The next Prime Auction will open for bidding Saturday July 6.

Comic books published by marvel

  • Issue #7
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Annual Canadian Price Variant 7

    Canadian edition with $1.25 cover price. "The Last Enchantment!" Guest-starring the Aquarian. Script by Peter Gillis. Pencils by Brian Postman. Inks by Kim DeMulder. Cover by Brian Postman and Joe Sinnott. The cosmic cube comes back to life in the bowels of Project Pegasus! And anybody and everybody wants a piece of it! Advanced Idea Mechanics, the Shaper of Worlds, the Sentinel of Liberty, and Wundarr the Aquarian rush to upstate New York to grab the cube! But unfortunately A.I.M. is the one that successfully snares the cubic prize! What are the twisted scientists planning to do with the reality altering object? Simply overthrow every government on Earth and create a new world order! However Wundarr and the star-spangled avenger have their own plan to corner the cube! With help from the extra terrestrial shaper, can the Living Legend and the Aquarian take (down) A.I.M.? Updated origin of the cosmic cube. Cameo appearance by the Supreme Intelligence. Flashback cameos by Thanos, Rick Jones, Captain Marvel, Modok, and the Red Skull to recap the history of the cosmic cube. (Notes: The previous saga involving Project Pegasus, the cosmic cube, and Wundarr took place in Marvel Two-in-One 53 thru 58. The Shaper of Worlds appears next in Fantastic Four 319. This issue includes full-page ads for both the Hawkeye Limited Series (1984) and the upcoming Deathlok story in the Captain America title.) 48 pages. Cover price $1.25.

  • Issue #381
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Australian Price Variant 381

    Australian Price Variant. "This Gun's For Hire" Part 2 of 3. Guest-starring Paladin. Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Ron Lim. Inks by Danny Bulanadi. After barely escaping from the Serpent Society, a distraught Diamondback turns to Cap for help in rescuing her two serpent friends, Black Mamba and the Asp. But the star-spangled avenger is not sure if he should get involved. However Rachel has no time to wait, so she hires Paladin instead! Can Diamondback and Paladin beat Bushmaster and King Cobra without Captain America? Back up story: "Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You" Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Mark Bagley. Inks by Dan Panosian. More and more of John Walker's memories are coming back. 32 pages

  • Issue #382
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Australian Price Variant 382

    Australian Price Variant. "Why Does It Always Have To Be Snakes?" Part 3 of 3. Guest-starring Paladin. Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Ron Lim. Inks by Danny Bulanadi. It's a cover to cover slugfest for Captain America against the Serpent Society! First, the shield-slinger must get by Cottonmouth, Fer-de-Lance, and Bushmaster; and second, defeat Black Racer, Coachwhip, King Cobra, and the Rattler to save Diamondback! That's seven serpents vs. one Sentinel of Liberty! Back up story: "Thanks For The Memories" Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Mark Bagley. Inks by Dan Panosian. The U.S. Agent now remembers who killed his parents. And that's bad news, very bad news for the killers. 32 pages

  • Issue #384
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Australian Price Variant 384

    Australian Price Variant. "Lair of the Ice-Worm" Guest-starring Jack Frost. Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Ron Lim. Inks by Danny Bulanadi. Cover by Ron Lim and Danny Bulandi. Acting on a tabloid story about a man frozen in ice, the star-spangled avenger and John Jameson fly to the Arctic Circle in hopes of finding their friend Demolition Man! The D-Man disappeared at the end of Captain America 349 and hasn't been seen since! Could the man in ice (being worshipped by Eskimos) actually be Dennis Dunphy? When the shield-slinger chips away at the ice formation, the awesome ice-worm springs to life! And in a matter of moments the arctic leviathan swallows the Living Legend! Is Cap going to meet his maker in the belly of the ice-worm? Fortunately for the time being, he's just going to meet Jack Frost of Liberty Legion fame! And 45 years later, the two World War II-era heroes team up again to take down the ice-worm! Cameo appearances by Thor and D-Man. Flashback cameos by the Avengers and Bucky to recap how Steve Rogers ended up in suspended animation following WWII. (Note: D-Man appears next in Captain America 400.) 32 pages

  • Issue #385
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Australian Price Variant 385

    Australian Price Variant. "Going to the Dogs" Part 1 of 2. Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Ron Lim. Inks by Danny Bulanadi. Cover by Ron Lim and Danny Bulandi. The Watchdogs are back on the prowl! And unbeknownst to both Steve Rogers and Bernie Rosenthal, one of their friends from Brooklyn Heights is mixed up with the extremist group! When Bernie stumbles into a donnybrook between the shield-slinger and the right-wing terrorists, the closest watchdog grabs her! With concern for his dear friend's safety, Cap stops fighting and lets the Watchdogs escape with Bernie. The dogs win for now, but the star-spangled avenger will be hot on their trail next issue! Cameo appearances by Rage and the Sandman. Second story: "Loose Ends" Script by Mark Gruenwald. Art by Mark Bagley (breakdowns) and Dan Panosian (finishes). Diamondback, Asp, and Black Mamba breathe a sigh of relief after escaping from the Serpent Society. And now the threesome decides to start out on their own as Bad Girls, Inc.! But before the new group can become incorporated, three former serpent friends stop by for a very hostile visit! Cameo appearances by Anaconda and Rock Python. (Notes: The Watchdogs previously appeared in Captain America 350. This issue includes a full-page ad for the Deadly Foes of Spider-Man Limited Series. The letters page contains a letter from comics publisher Charles Novinskie.) 32 pages

  • Issue #386
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Australian Price Variant 386

    Australian Price Variant."For Righteousness's Sake" Part 2 of 2. Guest-starring the U.S. Agent. Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Ron Lim. Inks by Danny Bulanadi. Cover by Ron Lim and Danny Bulandi. The Watchdogs take Bernie to a secret lodge in Vermont and hold her captive! Meanwhile at Avengers Mansion, the star-spangled avenger tries desperately to discover the Watchdog's hideout and Bernie's whereabouts! When the U.S. Agent shows up offering help, Cap isn't interested in John Walker's assistance! But later than night in the green mountain state, the U.S. Agent helps the Living Legend anyway! Can the dual shield-slingers silence the bark of the Watchdogs? And rescue Bernie along the way? Second story: "Snake Heist" Script by Mark Gruenwald. Art by Dan Panosian. Bad Girls, Inc. is open for business! But Anaconda, Puff Adder, and Rock Python attack to close them down! In short order Diamondback, Asp, and Black Mamba fall to their former teammates! However, an unlikely savior arrives to free them! Modam! Where did she come from?! (Note: Modam previously appeared in Quasar 9.) 32 pages

  • Issue #387
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Australian Price Variant 387

    Australian Price Variant."Maiden Voyage" Part 1 of 6. Guest-starring Paladin. Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Rik Levins. Inks by Danny Bulanadi. Cover by Ron Lim and Danny Bulanadi. Diamondback, Black Mamba, and the Asp have won an all-expense-paid cruise to the Caribbean onboard the S.S. Superia! Sounds like a lot of fun! But the three former members of the Serpent Society are very leery about their cruise director! Modam! Acting on a hunch, Diamondback activates her homing beacon as she boards the cruise ship! Fortunately for Cap's favorite serpent lady, the Sentinel of Liberty and his temporary partner, Paladin, happen to be in the area visiting the island base of Advanced Idea Mechanics! Are Paladin and the star-spangled avenger going to join the cruise? Not if Modam cancels their boarding passes…permanently! Cameo appearances by Anaconda, Puff Adder, and Rock Python. Second story: "The Masque Club" Script by Mark Gruenwald. Art by Dan Panosian. While dining at his exclusive club in Washington D.C., the Red Skull receives some bad news from Armin Zola! Someone has destroyed the skull's spare clone bodies! Wasting no time the Red Skull assembles the Skeleton Crew and assigns them the task of hunting down the culprit! Who is bold enough to challenge the Red Skull? Cameo appearances by Baron Von Strucker and Hauptmann Deutschland. (Notes: This begins the six-part Superia Stratagem storyline. The Captain America series is bi-monthly for the next 5 issues. This issue includes a full-page ad for the Korvac Quest storyline that runs through four of Marvel's 1991 summer annuals.) 32 pages

  • Issue #389
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Australian Price Variant 389

    Australian Price Variant. "Pageant of Power" Part 3 of 6. Guest-starring Paladin. Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Rik Levins. Inks by Danny Bulanadi. Cover by Ron Lim and Art Thibert. Floating in the Atlantic Ocean, the shield-slinger and Paladin fight off one airborne attack after another! But putting their years of experience to good use, the two heroes knock out Blackbird and Moonstone! And then get a short break in order to plan their upcoming invasion of the S.S. Superia! Meanwhile back on the luxury liner, Dr. Nightshade sends Ion to retrieve the lifeless body of Diamondback from the sea. Has Rachel Leighton cashed in her chips in the blue waters of the Caribbean? Hopefully not! Because if she did, she'll miss Cap and Paladin's foray onto the cruise ship! Do the good guys know that 30 or more super-villainesses are onboard…ready and waiting? Surprise! Cameo appearance by the Vision. (Note: This issue includes a 2-page layout featuring over thirty female super-villains.) Second story: "Kidnaped" Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Larry Alexander. Inks by Bud LaRosa. Hauptmann Deutschland (aka Captain Germany) has done the impossible! Captured the Red Skull! And now he's bringing the skull back to Germany to stand trial for his war crimes during WWII. Cameo appearances by Blitzkrieg, Crossbones, Machinesmith, Mother Night, and the Sleeper. 32 pages

  • Issue #391
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Australian Price Variant 391

    Australian Price Variant. "No Man's Land" Part 5 of 6. Guest-starring Paladin. Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Rik Levins. Inks by Danny Bulanadi. Cover by Ron Lim and Danny Bulanadi. On the island of Femizonia, the super-villainess Superia has two new prisoners…Captain America and Paladin! Oh no, what is she planning to do with them? How about turn them into women! What?! Wow, talk about a shock to the system! Incredibly that is indeed Superia's diabolic plan unless somebody frees the shield-slinger and Paladin from their estrogen chemical baths! However, there may be a couple of unlikely somebodies on Femizonia willing to help! Perhaps two former members of the Serpent Society! Does the fate of Cap's future masculinity…lie in the hands of Black Mamba and the Asp? Appearances by Dr. Nightshade and Modam. Second story: "The Skeleton Key" Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Larry Alexander. Inks by Dan Panosian. The Red Skull and his Skeleton Crew stand trial for their war crimes against humanity. However, Machinesmith is trying to engineer their escape! Will the skull avert justice once again? Storyline continues in Captain America 393. 36 pages

  • Issue #393
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Australian Price Variant 393

    Australian Price Variant. "Skullbound" Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Rik Levins. Inks by Danny Bulanadi. Cover by Ron Lim and Danny Bulanadi. Story continues from second story of Captain America 391. Thanks to the quick thinking of Machinesmith, the Red Skull and his Skeleton Crew are free! And the fearsome fivesome quickly take over the German courtroom and prepare to leave! But Hauptmann Deutschland, Blitzkrieg, and Zeitgeist stand in their way! That is…until the Avengers arrive! Earth's Mightiest Heroes in Berlin? Unbelievably Cap, Thor, and Shell-Head escort the Red Skull to freedom! Very strange to say the least! Meanwhile back in New York City after their adventure on Femizonia, Diamondback tells Steve that she wants to give up her superhero identity and go back to a normal life. Later that evening Captain America flies to Washington D.C. to check on the whereabouts of his long-time enemy from the second world war. The Red Skull barely escaped justice in Germany, but could justice finally be served in the U.S.A.? Cameo appearances by Arnim Zola, Doughboy, Bernie Rosenthal, Paladin, Black Mamba, and the Asp. (Note: Prolog pencils by Larry Alexander and prolog inks by Bud LaRosa.) 36 pages

  • Issue #394
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Australian Price Variant 394

    Australian Price Variant. "The Crimson Crusade" Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Rik Levins. Inks by Bud LaRosa. Cover by Rik Levins and Bud LaRosa. The Red Skull does it again! While barely avoiding a confrontation with Captain America and Hauptmann Deutschland, the former top terror operative of the Third Reich escapes from his headquarters in Washington D.C. and bolts to his Rocky Mountain hideaway! Once there the sinister skull begins working on a new plan for global anarchy! And this time it involves another long-time foe of the star-spangled avenger! The Viper! Wow, a match made in super-villain heaven? Meanwhile at Avengers Mansion, Cap deals with a confrontation more personal in nature…the first meeting between Bernie Rosenthal and Diamondback! Cameo appearances by Quasar, Sersi, Arnim Zola, Minister Blood, Scourge, Sister Sin, the Taskmaster, and the Viper. Second Story: "The Face of Fear" Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Larry Alexander. Inks by Dan Panosian. Black Mamba and the Asp visit Rachel Leighton (aka Diamondback) to discover why she is reluctant to resume her career as a costumed adventurer. 36 pages

  • Issue #395
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Australian Price Variant 395

    Australian Price Variant. "Rogues in the House" Guest-starring Thor. Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Rik Levins. Inks by Danny Bulanadi. Cover by Rik Levins and Danny Bulanadi. To confirm the death of the Red Skull, the star-spangled avenger pays a visit to Skullhouse! And as an extra precaution, Cap brings Thor (aka Eric Masterson) along with him! That turns out to be a very good idea…as death, danger, and Doughboy are waiting inside! Across the country in Colorado, Mother Night holds tryouts for the position of top assassin in the Red Skull's organization. Cutthroat, Deathstroke, and Mangler battle to the death for the number one spot! And while the savage struggle takes place, the Red Skull and the Viper talk about opportunities for anarchy! Cameo appearances by Arnim Zola, Bernie Rosenthal, Diamondback, Hercules, Quasar, Asp, Black Mamba, Impala, Crossbones, Battleaxe, Golddigger, and Oddball. Second Story: "The Big Brawl" Script by Mark Gruenwald. Art by Larry Alexander. In a seedy downtown bar, Black Mamba and the Asp attract some unwanted attention! Superia has placed a large bounty on their heads…and numerous super-villains are ready to collect! Bad Girls, Inc may be in very bad trouble! 32 pages

  • Issue #398
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Australian Price Variant 398

    Australian Price Variant. "Storm Gathering" Operation: Galactic Storm Part 1 of 19. Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Rik Levins. Inks by Danny Bulanadi. Cover by Rik Levins and Danny Bulanadi. Operation: Galactic Storm begins here! A 19-issue crossover saga that will take Earth's Mightiest Heroes across the galaxies to stop two mighty empires from destroying the Solar System and one another! Ironically though, the grandiose adventure begins with a simple dream inside the head of Rick Jones. Disturbed by his strange dream about the star-spangled avenger and the Supreme Intelligence, Rick contacts Cap to arrange a meeting. The former partners sit down together at a roadside diner in Arizona to discuss Rick's kree-based nightmare…when suddenly a giant robot and a little robot attack! The Sentinel of Liberty leaps into action against the twin terrors (of Shi'ar origin) called Warstar! After a short battle, Captain America emerges victorious; however, Rick Jones is missing in action! The Living Legend realizes he may be onto something big. But how big? Cap will find out very soon! Story continues in Avengers West Coast 80. Cameo appearances by Delphi, Supremor, and the Supreme Intelligence. Second Story: "Silence of the Night" Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Larry Alexander. Inks by Dan Panosian. Jack O'Lantern, Cutthroat, and Blackwing are on a mission to break Mother Night out of jail! But the villainess has already made bail, so instead the foursome return to skull-base to see the Red Skull. Unfortunately, one of them will very much regret doing so. Cameo appearances by Viper and Machinesmith.

  • Issue #401
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Australian Price Variant 401

    Australian Price Variant. "After the Storm" Guest-starring the Avengers. Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Rik Levins. Inks by Danny Bulanadi. Cover by Rik Levins and Danny Bulanadi. Operation: Galactic Storm is over! But the damage has been done to Earth's Mightiest Heroes. At the conclusion of Avengers 347, a renegade group of avengers led by Iron Man decided to kill the Supreme Intelligence against the orders of the star-spangled avenger. To say that tension is high when Cap convenes a meeting back at Avengers Mansion…would be an understatement! Is the Living Legend going to leave the Avengers? Not if Clint Barton and Tony Stark (of all people) have something to say about it! Meanwhile, Cross Bones takes Diamondback to the same underground bunker that imprisoned the Red Skull several months ago. Cameo appearances by the Black Widow, Demolition Man, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Thor, and the U.S. Agent. 32 pages

  • Issue #409
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Australian Price Variant 409

    Australian Price Variant. "Blood and Diamonds" Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Rik Levins. Inks by Steve Alexandrov. Cover by Rik Levins and Danny Bulanadi. With his former partner by his side, Cap flies to the Rocky Mountains in search of Diamondback! Rachel Leighton has been missing for more than a month and the star-spangled avenger fears the worst! Meanwhile inside Skull Mountain (after the death of Cutthroat), the Red Skull and his Skeleton Crew make their final twisted plans for Cap's dear friend! However, the resourceful Diamondback has her own plans…for escape! After ambushing Mother Night and blindsiding Blackwing, the former member of the Serpent Society appears on her way to freedom! But Jack O'Lantern and Crossbones recapture Diamondback and prepare her for a bizarre blood transfusion experiment! Will the Sentinel of Liberty and the Falcon arrive in time to save her? Or will Rachel meet a horrible fate? The answers are coming next issue! Final appearance of Cutthroat. Cameo appearances by Doctor Druid, D-Man, Machinesmith, and Zach Moonhunter. 32 pages

  • Issue #413
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Australian Price Variant 413

    Australian Price Variant. "Hostile Takeover!" Guest-starring Shang-Chi. Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Rik Levins. Inks by Danny Bulanadi. Cover by Rik Levins and Danny Bulanadi. Chaos reigns on A.I.M.'s island fortress! Cap's disguise has been revealed and now no less than 50 super-villains are trying to kill him! But the old warhorse has the bad guys…right where he wants them! After slipping past the likes of the Rhino, Shocker, and Wrecker; the Sentinel of Liberty hitches a ride out to sea on the back of Modam! Cap thinks he's on the way to rescuing Diamondback, but instead it's actually Superia in Modam's clutches! So where is Diamondback?! She's still on the island about to administer the long-awaited coup de grâce to Snapdragon! And what about the Falcon? He's teamed up with the Master of Kung Fu to stave off Killer Shrike and the Flying Tiger! Action abounds everywhere! Cameo appearances by Batroc, Blackbird, and Iron Maiden.

  • Issue #414
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Australian Price Variant 414

    Australian Price Variant. "Escape from A.I.M. Isle" Guest-starring Shang-Chi, Ka-Zar, and the Black Panther. Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Rik Levins and M.C. Wyman. Inks by Danny Bulanadi and friends. Cover by Rik Levins and Don Hudson. After the star-spangled avenger rescues Superia at sea, the Living Legend turns around and heads back to A.I.M.'s island to finish the job! And upon arrival Cap jumps right into the free-for-all and helps Diamondback, Shang-Chi, and the Falcon fight a host of super-villains! If the shield-slinger and his friends can get past the Rhino, Scorpion Batroc, and a legion of A.I.M. robots, they'll move onto their next appointment…in Wakanda! Meanwhile in the Savage Land, Ka-Zar discovers an unauthorized mining operation going on! And he's not happy about it to say the least! Cameo appearances by Modam, Moonhunter, and Nick Fury. 32 pages.

  • Issue #416
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Australian Price Variant 416

    Australian Price Variant. "Savage Land Showdown!" Guest-starring Ka-Zar and the Black Panther. Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Rik Levins. Inks by Danny Bulanadi. Cover by Rik Levins and Danny Bulanadi. The Savage Land is up for grabs! And a series of battles will determine who gets it! First Cap, Diamondback, and Zabu battle an army of A.I.M. henchmen! Then the action shifts to the High Technician's majestic tower! Where T'Challa and the Falcon join the shield-slinger and Diamondback to fight the High Technician, Lorelei, and the Dino-Men! If the three avengers and the former Serpent Society member triumph in the tower, the quartet will advance to their third and final battle vs. the original destroyer of the Savage Land…Terminus! The David vs. Goliath showdown looms next issue! Cameo appearance by Terminus. (Note: Terminus previously appeared in Avengers Annual 19.) 32 pages.

  • Issue #418
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Australian Price Variant 418

    Australian Price Variant. "To Have and To Have Not" Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Rik Levins. Inks by Danny Bulanadi. Cover by Rik Levins and Danny Bulanadi. In the caverns below Central Park, D-Man is a prisoner of the bizarre group of misfits known as the Night People. For several weeks Dennis Dunphy has been living in a virtual fog trying to regain all of his faculties (following his Arctic rescue in Captain America 400). But through the help of a young boy residing among the Night People, D-Man begins to recover his strength and sanity! However the cruel leader of the Night People prefers D-Man in a weakened state! When D-Man joins the Night People for an above-ground supply raid in Manhattan, he has an opportunity to break free…with a little help from the star-spangled avenger! Cameo appearances by Diamondback, Moonhunter, and the Falcon. 32 pages.

  • Issue #420
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Australian Price Variant 420

    Australian Price Variant. "Skull Sessions" Guest-starring Nick Fury. Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Rik Levins. Inks by Danny Bulanadi. Cover by Rik Levins and Danny Bulanadi. The star-spangled avenger and SHIELD attack the Red Skull's Rocky Mountain hideaway! Will Captain America finally corral his long-time foe after his many months on the loose? Unfortunately, no one ever really catches the former top terror operative of the Third Reich. But after the raid is over, SHIELD gives Cap a possible lead on the west coast! So the Sentinel of Liberty travels to the City of Angels! And there he finds the skull; however, it's not the Red Skull…it's the Blazing Skull! Who? No time for answers as Cap must immediately team up with the new skull to knock out the Night Shift! Brothers Grimm beware! Cameo appearances by Quasar, Doctor Faustus, Nomad, Machinesmith, and the Red Skull. (Notes: The subplot on the last page continues in Nomad 18. The back inside cover features a full-page ad for the Avengers Sugar Babies promotional issue.) 32 pages.

  • Issue #421
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Australian Price Variant 421

    Australian Price Variant. "Gantlet" Guest-starring Nomad. Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Rik Levins. Inks by Danny Bulanadi, Dan Day, and Jim Garvey. Cover by Rik Levins and Dan Day. Story continues from Nomad 18. The star-spangled avenger is in South Florida and up to his neck in trouble! Nomad, Cap's former partner, has gone crazy and is trying to kill the Slug! However, the Sentinel of Liberty cannot allow his friend to commit murder! So the shield-slinger must fight Nomad in order to save the Slug (and himself)! And somewhere nearby (while the fierce struggle rages) Doctor Faustus just laughs and laughs and laughs. Story concludes in Nomad 19. 32 pages.

  • Issue #275
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 275
    • Paper: White
    • Canadian Edition.
    • Label #1253175020
    • Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.

    Canadian edition. "Yesterday's Shadows!" Story by J.M. DeMatteis. Art by Mike Zeck and John Beatty. Steve Rogers attends an anti-nazi rally in Long Island. The demonstration is proceeding peacefully until a pro-nazi group shows up. When the violence erupts, the star-spangled avenger jumps into the mêlée to restore order. After everyone has calmed down and Captain America has spoken to the crowd, Bernie Rosenthal realizes that his voice sounds just like Steve Rogers' voice. Meanwhile, Vermin escapes from SHIELD custody. Also in this issue, Sam Wilson (aka the Falcon) announces his intentions to run for Congress. Cameo appearances by the second Baron Zemo (Helmut), Armin Zola, and Peter Parker. 32 pages Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #277
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 277

    Canadian edition. "In Thy Image!" Story by J.M. DeMatteis. Art by Mike Zeck and John Beatty. Baron Zemo unleashes his diabolic plan to destroy both Captain America and Steve Rogers! Inside his castle in Mexico, Baron Zemo transfers the minds of Cap's two friends into mutate-bodies and orders them to attack Captain America and Vermin. Cap knows that he has to hold back against his friends, but how can the shield-slinger control Vermin? Meanwhile, Primus (previously disguised as Armin Zola) alters his image to look like Steve Rogers, and then travels to Brooklyn Heights to visit...Bernie Rosenthal. Back up story: "Snapping Part 2" Story by J.M. DeMatteis. Art by Mike Zeck and Joe Rubinstein. Sam Wilson continues to walk the streets of Harlem searching for clues to his disgruntled state of mind. Also in this story, Sam's sister reveals parts of his origin. 32 pages Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #278
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 278

    Canadian edition. "Oh, Thus Be It Ever" Story by J.M. DeMatteis. Art by Mike Zeck and John Beatty. In a stunning turn of events inside Baron Zemo's castle, Cap convinces the pack of mutates to stop fighting him and instead begin fighting the man, Baron Zemo, who transformed them into monsters. Without his mutated army, Zemo is swiftly defeated. And that gives Captain America a chance to return to New York just in time to interrupt Bernie's breakfast with...Primus! Back up story: "Snapping Part 3" Story by J.M. DeMatteis. Art by Mike Zeck and John Beatty. Sam Wilson (aka the Falcon) finds the necessary inner peace to reject the Snap Wilson persona and be comfortable just being Sam Wilson. 32 pages Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #279
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 279

    Canadian edition. "Of Monsters and Men" Story by J.M. DeMatteis. Art by Mike Zeck and John Beatty. It's a showdown between Primus and Captain America at the local diner! Primus wins round one and escapes with Bernie to Camp Arrowhead, New Jersey. The star-spangled avenger quickly follows, and the furious round two begins! Can Cap defeat Primus by himself or will Bernie have to help? Cameo appearances by Iron Man and Nick Fury. 32 pages Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #280
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 280
    • Paper: White
    • Canadian Price Variant.
    • Label #4039509002
    • Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.

    Canadian edition with $.75 cover price. "Sermon of Straw" Story by J.M. DeMatteis. Art by Mike Zeck and John Beatty. The Scarecrow is back in action and he's terrorizing the city! Is there a connection between the Scarecrow and the Coalition for an Upstanding America? Captain America is going to have to find out! 32 pages Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #281
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 281

    Canadian edition. "Captain America and Bucky!" Part 1 of 3. Story by J.M. DeMatteis. Art by Mike Zeck and John Beatty. The Bucky of the 1950's is back! Jack Monroe (last seen in Captain America 156) visits Steve Rogers and explains how he has survived the past 30 years, while only aging three years. Steve decides to help Jack adjust to normal life; while conversely, the Constrictor helps Jack adjust to superhero life! Meanwhile in San Francisco, Spider-woman is hot on the trail of the Viper! Cameo appearance by Spider-woman. (Notes: The possibility of the Viper being Spider-woman's mother is eliminated in this story. The letters page includes a letter from comics writer Barry Dutter.) Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #282
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 282

    Canadian edition. Bucky (Jack Monroe) becomes Nomad. FIRST PRINTING (1st printing cover has a color background and does NOT have a "Nomad" note in upper right corner). "On Your Belly You Shall Crawl, and Dust You Shall Eat!" Part 2 of 3. First appearance of Jack Monroe as Nomad. Guest-starring Nick Fury. Story by J.M. DeMatteis. Art by Mike Zeck and John Beatty. Captain America is a prisoner of the Viper after being defeated by the Constrictor in the previous issue. Fortunately, Cap has a friend on the inside, SHIELD undercover agent Gail Runciter, and a friend on the outside, the new Nomad, who will both try to set him free! Can they rescue the living legend? And what catastrophe is the Viper planning for America's heartland? Cameo appearances by Spider-woman and Sam Wilson. Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #283
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 283

    Canadian edition with $.75 cover price. "America the Cursed!" Part 3 of 3. Second appearance of Jack Monroe as Nomad. Story by J.M. DeMatteis. Art by Mike Zeck and John Beatty. The situation in Hartsdale, Illinois has gone from bad to worse as Dum Dum Dugan has joined Cap, Nomad, and Gail Runciter as drugged captives of the Viper! And now the evil Viper is only minutes away from unleashing the next generation of the bubonic plague on the helpless population! How are the good guys going to win this one? Cameo appearance by Nick Fury Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #285
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 285

    Canadian edition with $.75 cover price. "Letting Go!" Guest-starring Nomad. Story by J.M. DeMatteis. Art by Sal Buscema and Kim DeMulder. Cover by Mike Zeck. The new and improved (and deadlier) Porcupine has captured Nomad and Cap is the only one that can save him. Or can he? 32 pages, FC Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #287
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 287

    Canadian edition. "Future Shock!" Part 2 of 3. Guest-starring Deathlok. Story by J.M. DeMatteis. Art by Mike Zeck and John Beatty. Captain America wages a fierce battle against the re-programmed Deathlok! However, when the clone of Luther Manning merges with Deathlok, the cyborg from the future overcomes the Brand Corporation's programming, and remembers that he is one of the good guys. Now will the two heroes work together? And if yes, will it be in 1983 or 1991? Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #288
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 288

    Canadian edition with $.75 cover price. "Mazes!" Part 3 of 3. Guest-starring Deathlok. Story by J.M. DeMatteis. Art by Mike Zeck and John Beatty. The star-spangled avenger travels forward in time to the 1990's to join forces with Deathlok, Godwulf, and former Nth Commandos to battle the evil genius Hellinger! Can Deathlok regain his humanity in time to save America? (Note: The letters page includes a letter from comics writer Michael Kanterovich.) Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #295
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 295

    Canadian edition with $.75 cover price. "The Centre Cannot Hold!" Story by J.M. DeMatteis. Art by Paul Neary and Brett Breeding. Cover by Bob Budiansky. Mother Superior and Baron Zemo are gradually closing in on all the friends of Steve Rogers. Dave Cox lies in the hospital in a coma and Arnie Roth has been kidnapped. Who will be next? Meanwhile, Cap and Nomad decide to take the fight directly to Skull-House. Once inside, they encounter the Sisters of Sin! Cameo appearances by Starfox and the Wasp. 32 pages Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #296
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 296

    Canadian edition with $.75 cover price. "Things Fall Apart!" Story by J.M. DeMatteis. Art by Paul Neary and Sam DeLaRosa. Cover by Bob Budiansky and Tom Mandrake. The situation for Cap's friends continues to deteriorate as Mother Superior abducts Bernie Rosenthal and the Sisters of Sin subdue the Falcon. Meanwhile at Skull-House, the star-spangled avenger realizes that he has aged considerably in the past several hours. Now the elderly Captain America must battle Mother Superior, while the imprisoned Nomad, Falcon, Arnie, and Bernie all look on. Cameo appearances by Starfox and the Wasp Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #298
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 298

    Canadian edition. "Sturm Und Drang: The Life and Times of the Red Skull!" Story by J.M. DeMatteis. Art by Paul Neary and Roy Richardson. Cover by Paul Neary. The Red Skull knows that his life is nearing the end, so he chooses to be hospitable to the aging Captain America for a few hours and tell him his life's story. Cap's greatest foe reveals the details of his birth, his fateful first encounter with Adolph Hitler, and the birth of his daughter, Mother Superior. Meanwhile, the Falcon, Nomad, and Bernie work on escaping from their dungeon inside Skull-House. 32 pages Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #299
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 299

    Canadian edition with $.75 cover price. Red Skull in "The Bunker" Story by J.M. DeMatteis. Art by Paul Neary and Roy Richardson. Cover by Paul Neary. Fierce battles are raging at Skull-House! Baron Zemo and Mother Superior are savagely battling to the death; while nearby Nomad, the Falcon, and Bernie fight for their lives against the Sisters of Sin, and of course neither conflict is the main attraction! Captain America and the Red Skull, the two aging warriors from World War II, are set to rumble in the bunker under Skull-House! Meanwhile, Earth's Mightiest Heroes are assembling for a rescue mission. Will the Avengers arrive in time? Cameo appearances by the Scarlet Witch, Vision, Starfox, and the Wasp. 32 pages Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #301
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 301

    Canadian edition with $.75 cover price. "All Good Things" Guest-starring the Avengers. Story by Michael Carlin. Art by Paul Neary and Dennis Janke. Cover by Paul Neary. Captain America has just triumphed in his epic battle with the Red Skull, but he continues to age rapidly and needs help from the Avengers to reverse the process. The Vision and Dr. Pym construct a radiation chamber in Avengers Mansion to save Cap's life. The rejuvenation treatment seems to be working; however, Mother Superior and the Sisters of Sin have other plans. Avengers Lineup: Captain Marvel, Hawkeye, Hercules, Scarlet Witch, Starfox, Vision, and the Wasp. 32 pages Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #303
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 303

    Canadian edition with $.75 cover price. "And Other Strangers!" Story by Michael Carlin. Art by Paul Neary and Dennis Janke. Cover by Paul Neary. Batroc, Machete, and Zaran have taken Captain America's shield to Stane International where Dr. MacLain is being forced to recreate the shield-making process. Now Cap will have to defeat Batroc one-on-one to learn the location of his shield. 32 pages Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #304
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 304

    Canadian edition with $.75 cover price. "And Other Strangers!" Story by Michael Carlin. Art by Paul Neary and Dennis Janke. Cover by Paul Neary. Batroc, Machete, and Zaran have taken Captain America's shield to Stane International where Dr. MacLain is being forced to recreate the shield-making process. Now Cap will have to defeat Batroc one-on-one to learn the location of his shield. 32 pages Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #308
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 308

    Canadian edition with $.75 cover price. "The Body in Question" Secret Wars II crossover. Story by Mark Gruenwald. Art by Paul Neary and Dennis Janke. Cover by John Byrne and Dennis Janke. Captain America is in Southern California after tracking the Beyonder to the west coast in the first issue of the Secret Wars II limited series. Cap decides to stop by the Avengers West Coast compound and encounters the Armadillo! Meanwhile, the Serpent Squad (Sidewinder, Anaconda, Black Mamba, Death Adder) continues to scheme. Cameo appearances by Hawkeye and Mockingbird. 32 pages Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #309
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 309

    Canadian edition. "Nomad MadCap Cap". Story by Mark Gruenwald. Art by Paul Neary and Dennis Janke. Nomad gets a rematch against Madcap at a Coney Island amusement park! After achieving his first solo victory as a superhero, Jack Monroe tells Cap that he would like to end their partnership. Meanwhile, the Serpent Squad adds three new members: the Cobra, the Constrictor, and Princess Python. Cameo appearances by Nick Fury and the Falcon. (Note: This issue includes the origin of Madcap.) 32 pages Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #311
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 311

    Canadian edition with $.75 cover price. "Working" Story by Mark Gruenwald. Art by Paul Neary and Dennis Janke. Cover by Paul Neary and Josef Rubenstein. Steve Rogers visits the Marvel Comics Group office for a meeting with editor Mike Carlin. Steve is hired as an artist for the Captain America title! Afterwards, Captain America flies to Mayfield, Ohio, to investigate a mysterious android sighting. Meanwhile back in New York, the Serpent Society plots their next business move; and a mysterious villain called Scourge attempts to assassinate the Constrictor. Cameo appearances by Advanced Idea Mechanics and the Kingpin. 32 pages Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #313
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 313

    Canadian edition with $.75 cover price. "Mission: Murder Modok!" Story by Mark Gruenwald. Art by Paul Neary and Al Williamson. Cover by John Byrne and Al Williamson. The Serpent Society is determined to kill Modok, and the entire membership is hunting him down in a New Jersey shopping mall. It's a savage life-and-death struggle between the Serpent Society and Modok! Can Captain America get there in time to save the life of his long-time foe? 32 pages Cover price $0.75.

  • Issue #314
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 314

    Canadian edition with $.95 cover price. "Asylum" Squadron Supreme crossover. Story by Mark Gruenwald. Art by Paul Neary and Dennis Janke. Nighthawk teleports to Avengers Mansion to request help from Earth's heroes in fighting the Squadron Supreme back on Nighthawk's alternate Earth; however, the Avengers and Fantastic Four decline to help. Later on Nighthawk and Cap team up to battle Mink, Pinball, and Remnant. Cameo appearances by the Black Knight, Captain Marvel, Hercules, Wasp, Mr. Fantastic, and the Invisible Woman. Cover price $0.95.

  • Issue #315
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 315

    Canadian edition. "The Hard Sell" Story by Mark Gruenwald. Art by Paul Neary and Dennis Janke. Cover by Paul Neary and Jackson Guice. The Serpent Society is back, and that means another titanic battle vs. Captain America! The star-spangled avenger takes on Cottonmouth, Death Adder, Diamondback, and the Rattler; but this time Cap has a secret ally: the Porcupine. Will the Serpent Society claim another victim? During the battle Diamondback has second thoughts about fighting Cap. 32 pages Cover price $0.95.

  • Issue #316
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 316

    Canadian edition with $.95 cover price. "The Hard Sell" Story by Mark Gruenwald. Art by Paul Neary and Dennis Janke. Cover by Paul Neary and Jackson Guice. The Serpent Society is back, and that means another titanic battle vs. Captain America! The star-spangled avenger takes on Cottonmouth, Death Adder, Diamondback, and the Rattler; but this time Cap has a secret ally: the Porcupine. Will the Serpent Society claim another victim? During the battle Diamondback has second thoughts about fighting Cap. 32 pages Cover price $0.95.

  • Issue #318
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant 318

    Canadian edition with $.95 cover price. "Justice is Served!" Story by Mark Gruenwald. Art by Paul Neary and Dennis Janke. Steve Rogers moves back into Avengers Mansion, and then sets out across the country in his super-van to respond to hotline calls. Meanwhile, Firebrand and Blue Streak meet at The Bar With No Name to discuss the mysterious Scourge, who has just recently killed Death Adder. Later on Captain America runs into Blue Streak, but Blue Streak escapes only to run into...Scourge. Cameo appearances by Hercules, Sub-Mariner, and the Wasp. 32 pages Cover price $0.95.

  • Issue #109
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) JC Penney Reprint 109
    • Cover oxidation.

    1994 reprint available only through JC Penney catalog. Captain America's origin is retold in "The Hero That Was." Script by Stan Lee, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Syd Shores. Brief appearances by Bucky Barnes and Nick Fury. Letter to the editor from comics writer Don McGregor. Kirby/Shores cover. NOTE: Low print run. Can be identified by Stridex ad on back cover. Cover price $0.12.

  • Issue #241
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) JC Penney Reprint 241
    • Paper: White
    • Label #3828781001
    • Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
    • Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout. Graded by MCS, not consignor.

    1993 reprint available only through JC Penney. "Fear Grows in Brooklyn!" Guest-starring the Punisher. Story by Mike W. Barr. Art by Frank Springer and Pablo Marcos. Cover by Frank Miller. Steve Rogers meet Frank Castle. Two very different soldiers tasking on the mob in two very different ways. Yeah, this will end well. Captain America meets the Punisher! 32 pages, FC. NOTE: Has low print run. Can be identified by having Spider-Man with the words THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN printed in the UPC box. Cover price $0.40.

  • Issue #371
    Captain America (1968 1st Series) JC Penney Reprint 371

    1993 reprint available only through JC Penney. Full color, 32 pages, standard paper stock. "Cap's Night Out" Story by Mark Gruenwald. Art by Ron Lim and Danny Bulanadi. Steve Rogers and Rachel Leighton (aka Diamondback) go out on a date together! Diamondback's friends, Asp and Black Mamba, follow the couple from a distance to make sure that no super-villains interfere with the evening. Back up story: "Girl Talk" Story by Mark Gruenwald. Art by Mark Bagley and Don Hudson. Diamondback and Black Mamba talk about Rachel's date with Captain America. NOTE: Has low print run. Can be identified by having the words 'The Amazing Spider-Man' printed in the UPC Box. Cover price $1.00.