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Comic books 1951

1 of 2 in stock Fantastic Novels (1940-1951 Frank A. Munsey) Pulp #1-5 Popular Publications 1940 - 1951
1 of 2 in stock Fantastic Novels (1948-1951 New Publications) Canadian Edition #2-5 New Publications 1948 - 1951
Out of stock Fantastic Novels Magazine (1950 - 1951 Pemberton's) British Edition #1 Pembertons 1951
2 of 2 in stock Fantastic Story Magazine (1950-1955 Best Books) Pulp #1-8 Best Books 1950 - 1955
2 of 2 in stock Fantasy Advertiser (1946-1952 Gus Willmorth) Fanzine #1-5 Gus Willmorth 1946 - 1951
In stock Fantasy Book (1947 Fantasy Publishing Co., Inc.) Magazine #1-8 FPCI, Los Angeles 1947 - 1951
Out of stock Fantasy Collector (1948-1951 Oswald Train) Fanzine #4 Oswald Train 1951
Out of stock Fate (1948-Present Clark Publishing) Digest/Magazine #1-61 Clark Publishing Company 1948 - 2008
Out of stock Father of Charity (1951) #0 Catechetical Guild 1951
Out of stock Fatima Challenge to the World (1951 15C Cover) #0 Catechetical Guild 1951
In stock Fauntleroy Comics (1950) #1-3 Close-Up 1950 - 1952
1 of 6 in stock Fawcett Movie Comic (1950 Fawcett) #7-20 Fawcett 1950 - 1952
3 of 4 in stock Fawcett's Funny Animals (1942-1956 Fawcett/Charlton) #1-91 Fawcett 1942 - 1956
0 of 6 in stock Fawcett's Funny Animals (1946, 1950-1952 L. Miller and Son) UK Edition #50-56 L. Miller & Sons 1946 - 1951
Out of stock FBI Detective Stories (1949-1951 Popular Publications) Canadian Edition #1-4 Popular Publications 1949 - 1951
In stock FBI Detective Stories (1949-1951 Popular Publications^) Pulp #1-4 Popular Publications 1949 - 1951
0 of 3 in stock FBI Detective Stories (1949-1951 Thorpe & Porter) UK Edition #1-6 Thorpe & Porter 1950 - 1951
In stock Fearless Fosdick and the Case of the Red Feather (1951) Promo #0 Capp Enterprises, Inc. 1951
3 of 9 in stock Felix the Cat (1948 Dell/Toby/Harvey) #1-118 Toby Press 1948 - 1961
0 of 2 in stock Fifteen Love Stories (1949-1955 Fictioneers) Pulp #1-10 Fictioneers, Inc. 1949 - 1955
0 of 2 in stock Fifteen Sports Stories (1948-1952 Popular Publications) Pulp #1-8 Popular Publications 1948 - 1952
0 of 3 in stock Fifteen Western Tales (1942-1955 Popular Publications) Canadian Edition #1-11 Popular Publications 1948 - 1952
2 of 2 in stock Fifteen Western Tales (1942-1955 Popular^) Pulp #2-31 Fictioneers, Inc. 1941 - 1955
0 of 3 in stock Fifteen Western Tales (1942-1955 Thorpe & Porter) UK Edition #2-19 Thorpe & Porter 1949 - 1953
1 of 4 in stock Fight Against Crime (1951) #1-21 Story Comics 1951 - 1954
1 of 6 in stock Fight Comics (1940) #1-86 Fiction House 1940 - 1954
Out of stock Fight for Freedom (1949) 1949-1951 National Assoc. of Mfgrs. 1949 - 1951
Out of stock Fightin' Marines (1951 St. John) #15 St. John 1951
1 of 2 in stock Fightin' Marines (1951 St. John/Charlton) #2-176 Charlton Comics Group 1951 - 1984
Out of stock Figure (1951 Photography Workshop) Magazine Series 1 #1 Photography Workshop 1951
Out of stock Figure Photography (1950-1955 Art Photography Magazine) Annual #1-8 Art Photography Magazine 1950 - 1955
Out of stock Figure Studies Magazine (1949-1966 Camerarts) Annual #3 Camerarts Pub. Co. 1951
In stock Film Complet (Société Parisienne d'Édition) Magazine #60-453 Société Parisienne d'Édition 1947 - 1954
In stock Film Fun HC (1938-1961 Amalgamated Press) UK Annuals 1938-1961 Amalgamated Press 1937 - 1960
In stock Filmland (1949-1958 Red Circle) Magazine #1-7 Red Circle Magazines 1949 - 1957
Out of stock Films in Review (1950-1997 National Board of Review of Motion Pictures, Inc.) #1-48 National Board of Review of Motion Pictures Inc. 1950 - 1997
3 of 4 in stock Firehair Comics (1948) #1-11 Fiction House 1948 - 1952
2 of 6 in stock First Love Illustrated (1949-1963 Harvey) #1-90 Harvey 1949 - 1963
1 of 4 in stock First Romance Magazine (1949-1958 Harvey) #1-52 Harvey 1949 - 1958
2 of 3 in stock Flash Gordon (1950 Harvey) #1-5 Harvey 1950 - 1951
Out of stock Flash Gordon Christmas Card (1951) 1951 King Features 1951
2 of 2 in stock Flash Gordon Gordon Bread Giveaway (1951) #1-2 Harvey 1951
Out of stock Flight of the Hesper (1951 Hamilton & Co.) Digest #1 Hamilton & Co 1951
In stock Flippity and Flop (1951) #1-47 DC 1951 - 1960
In stock Flirt (1947-1955 Whisper, Inc./Flirt) Magazine #1-8 Flirt Magazine 1947 - 1955
In stock Flying (1942-current Ziff Davis) Magazine #38-59 Ziff Davis 1946 - 1956
Out of stock Focus (1951 Leading Magazine Corp.) Magazine #1-7 Leading Magazine Corp. 1950 - 1957
Out of stock Folies Bergere (Folies Bergere) Programme 1925-1985 Folies Bergere 1925 - 1985
In stock Follies (1950-1951 Graphic Magazines^) #1 Graphic Magazines 1950 - 1951
Out of stock Foo (1951 Monarch Publishing Co) #1 Monarch Publishing 1951 - 1952
Out of stock Football Action (1939-1953 Fiction House) Pulp #1-3 Fiction House 1939 - 1953
Out of stock Football Stories (1937-1953 Fiction House) Pulp #1-3 Fiction House 1937 - 1953
Out of stock Football Thrills (1951) #1-2 Ziff Davis 1951 - 1952
In stock For a Night of Love (1951) #0 American Comics Group 1951
Out of stock For Laughing Out Loud (1956-1965 Dell) #1-35 Dell 1951 - 1965
2 of 3 in stock Forbidden Worlds (1951 ACG) #1-145 ACG 1951 - 1967
36 of 56 in stock Four Color (1942-1962 Dell 2nd Series) #1-1354 Dell 1942 - 1965
Out of stock Four Color (Canadian 1947 Wilson) #119-315 Dell 1947 - 1951
Out of stock Fox and the Crow (1951) #1-108 DC 1951 - 1968
Out of stock Fractured French HC (1951) UK #1 Putnam 1951
2 of 6 in stock Frisky Animals (1951 Star) #44-55 Star 1951 - 1953
In stock Frolic (1951-1967 Frolic Magazine, Inc.^) Magazine #1-16 Frolic Magazine Inc. 1951 - 1968
1 of 12 in stock Front Page Detective (1936-1995 Dell Publishing Co. Inc.) Magazine 193608-199509 MacFadden Publications 1936 - 1995
In stock Frontier Stories (1924-1953 Doubleday/Fiction House) Pulp #1-18 Fiction House 1924 - 1953
1 of 3 in stock Frontline Combat (1951 EC) #1-15 EC 1951 - 1954
Out of stock Frontline Combat (1951 Superior) Canadian Edition #1-14 EC 1951 - 1953
Out of stock Frosty the Snow Man HC (1950 Golden Press) A Little Golden Book #142 Golden Press 1950 - 1951
0 of 4 in stock Fun Parade (1942 Fun Parade Inc.) #1-100 Fun Parade,Inc 1942 - 1960
1 of 6 in stock Funny Films (1949) #1-29 American Comics Group 1949 - 1954
4 of 6 in stock Funny Stuff (1944) #1-79 DC 1944 - 1954
2 of 2 in stock Future Combined with Science Fiction Stories (1950-1951 Columbia Publications) Pulp #1-2 Columbia Publications 1950 - 1951
0 of 2 in stock Future Science Fiction (1951-1954 Columbia Publications) Pulp UK #1-14 Columbia Publications 1951 - 1954
1 of 2 in stock Futuristic Science Stories (1950-1954 John Spencer & Co.) UK Digest #1-16 John Spencer & Co 1950 - 1954
0 of 2 in stock G-Men Detective (1935-1953 Standard Magazines^) Pulp #1-38 Standard Publishing 1935 - 1953
In stock G-Men Detective British Edition (Atlas Publishing and Distributing Co., Ltd) Pulp 1942-1952 Atlas Publishing and Distributing Co. 1942 - 1952
2 of 12 in stock Gabby Hayes Western (1948 Fawcett) #1-59 Fawcett 1948 - 1957
2 of 2 in stock Gabby Hayes Western (UK 1951 L. Miller & Son) #53-55 Fawcett 1951
2 of 6 in stock Gabby Hayes Western Giveaway (1951) #0-5 Fawcett 1951
Out of stock Gags (1941 Triangle Publications) Magazine #1-10 Triangle Publications 1941 - 1951
0 of 2 in stock Gala (1951 Gala Magazine Corporation) Magazine #1-24 Gala Magazine Corporation 1950 - 1974
3 of 3 in stock Galaxy Science Fiction (1950-1980 World/Galaxy/Universal) #1-40 Galaxy Publications 1950 - 1980
19 of 23 in stock Galaxy Science Fiction Novels SC (1950 - 1961) #1-31 Galaxy Publishing 1950 - 1957
0 of 6 in stock Gang Busters (1948 DC) #1-67 DC 1948 - 1959
2 of 3 in stock Gangsters and Gun Molls (1951) #1-4 Avon Publications 1951 - 1952
0 of 2 in stock Gay Love Stories (1942-1960 Columbia Publications) Pulp #1-18 Columbia Publications 1942 - 1960
5 of 12 in stock Gene Autry Comics (1946-1959 Dell) #1-121 Dell 1946 - 1959
Out of stock Gene Autry Comics (1946-1959 Dell) Canadian Edition #14-47 Dell 1948 - 1951
In stock Gene Autry's Champion (1951-1955 Dell) #3-19 Dell 1951 - 1955
In stock General Douglas Macarthur (1951) #1 Fox Feature Syndicate 1951
Out of stock General Electric Catalog of Motion Pictures (c. 1951 General Electric) #1 General Electric 1951
0 of 2 in stock Genii Magazine (1936) #7-199108 Genii Corporation 1943 - 1991
Out of stock Gentry (1952 Reporter Publications Inc.) #1-4 Reporter Publications Inc. 1951 - 1952
0 of 6 in stock Georgie Comics (1945 Marvel) #1-39 Timely 1945 - 1952
Out of stock Geronimo (1950) #1-4 Avon Publications 1950 - 1952
Out of stock Ghost Comics (1951 Fiction House) #1-11 Fiction House 1951 - 1954
3 of 7 in stock Ghost Rider (1950 Magazine Enterprises) #1-14 Magazine Enterprises 1950 - 1954
Out of stock Ghost Rider (1950-1951 Superior Publishers) Canadian #4 Superior Publishers Ltd. 1951
1 of 4 in stock GI Joe (1950 Ziff Davis) #10-14 Ziff Davis 1950 - 1951
Out of stock GI Joe (1951 Ziff Davis) #6-51 Ziff Davis 1951 - 1957
Out of stock Giant Detective (1950-1951 Standard Magazines) #10 Standard Publishing 1950 - 1951
2 of 2 in stock Giant Western (1947-1953 Standard Magazines) Pulp #1-12 Standard Magazines Inc. 1947 - 1953
3 of 6 in stock Giggle Comics (1943) #1-99 Creston 1943 - 1955
Out of stock Gilbert Trains (1950 A. C. Gilbert Co.) Catalog 1950-1958 A. C. Gilbert Co. 1950 - 1958
Out of stock Giles Sunday Express and Daily Express Cartoons TPB (1947-1977 Beaverbrook) #1-31 Beaverbrook 1947 - 1977
In stock Ginger (1951) #1-10 Archie Publications 1951 - 1954
0 of 6 in stock Girl Comics (1949) #1-12 Marvel/Atlas 1949 - 1952
Out of stock Girl Friend and the Boy Friend (1951 Girl Friend and the Boy Friend Corp.) #1 Girl Friend 1951
Out of stock Girls Galore (1951 Judson Publishing Company, Inc.) Magazine #1 Judson Publishing Company, Inc. 1950 - 1951
0 of 6 in stock Girls' Love Stories (1949) #1-180 DC 1949 - 1973
Out of stock Girly Carnival (early 1950s) #2 UNKNOWN 1951
In stock Glamorous Models (1943-1954 Models Publishing^) Magazine 1943-1954 Models Publishing Co., Inc. 1943 - 1954
1 of 6 in stock Glamorous Romances (1949) #41-90 Ace Magazines 1949 - 1956
2 of 2 in stock Glance (1948-1952 Cape Magazine^) 1st Series #1-5 Cape Magazine 1948 - 1952
Out of stock Golden Arrow Western (1951 British Edition) #10 1951
0 of 3 in stock Good Humor Magazine (1948-1956 Capitol/Charlton) #1-40 Capitol/Charlton 1948 - 1956
In stock Goofy Big Game Hunter Mini Comic (1951 Wheaties) #7 Wheaties 1951
5 of 7 in stock Goofy Comics (1943 Nedor/Standard) #1-48 Nedor 1943 - 1953
Out of stock Grandma Greeting Card (1951 King Features Syndicate) #1 King Features Syndicate, INC. 1951
Out of stock Great Audience HC (1950 Viking) #0 Viking 1950 - 1951
0 of 2 in stock Great Lover Romances (1951) #1-22 Toby Press 1951 - 1955
13 of 18 in stock Greater Amusements 500505-520829 1950 - 1952
1 of 6 in stock Gunhawk (1950 Marvel/Atlas) #12-18 Marvel/Atlas 1950 - 1951
1 of 5 in stock Gunsmoke (1949 Western Comics) #1-16 Western 1949 - 1952
Out of stock Gus and Jaq Save the Ship Mini Comic (1951 Wheaties) #4 Wheaties 1951
3 of 6 in stock Ha Ha Comics (1943) #1-99 ACG 1943 - 1955
In stock Hand of Fate (1951 Ace) #8-25 Ace Magazines 1951 - 1954
Out of stock Hank Janson Detective Magazine (1951 Flamingo Publications) #1 Flamingo Books 1951
In stock Happy Health Days SC (1951 Gel-Sten Supply Co.) #1 Gel-Sten Supply Co. 1951
2 of 6 in stock Happy Rabbit (1951) #41-48 Standard Comics 1951 - 1952
2 of 4 in stock Harvey Comics Hits (1951) #51-62 Harvey 1951 - 1953
2 of 6 in stock Haunt of Fear (1950 E.C. Comics 2nd Series) #4-28 EC 1950 - 1954
Out of stock Haunt of Fear (1950 Superior 2nd Series) Canadian Edition #9-15 Superior 1951 - 1952
In stock Hawk, The (1951 Ziff Davis/St. John) #1-12 Ziff Davis 1951 - 1955
0 of 6 in stock Headline Comics (1943 Prize) #1-77 Prize 1943 - 1956
0 of 2 in stock Headquarters Detective (1940-2001 Headquarters Detective, Inc.) True Crime Magazine #1-56 Headquarters Detective, Inc. 1940 - 2002
1 of 7 in stock Hedy of Hollywood Comics (1950 Marvel) #36-50 Marvel 1950 - 1952
0 of 2 in stock Hello Buddies (1940's) #2-100 Fun Parade,Inc 1943 - 1960
0 of 6 in stock Henry (1948-1961 Dell) #1-65 Dell 1948 - 1961
2 of 5 in stock Henry Aldrich (1950-1954 Dell) #1-22 Dell 1950 - 1954
Out of stock Henry Aldrich (1951 Capehart TV and Appliance) #0 Dell 1951
In stock Here (1951-1952 Triangle Publications) Magazine #10-11 Triangle Publications 1951 - 1952
In stock Here We Go Again HC (1951) #1 Duell, Sloan, and Pearce 1951
3 of 6 in stock Heroic Comics (1940 Famous Funnies) #1-97 Famous Funnies 1940 - 1955
2 of 6 in stock Hi-School Romance (1949) #1-75 Harvey 1949 - 1958
In stock Hit Parader (1942 Charlton) Magazine 1943-1975 Charlton Publishing 1943 - 1975
0 of 2 in stock HIT! Magazine (1942-1963 Picture Magazines Inc.) #1-19 Picture Magazines 1942 - 1963
Out of stock HIT! Magazine (1942-1963 Picture Magazines Inc.) Annual 1947-1958 Picture Magazines 1947 - 1958
3 of 4 in stock Holiday Comics (1951 Star) #1-8 Star Publications 1951 - 1952
2 of 12 in stock Hollywood Funny Folks (1950) #27-60 National Periodical Publ 1950 - 1954
0 of 6 in stock Hollywood Pictorial (1950) #3-12 St. John 1950 - 1951
Out of stock Hooded Menace (1951 One-Shot) #0 Realistic Publications 1951
5 of 12 in stock Hopalong Cassidy (1943 Fawcett/DC) #1-135 DC 1943 - 1959
0 of 12 in stock Hopalong Cassidy (1950-1958 L. Miller) UK #50-153 L. Miller 1950 - 1958
Out of stock Hopalong Cassidy (Australian 1947 Cleland) #50 Larry S. Cleland/Vee Publishing 1951
Out of stock Hopalong Cassidy and the Mad Barber (1951) #0 Fawcett 1951
In stock Hopalong Cassidy Meets the Brend Brothers Bandits (1951) #0 Fawcett 1951
Out of stock Hopalong Cassidy Strange Legacy (1951) #0 Fawcett 1951
In stock Hopalong Cassidy's Western Magazine (1950-1951 Standard) Pulp #1 Standard Magazines Inc. 1950 - 1951
Out of stock Hot Rod Comics (1951 Fawcett) #1-7 Fawcett 1951 - 1953
Out of stock Hot Rod Comics (UK 1951 Arnold) #1-7 Arnold Book Co. 1951 - 1953
Out of stock Hot Rods and Racing Cars (1951) #1-120 Motor Magazines/Charlton 1951 - 1973
In stock House of Mystery (1951-1983 1st Series) #1-321 DC 1951 - 1983
In stock How America Grew (1950s National Research Bureau) #0 National Research Bureau, Inc. 1951
Out of stock How Stalin Hopes We Will Destroy America (1951) 1951 Joe Lowe Co. 1951
Out of stock How to Draw the Neck and Shoulders (1951 Art Instruction, Inc.) #0 Art Instruction Inc. 1951
6 of 7 in stock Howdy Doody (1950-1956 Dell) #1-38 Dell 1950 - 1956
Out of stock Human Detective Cases (1942-1951 Close Up Inc) True Crime Magazine #1-5 Close-Up 1942 - 1951
2 of 6 in stock Humphrey Comics (1948 Harvey) #1-22 Harvey 1948 - 1952
In stock Hunt the Killer (1951 ANC) Digest #1 ANC 1951
Out of stock I Confess (1949-1955 Mutual Magazines) #1-4 Mutual Magazines 1949 - 1955
In stock Ice Cycles of 1952 program book (1951 Ice Capades, Inc) 1952 Ice Capades, Inc. 1951
Out of stock Ideal Love (1941-1960 Double-Action) Pulp #1-20 Double-Action Magazines, Inc. 1941 - 1960
Out of stock If an A Bomb Falls... Will You Know What to Do? (1951) 1951 Commercial Comics 1951
Out of stock Illustrated London News (1842-2003 Illustrated London News Group) UK Edition 1915-1951 Illustrated London News 1915 - 1951
2 of 2 in stock Imagination (1950-1958 Greenleaf) Stories of Science and Fantasy/Science Fiction #1-9 Greenleaf Publishing 1950 - 1958
0 of 4 in stock Indian Braves (1951) #1-4 Ace Magazines 1951
0 of 2 in stock Indian Chief (1951-1959 Dell) #3-33 Dell 1951 - 1959
1 of 6 in stock Indian Fighter (1950) #1-11 Youthful 1950 - 1952
0 of 2 in stock Indian Warriors (1951 Star) #7-8 Star 1951
1 of 5 in stock Indians (1950 Fiction House) #1-17 Fiction House 1950 - 1953
Out of stock Inflation is Your Fight! (1951) 1951 National Assoc. of Mfgrs. 1951
In stock Inside Detective (1935-1995 MacFadden/Dell/Exposed/RGH) #1-67 MacFadden Publications 1935 - 1995
1 of 3 in stock Intimate Confessions (1951 Realistic) #1-8 Realistic Publications 1951 - 1953
1 of 6 in stock Intimate Love (1950) #5-28 Standard Comics 1950 - 1954
0 of 8 in stock Intimate Novels (1950-1954 Designs Publishing Corporation) Digest #1-56 Designs Publishing Corporation 1950 - 1954
0 of 2 in stock Intimate Romances (1948-1956 Romance Publishing) #1-9 Romance Publishers 1948 - 1957
0 of 12 in stock Invincible Detective Magazine (1949-1954 Invincible Press) Pulp #1-67 Invincible Press 1949 - 1954
0 of 2 in stock Invisible Scarlet O'Neil (Harvey 1950) #1-3 Famous Funnies 1950 - 1951
Out of stock Islander Ukette (1951) 1951 Harvey 1951
0 of 6 in stock It's a Duck's Life (1950) #4-11 Marvel/Atlas 1950 - 1952
1 of 2 in stock Jack and Jill (1938 Curtis) #1-49 Curtis 1939 - 1987
Out of stock Jackie Robinson (1950) #0-6 Fawcett 1950 - 1952
Out of stock Japanese Journal of Pharmacology (1951 Japanese Pharmacological Society) #1 Japanese Pharmacological Society 1951
1 of 3 in stock Jesse James (1950 Avon) #1-29 American Comics Group 1950 - 1956
Out of stock Jesse James (1950 Avon) Canadian Edition #2 Avon Publishing Co. 1951
1 of 2 in stock Jet Powers (1950) #1-4 Magazine Enterprises 1950 - 1951
0 of 6 in stock Jimmy Wakely (1949) #1-18 National Periodical Publ 1949 - 1952
Out of stock Jingle Dingle Christmas Stocking Comics (1951) #1 Stanhall 1951
In stock Jo-Joy (1945) 1945-1953 W.T. Grant 1945 - 1953
0 of 12 in stock Joe Palooka (1945 Harvey) #1-118 Harvey 1945 - 1961