- Paper: White
- Label #0788088005
- Paper: White
- #121 of 450 Graded for the Wizard World VIP Program
Wizard World 2006 Con Edition
- Label #0788087121
Wizard World Texas Sketch Cover by Joe Quesada. Written by DANIEL WAY. Penciled by STEVE DILLON. Cover by JOE QUESADA. Beginning the second arc! 'SAVIOR' Part 1 (of 5) Completely shattered by the revelations of last issue, Logan must now ask himself some hard-almost impossible-questions, such as whether or not he can continue on his quest...or if he even should. Though he now remembers who he was, the more pressing questions becomes who-and what-is he now? Answering these questions will take the help of one of Logan's closest friends...and one of his deadliest enemies...OMEGA RED! 32 PGS./Parental Advisory