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Comic books 1945

Out of stock Classics Illustrated 001 The Three Musketeers (1946) #1-23 Classics Illustrated 1941 - 1971
In stock Classics Illustrated 019 Huckleberry Finn (1944) #1-22 Classics Illustrated 1944 - 1970
2 of 2 in stock Classics Illustrated 020 The Corsican Brothers (1944) #1-8 Classics Illustrated 1944 - 1950
In stock Classics Illustrated 021 3 Famous Mysteries (1944) #1-7 Classics Illustrated 1944 - 1946
2 of 2 in stock Classics Illustrated 022 The Pathfinder #1-14 Classics Illustrated 1944 - 1967
7 of 8 in stock Classics Illustrated 023 Oliver Twist #1-17 Classics Illustrated 1945 - 1969
8 of 11 in stock Classics Illustrated 024 A Yankee in King Arthur's Court #1-15 Classics Illustrated 1945 - 1971
8 of 8 in stock Classics Illustrated 025 Two Years Before the Mast #1-12 Classics Illustrated 1945 - 1969
0 of 13 in stock Classics Illustrated 026 Frankenstein #1-19 Classics Illustrated 1945 - 1971
0 of 2 in stock Clown Comics (1945) #1-3 Clown Comics 1945 - 1946
Out of stock Cole Bros. Circus (1945 Cole Bros.) 1945 Cole Bros. 1945
In stock Collier's (1888-1957 Crowell-Collier Publishing) Magazine 1900-1956 Crowell-Collier Publishing 1900 - 1956
In stock Collier's Collects Its Wits SC (1945 Avon) #0 Avon Publications 1945
Out of stock Coloured Slick Fun (1945-1951 Swan) #20 Swan 1945 - 1951
0 of 4 in stock Comedy Comics (1942 Timely) #9-34 Timely 1942 - 1946
0 of 3 in stock Comic Capers (1944-1946 Red Circle) #1-6 Red Circle 1944 - 1946
In stock Comic Capers (Tippy Toy No. 4 1945 Fawcett) #4 Fawcett 1945
2 of 4 in stock Comic Cavalcade (1942-1954) #1-63 DC 1942 - 1954
Out of stock Comic Cavalcade: The Twain Shall Meet (1945 circa) 1945 DC 1945
Out of stock Comic Cavalcade: Tomorrow the World (1945) 1945 DC 1945
Out of stock Comic Selections (1944) #1-5 Parents' Magazine Institu 1944 - 1946
0 of 2 in stock Comics for Kids (1945) #1-2 Timely 1945
0 of 4 in stock Comics on Parade (1938) #1-104 United Features Syndicate 1938 - 1955
Out of stock Complete Comics (1945) #2 Timely 1945
1 of 2 in stock Complete Cowboy Novel Magazine (1939-1950 Blue Ribbon Magazines) Pulp #1-9 Blue Ribbon Magazines 1939 - 1950
Out of stock Complete Detective Cases (1939-1953 Timely) True Crime Magazine #2-14 Timely 1939 - 1953
0 of 2 in stock Complete Love Magazine (1938-1951 Periodical House) Pulp #1-25 Periodical House 1938 - 1951
In stock Complete Novel (1946 The Pittsburgh Press) Magazine 1942-1946 The Pittsburgh Press 1942 - 1946
0 of 2 in stock Complete Western Book Magazine (1933-1957 Newsstand) Pulp #1-21 Newsstand Publications 1933 - 1957
Out of stock Confidential Detective Cases (1942-1976 Close-Up, Inc.) #1-28 Close-Up Inc. 1942 - 1976
In stock Conjurors' Magazine (1945-1949 Conjurors' Press) #1-5 Conjurors' Press 1945 - 1949
Out of stock Conqueror Comics (1945) #0 Albrecht Publishing Co. 1945
1 of 6 in stock Contact Comics (1944) #0-12 Aviation Press 1944 - 1946
0 of 6 in stock Coo Coo Comics (1942) #1-62 Nedor 1942 - 1952
0 of 2 in stock Cosmopolitan (1886 Hearst) #1-187 Hearst 1886 - 1979
0 of 3 in stock Courage Comics (1945) #1-77 J. Edward Slavin 1945
2 of 4 in stock Crack Comics (1940) #1-62 Quality 1940 - 1949
In stock Crack Detective (1942-1949 Columbia) Pulp #3-10 Columbia Publications 1942 - 1949
Out of stock Craig Rice Mystery Digest (1945 Anson Bond Publications) #1 Anson Bond Publications, Inc. 1945
0 of 2 in stock Crime Detective (1938-1953 1st Series Crime Detective Inc.) Magazine #1-13 Crime Detective, Inc. 1938 - 1953
2 of 6 in stock Crime Does Not Pay (1942-1955 Lev Gleason) #22-147 Lev Gleason 1942 - 1955
Out of stock Crime Does Not Pay (1944 Best of) 1944-1951 Comic House/Lev Gleason 1944 - 1951
Out of stock Crime Shorts (1944-1946 Gerald F. Swan) UK Pulp #1-4 Gerald F. Swan 1944 - 1946
1 of 4 in stock Crown Comics (1944) #1-19 Golfing/McCombs 1944 - 1949
Out of stock Croydon Award Mystery (1945-1947 Croydon Publishing) Digest #6-11 Croydon Publishing Co. 1945 - 1948
In stock Cutie (1944-1946^) 1944-1946 UNKNOWN 1944 - 1946
In stock Daffynitions (1945 Pat Lamar) #0 Pat Lamar 1945
Out of stock Dandy Book HC (1939-Present D.C. Thomson & Co.) Annuals 1939-2021 D.C. Thomson & Co. 1938 - 2020
0 of 3 in stock Dare-Devil Aces (1932-1946 Popular Publications) Canadian Edition #1-194506 Popular Publications 1941 - 1945
2 of 6 in stock Daredevil Comics (1941 Lev Gleason) #1-134 Lev Gleason 1941 - 1956
2 of 3 in stock Daring Comics (1944 2nd series) #9-12 Hercules 1944 - 1945
Out of stock Daring Confessions and Burlesque (1937 Popular Magazines) #3 Popular Magazines 1945
Out of stock Dear Dollink HC (1945) #1 G. P. Putnam & Sons 1945
1 of 2 in stock Debbie Dean, Career Girl (1945) #1-2 Civil Service 1945
In stock Detective Book Magazine (1930-1952 Fiction House) Pulp #1-6 Fiction House 1930 - 1952
6 of 12 in stock Detective Comics (1937 1st Series) #0-881 DC 1937 - 2011
Out of stock Detective Comics Special Edition U.S. Navy Giveaway (1944 DC) #4 DC 1945
6 of 12 in stock Detective Novel Classic (1942-1946 Novel Selections) Digest #1-54 Novel Selections 1942 - 1946
0 of 2 in stock Detective Novels Magazine (1938-1949 Better Publications) Pulp #1-23 Better Publications 1938 - 1949
0 of 2 in stock Detective Novels Magazine (1941-1948 Better Publications) Canadian Editions #7-22 Better Publications 1941 - 1948
Out of stock Detective Parade (1945 Frank Communale Publishing) Pulp #1 Frank Communale Publishing 1945
Out of stock Detective Story Annual (1941-1949 Street & Smith) 1941-1949 Street & Smith 1941 - 1949
0 of 3 in stock Detective Story Magazine (1915-1949 Street & Smith) Pulp 1st Series #1-177 Street & Smith 1915 - 1949
In stock Detective Tales (1935-1953 Popular Publications) Canadian Edition #22 Popular Publications 1944 - 1945
2 of 4 in stock Detective Tales (1935-1953 Popular Publications) Pulp 2nd Series #1-51 Popular Publications 1935 - 1953
0 of 2 in stock Detective World (1943-1981 Detective World Inc) True Crime Magazine #1-1981 Detective World Inc. 1943 - 1981
In stock Dick Tracy and the Wreath Kidnapping Case (1945 Whitman BLB) 1482 Whitman 1945
Out of stock Dick Tracy Meets the Night Crawler HC (1945 Whitman) #1 Whitman 1945
In stock Dime Comics (1945 Lev Gleason) #1 Comic House/Lev Gleason 1945
0 of 6 in stock Dime Comics (Canadian 1942 Bell Features) #1-34 Bell Features 1942 - 1950
2 of 4 in stock Dime Detective Magazine (1931-1953 Popular Publications) Pulp #1-68 Popular Publications 1931 - 1953
In stock Dime Detective Magazine (1934-1952 Popular Publications) Canadian Edition 1945 Popular Publications 1945
1 of 2 in stock Dime Mystery Magazine (1932-1950 Dime Mystery Book Magazine - Popular) Pulp #1-39 Popular Publications 1932 - 1949
Out of stock Dime Novel Club (1945 Dime Novel Club) #8 Dime Novel Club 1945
In stock Dime Western Magazine (1932-1954 Popular Publications) Canadian Reprints 1945 Popular Publications 1945
3 of 4 in stock Dime Western Magazine (1932-1954 Popular Publications) Pulp #1-65 Popular Publications 1932 - 1954
Out of stock Dixie Dugan (1942 McNaught) #1-13 McNaught Syndicate 1942 - 1949
1 of 3 in stock Doc Savage (1933-1949 Street & Smith^) Pulp #1-31 Street & Smith 1933 - 1949
Out of stock Dolly Dill (1945) #1 Marvel/Newsstand 1945
1 of 8 in stock Don Winslow of the Navy (1943 Fawcett) #1-73 Fawcett 1943 - 1955
Out of stock Donald and Mickey Merry Christmas (1943) Giveaway 1943-1949 K. K./Firestone 1943 - 1949
In stock Donald Duck Up in the Air (1945 Whitman BLB) 1486 Whitman 1945
Out of stock Dopey Duck Comics (1945) #1-2 Timely 1945 - 1946
1 of 2 in stock Double-Action Western Magazine (1934-1960 Columbia) Pulp #1-27 Columbia Publications 1934 - 1960
In stock Dragon (1932 International Society of Junior Magicians) Magazine #7-14 International Society of Junior Magicians 1938 - 1945
2 of 4 in stock Dynamic Comics (1941 Chesler) #1-25 Harry A. Chesler 1941 - 1948
Out of stock E Company HC (1945 Simon and Schuster) #0 Simon & Schuster 1945
1 of 2 in stock Eagle (1945 Rural Home) #1-2 Rural Home Publishing Co. 1945
In stock Ecran (1930-1969 Empresa Editora Zig-Zag) Chile Edition #554-1265 Empresa Editora Zig-Zag 1941 - 1955
0 of 6 in stock Eerie Series (1945 Eerie Publishing) Digest #1-6 Eerie 1945
In stock Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine (1941-Present Davis-Dell) #1-151 Davis Publications, Inc. 1941 - 2019
In stock Empire of Crime (1945 Vital Publications) #1 Vital Publications 1945
0 of 2 in stock Esquire (1933 Esquire, Inc.) Magazine #1-1983 Esquire Magazine 1905 - 2017
In stock Everyday Science and Mechanics (1929-1976 Continental) Magazine #1-33 Continental 1929 - 1962
1 of 6 in stock Exciting Comics (1940) #1-69 Nedor/Better Publications 1940 - 1949
Out of stock Exciting Comics (1948) Canadian #39-67 Better Publications 1945 - 1949
In stock Exciting Football (1941-1951 Standard Magazines) Pulp #1-5 Standard Magazines Inc. 1941 - 1951
0 of 2 in stock Exciting Love (1941-1958 Better Publications) Canadian Edition #3-15 Better Publications 1943 - 1950
0 of 2 in stock Exciting Love (1941-1958 Better Publications) Pulp #1-26 Better Publications 1941 - 1958
In stock Exciting Sports (1941-1950 Better Publications) Pulp #1-13 Better Publications 1941 - 1950
0 of 2 in stock Exciting Western (1940-1953 Better Publications) Canadian Reprints #9-13 Better Publications 1945 - 1951
2 of 2 in stock Exciting Western (1940-1953 Better Publications) Pulp #1-26 Better Publications 1940 - 1953
0 of 2 in stock Expose Detective (1942-1948 Non-Pareil Publishing) Magazine #1-3 Non-Pareil Publishing 1942 - 1948
In stock Eyeful (1943-1955 Eyeful Magazine Inc.^) #1-11 Eyeful Magazine Inc. 1943 - 1955
Out of stock Fact Detective Yearbook (1945-1958 Dell) Magazine 1945-1949 Dell Magazines 1945 - 1949
In stock FACTS (1945 Facts Publishing Company) #0 Facts Publishing Company 1945
Out of stock Famous Crime Cases (Canadian 1941-1954 Duchess Printing and Publishing) Magazine #5 Duchess Printing 1945
2 of 2 in stock Famous Fantastic Mysteries (1939-1953 Frank A. Munsey/Popular/Altus) Pulp #1-14 Frank A. Munsey 1939 - 2017
3 of 12 in stock Famous Funnies (1934) #1-218 Famous Funnies 1934 - 1955
1 of 2 in stock Famous Western (1937-1960 Columbia Publications) Pulp #1-20 Columbia Publications 1937 - 1960
In stock Fantastic Adventures (1939-1953 Ziff-Davis Publishing^) Pulp / Magazine #1-15 Ziff Davis 1939 - 1953
Out of stock Fawcett Distributor (1930-1947 Fawcett Distributing Corp.) Magazine 1945 Fawcett 1945
2 of 12 in stock Fawcett's Funny Animals (1942-1956 Fawcett/Charlton) #1-91 Fawcett 1942 - 1956
1 of 10 in stock Feature Comics (1939 Quality) #21-144 Quality 1939 - 1950
In stock Feature Detective Cases (1941-1945) True Crime Magazine #1-3 Lionel White 1941 - 1945
In stock Federal Men Comics (1945) #2 Gerard Publishing 1945
In stock Felix the Cat (1936-45 Whitman BLB) 1129-1465 Whitman 1936 - 1945
2 of 3 in stock Fifteen Western Tales (1942-1955 Popular^) Pulp #2-31 Fictioneers, Inc. 1941 - 1955
2 of 6 in stock Fight Comics (1940) #1-86 Fiction House 1940 - 1954
0 of 2 in stock Fight Stories (1928-1952 Fiction House) Pulp #1-9 Fiction House 1928 - 1952
Out of stock Fighting Aces (1940-1944 Fictioneers) Canadian Edition #1-8 Fictioneers, Inc. 1942 - 1945
In stock Fighting Western (1945-1950 Trojan Publishing) Pulp #1-6 Trojan Publishing 1945 - 1950
0 of 3 in stock Fighting Western Novel (1940 Hillman Publications) Pulp Reprints #1-43 Hillman 1940 - 1953
3 of 4 in stock Fighting Yank (1942 Nedor) #1-29 Pines 1942 - 1949
Out of stock Film Fun HC (1938-1961 Amalgamated Press) UK Annuals 1938-1961 Amalgamated Press 1937 - 1960
In stock First Class Male (c. 1945 Remington Morse Publication) #1 Remington Morse Publicati 1945
Out of stock Fishermen's Grotto Menu (1945 Fishermen's Grotto) 1945 Fisherman's Grotto 1945
1 of 40 in stock Five Star Mystery (1945-1946 Green Publishing) Digest #1-50 Green Publishing Co. 1945 - 1946
In stock Five-Novels Monthly/Magazine (1928-1948 Clayton/Dell) Pulp #1-65 Clayton Magazines, Inc. 1928 - 1952
2 of 8 in stock Flash Comics (1940 DC) #1-104 DC 1940 - 1949
In stock Flash Gordon and the Red Sword Invaders (1945 BLB_) 1479 Whitman 1945
2 of 2 in stock Flying Aces (1928-1945 Magazine Publishers, Inc.) Pulp / Magazine #1-50 Magazine Publishers 1928 - 1945
3 of 3 in stock Flying Age Including Flying Aces (1945-1946 Magazine Publishers, Inc.) #50-53 Magazine Publishers 1945 - 1946
Out of stock Folies Bergere (Folies Bergere) Programme 1925-1985 Folies Bergere 1925 - 1985
In stock Football Action (1939-1953 Fiction House) Pulp #1-3 Fiction House 1939 - 1953
0 of 2 in stock Football Stories (1937-1953 Fiction House) Pulp #1-3 Fiction House 1937 - 1953
7 of 30 in stock Four Color (1942-1962 Dell 2nd Series) #1-1354 Dell 1942 - 1965
2 of 4 in stock Four Favorites (1941) #1-32 Ace Comics 1941 - 1947
0 of 2 in stock Frankenstein Comics (1945 Prize) #1-33 Prize 1945 - 1954
In stock Freelance Comics (Canadian 1941 Anglo-American Publishing) #2-3 Anglo-American Publishing 1943 - 1946
In stock Frisky Fables (1945 Novelty/Premium/Curtis/Star) #39-43 Star Publications 1950
In stock Front Page Comic Book (1945) #1 Front Page Comics 1945
2 of 12 in stock Front Page Detective (1936-1995 Dell Publishing Co. Inc.) Magazine 193608-199509 MacFadden Publications 1936 - 1995
0 of 2 in stock Frontier Marshal (Canadian c.1951 Bell Features) #9-12 Bell Features 1945
Out of stock Frontier Stories (1924-1953 Doubleday/Fiction House) Pulp #1-18 Fiction House 1924 - 1953
1 of 2 in stock Frontier Times (1923 Western Publications, Inc.) 1st Series #1-57 Western Publications Inc. 1923 - 1985
In stock Fun Farm (1945 Reed & Associates) #0 Reed & Associates 1945
In stock Fun Magazine (1945 Newsbook Publishing) Yearbook 1945 Newsbook 1945
Out of stock Fun Parade (1942 Fun Parade Inc.) #1-100 Fun Parade,Inc 1942 - 1960
0 of 2 in stock Fun Riot (1943-1946 Baffling Mysteries/PLAY Magazine) #1-2 Baffling Mysteries, Inc. 1943 - 1946
Out of stock Funland Comics (1945) #1 Croyden 1945
In stock Funny Animals Coloring Book (circa 1945) 1945 Fawcett 1945
0 of 4 in stock Funny Frolics (1945) #1-5 Timely/Marvel 1945 - 1946
Out of stock Funny Stories About Donald and Mickey (1945) #714 Whitman 1945
0 of 4 in stock Funny Stuff (1944) #1-79 DC 1944 - 1954
0 of 4 in stock Funny Tunes (1944 USA Comics) #16-23 USA Comics 1944 - 1946
Out of stock Fur-Fish-Game Magazine (1925) 1942-1988 A. R. Harding Publishing Co. 1942 - 1988
1 of 2 in stock G-Men Detective (1935-1953 Standard Magazines^) Pulp #1-38 Standard Publishing 1935 - 1953
In stock G.I. Gags of 1945 (1945 Warnock Books) 1945 Warnock Books 1945
In stock Gags (1941 Triangle Publications) Magazine #1-10 Triangle Publications 1941 - 1951
In stock Garden of Fear and Other Stories of the Bizarre and Fantastic #0 Crawford Publishing House 1945
In stock Gay Book Magazine (1933-1945 Gay Book^) #1-6 Gay Book 1933 - 1945
3 of 5 in stock Gay Comics (1944 Timely) #1-40 Timely 1944 - 1949
0 of 2 in stock Gay Love Stories (1942-1960 Columbia Publications) Pulp #1-18 Columbia Publications 1942 - 1960
Out of stock Gay Nineties Fun SC (1945 T. S. Denison & Company) #1 Denison & Company 1945
In stock Gem Comics (1945 Spotlight) #1 Spotlight 1945
In stock Gene Autry in Special Ranger Rule (1945 Whitman BLB) 1456 Whitman 1945
Out of stock George Pal Presents Rusty and Al (1945 Diamond Publishing) 1945 Diamond Publishing, Inc. 1945
2 of 4 in stock George Pal's Puppetoons (1945) #1-19 Gold Key 1945 - 1950
1 of 4 in stock Georgie Comics (1945 Marvel) #1-39 Timely 1945 - 1952
Out of stock Ghost in the Lady's Boudoir (1945 Best Books) #584 Consolidated Book 1945
2 of 51 in stock GI Comics (1945) #1-73 No Publisher Listed 1945 - 1946
In stock GI Joe HC (1945 Blue Ribbon Books) By Dave Breger #1 Blue Ribbon Books 1945
Out of stock Giant Boy Book of Comics (1945) #1 Newsbook 1945
2 of 12 in stock Giggle Comics (1943) #1-99 Creston 1943 - 1955
Out of stock Giggles (1943-1946 Starlike^) Magazine #1 Starlike 1943 - 1946
Out of stock Glamorous Models (1943-1954 Models Publishing^) Magazine 1943-1954 Models Publishing Co., Inc. 1943 - 1954
In stock Gobs and Gals (circa 1940s Navy News) Magazine #1 Navy News 1945
Out of stock Gold Medal Comics (1945) #0 Cambridge House 1945
Out of stock Golden Arrow (1942) #1-6 Fawcett 1942 - 1947
0 of 2 in stock Golden Lad (1945) #1-5 Fact and Fiction Publishi 1945 - 1946
1 of 7 in stock Goofy Comics (1943 Nedor/Standard) #1-48 Nedor 1943 - 1953
1 of 6 in stock Grand Slam Three Aces (Canadian 1945 Anglo-American Publishing Co. ) #44-50 Anglo-American Publishing 1945 - 1946
Out of stock Great American Comics Presents The Secret Voice (1945) #1 Peter George 1945
Out of stock Great Comics (1945 Novack) #1 Novack Publishing 1945
Out of stock Greatest Detective Cases (Canadian 1941 Superior) Magazine #4-5 Superior Magazines Publishers 1944 - 1945
1 of 6 in stock Green Hornet Comics (1940) #1-47 Helnit Publishing Co. 1940 - 1949
1 of 4 in stock Green Lama (1944-1946) #1-8 Spark Publications 1944 - 1946
0 of 4 in stock Green Lantern (1941 1st Series DC) #1-38 DC 1941 - 1949
2 of 4 in stock Green Mask Vol. 2 (1945) #1-6 Fox Feature Syndicate 1945 - 1946
Out of stock Guidance Center of the Adult Authority (1945) 1945 State of CA Dept of Corre 1945
Out of stock Guide to the Western Pacific (1944 CinCPac) Reprints #126 CinCPac 1945
Out of stock Guilty and How They Should Be Punished (1945 R. B. Leffingwell) Magazine #1 R. B. Leffingwell 1945
In stock Guns of Powder River SC (1945 Bond-Charteris Publication) #1 Bond-Charteris Pubs. 1945
0 of 9 in stock Ha Ha Comics (1943) #1-99 ACG 1943 - 1955
1 of 2 in stock Halt (1941-1947 Crestwood Publishing) Digest #1-6 Crestwood 1941 - 1947
In stock Halt (1942 Crestwood Publishing) Annual 1943-1945 Crestwood 1943 - 1945
In stock Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates HC (1945 Whitman Publishing Company) 2128 #1 Whitman Publishing Co. 1945
0 of 3 in stock Hap Hazard Comics (1944) #1-24 Ace Comics 1944 - 1949
1 of 4 in stock Happy Comics (1943) #1-40 Nedor 1943 - 1950