True Story Swear to God (2006 Image) comic books 2006
Story by TOM BELAND. Art & cover by TOM BELAND. 'IF THIS BE PAYDAY' TOM BELAND is a California cartoonist who is now living on the island of Puerto Rico, with the woman of his dreams he met at a bus stop a year ago in Disneyworld. It hasn't been easy, since his freelance clients haven't paid him in months, while demanding more work from him. But all that is going to change as BELAND demands restitution... or else! Join the romance/comedy nominated for TWO EISNER AWARDS at its new home at IMAGE COMICS!!! 24pgs, B&W Cover price $2.99.
'IN YOUR EYES' Lily Garcia dares to cut her hair as a lesson in detachment, which impresses everyone but... HER MOTHER!!! Can Tom talk some sense into mom before this Puerto Rican mother/daughter relationship goes up en Fuego..? Three words will determine the outcome. Cover price $2.99.