- Cover detached at one staple and coming loose at the other, 2' cumulative spine split.
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
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Other items consigned by humble cow
Stories and art by Milton Caniff, Chester Gould, Edwina Dumm, Bill Holman, Sheldon Mayer, Harold Gray, Robert Ripley, Frank Willard, Percy Crosby, Dick Ryan, Gaylord Du Bois, Hal Arbo, Walter Berndt, Frank Beck, Garrett Price, Stanley Link, Martin Branner, Sidney Smith, Fred Harman, Frank V. Martinek, Leon A. Beroth, Carl Ed, Bob Moore, Carl Pfeufer, Ferd Johnson, Al Posen, Edwin Alger, Gaar Williams, A. W. Nugent, Ed Leffingwell, and Tack Knight. Edited by comics pioneers M.C. Gaines and Sheldon Mayer. An early comic book from Dell, featuring reprinted newspaper comic strips alongside new material. Skeezix gets hired by Uncle Avery to be part of his traveling medicine show. Pat and Terry have escaped the Dragon Lady, but now they must decide what to do with the baby crocodile that Connie has adopted. Scribbly doesn't realize that Ving Parker, the cartoonist he admires, is trying to find him because he loves Scribbly's graffiti. Also featuring popular strips Little Orphan Annie, Skippy, Dick Tracy, The Gumps, and Ripley's Believe It or Not. Reg'lar Fellers; Daisybelle; Moon Mullins; Kitty Higgins; Dick Tracy; Skippy; Always Belittlin'; Tom Mix: The Fighting Cowboy; Smitty; Herby; Tippie; Ripley's Believe It or Not; Ginger; Winnie Winkle; Looie; The Gumps; Don Winslow; Bos'n Hal Sea Scout; Harold Teen; Little Orphan Annie; Maw Green; Lovey Dovey; Texas Slim and Dirty Dalton; Ella and Her Fella; Jinglet; Ben Webster; Let's Draw Cartoons; Bertie the Barber; Life's Little Tragedies; Scribbly; Tiny Tim; White Boy in Skull Valley; Bronc Peeler; On the Range; Zipper; Uncle Bill; Gasoline Alley; A Strain on the Family Tie; Real Magic; Don Dixon and the Hidden Empire; Tad of the Tanbark; Streaky; Terry and the Pirates; Smokey Stover; Little Joe; Little Folks; Baby Sister; Smilin' Jack; Sweeney & Son. 64 pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.10.