Canadian edition with $.75 cover price. Cover by Gil Kane. "World Enough and Time," script by Marv Wolfman, art by Gil Kane; Clark Kent comes back to life on the autopsy table as a result of his past-half being reanimated by Lord Satanis; Superman goes to Rip Hunter and finally succeeds in using Hunters time-sphere to return to the era in which Satanis and Syrene are battling, at the point in which Satanis has apparently destroyed Syrene. "Water-War One," script by Bob Rozakis, pencils by Alex Saviuk, inks by Joe Giella; Mera and Vlana engage in a vicious hand-to-hand fight, though Vlana cheats by using members of her fish "army" to attack her rival; Aquaman breaks through the hard-water sphere that trapped him. 36 pgs.
Cover price $0.75.