Due to a distributor shipping error, December 3rd new releases for DC comics have been delayed until later this week.

Auction in progress, bid now! Weekly Auction ends Monday December 9!

Comic books 1949

Out of stock Bugs Bunny's Mistake (1949 Whitman BLB) 2952 Whitman 1949
Out of stock Bumper Comic Adventures (1949 Soloway) #1 Soloway 1949
Out of stock Bumper Comic Capers (1949 Soloway) #1 Soloway 1949
Out of stock Burning Romances (1949 Fox Giant) #1 Fox Feature Syndicate 1949
0 of 3 in stock Burroughs Bulletin (1947) Old Series #1-66 Vernell Coriell 1947 - 1977
Out of stock Buster Bunny (1949) #1-16 Standard Comics 1949 - 1953
Out of stock Buz Sawyer (1948) #1-3 Standard Comics 1948 - 1949
1 of 6 in stock Buzzy (1944) #1-77 DC 1944 - 1958
Out of stock California Pelican (1903-1988 A.S.U.C) #55-59 Associated Students of University of California 1948 - 1953
Out of stock Calling All Girls (1941-1949 Parents' Magazine) 1st Series #1-89 Parents' Magazine 1941 - 1949
4 of 4 in stock Calling All Kids (1946-1949 Parent's Magazine) #1-26 Parents' Magazine 1946 - 1949
In stock Campus Loves (1950 Comic Magazines) #1-5 Comic Magazines 1949 - 1950
1 of 2 in stock Campus Romances (1949) #1-3 Avon Publications 1949 - 1950
0 of 7 in stock Candid Love Novels (1949 Crestwood) Digest #20-26 Crestwood 1949
1 of 4 in stock Candy (1947 Quality) #1-64 Quality 1947 - 1956
2 of 5 in stock Captain America Comics (1941 Timely) #1-78 Timely 1941 - 1954
1 of 8 in stock Captain and the Kids (1949-1955 United Features) #16-32 United Features Syndicate 1947 - 1955
2 of 3 in stock Captain Easy (1947 Better Publications) #10-17 Better Publications 1947 - 1949
0 of 2 in stock Captain Kidd (1949) #24-25 Fox Feature Syndicate 1949
7 of 12 in stock Captain Marvel Adventures (1941-1953 Fawcett) #1-150 Fawcett 1941 - 1953
0 of 12 in stock Captain Marvel Adventures (Australian 1946-1953 Cleland) #1-75 Larry S. Cleland/Vee Publishing 1946 - 1953
1 of 12 in stock Captain Marvel Jr. (1942-1953 Fawcett) #1-119 Fawcett 1942 - 1953
Out of stock Captain Marvel Jr. (1942-1953 Fawcett) Canadian #67-73 Anglo-American Publishing 1948 - 1949
0 of 12 in stock Captain Marvel Jr. (Australian 1947-1953 Cleland) #1-74 Larry S. Cleland/Vee Publishing 1947 - 1953
Out of stock Captain Marvel Story Book (1946 Fawcett) #1-4 Fawcett 1946 - 1949
Out of stock Captain Midnight's Secret Squadron Official Handbook (1945 Ovaltine) 1945-1957 Ovaltine 1945 - 1957
In stock Captain Zero (1949-1950 Popular) Pulp #1 Popular Publications 1949 - 1950
Out of stock Cardinal Mindszenty (1949) #0 Catechetical Guild 1949
Out of stock Carnival Comic (1949 Martin & Reid) #1 Martin & Reid 1949
Out of stock Cartoon Capers Comic (1949 Martin & Reid) #1 Martin & Reid 1949
0 of 3 in stock Cartoon Comedy (1949 Skyline) #1-5 Skyline Publications 1947 - 1949
In stock Cartoon Humor (1939 Collegian) Magazine #1-17 Collegian Press 1939 - 1953
0 of 3 in stock Casey Crime Photographer (1949) #1-4 Marvel 1949 - 1950
Out of stock Casey Crime Photographer (1949) Canadian Edition #2 Marvel 1949
0 of 2 in stock Casino de Paris (1949 Casino de Paris) Tirage de Luxe Programme #1-9 Casino de Paris 1949
Out of stock Casper the Friendly Ghost (1949-1951 1st Series St. John) #1-5 Harvey 1949 - 1951
0 of 2 in stock Catholic Comics Volume 3 (1948) #1-10 Catholic Publications 1946 - 1949
Out of stock Champion, The (1922) 1413 Amalgamated Press 1949
1 of 2 in stock Charley Jones' Laugh Book (1943 Jayhawk Press) #1-19 Jayhawk Press 1944 - 1964
0 of 2 in stock Charlie Chan (1948 Crestwood/Prize/Charlton) #1-9 Creastwood 1948 - 1956
1 of 3 in stock Charlie McCarthy (1949-1952 Dell) #1-9 Dell 1949 - 1952
Out of stock Chevrolet Motoring Fun Game Book (1949) #0 Promotional 1949
In stock Children's Playmate Magazine (1929 A.R. Mueller) #1-43 A.R. Mueller 1929 - 1971
Out of stock Children's Rocket Book (1949 Allen) #1 Allen 1949
In stock Christmas An American Annual of Christmas Lit #5-55 Augsburg Publishing House 1935 - 1985
0 of 11 in stock Christmas Lolly Pop Books (1949 Samuel Lowe Co.) #1-11 Samuel Lowe Co. 1949
Out of stock Cinderella A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes (1949 Walt Disney Music Company) Sheet Music #1 Walt Disney Music Company 1949
2 of 6 in stock Cindy Comics (1947) #27-40 Timely 1947 - 1950
Out of stock Circus Comics (UK 1949 Hotspur) #1 Hotspur 1949
0 of 2 in stock Classic Comics (Australian 1947-1949 Ayers & James) #1-20 Ayers & James 1947 - 1949
5 of 12 in stock Classic in Pictures (1949 Amex) #1-12 Amex 1949
1 of 10 in stock Classics Illustrated (Australian 1949-1953 Ayers & James) #21-72 Ayers & James 1949 - 1953
Out of stock Classics Illustrated 022 The Pathfinder #1-14 Classics Illustrated 1944 - 1967
Out of stock Classics Illustrated 027 Marco Polo (1946) Canadian Edition #0 Gilberton 1946 - 1949
3 of 4 in stock Classics Illustrated 030 The Moonstone (1946) #1-8 Classics Illustrated 1946 - 1968
Out of stock Classics Illustrated 043 Great Expectations (1948) Canadian Edition #0 Gilberton 1948 - 1949
8 of 8 in stock Classics Illustrated 055 Silas Marner (1949) #1-12 Classics Illustrated 1949 - 1969
2 of 2 in stock Classics Illustrated 056 The Toilers of the Sea (1949) #1-4 Classics Illustrated 1949 - 1966
5 of 5 in stock Classics Illustrated 057 The Song of Hiawatha (1949) #1-11 Classics Illustrated 1949 - 1968
6 of 8 in stock Classics Illustrated 058 The Prairie (1949) #1-11 Classics Illustrated 1949 - 1969
3 of 3 in stock Classics Illustrated 059 Wuthering Heights (1949) #1-6 Classics Illustrated 1949 - 1969
0 of 2 in stock Classics Illustrated 059 Wuthering Heights (1949) Canadian Edition #1-2 Classics Illustrated 1949
3 of 4 in stock Classics Illustrated 060 Black Beauty (1949) #1-7 Classics Illustrated 1949 - 1968
Out of stock Classics Illustrated 060 Black Beauty (1949) Canadian Edition #0 Gilberton 1949
2 of 2 in stock Classics Illustrated 061 The Woman in White (1949) #1-4 Classics Illustrated 1949 - 1968
4 of 5 in stock Classics Illustrated 062 Western Stories (1949) #1-9 Classics Illustrated 1949 - 1968
4 of 4 in stock Classics Illustrated 063 The Man Without a Country (1949) #1-7 Classics Illustrated 1949 - 1969
Out of stock Classics Illustrated 063 The Man Without a Country (1949) Canadian Edition #0 Gilberton 1949
6 of 6 in stock Classics Illustrated 064 Treasure Island (1949) #1-15 Classics Illustrated 1949 - 1989
2 of 2 in stock Classics Illustrated 065 Benjamin Franklin (1949) #1-6 Classics Illustrated 1949 - 1969
In stock Classics Illustrated 066 Cloister and the Hearth (1949) #1 Classics Illustrated 1949
In stock Classics Illustrated Giants (1949) Illustrated Library #0 Gilberton 1949
Out of stock Collegiate (1949 Students of NSTC) Magazine #1 Students of NSTC 1949
In stock Collier's (1888-1957 Crowell-Collier Publishing) Magazine 1900-1956 Crowell-Collier Publishing 1900 - 1956
1 of 5 in stock Comedy Comics (1948 Marvel) #1-10 Marvel 1948 - 1950
1 of 9 in stock Comet Books (1947 Pocket Books) Digest #1-30 Pocket Books Inc. 1947 - 1949
2 of 6 in stock Comic Cavalcade (1942-1954) #1-63 DC 1942 - 1954
Out of stock Comic Ledger (1949 Martin & Reid) #1 Martin & Reid 1949
Out of stock Comic Weekly Club Membership Kit (1949) #0 Whitman 1949
0 of 3 in stock Comics on Parade (1938) #1-104 United Features Syndicate 1938 - 1955
2 of 2 in stock Complete Cowboy Novel Magazine (1939-1950 Blue Ribbon Magazines) Pulp #1-9 Blue Ribbon Magazines 1939 - 1950
Out of stock Complete Detective Cases (1939-1953 Timely) True Crime Magazine #2-14 Timely 1939 - 1953
0 of 3 in stock Complete Love Magazine (1938-1951 Periodical House) Pulp #1-25 Periodical House 1938 - 1951
Out of stock Complete Mystery (1948) #1-4 Marvel 1948 - 1949
Out of stock Complete Romance (1949) #1 Avon Publications 1949
0 of 2 in stock Complete Sports (1937-1955 Western Magazines) Pulp #1-10 Western 1937 - 1955
Out of stock Complete Western Book Magazine (1933-1957 Newsstand) Pulp #1-21 Newsstand Publications 1933 - 1957
In stock Confidential Detective Cases (1942-1976 Close-Up, Inc.) #1-28 Close-Up Inc. 1942 - 1976
2 of 2 in stock Conjurors' Magazine (1945-1949 Conjurors' Press) #1-5 Conjurors' Press 1945 - 1949
2 of 7 in stock Coo Coo Comics (1942) #1-62 Nedor 1942 - 1952
4 of 7 in stock Cookie (1946) #1-55 Michel Publishing 1946 - 1955
In stock Corn Shucks (1949 University of Nebraska) Magazine #2 University of Nebraska 1949
Out of stock Coronet Magazine (1936 Esquire) #77-293 Esquire Magazine 1943 - 1961
0 of 2 in stock Cosmopolitan (1886 Hearst) #1-187 Hearst 1886 - 1979
Out of stock Cover Girls Models (1949-1955 Models Publishing Co.) Magazine #1-3 Models Publishing Co., Inc. 1949 - 1955
Out of stock Cow Puncher (1947) #1-7 Avon Publications 1947 - 1949
1 of 6 in stock Cowboy Love (1949) #1-31 Fawcett 1949 - 1955
Out of stock Cowboy Romances (1949) #1-3 Marvel 1949 - 1950
1 of 6 in stock Cowboy Western Comics (1948) #17-67 Charlton Comics Group 1948 - 1958
Out of stock Cowboys 'n' Injuns (1946) #1-8 Magazine Enterprises 1946 - 1952
1 of 5 in stock Crack Comics (1940) #1-62 Quality 1940 - 1949
1 of 2 in stock Crack Detective (1942-1949 Columbia) Pulp #3-10 Columbia Publications 1942 - 1949
In stock Crack Western (1949) #63-84 Quality 1949 - 1953
0 of 12 in stock Crime and Punishment (1948 Lev Gleason) #1-74 Lev Gleason 1948 - 1955
3 of 6 in stock Crime and Punishment (Canadian 1948 Superior) #4-19 Superior 1948 - 1949
1 of 2 in stock Crime Detective (1938-1953 1st Series Crime Detective Inc.) Magazine #1-13 Crime Detective, Inc. 1938 - 1953
1 of 6 in stock Crime Detective Comics Volume 1 (1948) #1-12 Hillman 1948 - 1950
3 of 12 in stock Crime Does Not Pay (1942-1955 Lev Gleason) #22-147 Lev Gleason 1942 - 1955
Out of stock Crime Does Not Pay (1944 Best of) 1944-1951 Comic House/Lev Gleason 1944 - 1951
2 of 6 in stock Crime Does Not Pay (Canadian 1948 Superior) #61-78 Super 1948 - 1949
3 of 5 in stock Crime Fighters (1948 Marvel) #1-10 Marvel 1948 - 1949
Out of stock Crime Investigator (1949 Hamilton & Co) UK Pulp #1 Hamilton & Co 1949
2 of 6 in stock Crime Must Pay The Penalty (1948 Ace Magazines) #2-48 Ace Magazines 1948 - 1956
1 of 2 in stock Crime Must Pay the Penalty (Canadian 1948 Ace International) #7-8 Ace International 1949
2 of 5 in stock Crime Patrol (1948 EC) #7-16 EC 1948 - 1950
1 of 5 in stock Crimes by Women (1948) #1-54 Fox 1948 - 1954
0 of 6 in stock Criminals on the Run (1948) #1-10 Novelty Press 1948 - 1950
In stock Crown Comics (1944) #1-19 Golfing/McCombs 1944 - 1949
0 of 2 in stock Croydon Award Novel (1949 Croydon Publishing) Digest #11-12 Croydon Publishing Co. 1949
0 of 2 in stock Croydon Love Novel (1949 Croydon Publishing) Digest #13-14 Croydon Publishing Co. 1949
Out of stock Cupid (1949) #1-2 Marvel 1949 - 1950
1 of 2 in stock Dagar Desert Hawk (1948) #14-23 Fox Feature Syndicate 1948 - 1949
In stock Dakota Lil (1949) Fawcett Movie Comic #1 Fawcett 1949
3 of 6 in stock Dale Evans Comics (1948-1952 DC) #1-24 DC 1948 - 1952
Out of stock Dandy Book HC (1939-Present D.C. Thomson & Co.) Annuals 1939-2021 D.C. Thomson & Co. 1938 - 2020
3 of 6 in stock Daredevil Comics (1941 Lev Gleason) #1-134 Lev Gleason 1941 - 1956
Out of stock Daring Detective (1934-1953) True Crime Magazine #1-127 Fawcett 1934 - 1953
Out of stock Dark Legend HC (1949 Doubleday) #0 Doubleday 1949
In stock Darling Love (1949 Close-Up Inc.) #1-11 Close-Up 1949 - 1952
1 of 2 in stock Darling Romance (1949) #1-7 Close-Up 1949 - 1951
1 of 6 in stock Date with Judy (1947-1960) #1-79 DC 1947 - 1960
Out of stock Dead End Crime Stories (1949) #0 Kirby Publishing Co. 1949
1 of 6 in stock Dead Eye Western Comics Vol. 1 (1948) #1-12 Hillman 1948 - 1950
In stock Dell Giant Christmas Parade (1949-1958 Dell) #1-9 Dell 1949 - 1958
0 of 2 in stock Desperado (1948 Lev Gleason) #1-8 Lev Gleason 1948 - 1949
0 of 2 in stock Detective Book Magazine (1930-1952 Fiction House) Pulp #1-6 Fiction House 1930 - 1952
3 of 12 in stock Detective Comics (1937 1st Series) #0-881 DC 1937 - 2011
Out of stock Detective Comics (1937 1st Series) Canadian Price Variant #140-590 DC 1949 - 1988
In stock Detective Mystery Novel Magazine (1947-1949 Standard) Pulp #27-29 Standard Magazines Inc. 1947 - 1949
0 of 2 in stock Detective Novels Magazine (1938-1949 Better Publications) Pulp #1-23 Better Publications 1938 - 1949
Out of stock Detective Story Annual (1941-1949 Street & Smith) 1941-1949 Street & Smith 1941 - 1949
1 of 2 in stock Detective Story Magazine (1915-1949 Street & Smith) Pulp 1st Series #1-177 Street & Smith 1915 - 1949
3 of 4 in stock Detective Tales (1935-1953 Popular Publications) Pulp 2nd Series #1-51 Popular Publications 1935 - 1953
0 of 2 in stock Detective World (1943-1981 Detective World Inc) True Crime Magazine #1-1981 Detective World Inc. 1943 - 1981
Out of stock Detective Yearbook (1948-1964 Astro Distributing) Magazine 1949 Astro Distributing Corporation 1949
0 of 2 in stock Dexter Comics (1948) #1-5 Literacy Volunteers 1948 - 1949
In stock Diary Loves (1949) #2-31 Quality 1949 - 1953
0 of 6 in stock Dick Cole (1949 Curtis/Star) #1-10 Curtis 1949 - 1950
Out of stock Dick Powell (1949) #22 Magazine Enterprises 1949
In stock Dick Tracy and the Tiger Lily Gang (1949 Whitman BLB) 1460 Whitman 1949
1 of 12 in stock Dick Tracy Monthly (1948-1961 Dell/Harvey) #1-145 Dell/Harvey 1948 - 1961
Out of stock Dick Tracy Sheds Light on the Mole (1949) #0 Western 1949
3 of 3 in stock Dime Detective Magazine (1931-1953 Popular Publications) Pulp #1-68 Popular Publications 1931 - 1953
2 of 2 in stock Dime Mystery Magazine (1932-1950 Dime Mystery Book Magazine - Popular) Pulp #1-39 Popular Publications 1932 - 1949
3 of 3 in stock Dime Western Magazine (1932-1954 Popular Publications) Pulp #1-65 Popular Publications 1932 - 1954
0 of 5 in stock Diversey Prize Novels (1949 Diversey Publications) Digest #3-7 Diversey Publications 1949
1 of 2 in stock Dixie Dugan (1942 McNaught) #1-13 McNaught Syndicate 1942 - 1949
Out of stock Doc Carter VD Comics (1949) #0 Health Publications Insti 1949
0 of 2 in stock Doc Savage (1933-1949 Street & Smith^) Pulp #1-31 Street & Smith 1933 - 1949
4 of 6 in stock Doll Man Quarterly (1941 Quality) #1-47 Quality 1941 - 1953
Out of stock Doll Man Quarterly (1941) Canadian Edition #23-30 Bell Features 1949 - 1950
Out of stock Donald and Mickey Merry Christmas (1943) Giveaway 1943-1949 K. K./Firestone 1943 - 1949
In stock Donald Duck and the Mystery of the Double X (1949 Whitman BLB) #705 Whitman 1949
In stock Donald Duck in Volcano Valley (1949 Whitman BLB) 1457 Whitman 1949 - 1973
0 of 2 in stock Dotty (1948 Ace) #35-40 Ace Magazines 1948 - 1949
5 of 6 in stock Dotty Dripple (1946) #1-24 Harvey 1946 - 1952
1 of 2 in stock Double-Action Western Magazine (1934-1960 Columbia) Pulp #1-27 Columbia Publications 1934 - 1960
Out of stock Down Beat (1934 Maher Publications) Magazine #6-50 Maher Publications 1939 - 1983
In stock Dudley (1949) #1-3 Feature 1949 - 1950
0 of 2 in stock Durango Kid (1949 Magazine Enterprises) #1-41 Magazine Enterprises 1949 - 1956
Out of stock Ella Cinders (1948) #1-5 United Features Syndicate 1948 - 1949
2 of 4 in stock Ellery Queen (1949 Superior) #1-4 Superior Comics 1949
2 of 2 in stock Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine (1941-Present Davis-Dell) #1-151 Davis Publications, Inc. 1941 - 2019
Out of stock Elsie the Cow (1949) #1-3 D.S. Publishing 1949 - 1950
Out of stock Enchanting Love (1949) #1-6 Kirby Publishing Co. 1949 - 1950
Out of stock Enchantment Visualettes (1949) #1-5 World 1949 - 1950
In stock Enthusiast (1916 Harley-Davidson) 1948-1949 Harley-Davidson 1948 - 1949
1 of 2 in stock Ernie Comics (1948) #0-25 Current Books 1948 - 1949
1 of 2 in stock Esquire (1933 Esquire, Inc.) Magazine #1-1983 Esquire Magazine 1905 - 2017
Out of stock Esquire Pocket Calendar Set by Al Moore (1950) 1949 Esquire, Inc 1949
0 of 3 in stock Etta Kett (1948) #11-14 King 1948 - 1949
In stock Everyday Science and Mechanics (1929-1976 Continental) Magazine #1-33 Continental 1929 - 1962
Out of stock Exciting Baseball (1949-1953 Standard Magazines) Pulp #1-2 Standard Magazines Inc. 1949 - 1953
1 of 5 in stock Exciting Comics (1940) #1-69 Nedor/Better Publications 1940 - 1949
Out of stock Exciting Comics (1948) Canadian #39-67 Better Publications 1945 - 1949
Out of stock Exciting Detective Stories (1949 Atlas Publishing & Distributing) Pulp #1 Atlas Publishing and Distributing Co. 1949
Out of stock Exciting Football (1941-1951 Standard Magazines) Pulp #1-5 Standard Magazines Inc. 1941 - 1951
Out of stock Exciting Love (1941-1958 Better Publications) Canadian Edition #3-15 Better Publications 1943 - 1950
0 of 3 in stock Exciting Love (1941-1958 Better Publications) Pulp #1-26 Better Publications 1941 - 1958
Out of stock Exciting Romance Stories (1949 Fox Giant) #0 Fox Feature Syndicate 1949
Out of stock Exciting Romances (1949) #1-12 Fawcett 1949 - 1953
0 of 2 in stock Exciting Sports (1941-1950 Better Publications) Pulp #1-13 Better Publications 1941 - 1950
2 of 3 in stock Exciting Western (1940-1953 Better Publications) Pulp #1-26 Better Publications 1940 - 1953
0 of 5 in stock Exotic Novel Magazine (1949-1951 Astro Distributing) Digest #1-20 Astro Distributing Corporation 1949 - 1951
2 of 5 in stock Exposed (1948 D.S. Publishing) #1-9 D.S. Publishing 1948 - 1949
In stock Eye (1949-1956 Mutual Magazine^) Magazine 1st Series #1-6 Mutual Magazines 1949 - 1956
2 of 2 in stock Eyeful (1943-1955 Eyeful Magazine Inc.^) #1-11 Eyeful Magazine Inc. 1943 - 1955
Out of stock Fact Detective Yearbook (1945-1958 Dell) Magazine 1945-1949 Dell Magazines 1945 - 1949
Out of stock Faithful (1949) #1-2 Marvel 1949 - 1950
In stock Family Circle (1932 The Family Circle Inc.) Magazine #5-51 Merrill 1934 - 1957