Batman (1940) 133 VG- 3.5
1st app Bat-Mite in Batman
1st appearance of Bat-Mite in Batman comics and his 3rd appearance anywhere in "Batwoman's Publicity Agent!" Cover by Sheldon Moldoff. "Crimes of the Kite-Man," script by Bill Finger, pencils by Dick Sprang, inks by Charles Paris; The Caped Crusaders must battle an ingenious criminal who uses kites to commit his crimes! Lend a Friendly Hand! public service announcement with Superman, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Stan Kaye. "The Voyage of the S.S. Batman," script by Bill Finger, art by Sheldon Moldoff; After building a mock Bat-Cave on board a ship and allowing the public in, several crooks break in to it, attempting to steal a trophy on display which has part of a map inside it that will lead the criminals to some stolen loot. Half-page Casey the Cop story by Henry Boltinoff. One-page Warden Willis story by Henry Boltinoff. "Batwoman's Publicity Agent," script by Bill Finger, art by Sheldon Moldoff (as Bob Kane); Batwoman and Bat-Mite team up to fight crime and the Dynamic Duo do not know what to make of it; The truth, that Bat-Mite is in love with the female crime fighter, is the reason that the imp from another dimension being in town. 36 Pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.10.