- CBCS Authentic Signature
- Paper: White
- Signed by Garth Ennis on 101/8/2016 at New York Comic Con.
- Label #16-39DE813-002
- This is a consignment item. A 3% buyer's premium ($2.25) will be charged at checkout.
Other items consigned by Saddle River Comics
Preview book;
"The Eaters" by Peter Milligan (script) & Dean Ormston (art);
"Jonah Hex: Riders of the Worm and Such" byJoe R. Lansdale, Tim (Timothy) Truman, & Sam Glanzman;
"Preacher" (1st app) by Garth Ennis (script) & Steve Dillon (art);
"Ghostdancing" by Jamie Delano (script) & Richard Case (art);
Absolute Vertigo Artist Jam featuring Steve Dillon, Sam Glanzman, Sean Phillips, Richard Case, Phil Winslade, Dean Ormston, Duncan Fegredo, & Tim Truman;
"Hellblazer" # 89 by Paul Jenkins (script) & Sean Phillips (art);
"Goddess" by Garth Ennis (script) & Phil Winslade (art);
and an all-new Invisibles short story featuring King Mob in "Hexy" by Grant Morrison (script) & Duncan Fegredo (art);
Cover price $0.99.