Cover art by Bill Everett. Nick Fury stars in "The Power of SHIELD!", script by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby (co-plot), pencils by Jack Kirby (layouts) and Jim Steranko, inks by Jim Steranko; Fury signals SHIELD but after Sitwell realizes Fury is the pilot he still orders the launching of a Strato-Mine which could ignite the atmosphere; Supreme Hydra learns that Laura Brown, the daughter of his predecessor who helped Fury has been captured in Egypt; Donning a new disguise he leaves to exact punishment; Fury turns the plane around, and, discovering the hidden Overkill Horn, dives from the plane, picked up by a SHIELD submarine. "Into the Dimension of Death!", script by Stan Lee and Bill Everett (co-plot), art by Bill Everett; Doctor Strange finds himself once more in The Dark Dimension, the home of Dormammu & Clea; After facing several dangers, he senses the power of a woman behind it all; Umar uses a pair of cloudy "spirits" to summon Strange to her presence; She tells him of her imprisonment, and that she wishes to "make amends" for her brother's deeds; She also tells him that Clea has been captured by The Mindless Ones, and that she summoned him as the one Clea hoped would rescue her. 36 pgs., full color.
Cover price $0.12.