True Story Swear to God (2006 Image) comic books
Story by TOM BELAND. Art & cover by TOM BELAND. 'IF THIS BE PAYDAY' TOM BELAND is a California cartoonist who is now living on the island of Puerto Rico, with the woman of his dreams he met at a bus stop a year ago in Disneyworld. It hasn't been easy, since his freelance clients haven't paid him in months, while demanding more work from him. But all that is going to change as BELAND demands restitution... or else! Join the romance/comedy nominated for TWO EISNER AWARDS at its new home at IMAGE COMICS!!! 24pgs, B&W Cover price $2.99.
'IN YOUR EYES' Lily Garcia dares to cut her hair as a lesson in detachment, which impresses everyone but... HER MOTHER!!! Can Tom talk some sense into mom before this Puerto Rican mother/daughter relationship goes up en Fuego..? Three words will determine the outcome. Cover price $2.99.
'DOG DAY AFTERNOONS' After days of hearing a small dog barking, Tom decides to find out where this canine lives, so he can leave the owners a note asking them to keep the dog quiet. What he finds there can only be described as stupefying. Also... the Magical Kingdom offers to marry Tom & Lily after living together for four months??!! It's all there in black 'n' white!! Cover price $2.99.
story TOM BELAND art & cover TOM BELAND 'FLAME ON' Lily takes a speaking engagement at the Caribbean Hilton and takes Tom along for a romantic weekend. Soft breezes, sandy beaches, hot sun--and a bleach-white gringo--add up to a horrific experience. Romance and comedy at its Eisner-nominated finest! 24 PAGES B&W Cover price $2.99.
'THE BIG APPLE' It's off to Nuevo York as Lily surprises Tom with a New York trip! Tom's first trip to N.Y. is one to remember.... especially when they return home! Good times to be had by all in the city that never sleeps. Cover price $2.99.
'LEAP OF FAITH' Tom Beland becomes the Man Without Fear when he decides to finally publish his first comic book. If you ever wanted to publish a comic, but were afraid to, because you had no idea how to do so... join the club! You'll see every embarassing, stupid move Beland made on his way to entering the world of comic book publishing! If this dork can do it... ANYONE can!! Cover price $2.99.
'THE LITTLE THINGS' There are a BILLION little things that can drive one another nuts in a relationship. Cell phones, soda cans exploding in the freezer, talking during the big game, etc. This month, a look at all those things that makes us wonder why we love our significant others so much... while realizing what it is we do that drives them insane as well. Romance... it can be a bitch. Cover price $3.50.
story TOM BELAND art & cover TOM BELAND 24pgs, B&W $2.99 / MAY 9 From out of nowhere, at a time not expected, comes the man they call FANBOY DAVID. Plus, Tom and Lily have to decide whether or not to buy her sister's house! All there in living black and white! Cover price $2.99.
Romance and comedy from a man's point of view. This is one love story you can relate to. Find out what everyone else is talking about! Cover price $2.99.
story TOM BELAND art & cover TOM BELAND 'COUNTDOWN' How do you plan a wedding when one family lives in Puerto Rico and the other family lives in Napa, California? And what happens when the Happiest Place on Earth wants to make money off your story? Simple. You WHORE your story to them and get married for FREE! A fun-loving issue... and NOBODY DIES!! MARCH 5 Cover price $3.50.
Story, Art and cover by TOM BELAND. When you meet the love of your life at a bus stop in Disneyworld... where else do you marry her, but at the 'Happiest Place on Earth?' But who will marry them...? Goofy? Mickey? All this plus a shocking discovery that could mean THE END OF THE IMAGE UNIVERSE AS WE KNOW IT!!! Okay... maybe not, but this issue is jammed-packed with heart and soul and we dare you not to cry!! Cover price $3.50.
Its the TMI issue Tom talks about... VIAGRA. Everyone knows about the fun times you can have in seperate bathtubs, with all that groovy music in the background. But no one knows about the horrible side effects - and not just the four-hour one. Tine in and learn wayyy too much about TOM BELAND! Cover price $3.50.