COMPLETE WITH BONUS: Sing Along with Mad booklet. Painted cover art by Kelly Freas. "New Movie Monsters From Madison Avenue," script by E. Nelson Bridwell, art by Wallace Wood; Ideas for horror movies based on current advertising campaigns. "America's Dream Car," script by Sy Reit, art by Bob Clarke; A list of consumer complaints about modern car design and a suggestion of a design that addresses them...the Model T. "The Rifle, Man!", script by Nick Megliola, art by Mort Drucker; After a typical day of killin' folk, Lucas's wife comes to town and kills him because his TV show ratings were higher than hers. "Madison Avenue Turns To History And Literature," script by Larry Siegel, art by Bob Clarke; Parodies of various magazine ads using history or literature as motifs. "Distinctive Picket Lines," script by Frank Jacobs, art by George Woodbridge; Specialized picket signs for various professions. "Movie Land," script by Larry Siegel, art by Joe Orlando; Parody of typical Hollywood star gossip magazines. "A Best Seller Hits The Commercial Trail," script by Sy Reit, art by Wally Wood; A rather prescient look at the future of merchandising for a successful novel, using "Doctor Zhivago" as an example. "Barber Shop," script and art by Dave Berg; Special chairs at the barber shop so men can enjoy a fantasy while having their hair cut. "The Truth About Before And "After" Ads," script by Sy Reit, art by Wallace Wood; The real "after" photos showing unexpected side effects of various products. "I.B.M. Cards," script by Frank Jacobs, art by Joe Orlando; Interpreting the punches on computer billing cards. "The Nearsighted Man And The Telephone," script and art by Don Martin; A man mistakes another man for a pay phone, and another man retrieves the dime from the "phone" man's mouth. "MAD's Up-To-Date Version of The Night Before Christmas," script by Paul Laikin (translation) and Clement Clarke Moore (original), art by Wallace Wood; A hip rendition of the classic poem, with illustration showing Santa and the reindeer wearing shades, goatees and berets. "Changing History For Commercial TV," script by Larry Siegel, art by Joe Orlando. "Blue Confessions," script by Paul Laikin, art by Wallace Wood. "Vic Tinny Gyms," script by Al Jaffe, art by Wally Wood; Discusses the methods and success of the new style of commercial gym. Parody of Vic Tanny Gyms. Back cover strip with art by Kelly Freas. 92 pgs., B&W.
Cover price $0.50.