Showcase (1956-1978) 37 GD+ 2.5
1st app. Metal Men
Cover pencils by Ross Andru, inks by Mike Esposito. 1st appearance of the Metal Men in The Flaming Doom! (Part I), script by Robert Kanigher, pencils by Ross Andru, inks by Mike Esposito; In prehistoric times, a flying manta ray survives a "radioactive storm" and is encased in ice; Today, it breaks free and soars over the coast, zapping lighthouses, jets, and the Chrysler Building with laser-eyes. Ad for Justice League of America 10 and Aquaman 2. Part II The Metal Men vs The Flaming Doom!, script by Bob Kanigher, pencils by Ross Andru, inks by Mike Esposito; The Metal Men are going into battle, but Tina will stay "out of harm's way"; Oh, no, she won't, and spins Doc in a cocoon until he relents; Boarding a "rocket disc," they find the flying manta at the bridge. The Magic Metal article; Uses of cobalt throughout history. Metal Facts and Fancies article. Part III The Metal Men vs The Flaming Doom!, script by Robert Kanigher, pencils by Ross Andru, inks by Mike Esposito; Lead forms a shield to block the creature's blasting eyebeams; Gold stretches and grabs while Iron anchors him, but they're pulled aloft to crash into the ocean; Col. Casper radios to call it off, they failed. 36 Pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.12.