Uncanny X-Men (1963 1st Series) 54 VG+ 4.5
1st app. Alex Summers (Havok)
Cleaning swipe with residue on cover.
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First appearances of Alex Summers (later Havok) and the Living Pharaoh. Cover pencils by Barry Windsor-Smith [as Barry Smith] and John Romita (on Living Pharaoh figure), inks by Vince Colletta. Wanted: Dead Or Alive--Cyclops!, script by Arnold Drake, pencils by Don Heck and Werner Roth, inks by Vince Colletta; the X-Men battle Ahmet "The Living Pharaoh" Abdol, who has captured Cyclops' younger brother, Alex; two cops try to arrest Cyclops for the murder of Abdol. The Million Dollar Angel--The Origins of the Uncanny X-Men, script by Arnold Drake, pencils by Werner Roth, inks by Vince Colletta; Angel's origin. A letter from comics professional Bob Wiacek. This issue contains a statement of ownership--average print run 415,200; average paid circulation 273,360. 36 pgs. $0.12.
Cover price $0.12.