Arsenal Special (1996) comic books 1990-2008
The Readiness to Die - Written by C.J. Henderson. Art by William Rosado & Prentis Rollins. Cover by William Rosado. Assigned by Sarge Steel to extract a major crime boss from Hong Kong, Arsenal is arrested by authorities who are certain that a mercenary with a checkered, drug-related past is up to no good in their city. Beaten, interrogated and locked into a nightmarish political prison, the very crimelord Roy Harper was assigned to capture arranges a special treat: 40 cc's of pure-grade heroin mainlined into Roy's arm...perhaps the most sadistic torture to inflict upon a former junkie! Plus: Dan Thorsland answers letters from New Teen Titans (1984 2nd Series) New Titans #130. 48 pages, full color. Cover price $2.95.