Airboy Comics (1945-1953 Hillman) Vol. 3 #9 PR 0.5
Origin The Heap
Interior is complete. Full length spine split.
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Cover by Fred Kida. Stories and art by Carmine Infantino, Tony DiPreta, Jack M. Greene, Roy Houlihan, Dick Hall, Alden McWilliams and Art Helfant. One of the more fanciful and influential of 1940s aviator heroes, Airboy fights evil with his radio-controlled plane "Birdie" and its plethora of experimental flying tech. Sometimes listed as Airboy Comics #32. No issue # on cover; Vol. 3, issue #9 in indicia. Airboy is the only one who knows that a supposed war hero is a fraud. The debut of the Heap's solo series, as comics' original muck-monster bonds with sometime-sidekick Rickie Wood, when the boy's model German biplane reminds Heap of his past as a human aviator. Flying Dutchman battles the Army Ants in his final adventure. Airboy; Skinny McGinty: Advice for Sale; The Heap; Sealed in Lead; Little Leo; Flying Dutchman; Windy and Tug; Alfie and Ralphie; SkyWolf. 52 pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.10.