto Binder and unknown. Art by C.C. Beck and unknown. Mr. Mind retreats to his undersea fortress and enlists four giant sea creatures to attack American warships, but Captain Marvel defeats them and sends Mr. Mind fleeing again in "The Monster Society of Evil Chapter 24: The Undersea Monster Brigade" by Otto Binder and C.C. Beck. Plus: Captain Marvel must stop the gang that is robbing blood banks in "The Blood Bank Robberies"; Mrs. Simpson wants to be a mother to Billy Batson in "Captain Marvel Gets Mothered" with story by Otto Binder; and 2-page text story "Hoya, the Fugitive" by Arthur Lane. 36 Pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.10.