Johnny Blaster's M-Force (2005) comic books 1990-2008
Published 2005 by Marshmallowville.$2.50
Written by Jason M. Burns. Illustrated by Dustin Evans. Created to promote Marshmallow Fun Company's marshmallow shooters. 4 kids and a marshmallow dog use marshmallow weaponry to save the world from a marshun threat. In this issue Markey Marshmallow, Smore and their babysitter meet Professor Fluffernutter while searching for Markey's older brother, Johnny. Once the professor explains that there is a marshun invasion in the works it is time for the adventure to begin. Cover price $1.99.
Published 2006 by Marshmallowville.$2.50
Written by Jason M. Burns. Illustrated by Dustin Evans. Created to promote Marshmallow Fun Company's marshmallow shooters. 4 kids and a marshmallow dog use marshmallow weaponry to save the world from a marshun threat. The adventure begins! Markey, Smore and the babysitter are given marshmallow blasters by Professor Fluffernutter to defend against the marshun invasion, but with unexpected results. Read this exciting issue to find out what surprises are in store for our heroes. Cover price $1.99.
Published 2006 by Marshmallowville.$2.50
Written by Jason M. Burns. Illustrated by Dustin Evans. Created to promote Marshmallow Fun Company's marshmallow shooters. 4 kids and a marshmallow dog use marshmallow weaponry to save the world from a marshun threat. In this issue the history of marshmallomotry is explained. Johnny and the Professor's rise and fall from fame are revealed. Cover price $1.99.
Published 2006 by Marshmallowville.$2.50
Written by Jason M. Burns. Illustrated by Dustin Evans. Created to promote Marshmallow Fun Company's marshmallow shooters. 4 kids and a marshmallow dog use marshmallow weaponry to save the world from a marshun threat. This is it! The final battle to rescue the Professor and rid the world of marshuns. Read this thilling conclusion to see how it all ends. Cover price $1.99.